
classy date at grace gracims

Location:race gracims eatery.

Damien's POV

Halting at a suitable parking position before grace gracims eatery,the most expensive and prestigious eatery within Los Angeles,I steadily hop down my vehicle, sliding ajar Kara's passengers seat, appearing romantic as possible.

Viewing her carefully hop down the vehicle,a broad smile revolve through my face.

Definitely impossible to believe the hot and sexy enchantress finalises(ends up) my mate. My second half,my missing rib,my source of joy and happiness,the female constantly within my thoughts sending me nuts.

"Thanks alot moon goddess" I mumble.

"Such a gentle man,thanks alot darling" she chuckles, pecking my left chin, making my brains go nuts.

"Pull yourself together and quit smiling foolishly duchbag" Ryder curse, rudely chipping in.

"Shut the hell up wolf" I mumble harshly.

"Were you referring to me?" Kara surprisingly inquires.

"Oops, someone's getting in trouble" Ryder chuckles evilly.