
Fated To The Cursed Alpha

Sylvia Todd's mother was accused of murder and was judged to be a traitor by the entire pack, condemning Sylvia to spend the rest of her life alone in shame as a poor slave. All she wanted to do was find a way to show her mother was innocent, but fate never seemed to be on her side. Sylvia never gave up though. Rufus Duncan, the future lycan king of all werewolves, was a man of enormous position and power, but he also had an enigmatic reputation for being cold-blooded, vicious, and cruel. Unbeknownst to everyone, he had been cursed long ago to transform into a killer monster on every full moon. Sylvia and Rufus were meant to be together, despite the fact that fate did not always favor them. Will Sylvia's mother receive justice? Exactly what is Rufus's secret? Will Sylvia and Rufus be able to defy social norms and stay together? Will the tragic story of these two unlucky souls end happily?

Silent_V1ctim · Fantaisie
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71 Chs

The New Teacher 

Sylvia's POV:

Everyone gathered together with excitement, scrambling to get a view of the rankings.

After looking at it, some students were cheering and whooping, but there were also others who broke down.

One of them was the fat werewolf next to me.

"No! I'm going to be in Class f! My mother's going to beat me to death." I looked at him with sympathy but also felt uneasy.

We really had tough competition out here.I took a closer look at the rankings.

As expected, Blair was in the first place.

"Hell yeah! I'm ranked ninth!"

Harry's voice rose above the noise.He jumped with joy, causing his pineapple-shaped hair to bounce in the air.

"I'm going to be in Class A! That's great!"

Surprisingly, I found my name easily, not so far below Blair and Harry.

I was eleventh in ranking.

But when I saw that my overall score was just 0.6 points away from the werewolf in tenth place, I was crestfallen.

"Oh, no! If you had gotten 0.6 points more, you could've been in Class A too."

Harry saw me looking at my ranking and saw my score too.He gave me a comforting pat on the shoulder.

"I guess that strength test really brought you down, huh." I forced a smile.

"I'll be fine.I actually ranked much higher than I expected.Of course, my score makes me a little regretful I didn't do better." If only I had worked a little harder, I could have qualified for Class A.

"Well, you deserve it, bitch! That's all you're capable of.Not even God could help you with that lame score!"

In my brief moment of misery, Cherry did not let the opportunity to make fun of me pass.

Why was she always so annoying? I shot her a cold glance.

"Why are you always around me? If I didn't know better, I would think you're obsessed with me."

"What? How dare you even talk back like that? Do you seriously think you're that spectacular? Even if you got into this military school, you still can't get rid of the fact that you're a slave!" Cherry raised her voice, attracting the attention of students around us.

"Cherry, just stop already." Davina pulled Cherry's arm, looking a little timid.

She was probably getting tired that Cherry kept making trouble wherever she went.

"Don't touch me!" Cherry yanked her arm away and walked up to me.

"You couldn't even qualify for Class A.How can you act so arrogant? Who allowed you to act like that?"

"If she couldn't qualify for Class A, then what about you? At least, Sylvia is ranked at eleven. What's your ranking?"

Harry put on a false curiosity and took a long look at the rankings.

"Oh, there you are.Five hundred and thirty-eighth.No wonder it took me so long to find your name, it was all the way down. It's okay though. You've tried your best!"

Harry's voice was even louder than Cherry's.

He made sure that more students heard him.

"I- You!"

Cherry turned red with anger, but she couldn't manage to talk back.

"Me? What about me? Do you want me to escort you out? Not today, honey!"

Harry rolled his eyes in exaggeration.

I was so amused with how Harry handled this.

He could get really mean if he wanted to.He did not hold back at Cherry, even though she was very popular.

I could tell she was about to burst into tears in this moment.

"Just you wait!"

Seeing everyone point and laugh at her, Cherry had no choice but to flee to a secluded corner, her followers following her closely behind.

"Don't listen to Cherry.Even though you couldn't make it to Class A, being eleventh is still an outstanding place to be.Think of it this way— you're technically going to be the top student in Class B."

Harry gave me a fresh perspective.

I smiled, deeply appreciating his help.I initially thought this guy was arrogant.

But after getting to know him more, I realized he wasn't actually a bad, scheming werewolf.

He just had a sharp tongue.

At this point, I considered Harry as a friend, actually.

"He's right. Hundreds of students took the same exam with you and you still placed at the top. You should be proud of yourself." Afraid that I would sink deeper into regret and sadness, Yana chimed in to comfort me as well.

She and Harry were right.

Ranking this high alone was already a surprise.

I shouldn't be disappointed in myself at all.

Instead, I had more to look forward to so that I could improve myself.

At this, I decided to stop entertaining nonsense in my head anymore and lift my spirits.

All of a sudden, the class arrangements were finally announced on the big screen.

To my surprise, I found my name on the list of Class A.

 "There is something shady here!" Cherry suddenly exclaimed.

She stood up from the comer with a face full of resentment.She looked even more emotional than before.She was like a crazy female beast, glaring at me with red eyes.

"Every year, there can only be ten students in Class A.How can Sylvia be the eleventh student? That's unfair!" Cherry shouted, totally disregarding her image.

I was also in a daze.I stared blankly at the big screen where the class assignments were displayed.It was like the sweetest dream I had ever had.I felt so incredulous that I pinched my arm hard.


Harry suddenly screamed next to me.He frowned and almost burst into tears.

It was only then that I came back to my senses.

I looked at him with embarrassment written all over my face.

"I'm sorry.I was going to pinch myself…"

At this moment, the students around us were in an uproar.

Cherry and her followers took the lead in fanning the flames.

It was as if they wanted to incite the public to target me.

"Why does Class A have the eleventh place? Is it because she has the favor of Prince Rufus? That's totally unfair!" "This result is too ridiculous!"

"The dean should come out and give us an explanation!"

My heart sank.

The shock I felt just now vanished.

I slowly felt that something was wrong because I found that Blair's name was not on the list of Class A.While I was lost in thought, a she-wolf suddenly rushed over to me.

It seemed that she wanted to slap me.

"You bitch! How many werewolves have you slept with to get into Class A?" Fortunately, Harry pulled me to dodge the she-wolf's hand.

There was a trace of anger on his face.

"Watch your mouth.How dare you use violence here!"

"Then tell me, how can there be an eleventh place in Class A? How did she make it? This has never happened before. Why only now?"

The she-wolf didn't want to give up.

She even encouraged several other she-wolves to join her in denouncing me.

The scene became chaotic at once.

With a loud bang, the big screen was suddenly smashed violently by a golf club.

Everyone was so frightened that they all fell silent.

At this moment, Blair walked out from the stairs on the other side, wearing an army uniform.

His sharp eyes swept over the troublemakers.

Then he slowly walked to the screen and picked up the golf club.

"Sylvia is qualified because I am not really part of the placement."

Blair's stern look now was totally different from his cheerful and extroverted state in private, The military uniform he was wearing made everyone fall silent in fear.

And they were all shocked by his awe-inspiring aura.

"Blair! Finally, you're here!"

The dean of the academy walked out from the back of the screen.

He was sweating all over, but there was a relieved expression on his face.

"Everyone, let me introduce to you Blair Joshua, the captain of the Royal Guards.He is also the teacher of Class A this semester."

As soon as the dean finished his introduction, everyone's mouths gaped open with incredulity.

Harry and I exchanged glances, also feeling incredible.

The Royal Guards were an elite branch of the army and a sharp sword of the royal family.

As the captain, he was the symbol of authority and power.

"I only took part in the placement exam because I wanted to closely observe your conduct."

Blair casually threw the golf club to the dean and walked down with his hands clasped behind his back.

"Where is Toby, who ranked second this time?"

"Sir! I'm here!"

Toby immediately stood up with his chest out.

His face was full of arrogance and conceit.

"I'm Toby, the second placer."

Blair smiled and patted him on the shoulder.

"You've been kicked out of Class A." Toby was shocked.

"Sir, you must be mistaken.I didn't do anything wrong. Why did you kick me out?" "You want to know why?"

Blair chuckled softly, but his face turned cold.

"You took the lead in bullying another werewolf after enrollment, which resulted in his being seriously injured and dropping out of the academy.A student like you who doesn't even value life is not qualified to be in Class A."

Upon hearing this, Toby's face flushed.

"I'm a son of an Alpha. The one who dropped out is just my servant.And without you, I would be in the first place.As the teacher, how can you even kick me out of Class A for a servant?"

His followers immediately supported his words.

Blair just looked at Toby with disdain.

He didn't seem to take Toby's explanation seriously.

"Shouldn't we rely on our own strength to enter Class A? My comprehensive strength proves that I am the most qualified to enter this class."

Toby got even angrier when he saw that Blair ignored him.

"But now, you want to kick me out with just a random excuse. You are not qualified to be a teacher at all." Toby became more and more furious.

He clenched his fists tightly.

"I don't accept it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his fist and threw a punch at Blair.