

Arya Hills is the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy family, but she's never wanted to rely on her family's money. She's brave and daring and has always stood up for what's right. When she sees her friend Emma being bullied because of a guy,she sets out to teach him a lesson. But she accidentally beats up the wrong person - Harris Wilson, a friend of the bully. Harris is determined to get revenge on Arya for embarrassing him, but as he gets to know her, he starts to see her in a different light and slowly falls for her. Arya was called back by her family to marry Ken Robinson, who was Harris former best friend. Will history repeat itself and have Harris and Ken wage war against each other? Is she fated to be with Harris or Ken?"

the_progress · Urbain
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26 Chs



"Emma, why did she push Harris in the first place?" Louis asked Emma who was ready to leave for the station.

" Well,she was going to teach you a lesson for being a jerk, she mistook Harris for you..so if there's anyone that should be in prison, it's you, for spreading false information and causing threats to my life. See you at the station" Emma retorted angrily and went to her car.

The guys looked at Louis simultaneously.

"What? I don't know what she's talking about" Louis said and looked away.

"Harris, you've heard what happened now...why not let the poor girl go? It's Louis' fault,he must have wronged Emma again" Aidan,the gentle one among the four guys suggested.

"He's right. You know that Louis is a jerk, just let her go" Eddie added.

" Fine, I'll let her go but only from the police. I'll still deal with her myself. She embarrassed me and cost me an investor. I was making a business phone call and I lost it now. I'll go to the station tomorrow" 

"Harris! Come on, you're really going to let her sleep there? You're not that cold hearted" Eddie said.

"I'll do what I like, see you all later. And, Louis..brace yourself" Harris made a mean face and went back in.

"Let's go... Harris isn't going to change his mind, she must have pissed him so much. Of all place to push Harris Wilson, she pushed him right into the water" Aidan said and they all left.

Harris changed his clothes after ordering one from the boutique he frequents and was ready to go home but the facemask girl wouldn't leave his mind.

"Damn it" He cussed and drove down to the station.

"Mr Wilson, we've been waiting for you to come give your statement" The police officer that took Arya said to Harris when he sighted him.

"Sorry, I'm late, I had to change my clothes" 

" I heard Arya pushed you into the water, you must have been shocked? But,you see... Arya isn't someone to just do things without reason. Did you bully someone? She might have pushed you as revenge" The police officer said.

" Wow,since you know her well, I guess she's a regular.She's a troublemaker too. Well,in that case, I'm dropping all charges against her,also can you not put it in record that she was here? I'll forgive her since it was a mistake" 

" Ah, thank you. I'll bring her,so you can talk" The policeman said and went to where Arya was.

"You're free to go, Mr Harris came for you. Arya, can you not cause trouble? Everyone in the district knows you, at the point you'll become a regular" The man said as he opened the cell door for her.

"That ice guy came here for me? To let me go? He was so determined to make me pay,why did he change his mind?" Arya asked surprised as she walked out, stretching her body like she just woke up from sleep.

"Well, your luck I guess. Do you even know who he is? Why would you push a Wilson into the water,if he sues you, it's over. Just apologize and stay away from his sight" The policeman whispered to her as they got close to Harris.

"Mr Wilson, here she is" 

Harris looked back at Arya and gave her a wicked smirk. Arya was shocked by his expression and knew she was in trouble, staying in the cell would definitely be better for her.

"I refuse to apologize. I want to go back into the cell" Arya declared.

" Are you crazy?" The policeman mouthed to her while Harris wasn't looking.

"I refuse to send you to jail, I don't care about your apology too, I'm not hurt so there's no need to send you to prison. If everything is settled here, can we go out now, Miss Arya?" Harris stood up and moved close to her slowly.

"Go where? I want to stay here" Arya refused.

" You don't get to choose" He whispered in her ear before grabbing her hand and interlocking his fingers with hers, shocking Arya, she had never held hands with a guy like that and no guy has ever dared come close to her, talk less of whispering in her ear.

He looked at the policeman and smiled. "Thanks, we'll settle ourselves outside...I don't really like police stations,so...Goodnight" He smiled in satisfaction and pulled Arya out, still holding her hands.

Arya looked back at the policeman and mouthed "save me" to him as she was pulled outside by Harris.

Emma's car stopped right in front of them and she rushed out of the car.

"Arya,are you okay? I quickly went to get my lawyer in case..." Emma paused when she saw both of them holding hands.

"What's going on here?" She asked, confused.


" Shhhh, I'll do the talking" Harris interrupted Arya.

" I let her go. I'm a considerate person, I'm kind too, so why would I keep a lady in jail? There's no need for your Lawyer. Also,I need to have a word with Miss Arya,so we'll go ahead first" Harris said and pulled Arya with him.

Emma was dumbfounded as she watched both of them walk away.

"I'll call you, don't worry about me" Arya told Emma before accepting her fate. If this cold-hearted guy dropped her charges, something worse might be waiting for her.

They went to his car and again, Arya was surprised. She knew he was totally on a different level just by looking at his luxurious car. He opened his car door and she got in while he went to the driver's side.

 "Are all rich people this unforgiving?" She thought and sighed.

 "Where are we going now?" Arya asked when he started the car.

" My office.... I figured out a better way to deal

with you, going to jail would not satisfy me" Harris' lips curved up into a wicked smile as he drove away.