

Arya Hills is the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy family, but she's never wanted to rely on her family's money. She's brave and daring and has always stood up for what's right. When she sees her friend Emma being bullied because of a guy,she sets out to teach him a lesson. But she accidentally beats up the wrong person - Harris Wilson, a friend of the bully. Harris is determined to get revenge on Arya for embarrassing him, but as he gets to know her, he starts to see her in a different light and slowly falls for her. Arya was called back by her family to marry Ken Robinson, who was Harris former best friend. Will history repeat itself and have Harris and Ken wage war against each other? Is she fated to be with Harris or Ken?"

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About to come

"Is that it?" Harris said and looked at Arya who has been silent and starring nonstop at nothing in particular. He knew her mind was too occupied so he too just drove silently after he collected the address of the Hills house from her.

Arya nodded and Harris made a turn, he honked and the security man came close. Harris wound down the window and the security man recognized Arya so he opened the gates.

"Uhm, you don't need me to follow you inside, do you?" Harris asked as she got off the car right after he parked.

"Just stay in your car until I get back. I won't take long" Arya went towards the door and rang the doorbell. The door was opened a while later.

"Oh, I was just about to call you and tell you somethings but since you're here. Have a sit first, also what's wrong with your face? You look like you saw a ghost" Katherine eyed, she was seated beside her husband who was eating the apples cut by the maid kneeling beside them. Their daughter, Anna, was there too watching TV comfortably.

"Arya... It's rare to see you just show up? Have a sit" Steve said as he ate.

" I told you I was just about to call you, right? Ken's mum called me . She told me you and Ken met outside the schedule. You were so against it, now that you've seen Ken, you like him? Has he been buying things for you? " Katherine mocked.


" Mum... Isn't it obvious. She would jump on Ken because he's rich. So just quickly work on my own man" Anna said and she and her mother laughed.

Arya scoffed. "I just came in and you've began rambling on and on like parrots, it's not like you're high school bullies or something"

" What? Is this girl crazy?" Katherine stood up. She looked at her husband.

"Honey, are you seeing this? After all I've done, all we've done to make you feel close to your mother. I even went to the length of finding your stepfather who would tell you about your damned mother! You're so ungrateful, you must feel proud now that I'm marrying you off to a rich person. Have you being getting bags and shoes? Clothes?" Katherine yelled at her.

" Thank goodness you brought it up. I wanted to thank you for going to such lengths to look for a person to play the role. I also wanted to commend you, you could open an entertainment agency and make extra money, the man you hired is such a great actor. You could also be a writer, the stories you made up are quite touching" Arya said sarcastically.

" Ugh... What the hell is she even saying?" Anna rolled her eyes.

"Uh, right. What the hell are you talking about? Do you think you can just barge into my house and talk nonsense to me?"

"You know what I'm talking about. All of you! And you .. Dad, I can't believe you'd join hands with them to this extent. Were you that desperate? You had to hire a man to deceive me and tell me lies about my mother. Is it my fault that I was born into this family! Why are you always like this? Katherine, doesn't it ever cross your mind that I was born of my mum and your own husband. How is everything my fault! Why did you have to hurt me in this way! " Arya yelled with all her might.

Steve stood up and slapped Arya." How dare you disrespect the one who brought you up? How dare you blame your mother's promiscuity on me? How dare you complain to us, we've done our best to bring you up but you still turn out like your stupid mother. We deceived you, so what? You believed it, so what? Your irresponsible mother is not here why don't you just forget her and focus on what'll bring honor and progress to this family" Steve roared angrily, giving everyone a fright .

Arya's cheeks were red hot, aside from the pain she was feeling, she was so angry too.

"You're right. I'm the desperate one. So desperate that I had to believe what came out of your mouth. Just so you know, don't expect me to do anything you say again or get involved in the marriage contract,if you wanna sell someone that's useless to you out,I'm sure your daughter is more than suitable for that. It has gotten to the peak of it now" Arya said, she raised her hand up to her neck and removed the necklace.

"Here's all the props you gave your actor to use" Arya dropped it on the table.

" You should take that, it was your mother's truly. I have nothing to do with it. But if you don't want, we'll dispose it" Steve said gently, he felt guilty for slapping her but he wasn't gonna show it in front of his wife or first daughter.

Arya sighed before she picked the necklace up again.

"This won't stop me from coming to see Grandpa" She finally said before walking out briskly.

"Arya! Come back here!" Katherine called but Arya didn't even look back.

Anna laughed as she watched Arya go,she stood up and opened the window to check her "Such a dumb head, how dare she call me useless..... wait who's that with her? Mum, come see.. Someone rich brought her here, was that Ken? What if she says something wrong and ruins my reputation. You should have just let me meet Ken by myself" Anna grumbled and complained like a baby.

"A rich guy? Is she into prostitution now? She's really doing everything to get money... Just like..."

" You're going overboard by calling her names. I told you there wasn't a need to take those measures to get her to sign it. We could have persuaded her" Steve interrupted.

" Persuaded? That rude girl? You saw how she talked back at us and called you unfaithful, how would you persuade someone like her, she's so impossible. Are you taking her side? Earlier, you slapped her, was that all for show?" Katherine said trying to get on Steve's nerves. She wanted to be assured that Arya had no place in his heart.

"I'm not taking her side and why would I hurt her just for show? She deserved it. Did you hear what you wanted now?" Steve said and walked away.

" Oh, whatever" Katherine rolled her eyes.

" As I was saying, baby. You don't need to get involved with Ken Robinson. They're a small fry compared to your future husband's family. I've contacted them and you'll meet their son soon. Sleep well and improve the condition of your skin, okay? You need to look like the princess you are." Katherine smiled as she talked to her daughter.

"Come on, Mum. You know I already look good, all thanks to my mother's care" Anna said and they both laughed and hugged, excited for what's about to come.