

Emily's Room°°°°

Jack came inside a saw Emily is packing her stuff. Jack approach toward her and backhug tightely. He kiss her mark and said…

"Babe we come here empty handed but Why do you always take tones of things with you back in Werewolf world."

"Can't I take?"

"Yes, but we have everything there, Then why?"

"Alpha though I belong from there, but I don't want to forget that I have live my Childhood and my youth here in this World. Therefore I take many thing as I can and store there in Werewolf world, just to remind myself that I am also a respected citizen of Human World"

"Why you are so thoughtful, you are making me love you more day by day."

*Emily giggled* "So you don't love me enough now?"

"When did I said that?"

"Okay, Let me go now, I have to still pack some more stuff"


Alpha pick Emily in his Arm and plop on the bed. He cuddle her tightely burrying her head in his chest and said while caressing her hair…

"Emily you are not hiding anything from me right?"