
fated to an alpha

I want my life to be normal but everything turns upside down. I have to leave everything here and start a new life somewhere. when we go there I start feeling something weird in me and I see a beautiful yet dangerous wolf he's white fluffy hair and blue eyes are right staring into mine. sometimes I feel like I have some connection with him. At school I found some good friends but I met a boy he was not like the rest of them he was cold and always rude to me but he was always staring at me and always come closer to me. i always feel weird whenever I am closer to him I always feels like something is pulling me towards him. but one day what he said to me made me very shocked. "...The truth is that...I am that white wolf..." * he said calmly but a bit of nervousness in his voice * "...What are you...talking about..." * when he said that I was shocked. than I burst out laughing very hard. he just stared at me, then I spoke * "...Nice joke but if...you're a wolf... than I am a vampire...if your jokes are... over than, I am going " * I said jokingly and was about to walk past him. he suddenly grabbed my hand and pin to the wall. he came closer to my face and spoke. "...do you think...I am joking to you..." * he angerily said while staring at me. then suddenly his eyes started changing color to blue now, I think he's saying the truth. I am now scared to death looking at his angry blue eyes * "...did you know...the interesting fact...about the wolf's...every wolf has...a fated mate...for... themselves...I also has one...and you know... who is she..." * he said right staring into my scared eyes * "...please leave me...I have nothing to...do with this..." * I was releasing my hand from his strong grip on my hand. but he didn't let me go and he grip my hand even more stronger than before. I was so scared of him now that my eyes filled with water. "...Again you wanted...to go away...from me... why...I need you the most...in my life...you are... my only mate...you are my other half....but guess what...you also hate me...always want to go...away from me...am I that...bad of a person * he said in full range in his voice * "...I won't let you...go anywhere...and I will... never let you...leave me...sorry but I have...to mark you..." * he said and came closer to my neck. my heart started beating very loudly not because of him but because I am scared of what might he do to me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Author's note I am not very good in English. but I am trying to improve it.

Emma_Stone_9402 · Fantaisie
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24 Chs


* Adrien pov *

"...So you're sleeping...while walking...what a unique...talent you have...quite interesting..."

* I said while controlling my smile. she rises her head and stares at me in annoyed look and open her mouth to speak *

* Jane's pov *

"...Ex~cuse me...what do you...mean by me...

having a talent...like that...you~..."

* I was so mad about what he said to me. I was going to complete my sentence but, stopped when I noticed he was in his trouser and he wasn't wearing a t-shirt and he's hair is messy like he just woke up from sleep. he was confused about why I stopped talking then he notices me staring and spoke *

* Adrien pov *

"...liked what you see!!..." * i smirk and asked looking at her flushed face. her cheeks turns red and she moved her head to the side ignoring my presence *

* Jane's pov *

"...I~don't like it...w~hy aren't you...wearing a... shirt..." * I said while stuttering a little. I was embarrassed already but now he's making me more. what the hell is the problem of this guy *

* Adrien pov *

"...because it's hot..." * I simply replied *

* Jane's pov *

"...are you kidding...me just because you felt... hot you'll...roam infront of everyone.... without wearing a shirt..." * i said to him in disbelief. how can someone have a tiny brain. but surely he has it *

* Adrien pov *

"...it's my house... and I can do... what I want it's you... who don't want anybody... to see me like... this while you...want to enjoy yourself alone..."

* I said as I smirked looking at her shocked reaction. her eyes are wide and she look me in disbelief *

* Jane's pov *

"...huh-what...are you seriously... this dumb or... did you...hit your head...somewhere did you... really think...I like you or something...I don't like a pervert like you..." * i said with confidence and fold my hands and smirk at him but he just chuckle and it makes me raise my brows at him.

* Adrien pov *

"...huh~ really me a...pervert nice joke... but i... think the... one pervert here is you..." * i said while smirking playfully and started taking small steps towards her *

* Jane's pov *

"...No!! I'm~ not and...don't come closer.... I'm warning you!!..." * i tried not to panic but failed when he came more closer to where I'm standing. so, the last option to escape from him was to run away. I turned around and was about to run but then a strong hand grabbed my wrist and forcefully turn me due to this i lost my balance and I landed on a hard chest.

I was just stunned by what just happened now. my breathing was stopped and I didn't even move from my current situation. I just feel like he is hugging me. he then place his head on the crook of my neck and i feel like he is sniffing me. why would he sniff me it's kinda weird for me.

I snapped out of my thought and realized on what situation I'm and then i started pushing him to let me go but he firmly grabbed me and spoke in a dark tone. which send shiver ran down on my spine.

"...Stand~ still..."

I stopped struggling and fear started building inside of me. my heart was beating like crazy.

then again he spoke something but this time it was in a soft tone and he loses his grip on me.

"...calm down...breathe slowly...i didn't mean to... I'm-m...sorry~..."

* before his hands touch my face I take a step backward and move further away from him. his expression looks like he was hurt by my reaction but before he could say something I quickly ran downstairs *

* Jane's pov *

I quickly ran downstairs but I didn't see that someone was there and I bumped into them and we both fall down on the hard floor. I heard a growl from beside me and someone spoke in angry tone.

"...Whatt!!..the hell are~you blind!!....hu-h a... human~..."

* the boy i bumped say and look at me weirdly.

which made me uneasy for some reason so, I stand up and reached my hand for him to grab and stand up but, he stared at my hand weirdly *

* Jane's pov *

"...Are you going to... just stared at it...all day... come on... grab my hand... and stand up..."

* he didn't grab my hand and stand up and left without glancing at me *

"...what a weirdo...he even called me....human like he...is not a human..." * I whisper to myself*

* stella pov *

"...Jane why are...you standing here...come and.. eat breakfast...with us come on..."

* i said to her. she look up and smile then we both made our way towards the dining table. everyone was eating their food and talking to each other except Adrien. but, there was someone who caught my attention *

"...Sam long time no see...how are you boy..."

* i said and hug him which he didn't react and stares blankly at me. I broke the hug and pat his hair *

* Sam's pov *

"...How many time...I told you not to...do this but every time you did..." * i said in an annoyed tone and remove her hand from my hair and looked at her with irritation then my attention goes to that human girl *

* stella pov *

"...I know this would make you talk...so, I did this every time..." * i said while laughing looking at his facial expression *

* Jane's pov *

* that boy whom I bumped a while ago was standing with stella. they were talking with each other until he started staring at me like I'm an alien. what the hell is his problem with me. I don't even know him. *

* stella pov *

"...Ohh I almost forgot to... introduce you to.... Jane...come on..." * I said and dragged him with me where Jane is standing *

"...Meet Jane...our new friend...she just moved in here... just a few days ago...behave nicely with...her..." * i introduce Jane to sam and said the last part like a order while smiling *