
Fated Story System (paused)

______ Paused for the moment... Due to my need to edit my story... I have paused this story... And it might be paused for a bit until I can get a solid schedule made for myself... If you have miraculously found this story, I am 1) surprised, and 2) flabbergasted... since I have paused this one for like 2 months... But you can try and read it if you wish. It might be slightly bland and with some boring text... but after edits it should be better, flow better. Also the last chapter I uploaded I think I added a semi end for the moment, but its not going to be the actual end of the story... ______ What if you were to die in the next moment? What if death gave you a new chance as long as it was an interesting story? Join Lucras in his adventure with the system that's sole purpose is to make his life and story more….Interesting. And his journey to find out that the worlds outside aren’t so simple. __________________ This story is set in the cursed universe, where multiple other books tell tales of adventure. These books characters will interact with one another and it will be an neat experience seeing two different sides. Though you are not forced to read the others as these books are good all by themselves, not requiring information from another one of the books. Cover art by @etqtay on Instagram.

Unknown_AR · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Web-Covered Trees

Staring at his stats, he found himself in shock by his growth. He had almost hit all of his stat caps, with only speed and health factor not reach their limits yet. Lucras finding this discovery fascinating decided to ask about this in his mind, 'Hey Ava, Whats going on here? Why are all my stats so high? I though it was going to be difficult to raise them!'

Ava responded to this insanity with, [it was because of that deer monster you fought. Even I am surprised that you took it down. I mean, I knew you would survive, but I didn't expect the creature you would fight to be that strong. And as such, with you pushing in your energy into the monster while you were fighting, you received some of its energy after you killed it. Also unless you do this crazy level jumping in the future, you will never see this jump again.]

Taking that information, Lucras realized that the deer did have alot of mana, but at the time when it entered his cave, the deer seemed to have used most of it. Seeing that the mana inside of these monsters caused them to be stronger, Lucras decided to take the mana of a creature as its level. Taking this in, Lucras continued his walk up to the surface.

Trailing up the stone cave incline, he felt a slimy substance had covered his body in the fight. As more light came out, he could see the green stains that surround his body. Originally, he had thought that smell he had smelled previously came from the surrounding space, since it was a cave, and he believed that caves smelled that way. But he found that it was actually coming off of those green stains on his body and cloths.

Deciding to focus on the main problem now plagued him, he tried to figure out a way of getting those spiders away from his home. They were quite close to his cave home, and from the looks of it, the spiders that followed him were just a small portion of all the spiders in those web covered trees. He was quite surprised about the fact that the spiders had set up shop right in front of his house so quickly and quietly.

Thinking about the spiders inability to smell him, which he figured out was caused by him being in an enclosed space that already smelled like him. Happy that he could trick the spiders primary sense, he then though about their secondary senses. He realized that within inside the lower sections of the cave, the light couldn't reach the spiders eyes anymore, and it would allow him to kill them with ease as they could no longer sense him. This time he decided to lead them down half way, and see if they could see him there. He hoped that they couldn't since it would allow him to save some of his stamina, because walking back with the cave incline was draining alot more stamina then running in.

Finally reaching the spot where he set up camp, he became slightly confused. The reason was due to the fact that there weren't any spiders here. It was like the collective group of spiders decided to only sent in those 20 spiders to check on him. Deciding to be a little brave, Lucras peeped his head out of the cave entrance, only to find the web covered trees without spiders. Which was a great relief to Lucras as he sighed to himself, 'Thank goodness they aren't out there!'

After calming down, Lucras decided to ask Ava or Lucas what was happening, "Hey, the spiders aren't coming in now, why?" His voice echoed out from him, and reverbed throughout the cave. Sighing about forgetting to think in his mind, he waved it off since no one would hear him. Or so he thought…

Hearing the echo ring out around the cave, as Lucras waited. Then after a few moments a green popped up infront of him, {{The reason that they don't appear is due to the blood covering you. Twenty spiders entered to kill a weak creature was already overkill for them, and now that you return without wounds and they smell the blood, the group has decided to either abandon this section or watch you closely to make sure you don't go to there home. Just don't go into the thick web area and you will be fine.}}

Shocked that he caused such a reaction, Lucras asked, "How am I meant to get out of here with the webs on all the trees around me? Also are monsters really that smart?"

The green screen changed silently as Lucras read it, {{Monsters get smarter the stronger they are. Also go into the forest and look for the spiders, if you find one, just move in another direction away from it until you get out. They are territorial, but they most likely have commands not to attack you since the monster in charge doesn't want to mess with you right now.}}

Returning to his little camp in his cave, just to make sure that spiders don't come in, he took off the loose hanging scraps of his shirt. Originally the shirt didn't have any loose hanging bits, but after the snake biting him and the vine thing dragging him, he had large patches of his shirt that didn't cover him anymore.

As he took off his shirt, he realized that he wasn't cold. Or more accurately, the shirt originally didn't serve its purpose of keeping the wind off, and so he never noticed how badly it was damages. Inspecting the scraps of shirt, he found that he needed a new shirt, or something to cover him as this shirt was only useful for decoration at this point.

Putting his sword sheath on his back, he felt the cold wood as it landed on his bare skin. 'The shirt originally did help with that, I guess' he though as he shaked off it. But he deciding to hunt something that could get him a new shirt. He felt like he could actually skin something again and this time get some usable fur. He also grabbed his backpack quickly before leaving since he would definitely need it out there.

Walking out of the cave now shirtless, he moved towards the trees in search for a path out of there. Eventually he found a small patch with only a few hanging threads between the trees that seemed to just be there to travel across. Taking that path forward he moved, and as he did, he felt eyes follow him. Taking out his sword from his shealth again, he prepared himself just in case, as he started to mark his path in the trees since he would definitly get lost traveling back and forth.

Traveling down this avenue between cobweb dense trees, Lucras spotted tons of spiders. Always watching him from the side, whenever one tried to jump at him, another would catch it and take it away. As he watched with indifference that masked his fears, he decided to ask something, "Hey, can you make the UI of the monsters stuff easier to read? I don't need to know exactly how much mana the monster has."

A green screen appeared before him, {{Done, the mana will be in percentages and it will have level equal to its mana divided by one hundred to make it easier!}}

Deciding to check it out, Lucras waited for another smaller spider to jump out. It wasn't a long wait as on excited looking spider, jumped forward towards him. And again another larger spider caught the smaller spider and pulled it back. But before it could disappear into the webs, Lucras quickly inspected the larger spider monster.

{{Windros Spider, Elder version

Level: 5

Mana Attribute: Wind

Mana: 96%

Health: 70%

Description: A commonly occurring frightening spider that likes to ride on the wind, its mainly looks for prey with its sense of smell because of its poor sight. This version has more intelligence, and is alot stronger than the regular version.}}

Seeing the information, Lucras first thought was that if he need to fight those, it was going to be easy to beat. But that thought quickly left after he saw the green screen change to read, {{It is unadvisable to fight as it has five times the amount of mana you have. Also its health is only lowered because of its age, which it makes up with experience.}}

Standing for a second inside of the webcovered forest, his voice echoed out in the semi-silence, "Thanks for the new interface… and the warning." As he finished saying that, he felt a great gust of wind, before the trees became dead silent, as all of the rustling in the trees stopped. Seeing the forest become silent, more fear entered inside of Lucras as he decided to look around.

Spinning around looking around the forest, the eerie scene finally registered in his mind. He was in the middle of a forest that was covered in spider webs, and complete silence was everywhere. A light fog was lingering on the ground that gave a mysterious feeling all around. The silence was deafening around him, as Lucras tried to find some living thing, anything.

After a minute of eerie silence, Lucras finally couldn't take it anymore and decided to continue. Following the path with the least amount of spiders webs, and after about fifteen minutes he exited the web area.

I have edited alot of the first few chapters(1-8)... Also I am planning other books that will exist inside of this universe, with actions influencing one another.

Also if you like it then vote... And I will continue to write...

If you have recommendations for making things even more crazy for the poor MC, then comment it and if I like it and it fits into the story, then I will add it.

Unknown_ARcreators' thoughts