
Fated Story System (paused)

______ Paused for the moment... Due to my need to edit my story... I have paused this story... And it might be paused for a bit until I can get a solid schedule made for myself... If you have miraculously found this story, I am 1) surprised, and 2) flabbergasted... since I have paused this one for like 2 months... But you can try and read it if you wish. It might be slightly bland and with some boring text... but after edits it should be better, flow better. Also the last chapter I uploaded I think I added a semi end for the moment, but its not going to be the actual end of the story... ______ What if you were to die in the next moment? What if death gave you a new chance as long as it was an interesting story? Join Lucras in his adventure with the system that's sole purpose is to make his life and story more….Interesting. And his journey to find out that the worlds outside aren’t so simple. __________________ This story is set in the cursed universe, where multiple other books tell tales of adventure. These books characters will interact with one another and it will be an neat experience seeing two different sides. Though you are not forced to read the others as these books are good all by themselves, not requiring information from another one of the books. Cover art by @etqtay on Instagram.

Unknown_AR · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

Nice (iron) Sword

After waking up from a lovely dream about him becoming the best in the world, Lucras started to get ready again. Moving over to his dresser, he got dressed again with some nicer clothes. As he was getting ready to go downstairs with a grumbling stomach as he could already smell the eggs, and what seemed to be memories flowed in telling him of experiences he knew he didn't have.

[Oh yeah, the ghost is getting stronger. He is now able to share more than just his emotions now. Be happy, that means that he is recovering well and soon you will be able to talk.]

'Oh…', that was the only thought he had about that subject and just decided to accept it as it was early in the morning. After getting some new clothes on, he went downstairs and immediately realized that, unlike all the light novels he read, he had to use the restroom as he was in reality. After entering the bathroom, he became fascinated by the fact the house had indoor plumbing in this seemingly medieval time period where he now lives in, but he chalked it up to magic because magic solves all problems.

As he went was heading to the table again, he realized that a lot more memories had come through now. Maybe he could talk to the ghost soon, but guilt filled him as he was now living the ghost's life, and what he wished for. If he could help the ghost in any way, he would because he took his life from him.

He then stopped outside the dining room, as Ava decided to say, [There is no reason to feel guilt, the ghost isn't mad at you, he is actually happy you came, or else his family would have been devastated. Also, he is starting to think of new names for himself as he wants you to get him a new body, and for you not to tell his family, as later he would explain what happened. Also in some better news, it seems because both of your souls are special, it seems that you can communicate with him better, and he can give you more memories and information about the world. Also, he has written more in the background]

'Ok, and stop reading my thoughts. Current background'

[Well you were feeling guilty you little baby, and I couldn't help but notice. Also here you go.]

[[Lucras Tiller is a 14 year old kid, who after an unfortunate series of events, has died. A new soul entered his body and now inhabits it. Which would be a slight relief to his mother and little sister Alexa who looked up to her brother with great expectation if they knew. He later died due to an accident revolving magic which was caused by old injuries that he got because his family was in harm's way. His mother tried to help him in secret as she used to be a mage, he would know as now mana came into him an eighth of the other kids. He was sensitive to mana and is now a soul that resides in the Fated story system.

He wishes to tell his new friend that last night, he noticed mana increasing slightly, and it came from the sea between their continent Vellos, which is the continent they are on, and the continent of Zong. A continent that had more magic than their continent. Also, monsters in this world, when you kill them with some sort of an attack with some energy, you will get some unique mana back that makes you stronger. Try your best to make your new family proud and please take care of them]]

'Mmmm, interesting, thank you Mr. Ghost. When I go out, I will try my best to make them proud, and I already decided to treat them like my family because I originally had none, so I will take what I can get.' As that last thought came through his mind, he smiled and finally went to the table.

Hazel saw Lucras walk in with a smile and turned to say, "Seems like you're in a better mood. How are you feeling? I was about to wake you up for your eggs"

Lucras smiled and got a specific feeling about the eggs, not knowing why but feeling it was at the tip of his tongue. He shook his head slightly and replied, "Great mom, I have decided to become an adventurer. While of course being safe too."

Alexa then came downstairs, and the family happily ate breakfast, as both women seemed happy to see the same spark they saw last night survive and was shining brightly in his red eyes. Even though Lucras didn't talk as much as the two, and usually just responded to yes or no questions, the other two didn't mind and just chalked it up to him being tired or too excited to talk with them.

After eating breakfast, Hazel decided to take Lucras to a closet. When Lucras reached the closet, the ghost gave him the feeling of mystery and curiosity, which he did his best to translate into the ghost doesn't know what was inside and never got the chance to see. Hazel then spoke, "Your father tried a few weapons before finally deciding on the bow. He saved them just in case one of his kids ended up like him, and he would then teach them how to use the weapon. Sadly he is not here, and I have no clue how to use the weapon, but at least the weapons are here."

Hazel unlocked the closet and opened it. Inside there were 5 weapons, 2 bows, 1 greatsword, 1 sword, and 1 spear. Four of the weapons looked like beginner stuff, while one of the bows looked amazing. It had those invisible lines like the tower on it, and it was made of pale wood, with a silver thread. Most likely it was his father's bow, the one he fought with, and the fact that it was here probably meant that his new dad was already dead.

He decided to take four weapons leaving the pale bow, and take them to their backyard. He then realized that he had never been in the backyard, but apparently this was a shared memory. He walked behind the house, and there it was like the memory showed him. It was an open space, around 7 meters by 7 meters, and was fenced off. He decided to try not to test the greatsword here because if his hand slipped, it would hit the fence and that would be a story he would rather not tell so as not to die from embarrassment.

As he was about to start, he heard Ava's voice in surprise, [Welp, your a lucky one, the ghost wants to help, and since he can already write something inside of the system, he wanted to give you descriptions of the world, so we came to an agreement and now you get something similar to an Inspect option when you are holding something or looking specifically at something.]

[Try looking at the sword and saying 'inspect']

He then as instructed looked at the sword, and thought 'inspect'. A green letter screen popped up with.

{{Nice (iron) Sword

Quality: Mediocre

Mana Attachment: None

Description: A sword left by Dad, to help out his children. It seems to be a training sword to help out with learning.}}

I can't wait to have like 13 multicolored screens that I have to rememeber... I have started down a path that there is no turning back...

Anyway, Have a nice day(or night)!

Also if you like it then vote... And I will continue to write...

If you have recommendations for making things even more crazy for the poor MC, then comment it and if I like it and it fits into the story, then I will add it.

Unknown_ARcreators' thoughts