
Chapter 680: Guess What I Saw

When Jasmine Yale was with the little guy, her heart was filled with joy.

The little guy did nothing wrong, he didn't understand anything.

Why should he bear such sadness?

The only thing she could do was to shelter him from some troubles and give him more happiness.

Although she couldn't protect him completely, she could at least keep him carefree.

"Jasy, your ring is so beautiful." The little guy noticed particularly when he was holding Jasmine's hand.

"Hehe, yeah, it's pretty, isn't it?"

"Yes!" Chale Cheney's eyes were full of gloss and brightness, "Who gave it to you?"

"You guess."

"Um... Uncle Heath?"


"Then who, I can't guess anymore."

Jasmine playfully pinched his nose, this little guy, always flattering others, really a mischievous creature.

"Your dad gave it to me." Jasmine replied with a gentle smile.

"Jasy, I told you Elder Cheney likes you, I'm going to tell you a secret, but you can't tell Elder Cheney it was from me."
