
Fated Love: One shot

One lonely and dark night Mariana sat down on a table with Dillon, she remembered how they both met, and thought about what would have been of them if what had happened didn't happen, she remembered what Daniel and Karol did to them two years before she and Dillon got married, she remembered when she walked into the hotel room and saw Daniel with her best friend Karol being intimate, she could not believe what they had done to her, Daniel tried to explain but Mariana would not listen.

Daniel: "Mariana!!! this is not what it looks like!" she tried to remain calm but her emotions would not cooperate with her, a tear rolled down her chin as she started screaming and slaped both of them. Mariana: "I cannot believe you Karol!! after all I've done for you this is how you repay me!? I have helped you ever since you parents died you were like a sister to me! and you Daniel, to think that we almost got married, just the thought of me spending the rest of my life with someone like you disgusts me!, but please do not mind me, I will take my leave but rest assured that you will pay for what you have done, oh and Daniel, forget about the deal between my father and your family we are OVER!!." She ran towards the door and left without out saying anything. Daniel screamed at her " MARIANA!!, please let me explain!!" Karol was shocked at what had just happened and begged Daniel to do something but nothing could change Mariana's mind

As Mariana ran toward the exit she bumped into someone, she fell down but would not get up, she did not want anyone to see her crying, but a second later she felt a warm hand grab her, as she looked up she noticed that a tall and handsome man was helping her up, she looked into the mans eyes, they looked sad, "he seems nice" she though to herself. Unknown: "Please accept my apologies, I did not see you running towards me." Mariana felt something strange happening in her stomach as she heard the man's voice, something she could not explain. Mariana: " I should be the one apologizing to you, I was being recless and accidentally bumped into you". the man grabbed her cheek and whipped her tears, he asked what was wrong, Mariana started to remember and another tear rolled down her cheek she looked at the man in front of her and said crying "I just walked on my fiance and my best friend having sex!" he was surprised by what she had said, and hugged her, she was shocked by what was happening but she hugged him back. He said " my name is Dillon how about you? " Mariana she said, after a while the hug broke and she apologized again for the inconvenience.

She looked at him and asked what was wrong because he seemed sad, Dillon was surprised by the question, but with a forcee smile he said " I was just informed by someone that my girlfriend was in this hotel cheating on me " she was also shocked and with a trembling voice she asked for his girlfriend's name. He wasn't sure why she was asking but answered either way, he said " her name is Karol Strong, why do you ask ?" Mariana said " that can't be possible! " Dillon was confused, but when Mariana said that Karol Strong was the friend she was talking about, both Daniel and Karol appeared out of nowhere and were running towards them searching for Mariana, they could not believe what they were seeing, they both saw Mariana and Dillon together, Karol tried to explain to Dillon what had happened but Dillon did not believe her, he grabbed Mariana and asked her with smile if she wanted to leave the hotel with him and be together with him, she knew that it was sudden but she felt something she had never felt before, Mariana did not hesitate and said yes, she could not stand to be there with them for one more second, Karol dropped on her knees crying and screaming for Dillon not to leave her but he didn't even turn back to see her.

Dillon and Mariana lived a happy marriage with three beautiful children, the twins Angela and Angel, and Ivan, Mariana became a famous designer and Dillon became the CEO of a major company, they never heard of Karol and Daniel again after they tried to get back with them


I know this is a crappy story but it is my first time writing something like this, I know that it has many errors or stuff that doesn't make sense but please enjoy?

PS I'm only 14 yrs old, thats why its bad

angie220creators' thoughts