
Fated for Life

Katherine Jones is the daughter of a very famous mob boss. Sam O'Brian is the perfect man she needs. Together they have a love story and a relationship of two very beautiful and promising years. He would have done anything for her to be safe and happy, and she would have done anything not to see him suffer. Everything changes between them when she chooses to go to a college far from him, but this only strengthens their relationship... Until her father comes out of prison and finds Katherine. She enters the dark world of her father and everything goes crazy in her life. She cheats on Sam, she loses Sam because of her carelessness, she gets shot, but ends up working with the one who shot her to overthrow her father and to be able to return to her quiet life that she had now seems like a long time. Will she manage not to get involved again sentimentally? Will she manage to get her beloved man back or will she get lost in the crowd not knowing what to do?

Georgiana_Seiche · Sports, voyage et activités
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11 Chs

Chapter 2

When I leave the airport, I take the first taxi I see and give him the address of the hostel where I will be staying. I can't believe that I am on my own from now on. I stick my eyes to the window and look at the view outside. Tall buildings, people in a hurry  on the pedestrian crossing, in a suit or in home clothes and I can hardly help but type of happiness.

 - I have arrived, madam. The driver distracts me and I get out of the car, taking all my luggage.

 I put one on my shoulder, and I'll pull the other one behind me. I give the driver the payment and head towards the entrance to the dormitory. A lot of students seem to have come only today. Others seem hungover, after the last holiday party,  and others seem happy to have started the year.

 I pass by everyone without attracting anyone's attention and head towards the room. Room 88... I go up two floors and look at each room number. 88, here. I enter without knocking on the door and am surprised to see a blonde girl  , bare chested and with a short t-shirt... Rather a top, in hand, as if she wanted to get dressed.

- Sorry, I didn't want to come in like that. I thought no one was there.  I say closing the door behind me so that no one can see her.

 I put my luggage on the floor and turn to her, seeing that she is already dressed.

 - It's no problem. I'm the one who had to close the door. Selena.  She says and extends her hand towards me.

 I notice that she has a perfect shiny red manicure. This girl looks good. I pale next to her.

 -Katherine.  But you can call me Kate.  I say and shake her hand.

 -Freshman?  He says walking towards the mirror and starting to put on his make-up.

 Why?  It already looks good....

 -Yes, you?  I say looking for work with my luggage.

 - Year II.  Economics.  What are you studying?

 - Business.

 I pull my luggage closer to my bed and open them. I see her analyzing my luggage but she doesn't say anything, returning to her make-up. I think my clothes will seem tasteless to her, next to what she's wearing.

 -I was told that I would have a roommate, but I didn't expect her to be so nice. Anyway, I will be away more, so…

- I also knew that I would have a roommate and I couldn't wait to meet you. If you will be away more, I will study quietly.

 She gives me a perfect smile and I look at the clock. It's almost 9. I should go to college.

 - Are you ready? We have to go to classes.

 I nod my head and we leave the room together talking about nothing just to get to know each other better. It's nice to talk to her. I'm glad I have a roommate for work and not one to stress me out. I'm starting to adore her. Until  at the secretariat, I take my phone out of my pocket to send Sam and my mother a message that I'm in class, and Selena is waiting for me in the hallway to show me my classroom.

 After 10 minutes in which I took everything I needed from the secretariat, including the room key, I follow Selena to a door that says First Year. I say goodbye to her and we plan to see each other during the break  .I enter the class and sit on the only empty seat, next to a blond boy with a cute face.

 - Hey...Karl.  Say and shake hands with me.

 -Kate. They look good to me.

 The teacher enters the class and I already say with my hand on my heart that I love the faculty. I am not brought out in front of the class to talk about myself things that do not make any sense. The two hours of class pass and during the break I go out into the hall walking in hope  that I'm going to see Selena, but instead I bump into someone and a lot of papers fall on the floor.

 - I'm sorry. I didn't look where I was going. I say and bend down to help the man collect his papers.

 - It's no problem. It's my fault too. I was captured by a beauty...

 -Here you go?

 - Nothing. It's my fault too.

We manage to collect all the papers and I also give them the ones I collected. He smiles at me charmingly and for a moment it seems as if time stands still but I hear Selena's voice and I turn my back to the mysterious man.

 - I looked for you in class, but you weren't there. What are you doing?

 - Well, I helped the man... I turn around and don't see anyone behind me. I was looking for you. I say to Selena.

 - Very nice. Now that you've found each other, do you want to get to know us? Says the brunette guy next to her, and it seems a little awkward to me.

 -She is Kate, and she is my roommate. He is Roger, and she is Maria.

 I greet each of them separately and immediately I see the guy in the class, Karl, as it were. All 5 of us are sitting in the hallway and we don't realize that the classes are starting until the hall is free.

 -See you later. I say to my new friends and I go with Karl to the classroom, listening to him swearing about the fact that he shouldn't have left the class, now being late.

 Karl is a workaholic and I can hardly help but laugh when he knocks on the classroom door cursing. We are welcomed to class and I don't notice who the teacher is until I sit down on the bench. The mysterious man... I just hope I didn't blush  too loud because of the embarrassment I feel. While he's teaching, he looks at me a few times and I swear I've seen so many times that he refrains from laughing. I look at the rest of my colleagues, but no one seems to make any gesture  which makes me think that maybe it just seems to me.

 The class ends very quickly and I look at the clock. How the hell have two hours already passed? I didn't even realize it...; Maybe because I kept my eyes on the teacher the whole time, instead of doing anything else..  .How about following what it says in the book.

 All my classmates go out into the hall, and I decide to go out with Karl, but I'm stopped.

 - I want to talk to you, miss. Says the professor in a tone that does not betray anything.

 Did he see that I was staring at him? Jesus... How can I be so embarrassing? I motion for Karl to go ahead and it's just the two of us.

 - Yes, sir.

 - Next time be careful where you look. He says and leaves the class leaving me with my mouth on the floor.

 Karl and the rest of the group of friends enter the class, seeing that I'm not leaving, but I'm trying to figure out what happened.

 - Are you okay? I saw the professor leaving here very affected. Karl says while Selena pats my back.

- The teacher is a pig.

 Everyone starts laughing and I join them, being more devastated than I've ever been.

 -What happened?  Says Selena, stopping from laughing.

 - Well, last break when I was looking for you, I ran into him by mistake. I apologized then, and he said that everything is fine.  Now he tells me "Next time be careful where you look".  I say trying to imitate him and everyone laughs again.

 Of course, I omitted the part where he suggested that I was beautiful. I don't want to be the star of the college for nothing.

 -Leaving all this drama aside... Are you coming to the party tonight? Roger says, looking sometimes at me and sometimes at Karl.

 - I can't. I have to learn.  I say quickly.

 -Me too. Karl added, and Maria rolled her eyes while chewing gum.

 Who has a party during the week?  That's absurd. Plus I'm not a big fan of parties.

 - You will be able to learn another day. Tonight is for you, freshmen. Please, Kate... I don't want to go alone.  Selena takes pity on me.

 I sight and I know I will regret this, but... It's my new life. Let me do it the way I want.

 - Good. But only until 11 at the latest.

 -I promise. Say the happy chitchat too. Come on and you, Karl. That way she'll have company too in case I mess up over there.

 The thought of her messing around at parties makes me want to change my mind, but still...I want to see why student parties are so popular.