

What’s it like to live out the early days of the web during a time when many have become dissociated to life itself due to the distractions of mainstream media? Akiro Yuna is a 16 year old high school boy in the 2020s who gains consciousness again to the vivid experience of life through the discovery of non-mainstream websites like old and obscure forum pages that are over 20 years old, and because of this reawakening, he becomes capable of having his attention grabbed by something significant, which sets him on the path that he very soul was destined for. Through various trails and extreme pains, he will have to face the greatest threat that mankind is too distracted to take seriously, and he is the only one who is willing to do something about it, even though it is out of his control to be caught up in the whole mess of situation in the first place.

WeAreBlank18 · Urbain
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Origins of a unique lifestyle

My name is Akito Yuna, and I'm a 16 year old high school boy who likes to seclude himself during the holiday break.

I'm more than just that one trait of course, but there really isn't much else that stands out at present for me as a person.

My backstory is pretty ordinary for a kid growing up in the 2020s, and although me and many others who are older than me agree that treating the 20s as an era is kind of strange for some reason, I can't deny the facts.

My life until now has been pretty repetitive from a young age. I'd go to school, do my work, go to the library during lunch break to listen to music and eat at the computers while scrolling YouTube, go home while listening to music in the car ride, wash up, eat, and then be on my iPad for the rest of the day while in the same room as my family who also did the same but with their phones.

At the end of the day out of obligation, we would put on a movie that we once liked for the sake of chasing a sense of nostalgia, and then go to sleep.

I really hated my boring life, but I didn't know of any alternatives, that is… until I came across this website.

I don't typically go on other websites apart from the mainstream ones, so when I found out from an anime that I mind numbing watched set in a time when the internet was pretty niche, the idea of 'forums' stood out to me.

There's a particular vibe that the character in the anime had that gave me the same feeling I had when I was younger than I thought I had grown out of, and I was and am certain today that this feeling isn't nostalgia, it's the real deal.

When I decided to go to a forum page and make an account for the first time, I felt like I was doing something only I knew about, and the rest of the world and this new part of my life was separate.

I forgot what it meant to have a private life, to live a double life, and now I have something to escape to wholeheartedly.

Now everyday after school, instead of going on my iPad, I go to my PC in my bedroom, and explore the world of this single forum page.

The main theme about it is similar to Reddit, but the fact that there are recurring users on the site is what gives me a sense of community.

It's my suspicion that when anime protagonists happen to conveniently live alone despite them still being in high school, it's for the sake of this private life vibe not getting distracted by the further obligations that persist outside of the classroom, such as family matters.

My life may not mean much, but at least now I feel like I have some sort of life.

I don't care much about my family anyways, just as much as they don't care about me, so I'm going to do everything I can to have the same secluded lifestyle of the living alone anime protagonist, so that way I can enjoy my private life PRIVATELY, rather than feel the need to catch people up on the things I'm doing when they have no reason to be part of it in the first place!

I've already deleted my social media accounts in the splur of the moment without regrets. I have no Instagram, no Twitter, no TikTok, no Facebook, not even a YouTube Channel.

I have no contacts with anyone I know in the outside world hooked up to my personal, digital space.

Now, this internet I MINE to explore.

Let me know what you think about the potential of this story.

I myself am treating my writings on webnovel as a place I personally escape to in private, and the comments to me are like recurring forum users.


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