

What if twins were born in the present, one the embodiment of a strong cultivator from the past and the other resurrected after living 100 years into the future? This is the story of younger brother York McLean, the freedom seeker, who was resurrected back into his original body after living 100 years of humiliation and slavery, and the story of older brother Ares McLean, who seeks revenge after being betrayed and killed in the past. Amid the chaos of the past, present, and future, both brothers make their way in pursuit of their own goals in a private world where humans are one of several dominant races.

KAITO_RB · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

The beginning of the conspiracy and the end of the awakening ceremony

While the awakening ceremony was going on, an important event was unfolding in the mountains near the City of the Sun, these mountains are located in the middle of the island and are dangerous because of the wild beasts living inside.

Therefore, the three cities settled in the outer areas that the monsters did not reach, with surveillance and exploration campaigns to prepare for any event that could threaten their cities, whether they were the monsters or the competing cities.

Suddenly, inside one of the mountains, a person appeared, running swiftly. After a short while, the individual stopped near One of the rivers and looked around."

The person wore loose-fitting white clothes and placed a red headband with the symbol of the sun, bearing the number 3, on their head.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake, and a rocky summit emerged, appearing like an altar in the middle of the river.

It bore a strange inscription on its surface, causing nearby creatures to keep their distance due to its ominous aura.

The person with the number 3 on his headband approached the stone peak and seemed to be thinking about something.


In one of the luxurious neighborhoods in the center of the city of the sun, you can see a five-story building.

This building looked luxurious and had a different design from the rest of the neighboring buildings, and everyone passing by could not help but repeat one phrase: "Super-rich."

In a certain room on the fifth floor, a certain woman was drawing a distinctive inscription on the surface of a crystal ball while repeating some strange phrases.

This woman possesses a graceful and voluptuous physique. Her hair was a rich shade of chestnut brown, tumbling in soft curls down her back. Her eyes were a deep brown, and her skin had a warm, golden glow. Her movements were fluid and graceful as she put the finishing touches on the distinctive inscription.

After a few seconds, a deep sound came out of the crystal ball:

" Stella it's been a few months since your last contact, I hope you have some good news."

' He didn't even ask about my situation, huh.'

Stella suppressed her desire to respond angrily and replied: " Everything is going well, we have succeeded in attracting the ninth elder of Sun City and two elders of Dawn City. I've ordered some of our spies to pay more attention to this year's awakening ceremony in each of the three cities and we're likely to get good results."

" Very good, we pay great attention to this plan, we will not tolerate any shortcomings."

Suddenly, without waiting for the woman named Stella to respond, the line was cut off.


Back at the place where the awakening ceremony was held, there was deafening silence hanging over the air.

The academy elder looked at York McClean, who was returning to his place after he had finished his awakening, and then looked at Ares, who had ended his awakening a few minutes earlier with awe.

The rest of the young people present couldn't help but curse their luck.

Why did they have to attend the same party with such monsters?

Not only that both brothers have high talent, but strangely enough, they got the same result.

49 inscriptions...

Yes, both brothers got the same result, which is an amazing 49 inscriptions.

The key ingredient to success is talent. Indeed, this score didn't reach the same talent as Alex Winters from Star City, but that was one person, and here are two.

Even if their talent is one degree inferior, if they are trained hard, they will be a force to be reckoned with, especially since they are brothers.

Unfortunately, without the knowledge of others, Ares or even York didn't care about the fate of Sun City or the competition with the cities of Star and Dawn.

Although Ares was a bit interested in Alex Winters' talent, that was it.

In his eyes, Sun City was just the beginning, in this vast and vast world, Storm Island was only a small patch that whoever reached a certain level could remove at any moment.

While each was weaving their thoughts, the awakening ceremony continued slowly but steadily.

Among the rest of the applicants, two middle-talented young people stood out.

They attracted attention because of their strange Bluish-black hair color, but when looking at their worn and stained clothes, everyone pulled their gaze away with some contempt.

The rest of the young men did not try to hide their disgust with the two, which prompted their joy at getting a good result to feelings of sadness and anger, as it seemed as if one of them was about to cry.

The two knew that, even if they had a unique talent, without adequate resources and support, their talents would not have flourished.

Amid their growing despair, they heard a voice:

" Efforts never betray you. "

Both brothers raised their heads in confusion and the rest of the guys began to look around with curiosity.

No one knew who said this sentence, but it seemed as if there was a renewed determination even among those who did not get a perfect result.

Both brothers lowered their heads with some determination to change their fate.

Ares looked at his younger brother with a small smile on his face.

That was how cruel the world was.