
Fate x Danmachi: The Sword Prince (eng)

Orario, the city of adventurers' paradise. Everyone who comes there has their own ambitions. Some want to become strong, some dream of restoring the pride of their race, and others aspire to become rich and famous. Among them are those who can be considered naive or foolish—those who wish to become Heroes. Of course, Emiya Shirou is one of the foolish ones.

Sikul_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Chapter 34

AN: Sorry, the illustration took longer than I expected

After walking along the beach for a while, Shirou and Lefiya finally reached a busier part of the city, though still marked by the remnants of battle. In the distance, they saw Bete fighting against a group of Amazons. Bete looked like an unstoppable storm, taking down his enemies with incredible speed and strength. One after another, the Amazons fell to the ground, unable to match his power and agility. Among them was Phryne Jamil, known as one of the strongest fighters of the Ishtar Familia, lying helpless and no longer a threat.

Lefiya smiled faintly as she watched the scene unfold. "It seems Bete doesn't need our help," she remarked, glancing at Shirou. "He's more than enough to handle his enemies on his own."

Shirou, observing the battle from afar, felt the same. Bete appeared overwhelmingly dominant in the fight, and it seemed that none of the Amazons stood a chance. "Yeah, you're right," Shirou agreed with a nod. "Bete can definitely take care of himself."

With that, Lefiya gently tugged on Shirou's arm, guiding him away from the fight. They continued their walk, leaving Bete's battle behind and enjoying the peaceful night in the city of Melen. Although some areas remained tense, in other parts of the city, things seemed much calmer. The streetlights illuminated the paths, giving the night a warm glow. Even though the sound of the waves could still be heard in the distance, the city's atmosphere brought a sense of peace.

As they walked side by side, Shirou couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt rising within him. "Is this really okay?" he muttered to himself quietly. "We're just casually walking here while the others are still fighting?"

Lefiya, overhearing his soft words, turned to him with a gentle smile. "Shirou, don't be too hard on yourself," she said soothingly. "If we see any of our comrades in trouble, we'll definitely help them. But for now, everyone seems to be doing fine." She reassured him in a calm tone, trying to ease his guilt.

Shirou pondered for a moment, then nodded slowly. "You're right, Lefiya," he replied, a small smile returning to his face. "It seems like the others don't need our help. Finn, Gareth, and Bete are handling their enemies easily." He felt a bit relieved knowing that his more experienced companions could manage the situation without much difficulty.

Lefiya nodded in agreement, her soft smile still present. "Yes, they'll be just fine. We just need to trust them."

The two of them continued walking, appreciating the beauty of Melen at night. The sound of the battle faded into the distance, leaving behind the peace they now felt as they walked together. Even though they felt a sense of responsibility to help their friends, they both understood that, for now, everyone was playing their part well. They just needed to wait for the right moment to act, and until then, they could enjoy each other's company in this serene city.

As the night deepened, the warmth between Shirou and Lefiya kept them moving side by side, as if time had stopped, allowing them to enjoy the quiet amid the chaos they had just experienced.

As they walked further through the calming streets, Lefiya suddenly spotted a crowd in the distance. Her eyes lit up with curiosity, and without hesitation, she excitedly tugged on Shirou's arm. "Come on, Shirou! Look over there, it seems like something interesting is happening!" she exclaimed with rare enthusiasm.

Shirou, surprised by Lefiya's gentle pull, followed without resistance. He smiled, amused by her excitement. They walked toward the crowd, and as they got closer, it became clear that it was a lively night market. Bright lights twinkled above the market stalls, creating a vibrant and colorful scene under the night sky of Melen. The sounds of laughter, cheerful chatter, and vendors calling out to potential buyers filled the air, making the atmosphere lively and fun.

Lefiya's eyes sparkled with excitement as she saw the wide variety of goods displayed throughout the night market. There were all kinds of food, trinkets, toys, and unique items from all over Orario and beyond. "Shirou, look at this! And that!" she exclaimed repeatedly, pointing out the various things that caught her attention.

Shirou smiled warmly, watching how happy Lefiya was. "You're like a kid in a candy store," he teased gently, but it was clear he was glad to see her relaxed and enjoying the moment.

After walking around for a while, Lefiya suggested they try some of the local foods being sold there. They sampled a variety of sweet and savory treats, from caramel-drizzled toast to spicy grilled meat. Each bite made Lefiya smile widely, and Shirou enjoyed the food as well, though he was more focused on how much fun Lefiya seemed to be having.

As they walked further, Lefiya spotted a stall selling traditional Amazon masks. The masks were intricately carved and decorated with elaborate patterns, often used in festivals or rituals by Amazon tribes. "I want to try one of these!" Lefiya said excitedly. She carefully picked up one of the masks and tried it on with a delighted grin.

Then, with a deeper voice, Lefiya mimicked Shirou, trying to sound more mysterious. "I'm just a passing adventurer being chased by enemies. That's why I hide my face," she said dramatically, holding the mask with flair.

Shirou couldn't hold back his laughter. A small chuckle escaped his lips, reminding him of a moment from the past. "Hahaha, that's exactly what I said back near Rivira," he recalled, remembering when he had to conceal his identity from Lefiya on the 18th floor of the Dungeon. Back then, Lefiya didn't recognize Shirou in his disguise, and he had to make up an excuse to hide his face from the elf girl.

Lefiya removed the mask, her eyes shining with laughter as she remembered the incident. "Yes, you sounded so mysterious back then! I even thought you were some villain sneaking among us!"

Shirou smiled wider, relieved that they could now laugh together about what had once been such a tense situation. "Turns out, I was just a regular adventurer," he said with a shrug, making Lefiya laugh again.

The two of them continued walking through the night market, trying new things and enjoying the warmth of each other's company. The night in Melen felt increasingly peaceful, and amid the laughter and jokes, Shirou realized that this was a very precious moment—a simple moment in the midst of an adventurer's challenging life, where they could feel free from pressure and responsibility for a while.

As they enjoyed the lively atmosphere of the night market, Shirou suddenly remembered something important. In his mind, he recalled the promise he had made to his coworkers at the Hostess of Fertility. They had jokingly asked him to bring back souvenirs when he left for Melen, and Shirou realized he hadn't bought anything for them yet.

"I just remembered, I need to find some souvenirs for my friends at the Hostess of Fertility," Shirou said, smiling a little as he glanced at Lefiya.

Hearing that, Lefiya's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Souvenirs? I'll help you find them!" she responded eagerly. She seemed thrilled to help Shirou, and without waiting for an answer, Lefiya grabbed Shirou's arm and energetically led him around the night market with enthusiasm.

They began exploring every corner of the market, visiting various stalls selling all sorts of items. Lefiya, who appeared very excited, kept pointing out different items she thought would make good souvenirs. "What about this, Shirou?" Lefiya asked, pointing to a small stone carving.

Shirou smiled but shook his head. "It's nice, but I don't think it's quite right for them."

They continued browsing, searching for the perfect item. Lefiya kept eagerly looking around and showing him different things, from small jewelry and wooden statues to colorful fabrics unique to Melen. Although many items were beautiful and interesting, Shirou still didn't feel like any of them were the right souvenir for the restaurant where he worked.

"Hmm… this is harder than I thought," Lefiya said with a small smile.

Shirou nodded. "Yeah, I want something they can display at the Hostess of Fertility. Something that will remind them of this city."

After some time searching, they finally came across a stall selling intricately carved wooden miniatures of ships. The small ships were crafted with great detail, capturing the charm of Melen, a port city famous for its connection to the sea. Shirou stopped in front of the stall, his eyes drawn to one particularly beautiful miniature ship. The wood was finely carved, complete with small sails billowing in the wind, making it look almost alive.

"This is it," Shirou said with a satisfied smile. "I think this is perfect for the Hostess of Fertility."

Lefiya, standing beside him, nodded in agreement. "Yes, this is perfect! The miniature ship really represents Melen, and it'll look great in the restaurant." She looked happy that they had finally found something suitable.

Shirou decided to buy the miniature ship. The vendor carefully wrapped the miniature in a sturdy wooden box to keep it safe during the journey back to Orario. Shirou smiled contentedly, glad that he could keep his promise and bring back a meaningful souvenir for his friends.

"Thanks for helping me find it, Lefiya," Shirou said as he carried the wooden box with the miniature ship inside.

Lefiya smiled sweetly, happy to have helped. "Of course, Shirou. I'm glad I could help, and I'm sure they'll love this."

With the miniature ship in hand, they continued their walk through the night market, feeling satisfied that their souvenir mission was complete. The night in Melen kept treating them to its calm and peaceful atmosphere, making their journey all the more memorable.

As the night grew later and the market began to quiet down, Shirou and Lefiya decided to leave. Even though the market was still alive with twinkling lights, they felt content with their little adventure in Melen. With the wooden ship safely secured in its box, they made their way toward their lodging.

Lefiya, still full of energy, smiled brightly as she led the way. "I know the way. Our inn has already been booked by Loki Familia. I'll show you, Shirou," she said with her usual enthusiasm.

Shirou, walking beside her, could only smile at Lefiya's boundless energy. He was happy that she still had so much vitality after everything they had gone through that day. Carefully holding the box with the souvenir, he followed Lefiya as she confidently showed the way.

As they walked through a few alleys and narrow paths, they suddenly came across a breathtaking view. In front of them stretched a beach illuminated by the light of the moon. The full moon shone brightly in the sky, its reflection shimmering on the calm water, creating an almost magical scene. Gentle waves rolled onto the shore, producing a soothing sound that seemed to invite them to pause for a moment.

Lefiya, captivated by the beauty of the scene, stopped and gazed at the ocean in awe. "It's so beautiful...," she whispered softly, her voice almost like a breath, as if afraid to disturb the peacefulness of the night. After a few moments of admiring the view, she found a spot by the side of the road that looked out over the beach. "Let's sit here for a while, Shirou," she said, sitting down on the flat surface, her eyes still fixed on the ocean.

Shirou, equally mesmerized by the scene, nodded and followed Lefiya. He sat beside her, carefully placing the wooden box next to him. They both sat in silence for a few moments, simply enjoying the soothing sound of the waves and the moonlit night.

A cool sea breeze blew gently, carrying the refreshing scent of saltwater. The atmosphere of the night was so peaceful, as if time had stopped for a moment to give them a break after all their adventures. Though they were both adventurers accustomed to danger and battles, moments like this were rare—times when they could sit together without worrying about what would come next.

"This feels so different," Shirou said quietly, breaking the silence. "After everything that's happened, being able to sit here and enjoy the night... it feels like a dream."

Lefiya turned to him, a small smile on her face. "Yes, I feel the same way. Usually, we're always busy with missions or training. But tonight... it's so peaceful." She looked back at the ocean, her eyes once again captivated by the beauty of nature before her. "I'm glad I can spend time like this with you, Shirou," she added, her tone sincere and gentle.

Shirou smiled at Lefiya's words. "I'm glad I can spend time with you too, Lefiya," he replied, his voice warm and honest.

They fell into a comfortable silence again, enjoying the beautiful night. Even though they knew they still had to return to the inn and face a new day tomorrow, for now, they let themselves be absorbed in the tranquility of the night, sitting side by side with the moonlit beach before them. Amid the challenges of life as adventurers, simple moments like this were the most precious.

As they sat in this peaceful quiet, admiring the stunning view before them, Lefiya suddenly spoke softly. "It's been a long time, hasn't it... since we spent time together like this," she said, her voice gentle in the cool night breeze.

Shirou turned to Lefiya, reflecting on her words. He gave a small smile and nodded. "Yes, it's been a while," he replied. "I think the last time we were together like this was when you were my mentor. Back then, I had just joined Loki Familia, and you helped me adjust."

Lefiya chuckled softly, her smile reflecting the sweet memories passing through her mind. "Yes, I remember that," she said, her smile widening. "I was so eager back then, trying to help and buy you equipment. I remember buying you a bow, arrows, and armor..." But her smile slowly faded, and a slight sadness began to creep into her voice. "But it turns out you didn't need any of that... You could project them yourself. I didn't know about your ability back then."

Shirou listened carefully, noticing how Lefiya's mood shifted with the memory. There was a hint of guilt in her expression, as if she felt her efforts had been in vain. She lowered her head slightly, not wanting to show her disappointment, but Shirou could sense it.

"Lefiya," Shirou said gently, trying to ease the mood. "Your kindness meant a lot to me back then. Even though I could project weapons, the gear you bought me was never useless." He smiled warmly, hoping to reassure her. "I still keep the bow, arrows, and armor you bought for me. They're all neatly stored in my room. Every time I see them, I'm reminded of how much you cared for me."

Hearing Shirou's words, Lefiya slowly began to smile again. Her eyes lit up once more, and the sadness that had crossed her face started to disappear. "Really? You still keep them?" she asked, feeling a bit relieved. "I thought you might have forgotten about them or thrown them away."

Shirou shook his head firmly. "Of course not. I'd never forget your kindness, Lefiya." His smile grew warmer, hoping that his words would fully dispel any doubts in Lefiya's heart.

Lefiya laughed softly again, this time with a more cheerful tone. "Well then, you could use that equipment again if you ever want to pretend to be weak, like when we first met," she joked, giving Shirou a more playful look.

Shirou laughed at the joke. "Pretend to be weak, huh? That might be an interesting plan," he replied playfully, though they both knew he couldn't hide his strength from the other members of Loki Familia anymore.

They both laughed again, the previously heavy mood lifting into something much lighter. Lefiya looked more cheerful, and Shirou felt relieved to have brought her smile back. They sat together in comfortable silence once more, enjoying the peaceful night as if nothing else mattered besides their time together.

(Check the Illustration at patreon(dot)com/rayish)

As they sat enjoying the calm and peaceful night, with the cool sea breeze gently blowing, Lefiya suddenly looked up at the sky, her eyes fixed on the bright moon above them. Without thinking much, she said, "Isn't the moon so beautiful?"

Shirou, who had been absorbed in the view, suddenly froze at her words. Cold sweat started forming on his forehead, and his mind began racing. In Japanese culture, the phrase "Tsuki ga kirei, desu ne"—which means "The moon is so beautiful"—is often used as a subtle way to confess love, a poetic expression of deep feelings without directly saying "I love you." Shirou never expected this expression to reach another world, especially coming from an elf like Lefiya.

For a moment, he was speechless. Shirou's thoughts swirled, trying to make sense of the situation. Lefiya kept gazing at the moon, unaware of how stiff and awkward Shirou had become beside her. Noticing something was off, Lefiya turned to Shirou, confused, and called out to him. "Shirou? What's wrong?" she asked, her voice full of curiosity.

Shirou took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. Lefiya's words had shaken him, and he suddenly remembered a promise he once made to himself: he would accept the feelings of whoever first confessed their love to him. Was this the moment? Lefiya—the cute, cheerful elf who was always so kind to him—had just said words that, in Shirou's culture, were an indirect love confession.

In his mind, Shirou thought about how lucky he would be if Lefiya truly had feelings for him. Lefiya was someone who always made him feel comfortable with her presence. He recalled the moments when Lefiya smiled, her blue eyes sparkling with joy, and her face often blushing with embarrassment when they joked around. Deep down, Shirou thought that if Lefiya did love him, he would be incredibly fortunate.

Gathering his courage, Shirou finally spoke. In a quiet, slightly trembling voice, he said, "I could die happy."

Lefiya, hearing this, was immediately confused. Her expression changed, and she looked at Shirou with a puzzled gaze. "What do you mean, Shirou?" she asked with a small laugh, not quite grasping the true meaning behind his words.

At that moment, Shirou realized—Lefiya wasn't confessing her love at all. She didn't understand the connotation of the phrase, and perhaps she was simply stating that the moon was beautiful, with no other intention. Realizing his misunderstanding, Shirou felt his face flush with embarrassment. He went silent, feeling extremely awkward and self-conscious.

"It's... nothing," Shirou stammered, trying to hide his nervousness. He forced a smile despite his embarrassment. "I was just... too captivated by the night."

Lefiya laughed again, this time more brightly. "You're so strange, Shirou," she said, still puzzled but not dwelling on Shirou's previous words. For Lefiya, the night was indeed beautiful and peaceful, with no deeper meaning behind it.

While Shirou tried hard to calm himself, he could only manage a wry smile, attempting to cover up the growing embarrassment within him. Lefiya might not have realized what had just happened, but Shirou learned one thing: not all expressions carry the same meaning in different worlds. Even though the misunderstanding occurred, he still felt relieved to be with Lefiya, even without the love confession he had suspected.

As the night grew later, the bright moonlight gradually began to fade, leaving the beach in a dimmer atmosphere. Still feeling a bit awkward from his misunderstanding with Lefiya, Shirou decided it was time to head back to the inn. He stood up slowly and looked at Lefiya, who was still sitting and enjoying the night breeze. "Let's go back. It's getting late," he said gently, offering his hand to help Lefiya up.

Lefiya smiled and softly took Shirou's hand. "Thank you," she said as she stood, gazing at Shirou with a look full of gratitude. After that, they walked side by side, continuing their journey back to the inn that had been prepared for the members of Loki Familia. The cool night air, accompanied only by the gentle sound of the waves, followed them as they walked.

As they walked, Shirou could still feel the lingering embarrassment in his heart from the earlier misunderstanding. Lefiya had never meant to confess her feelings, and Shirou had foolishly misinterpreted her remark about the moon. He tried hard to forget about it, but his face still flushed slightly whenever he thought about it. Not wanting to make things more awkward, he kept his embarrassment to himself, trying to act normal in front of Lefiya.

After a few minutes, they finally arrived at the inn. Most of the Loki Familia members were already asleep, except for a few who were still on guard or quietly enjoying the last moments of the night. The inn itself was quiet, with the hallway lights dimmed, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

In front of their respective doors, Lefiya turned to Shirou and smiled again. "Thank you, Shirou. I really enjoyed tonight," she said softly, her voice warm and calming, which helped ease Shirou's nerves.

Shirou smiled back, even though he still felt a bit awkward inside. "I did too, Lefiya. Thanks for keeping me company." They exchanged glances briefly before Lefiya wished him goodnight and went into her room.

Shirou stood in front of his own door for a moment, letting out a long sigh, trying to calm the mixed feelings swirling inside him. Then, he entered his room. As soon as the door closed behind him, he threw himself onto the bed. His face turned beet red as he recalled the misunderstanding that had made him feel so embarrassed.

Frustrated and embarrassed, Shirou buried his head into the pillow. "Idiot... why did I say that?" he muttered to himself, annoyed at his own foolishness. He covered his face with both hands, trying hard to forget the earlier incident, but the embarrassment continued to haunt him.

Finally, after a few minutes, Shirou began to calm down and let out another deep breath. He removed his hands from his face, trying to relax his mind. "Just forget it. Tomorrow's a new day," he told himself, though he knew deep down that the event would likely linger in his thoughts for a while. But for now, he decided to sleep and prepare himself for the next day.