
Fate x Danmachi: The Sword Prince (eng)

Orario, the city of adventurers' paradise. Everyone who comes there has their own ambitions. Some want to become strong, some dream of restoring the pride of their race, and others aspire to become rich and famous. Among them are those who can be considered naive or foolish—those who wish to become Heroes. Of course, Emiya Shirou is one of the foolish ones.

Sikul_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Chapter 29

After the exhausting battle against the Corrupted Spirit, the Loki Familia finally returned to their camp on the 50th floor. Night had fallen, and they all sat around a campfire, feeling the warmth of the flames contrasting with the cold air of the Dungeon. Their faces still showed signs of fatigue, but there was also a sense of relief and victory that filled the atmosphere.

Shirou, still in the process of recovering, sat with the others around the campfire. He couldn't avoid the attention that was directed toward him. Tonight, everyone wanted to discuss the battle, especially Shirou's significant contribution to defeating such a powerful enemy.

Tiona was the first to break the silence with a wide smile on her face. "Shirou, you were amazing out there! Your attacks… I've never seen anything like that before!" she exclaimed with enthusiasm.

Shirou gave a slight smile, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "I just did what I could. Without all of you, I wouldn't have been able to do it alone."

Bete, who was usually cynical, nodded in agreement, even though he didn't say much. "You did well, Emiya. Don't be too modest."

Riveria, sitting not far from Shirou, looked at him with sparkling eyes. There was a clear admiration on her face. "Shirou, I'm curious about the shield you projected earlier… Rho Aias. It was so strong, even much stronger than the usual barrier magic I use. Could you tell me more about it?"

Shirou gazed at Riveria for a moment before nodding slowly. "Rho Aias is a shield owned by Ajax, a hero from the past. According to legend, the shield was made of seven layers of bull's hide, each layer providing extraordinary protection. Rho Aias is known as a shield that cannot be penetrated by ordinary weapons. Only extremely powerful attacks can break it."

Finn, who had been listening closely, nodded with appreciation. "No wonder that shield was able to withstand such a powerful attack. You really brought something extraordinary to the fight, Shirou."

Tiona then raised her hand with excitement. "And what about the arrow you shot into the sky earlier? That was incredible too! The rain of arrows that destroyed everything in its path—I'm curious, what was that?"

Shirou's smile widened a little, feeling more comfortable discussing the legendary weapons he knew. "That was an attack called Phoebus Catastrophe. The arrow I fired belonged to Atalante, a legendary huntress from the past. Atalante was known as one of the greatest archers ever. Her attack, Phoebus Catastrophe, could create a deadly rain of arrows from a single shot."

Tione, listening attentively, nodded with admiration. "No wonder it could take down so many enemies at once. You really have a lot of tricks up your sleeve, Shirou."

Finn, usually calm and composed, looked at Shirou with deep curiosity. "Shirou, I must say I'm very impressed with your abilities. You can project legendary weapons from past heroes. How do you see or know all these legendary weapons?"

Shirou paused for a moment, contemplating Finn's question. He knew that this might lead to a deeper explanation about himself and his abilities, something he wasn't ready to fully share yet. But before he could answer, Finn quickly continued, sensing Shirou's hesitation.

"But you don't have to answer that if you feel uncomfortable, Shirou. Every adventurer has their secrets. What's important is that we can trust and work together." Finn smiled warmly, showing that he wouldn't force Shirou to open up more than he wanted to.

Shirou smiled gratefully, feeling relieved that Finn understood. "Thank you, Finn. I appreciate that. Maybe one day, I'll tell you everything. But for now... let this be part of our journey together."

Riveria looked at Shirou with understanding. "Whenever you're ready, we'll listen, Shirou. But you don't have to rush. The important thing is that we all came back safely."

Aiz, who had been quiet until now, also gave a short nod to Shirou, indicating that she respected his decision.

Tiona then chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, whatever your secret is, Shirou, we're all really lucky to fight alongside you. You made that battle a bit more… epic!" she said with a big smile.

Shirou felt his heart warm with the support and understanding shown by his comrades. "I'm lucky to be here with you all too. Maybe when we return to the Twilight Manor, I'll share more. With Loki."

Everyone around the campfire nodded in agreement, feeling that even though great challenges awaited them in the future, they had strengthened their bond as a team. That night, in the warmth of the campfire, they all felt a little closer to each other, confident that no matter what came next, they would face it together.

That night, after everyone in the Loki Familia camp had fallen asleep, Aiz remained awake. Despite her body being tired from the fierce battle against the Corrupted Spirit, her mind was still filled with curiosity about Shirou. There was something about him that made her want to know more—not just about his power, but also about who he really was.

After a while of pondering, Aiz decided to leave her tent. The night air on the 50th floor of the Dungeon was cold and quiet, but it didn't deter her. She stepped out, and it didn't take long before she found Shirou sitting alone, gazing at the dark ceiling of the Dungeon. The dimming campfire illuminated his face softly, creating shadows that added to his mysterious aura.

Aiz hesitated for a moment before approaching him. "Shirou...," she called softly, not wanting to startle him.

Shirou turned and gave a faint smile when he saw Aiz. "Aiz, you're not asleep yet?" he asked, although he could already guess the reason.

Aiz shook her head slightly. "I... couldn't sleep," she replied honestly. She then sat down next to Shirou, also looking up at the Dungeon's ceiling. "There are so many things I want to ask... about your story. Can you tell me a little?"

Shirou remained silent for a moment, considering Aiz's request. He knew that his story was hard to believe, even for an adventurer like Aiz. "My story... might be difficult to believe, Aiz. I'm not sure you'll understand it."

However, Aiz looked at Shirou seriously, then gently held his hand. "I will believe... whatever you tell me, Shirou," Aiz said with a voice full of conviction, her golden eyes shining in the dark.

Shirou was surprised by Aiz's sincerity. There was no sign of doubt on her face. After a moment, Shirou finally smiled mischievously, feeling that maybe it was time to reveal a bit of the secret he had been keeping.

"Alright, Aiz," Shirou said in a light yet honest tone. "I come from another world."

Hearing those words, Aiz's eyes widened, and her mouth opened slightly. "Another world...?" she asked in a confused voice, trying to process what Shirou had just said. "How is that possible...?"

Shirou gave a small smile, seeing Aiz's reaction, who seemed unable to grasp the concept. "I know, it sounds strange, even unbelievable. But it's the truth. The world I knew is very different from this one."

Aiz was silent for a moment, trying to connect what she had just heard. Even though it was hard to believe, she knew Shirou wouldn't lie to her. However, before she could respond further, Shirou suddenly looked at her seriously.

"But...," Aiz continued with a slightly flushed face, "I also have something to confess."

Shirou raised his eyebrows, a little curious about what Aiz was going to say. "Oh? And what is that, Aiz?"

Aiz looked at Shirou with eyes full of honesty and a little embarrassment. "I... am over 1,000 years old."

Those words left Shirou shocked. "Wait... what?!" he exclaimed, almost unable to believe what he had just heard. "Seriously...?"

Aiz nodded slowly, her serious expression unchanged. "Yes, I have lived for a very long time... longer than most people can remember."

Now it was Shirou's turn to be silent, trying to process this surprising information. "Over 1,000 years...?" he murmured, still not quite sure he heard it correctly.

Seeing Shirou's shocked reaction, Aiz finally smiled and began to laugh softly. "You're surprised, aren't you?" she said, trying to hold back her laughter.

Shirou, who was usually calm, now looked truly bewildered. "This... this is crazy...," he muttered while scratching his head, trying to comprehend the situation. "I never expected to hear something like this from anyone."

Aiz, now feeling a bit more at ease after revealing her secret, looked at Shirou with a gentle smile. "We both have stories that are hard to believe, Shirou. Maybe that's why we can understand each other."

Shirou, who was initially shocked, finally laughed softly with Aiz. "Maybe you're right, Aiz. This world is indeed full of surprises."

They both eventually lay down next to each other, staring at the dark ceiling of the Dungeon. Aiz, now feeling calmer, glanced at Shirou from the corner of her eye.

"Maybe... we should wait until we're back at Twilight Manor to hear more of the story," Aiz said softly, sensing there was much they still had to share with each other.

Shirou nodded, agreeing with Aiz's suggestion. "Yeah, that's a good idea. There's still a lot we need to talk about, but for now, let's just enjoy this peace."

With a comfortable silence between them, Shirou and Aiz lay side by side, feeling closer to each other after sharing some of their secrets. That night, amidst the darkness and quiet of the Dungeon, they both felt like they had found someone they could truly trust, even though their worlds were different.

After a long and exhausting journey, Loki Familia and Hephaestus Familia finally arrived at the 18th floor, one of the safe zones in the Dungeon. Although this place was safer compared to the other floors, they were not entirely free from problems. On their way here, some of their lower-level members were infected with a dangerous poison from the Poison Vermis they encountered along the way.

Upon reaching the 18th floor, both Familias quickly set up camp to give their injured members time to rest and recover. However, many members lay weak, suffering from the rapidly spreading poison in their bodies.

Shirou and Lefiya, who had some knowledge of medicine and healing magic, immediately tried to help the members who were in pain. Lefiya knelt beside one of the members, checking for signs of poison in their body with a worried expression.

"The poison is very strong...," Lefiya murmured, placing her hands over one of the victims' wounds and starting to chant a healing spell. "We need to reduce its effects until Bete returns with the antidote."

Shirou stood nearby, preparing potions and bandages, helping as much as he could. "Don't worry, Lefiya," Shirou said, handing a bottle of healing potion to her. "We can handle this. The important thing is to keep them stable until Bete returns."

Lefiya nodded, her eyes full of determination. "Yes, I'll do my best." With full concentration, Lefiya continued her healing chant, making sure her magic had the maximum effect to reduce the pain the victims felt.

Elsewhere in the camp, Finn and Gareth carefully monitored the situation. Finn, always calm, kept a watchful eye on everything happening around them.

"Bete is moving quickly," Finn said, looking toward the exit leading to the surface. "He'll be back with the antidote as soon as possible. Meanwhile, we have to make sure nothing else happens here."

Gareth nodded in agreement, his hand still gripping the large axe, ready to use it if another threat emerged. "We have to stay alert. The 18th floor might be safe, but we can't let our guard down."

Nearby, Tiona and Tione were also busy helping in their own ways, encouraging the injured members and helping distribute the healing potions they had.

"You all have to hang in there, okay?" Tiona said with a cheerful smile to one of the weakened members. "Bete will be back with the antidote soon. Meanwhile, we'll keep you safe."

Tione, standing next to her, added in a serious tone, "Remember, we are Loki Familia. We won't leave anyone behind. Just hold on a little longer."

Shirou continued his tasks calmly, but he couldn't hide the anxiety slowly creeping into his heart. He knew that time was of the essence in this situation. "Lefiya, how are they?" Shirou asked as he checked on another member who was also poisoned.

Lefiya sighed softly, slightly exhausted after chanting spells repeatedly. "They're still holding on, but this poison is tough to handle. I can slow its spread, but without the antidote, we can only delay the inevitable."

Hearing that, Shirou glanced towards the Dungeon entrance, hoping to see signs of Bete's return. "Bete must be moving as fast as he can. We have to trust him."

A little while later, the sound of fast footsteps could be heard from the direction of the entrance to the 18th floor. Bete appeared, running at an incredible speed, carrying several bottles of antidote in his hands. His face showed that he had fought hard to return as quickly as possible.

"I'm back!" Bete shouted loudly, drawing everyone's attention around.

Finn quickly moved towards Bete. "Good job, Bete. Hand those antidotes to Shirou and Lefiya."

Bete promptly handed over the bottles of antidote to Shirou and Lefiya, who immediately began administering doses to the members affected by the poison.

"Drink this," Shirou said gently as he helped one of the members drink the antidote. "You'll feel better soon."

Lefiya did the same, ensuring everyone in need received their antidote as quickly as possible. "This will help flush the poison from your body. Hold on, you'll recover soon."

Gradually, the effects of the poison began to subside, and the members of Loki Familia, who had previously been in pain, started showing signs of recovery. Faces once filled with suffering now appeared relieved.

"Thank you, Bete," Finn said in an appreciative tone. "You arrived just in time."

Bete simply nodded, though his expression remained neutral, clearly pleased that his efforts had paid off.

Shirou smiled slightly, feeling relieved to see the injured members starting to recover. "You did an amazing job, Lefiya," he said, acknowledging her hard work.

Lefiya blushed shyly. "I just did what I could... but we did it."

With all the poisoned members now recovering, the night on the 18th floor became more peaceful.

After Bell, Liliruca, and Welf began to recover and left the Loki Familia's camp to head to Rivira, the atmosphere around the camp became more relaxed. Tiona, who had seen Bell earlier, was still impressed by the young man's progress.

"I really didn't expect Bell to have reached the 18th floor," Tiona said with a smile. "That boy is developing so quickly."

Tione, sitting nearby, nodded while chewing on a piece of fruit. "Yeah, he certainly has an incredible spirit. Not many adventurers can progress that fast."

Lefiya, who had been listening to the conversation, suddenly looked confused. "Why do you call Bell 'Argonaut,' Tiona? Is that a special nickname?" she asked curiously.

Tiona chuckled lightly, happy to share the story. "Oh, you didn't know, Lefiya? Bell was nicknamed 'Argonaut' because he defeated a Minotaur all by himself. It was such a heroic moment, like the story of the hero Argonaut from the legend. After that event, he leveled up to level 2. Imagine, a beginner adventurer who just started managed to defeat a Minotaur and level up that quickly!"

Hearing this, Lefiya was shocked, her eyes widening. "What? Bell is already level 2? And he defeated a Minotaur by himself? That's... incredible! I didn't expect him to achieve something like that."

Tione, who always enjoyed teasing Lefiya, saw the opportunity and smiled mischievously. "Why are you so surprised, Lefiya? You've already seen Shirou when he was still level 1 manage to injure Revis, who is level 6. Remember how he protected us that time?"

Lefiya jolted, her memory flashing back to that tense moment. She clearly remembered Shirou, wearing his Assassin mask, shooting Revis with his Magic Arrow and wounding the powerful enemy with Kanshou and Bakuya. All of this was done to save Aiz and herself, who were gravely injured after being attacked by Revis.

"Yes...," Lefiya murmured, recalling how Shirou, with his courage and skill, fought Revis without hesitation, despite the vast difference in strength between them. "Shirou is truly exceptional... but he's different from Bell. Shirou was already highly trained and had exceptional experience even when he was just level one. Bell... he's still a beginner. So comparing them... it feels unfair."

Tione smiled, seeing Lefiya so serious about this. "Maybe you're right, Lefiya. But that's exactly what makes Bell even more impressive, isn't it? Even as a beginner, he has immense potential. You yourself said Shirou was already an expert at level one, and that's true. But Bell also shows extraordinary determination and courage."

Tiona nodded in agreement, her face full of enthusiasm. "Yeah, Lefiya! Bell might still be a beginner, but with that kind of spirit, who knows how far he can go. I'm really curious to see what he'll become in the future. Maybe he could become a hero like the original Argonaut."

Lefiya listened intently, even though her heart still felt that Shirou was incomparable to Bell. However, she couldn't ignore the fact that Bell had accomplished something very impressive for a beginner.

"You're right, Tiona," Lefiya finally said. "Bell truly shows remarkable bravery. Even as a beginner, he's already doing unimaginable things. I hope he can continue to grow and reach his full potential."

Tione patted Lefiya's shoulder gently, smiling warmly. "That's the spirit, Lefiya. And you know what? With friends like us by his side, Bell will surely continue to grow into a great adventurer."

They all shared a quiet laugh, feeling the warmth of friendship between them. Though they spoke of different people, one thing was clear—both Shirou and Bell were adventurers with great potential and bright futures.

That night, at the Loki Familia campsite, everyone felt more confident that with determination, courage, and cooperation, no challenge was too great to face. Whether it was Bell, Shirou, or anyone among them, they all had important roles in this journey, and together, they would continue to move forward against all the obstacles ahead.

After some time, as the atmosphere at the Loki Familia camp began to calm down, a group of people suddenly appeared in the distance, approaching the camp. The group seemed to be in a hurry, as if they were looking for someone very important to them. As the group got closer, Shirou, who was standing guard around the campsite, quickly recognized a few familiar faces.

Hermes, with the usual sly smile on his face, was leading the group. Beside him, Hestia looked extremely anxious, her eyes filled with worry. Along with them were Asfi and several members of the Takemikazuchi Familia, all appearing to be desperately trying to catch up with the group that had left them earlier.

As soon as they arrived at the camp, Hestia immediately ran towards Shirou, without hesitation. "Bell! Where is Bell?!" Hestia shouted anxiously, her eyes searching for the young man she cared about deeply.

Shirou looked at Hestia calmly, trying to soothe the worry that was evident on her face. "Don't worry, Hestia," Shirou said in a soft but reassuring voice. "Bell is fine. He's in the city of Rivira with his friends, Welf and Lily. They are resting and recovering after a tough battle."

Hearing this, Hestia sighed in relief, though there was still a hint of concern on her face. "Thank goodness...," she murmured, her eyes beginning to shine with gratitude. "I was so worried about Bell. Thank you, Shirou, for watching over them."

Shirou simply gave a small smile, feeling relieved to deliver good news. "No need to thank me. We all just did what needed to be done."

Meanwhile, Hermes stepped forward, his cunning smile still on his face. "Ah, Shirou Emiya, you always seem to be in the right place at the right time," he said, looking at Shirou with a meaningful gaze. "I'm sure Bell is in good hands."

Shirou nodded, but as he stood closer to Hermes and Hestia, he suddenly sensed something strange. There was a distinct scent that he could pick up, something different from the usual smells around the Dungeon.

From Hestia, Shirou could smell a warm hearth aroma that gave him a sense of comfort and protection—a scent vastly different from the damp, cold smells of the Dungeon. It was like the scent of home welcoming someone back after a long journey. Meanwhile, from Hermes, there was a smell similar to bird feathers, perhaps from the messenger birds often seen with him. But more intriguing was another scent that felt similar to the one he had sensed from Syr and Loki—a scent he could only describe as divine.

"A distinct smell...," Shirou murmured to himself, beginning to realize that the people before him were not like ordinary humans. The same scent he had sensed from Syr and Loki made him aware that Hermes and Hestia were also entities far stronger than they appeared.

However, Shirou said nothing about his observation. Instead, he simply nodded politely, realizing that those he was facing were not just ordinary gods and goddesses but very influential beings.

Asfi, who stood behind Hermes, looked at Shirou with a hint of curiosity. "You have an incredible ability to be in the right place and help others, Shirou," she said in a more serious tone. "I'm glad we can count on you to look after Bell and the others."

Shirou returned Asfi's gaze with a small smile. "Thank you, Asfi. I'm just trying to do my best. After all, in this Dungeon, we all need to look out for each other."

Hestia, who still appeared slightly anxious, finally smiled more broadly. "I need to see Bell soon. Thank you again, Shirou. You're a good person," she said sincerely.

Shirou only smiled and nodded. "I'll take you to Rivira. Bell will be happy to see you."

With that, Shirou led Hestia, Hermes, and the rest of their group toward Rivira, ensuring they could meet Bell and the others safely. As they walked, Shirou's thoughts remained focused on the divine scent he had sensed earlier, a reminder that the world he now inhabited was full of mysteries and powers far beyond his understanding.

After making sure Bell was safe in Rivira, Hermes approached Shirou with a meaningful smile on his face. "Shirou, before I go back, could you take me to Finn? I want to discuss a few things with him."

Shirou looked at Hermes with attentive eyes. He could already guess where this conversation was headed. "Of course, Hermes," Shirou replied calmly. "I'll take you to Finn."

As they began walking together towards Finn's location in the camp, Hermes started speaking in a tone as if they were discussing trivial matters. "You know, Shirou, I've been hearing a lot about you lately," Hermes said while looking up at the Dungeon ceiling. "Especially about how you reached level 3 before joining the Loki Familia. That's quite impressive, you know?"

Shirou gave a small smile, guessing that Hermes must have heard this information from Loki herself, who enjoyed playing with false information to stir things up. "Oh, really? I guess that information might be a bit... exaggerated," Shirou responded lightly, trying to avoid any traps Hermes might be setting.

Hermes raised an eyebrow, chuckling. "Oh? So you admit that the information might not be entirely accurate?" he asked, his eyes gleaming with sharp curiosity.

Shirou held back a smile, realizing that Hermes was trying to extract more information from him. "Well, I can't be sure where the information came from, but I can say that what you heard might be wrong," he answered wisely, giving a response that didn't reveal too much.

Hermes nodded with a sly smile but did not give up. "Of course, of course. You're always full of mysteries, Shirou. And I'm sure there are many interesting stories from your expedition to the 59th floor. Finn must have a lot of stories to share. But maybe you could give me a little sneak peek? I'm sure many things happened there, right?"

Shirou remained calm, even though he knew Hermes was trying to find out what really happened during their expedition to the 59th floor. "The expedition was indeed tough, and we faced many challenges. But Finn is the right person to tell all the details. I only played a small part there," Shirou replied modestly, still giving a vague answer.

Hermes chuckled again, admiring the way Shirou elegantly dodged. "You're really good at dodging, Shirou. I like that. But you know, gods have their own ways of finding out what they want to know."

Shirou understood that even though Hermes seemed relaxed, he was actually very serious in his efforts to gather information. But Shirou also knew that trying to lie or give false information to a god was dangerous. "I don't doubt that, Hermes," Shirou said honestly. "That's why I choose to be honest about what I can talk about, and for other things, I prefer to leave it to Finn. He's more experienced in this."

Hermes looked at Shirou with a thoughtful gaze, as if evaluating whether he would continue his attempt to dig deeper. However, after a moment, he just smiled again, this time more softly. "You're right, Shirou. Sometimes it's better to wait and hear directly from the primary source. Finn is indeed very reliable."

Shirou nodded, relieved that Hermes did not push further. "I'm sure Finn will be happy to tell you everything you want to know," Shirou said, glancing toward the camp where Finn was.

As they approached Finn's camp, Shirou turned to Hermes and spoke with a bit of humor, "You know, Hermes, I think I still have a lot to learn about dealing with gods like you. But I will keep trying to do my best."

Hermes smiled widely, nodding with understanding. "That's a good attitude, Shirou. And you've been doing very well so far. I'm sure you will continue to impress us all."

Shirou smiled back, then guided Hermes to Finn. "Let's meet Finn. He will certainly enjoy talking with you."

With that, they finally arrived at where Finn was. Hermes and Finn immediately began talking, while Shirou stood a bit behind, aware that although he had managed to avoid difficult questions, he still had to be vigilant. The gods might play by their own rules, but with determination and cleverness, Shirou knew he could face this challenging world.

After Shirou escorted Hermes to speak with Finn, he felt relieved to have escaped questions that might have been more complicated than he expected. With the intention of returning to the camp and resting for a moment, Shirou decided to take a quieter path to think over the things that had just happened.

However, on the way, he spotted a familiar figure—Filvis Challia. Filvis stood alone under the shadow of a large tree, as if waiting for someone. Seeing her standing there, Shirou decided to greet her.

"Filvis," Shirou called out gently, approaching the elf girl. "Are you looking for Lefiya? I can help you find her if you want."

Filvis turned, momentarily surprised to see Shirou. She nodded slightly and gave a small smile. "Yes, I wanted to meet with Lefiya. But... I also want to talk to you for a moment, Shirou."

Shirou looked at Filvis with curiosity. "Of course, Filvis. Is there something you want to ask me?" He could sense something deeper behind Filvis' eyes, something that made him feel this conversation would be more serious than usual.

Filvis remained silent for a moment, as if searching for the right words. Finally, she spoke carefully, "You once told me about a man named Kiritsugu who saved you during that fire tragedy. I... want to know more about him."

Shirou was silent for a moment, memories of Kiritsugu filled with pain and respect immediately flooding his mind. "Kiritsugu was... someone who meant a lot to me. He was the one who saved me from the fire that destroyed Fuyuki. He pulled me out of that destruction and gave me a new life."

Filvis listened to Shirou with full attention, but when she heard Kiritsugu's name, her expression turned more serious. "And... where is Kiritsugu now?" she asked, her voice soft as if she already knew the answer would be painful.

Shirou looked down for a moment before raising his gaze back to Filvis. "Kiritsugu has been gone for a long time," he answered calmly, though there was a hint of sadness in his voice.

Filvis' eyes widened, clearly shocked by the news. "I... I'm sorry, Shirou," she said, her voice filled with regret. "I didn't know... I didn't mean to remind you of that old wound."

Shirou smiled faintly, shaking his head. "It's alright, Filvis. The memory of Kiritsugu always stays with me, and even though he's gone, I know he still lives on in the principles he passed down to me."

Filvis lowered her head for a moment, then spoke with a more raspy voice. "I understand that feeling...," she said softly. "I was saved too, by Lord Dionysus. But... I often feel an emptiness inside me. Tell me, Shirou... how do you fill that emptiness?"

Shirou looked at Filvis, realizing that this question was more than just casual curiosity. "Filling the emptiness...," he murmured, pondering the question. "Filvis, I never thought about filling that emptiness with anything specific. I just try to live my life in line with Kiritsugu's hopes. He always wanted to be a Defender of Justice, and I'm determined to carry out that hope."

Filvis remained silent, listening to Shirou's words. There was something in those words that seemed to touch her heart. She looked at Shirou with deep intensity, as if trying to understand every word he said. Then, suddenly, she let out a small laugh—a laugh that sounded slightly hysterical, but also filled with hidden despair.

"So... we're the same, aren't we?" Filvis said with a bitter smile. "We... just want to fulfill the wishes of those who saved us. You with Kiritsugu... and me with Lord Dionysus."

Shirou remained silent, realizing that Filvis was right in her observation. "Maybe we are the same, Filvis," he replied softly, looking at her with deep understanding. "But what's important is how we live out that hope. We're not just living for them... we're also living for ourselves."

Filvis stared at Shirou for a moment, then sighed deeply. "You're right, Shirou. But... sometimes I find it hard to find a purpose beyond Lord Dionysus' wishes. You... are stronger than me. You have a clear principle. While I...," her voice trailed off, and she looked at the ground with a confused expression.

Shirou moved closer to Filvis, gently placing his hand on her shoulder. "Filvis, we're all searching for our purpose in life. It's not always easy, and it's not always clear. But you're not alone. We each have our own path, and we can support each other along the way."

Filvis looked up at Shirou, their eyes meeting, and in that moment, there was a deep understanding between them. "Thank you, Shirou," Filvis said at last, her voice softer and calmer. "You're right... we don't have to walk alone."

Shirou smiled and nodded. "Exactly. We don't have to walk alone."

They stood there in silence for a moment, before Filvis gave a small, more genuine smile. "I should go find Lefiya now," she said, turning to leave. "And maybe, next time, we can talk more."

"Of course, Filvis," Shirou replied, feeling relieved to see her a little more at ease. "I'm always here if you need someone to talk to."

With that, Filvis walked away, leaving Shirou alone in the quiet forest. However, Shirou didn't feel alone. He knew that many others, like Filvis, were also struggling with their own burdens, and he was determined to help them as much as he could. As a Defender of Justice, he knew that his duty wasn't just to fight evil, but also to support those who walked difficult paths.

After the conversation with Filvis, Shirou decided to gather some cooking utensils that had been used to prepare food and headed toward the waterfall near the campsite. The waterfall was the ideal spot for washing up since its waters were clear and clean. However, as he approached the area, he noticed Lefiya standing guard near the path leading to the waterfall.

"Lefiya?" Shirou called out, surprised. "What are you doing here?"

Lefiya quickly turned around, her face slightly reddening when she saw Shirou approaching. "Ah, Shirou...," she responded somewhat awkwardly. "I'm standing guard here... because right now, the girls are bathing in the waterfall."

Shirou immediately understood the situation and stopped in his tracks. "Oh, sorry. I didn't know. I was just coming to wash these cooking utensils," he said, lifting the utensils in his hands to show his intention.

Lefiya gave a small smile, relieved that Shirou didn't take the situation the wrong way. "It's alright. If you don't mind, I can wash the cooking utensils later when it's my turn to bathe," she offered kindly.

Shirou felt grateful for Lefiya's offer. "Thank you, Lefiya. You're very helpful," he said with a smile. "I'll head back to the camp now, so take your time. No rush."

Lefiya nodded, smiling understandingly. "Don't worry, Shirou. I'll take care of it after this."

With that, Shirou turned and began walking back toward the camp, leaving Lefiya to guard the area. However, on his way back, Shirou suddenly heard the soft and careful footsteps of someone sneaking through the nearby bushes. His instincts immediately told him that something was amiss, and when he looked closer, he saw Hermes sneaking toward the waterfall with a mischievous grin on his face.

Behind him, Bell was following with a confused expression, clearly unaware of what was going on.

"Hermes? Bell?" Shirou called out suspiciously, immediately stopping their steps. "What are you two doing here?"

Hermes jumped, startled for a moment, but quickly recovered his mischievous smile. "Oh, Shirou...! We were just... err... enjoying the beautiful scenery around the waterfall. Right, Bell?" Hermes replied casually, though it was clear there was a hidden intention behind his words.

Bell, who seemed oblivious to what was really happening, just nodded awkwardly. "Um, yeah... Hermes-sama said there was something interesting to see...," he said, still confused.

Shirou quickly understood Hermes' true intentions, and without hesitation, he stood in front of both of them, blocking the path to the waterfall. "Hermes, I don't know what you're planning, but I can't let you go there now," Shirou said firmly. "The female members of the Loki Familia are bathing there. You won't be allowed to get close."

Upon hearing that, Bell's face immediately turned red as he realized the situation. "W-What?! I... I didn't know! I'm so sorry!" Bell exclaimed in a panic, stepping back quickly and bowing deeply in apology.

Hermes, on the other hand, simply sighed and gave Shirou an annoyed look. "Ah, Shirou... you're such a killjoy," he said while spitting to the side, clearly disappointed that his plan had been foiled. "A little fun wouldn't hurt you, you know."

Shirou remained unaffected by Hermes' comment and stood his ground. "This isn't about fun, Hermes. It's about respecting others' privacy. If you want to enjoy the view, there are plenty of other places in the Dungeon you can explore," Shirou replied sternly.

Bell, still embarrassed, kept apologizing. "I really didn't know... I'm so sorry, Shirou-san!" he said, feeling deeply guilty for getting involved without understanding the situation.

Shirou gently patted Bell on the shoulder, offering a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Bell. I know you had no ill intentions. But remember, always be cautious and ask first before following someone, especially if it's Hermes," he said with a slight chuckle, trying to ease Bell's embarrassment.

Bell nodded quickly, still looking flustered but relieved that Shirou wasn't angry with him.

Hermes, though mildly annoyed, eventually gave up and raised his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright. You win this time, Shirou. I'll find my fun elsewhere," he said, turning to leave. "Come on, Bell. Let's head back before anyone else shows up."

Bell reluctantly followed Hermes, still feeling embarrassed. "Thank you, Shirou-san...," he whispered as they walked away.

Shirou let out a long sigh after they left, feeling relieved that he had managed to prevent an unwanted incident. "Hermes really needs to be more responsible," he muttered to himself before heading back to camp.

Although the incident was small, Shirou felt he had done the right thing. For him, respecting others' privacy and dignity was incredibly important, and he was glad that Bell, even unintentionally, had learned something from the experience.

A few days passed quickly, and the lower-leveled members of the Loki Familia who had been injured finally recovered fully. The atmosphere at the camp on the 18th floor lightened, with everyone preparing to head back to the surface. However, before Loki Familia departed, Bell Cranel came to say his goodbyes.

Shirou and Aiz were standing at the edge of the camp when Bell approached them, accompanied by Lily and Welf. Bell's face showed a hint of sadness at the thought of parting, but also a determination to continue his own adventure.

"Shirou-san, Aiz-san," Bell called, drawing their attention. "I just wanted to thank you again for everything you did. Without you, my friends and I might not have made it out of here."

Shirou gave a warm smile and gently patted Bell's shoulder. "There's no need to thank me, Bell. You did great on your own. You have a lot of potential, and I'm sure you'll continue to grow into a fine adventurer."

Aiz nodded in agreement, her usually calm face showing a slight smile. "Bell, you've become strong. Keep training and never give up. The world is full of challenges, but I believe you can face them."

Bell was touched by their words, bowing deeply out of respect. "Thank you, Shirou-san, Aiz-san. I'll do my best!" he said with determined resolve.

Lily and Welf also expressed their gratitude to Shirou and Aiz. "We owe you, Shirou," Welf said seriously. "You helped me and my friends when we needed it most."

Lily smiled sweetly, her eyes full of gratitude. "Yes, thank you so much, Shirou-san. I hope one day we can repay your kindness."

Shirou simply smiled and shook his head. "We're all in the Dungeon together, and helping each other is what we should do. But I'm sure you'll all grow stronger. Take care, Bell. And you too, Lily, Welf."

After saying their farewells, Bell, Lily, and Welf headed back towards Rivira, while Loki Familia prepared to continue their journey to the surface. As they started to move, Shirou watched Bell walking away. "Safe travels, Bell," he whispered softly before turning his attention back to the tasks at hand.

The journey back to the surface went smoothly. On the 17th floor, they encountered the floor boss, Goliath, one of the greatest challenges on that level. However, with their strength and experience, Loki Familia easily defeated Goliath. Finn led the charge with strategic precision, while Bete, Tiona, and Tione unleashed their full power, crushing Goliath in no time.

"Good job, everyone," Finn said after the battle. "Let's keep moving. We're almost at the surface."

Aiz wiped the sweat from her brow, looking at the fallen Goliath. "This fight feels easier now," she said to Shirou, who stood beside her.

Shirou nodded in agreement. "Yeah. We've all gotten stronger. And with teamwork like this, nothing can stop us."

With high spirits, Loki Familia continued their journey. They moved swiftly and eagerly, and finally, after a long trek, they arrived at Twilight Manor.

The grand, imposing building greeted them warmly, giving them a sense of relief after their arduous expedition in the Dungeon.

Loki, who had been waiting at the entrance with some members who hadn't joined the expedition, leaped in excitement when she saw them return. "You're finally back!" she cheered with a broad grin. "I bet you have some great stories from this trip."

Finn nodded, smiling at Loki. "That's true. But more importantly, we all made it back safely. This expedition went well thanks to everyone's cooperation."

Loki then gave Shirou a meaningful smile. "And you, Shirou... I heard you really showed your stuff this time. I can't wait to hear all the stories from this expedition."

Shirou gave a faint smile, nodding to Loki. "I just did my best, Loki. And I'm sure there's a lot we can discuss later."

They all shared a light laugh, happy to have returned home safely. With smiles on their faces, Loki Familia entered Twilight Manor, ready to rest and prepare for the next adventure that was sure to come.

After arriving at Twilight Manor and resting for a while, Shirou decided to visit Loki in her room. Something had been weighing on his mind since the expedition, and he knew he needed to talk to Loki, especially about his feelings towards the Familia members.

As Shirou entered Loki's room, he saw the goddess lounging in a comfortable chair, looking more relaxed than usual. Loki smiled widely as she saw Shirou walk in.

"Shirou! You finally came!" Loki exclaimed cheerfully. "I heard you did an amazing job during the expedition. Thank you so much for protecting the others."

Shirou stood at the doorway for a moment, gazing at Loki with thoughtful eyes. There was something urgent he needed to ask, something deeply important for him to understand Loki's true feelings towards her Familia members.

"Loki," Shirou said quietly, stepping closer. "Can I ask you something that might be... a bit sensitive?"

Loki looked at Shirou with slight curiosity, though her smile remained. "Of course, Shirou. You can ask me anything," she replied, her tone softer.

Shirou took a deep breath before continuing. "During my time here, I've seen how you interact with the Familia members. You're always cheerful and full of energy. But... I can't help but wonder... Do you truly care for them? Or do you just see us as toys? I mean, gods live forever, while we... our lives are so short compared to yours."

Hearing that question, Loki's expression immediately shifted. Her smile faded, and her eyes reflected an emotion rarely seen. There was anger rising inside her, but more than that, there was hurt.

"Shirou," Loki said, her voice trembling slightly, holding back her rising emotions. "Do you really think that? That I see you all as toys? How could you think that after everything we've been through together?"

Shirou stayed silent, feeling the pressure of Loki's reaction, but he still wanted to hear her honest answer.

Loki stood up from her chair, gazing at Shirou seriously, her face full of emotions that were usually hidden behind her playful smile. "You're not dolls to me, Shirou! You're my family! Every member of the Familia means the world to me. Maybe your lives are shorter compared to ours, but that's exactly why the time I spend with you is so precious. I cherish every moment with you all, and I feel happy to protect you, to help you grow, and to see you achieve your dreams."

Shirou's eyes widened upon hearing Loki's words, sensing the sincerity and pain behind them. He hadn't expected her to react so strongly.

"I... I didn't mean to hurt you, Loki," Shirou said quietly, lowering his head a bit. "I just... I just wanted to make sure we matter to you. Sometimes, it's hard to understand the feelings of a god who lives forever."

Loki's gaze softened, though traces of her earlier anger remained in her eyes. "I get why you might doubt it, Shirou. But believe me, I truly care about all of you. You're the reason I came down to this world. Without you, an eternal life in heaven wouldn't mean anything to me."

Shirou remained silent, listening to Loki. In his mind, he started comparing Loki to the Norse gods in the legends of his world. In those stories, Loki was often portrayed as deceitful and untrustworthy. But the Loki standing before him now was different. He felt that she was genuinely sincere in her feelings toward her Familia members.

After a brief silence, Shirou finally lifted his head and looked at Loki with sincerity. "Thank you, Loki. I feel better hearing it directly from you. And I want you to know that I believe in you. I trust that you care about us, and I respect that."

Loki smiled again, this time with a warmer, more genuine smile. "That's better, Shirou. And I trust you too. I know you carry a lot of burdens on your shoulders, and I appreciate everything you do to protect the others."

Feeling relieved, Shirou nodded. "Loki... there's something important I need to tell you. But... maybe not right now. I need some time to prepare myself. But I promise, I'll tell you someday."

Loki looked at him curiously but nodded with understanding. "I won't pressure you, Shirou. You can tell me whenever you're ready. I'll be waiting."

Shirou gave a small smile, feeling more at peace after their conversation. "Thank you, Loki. I'll keep doing my best for this Familia."

Loki gently patted his shoulder, showing her affection. "And I'll always support you, Shirou. We're family, and family always supports each other."

With a lighter heart, Shirou left Loki's room. Though there were still many things he needed to share, particularly about his past and the secrets he kept, Shirou felt that Loki was someone he could trust. And perhaps, one day, he would be ready to open up fully to the goddess who not only led the Familia but truly cared about him.

After their deep conversation, Shirou felt a bit more at ease. However, he knew the main reason for visiting Loki's room this time was to update his status after the successful expedition in the Dungeon. Calmly, Shirou sat in the prepared chair, while Loki got ready to begin the status update.

"Alright, Shirou," Loki said cheerfully, trying to restore the light atmosphere after their serious talk. "Let's see how far you've progressed after this expedition!"

Shirou nodded, and without much fuss, he pulled up the back of his shirt, revealing his back so Loki could place the status paper.

Loki placed her hand on Shirou's back and began the status update using her divine power. Suddenly, she stopped, and her eyes widened in surprise.

"Huh? Wait a second...," Loki mumbled, a bit confused as she looked at the changes on the status paper. She double-checked, making sure she saw it correctly.

Then, unable to contain herself, she shouted excitedly, "Level up!"

Shirou, who hadn't yet seen his status, turned slightly with a surprised expression. "What? Level up?" he asked, astonished, as he hadn't expected his progress to be so rapid.

Loki grinned broadly, clearly proud of what she saw. "Yes, you heard it right, Shirou! You've leveled up to 4 now!" she said excitedly. "And look at this, you reached SSS rank again in several of your attributes! You're truly incredible, Shirou!"

Shirou felt a bit bewildered but also pleased to hear the news. "I... I didn't expect to reach level 4 this soon," he said modestly, though inside he felt proud of his achievement.

Now bubbling with excitement, Loki showed Shirou the newly updated status paper. "Look at this, Shirou! Your attributes have skyrocketed during that expedition. And now, you have the opportunity to choose Development Abilities at level 4!"

Shirou focused on the status paper, carefully reading the details of his progress. He had indeed worked hard, and seeing the results now gave him a sense of satisfaction.

Loki continued with enthusiasm, "Now you have several options for Development Abilities. You can pick something that suits your combat style or enhances your unique abilities. So, what are you thinking?"

Shirou pondered for a moment, considering his choices carefully. Each Development Ability had great potential to strengthen him further, but he wanted to ensure his choice aligned with his goals.

"Hmm...," Shirou murmured, thinking hard. "I want something that can enhance my projection ability, maybe something that boosts my durability or attack power. Is there anything that fits that, Loki?"

Loki nodded, her face beaming with pride. "Of course! There are a few options perfect for you. For instance, there's Forge, which boosts your ability to use or create stronger weapons. Or perhaps Mage, which would further enhance your magic power. You could also choose Strong Body to strengthen your physical endurance in battle."

Shirou pondered a bit longer, weighing the options. He knew that his projection and weapon use were vital in combat. Forge seemed like the ideal choice, but Mage could also be highly useful given how often he relied on magic in fights.

Finally, after some thought, Shirou made his decision. "I think... Forge would be the right choice. It'll help me strengthen my weapon projections and make the weapons I use more effective in battle."

Loki grinned widely, agreeing with his choice. "Great pick, Shirou! Forge will really amplify your unique abilities. With that, the weapons you project will be stronger and more durable."

Shirou nodded confidently. "Thank you, Loki. I'll make sure to use this ability to its fullest."

Loki patted his shoulder proudly. "That's the spirit I expect from my best member! You've made great strides, Shirou, and I can't wait to see what you'll achieve next."

Shirou smiled warmly, feeling relieved and excited for the challenges ahead. Although his journey was far from over, he knew that with his new abilities, he'd be able to protect those he cared about and continue pursuing his dream of becoming a true Defender of Justice.

Shirou's Status

Level 3:

Strength: C(634) - SSS(1342)

Endurance: C(657) - SSS(1490)

Dexterity: B(700) - SSS(1423)

Agility: C(632) - SSS(1234)

Magic: B(721) - SSS(1599)

Archer: I - H

Magic Resistance: I - G




Underdog: Reduces excelia gained when facing weaker opponents, and increases excelia gained when fighting stronger opponents.

After Shirou's status update and word of their achievements spread, Loki decided to throw a grand celebration at Twilight Manor. The atmosphere was filled with joy, laughter, and excitement, especially after the successful expedition and the tremendous progress made by members of the Loki Familia.

In the main hall, tables were laden with food and drinks, and the Familia members gathered to celebrate their achievements. Loki, holding a glass of wine, jumped onto one of the tables and called for everyone's attention.

"Hey, everyone! Let's celebrate our big victory this time!" Loki shouted with a wide grin. "Not only did we complete the expedition, but some of us have reached important milestones!"

The room erupted in cheers. Bete, Tiona, and Tione, who had just reached level 6, were visibly proud and full of energy. Tiona, especially, was jumping up and down excitedly, unable to contain her joy.

"I still can't believe we finally hit level 6!" Tiona shouted, raising her fist in the air. "It's amazing!"

Tione smiled, calmer but equally proud. "All our hard work has paid off. And the best part is, we did it together."

Bete, looking more relaxed than usual, smirked. "Hmph, of course I leveled up. There was never any doubt. But it's good to see the rest of you keep up with me," he said, though it was clear he was also proud of his achievement.

On the other side of the hall, Shirou was surrounded by fellow Familia members, all congratulating him on reaching level 4. Though not used to being the center of attention, Shirou smiled warmly and humbly accepted their congratulations.

"Thank you, everyone," Shirou said with a slight bow. "I couldn't have achieved this without all of your support."

Aiz, standing beside Shirou, looked at him with a small smile. "You've worked hard, Shirou. You deserve it."

Shirou turned to Aiz and nodded. "Thank you, Aiz. But I know this is just the beginning. There's still a lot to do."

As the celebration continued, Lefiya approached Shirou, her expression slightly uncertain despite the small smile on her face. "Shirou-san... I also want to congratulate you on your achievement. You're truly amazing," she said softly.

Shirou looked at Lefiya with gratitude. "Thank you, Lefiya. I heard you also made great progress during this expedition."

Lefiya nodded, but there was a hint of hesitation in her gaze. "Actually... I could level up to 4 now, too. But I decided to wait," Lefiya said quietly.

Shirou was a little surprised. "Wait? Why did you choose to wait, Lefiya? You've worked so hard."

Lefiya gave a faint smile, though there was some frustration in her expression. "I... I want my Magic stat to reach rank S before leveling up. I feel it's important, especially since magic is my main strength. If I can reach rank S in Magic, I'll feel more prepared for the next challenges."

Shirou nodded in understanding. "That's a wise decision, Lefiya. You know what's best for yourself, and there's nothing wrong with waiting until you feel truly ready. I'm sure you'll reach rank S soon, and when you do, you'll be even stronger than before."

Lefiya seemed a bit more relieved, hearing Shirou's support. "Thank you, Shirou-san. Your words really give me encouragement. I'll keep training and working toward my goal."

Shirou smiled warmly. "I believe in you, Lefiya. And if you ever need help or support, you know you can always count on all of us."

With high spirits and a strong sense of camaraderie, the night was filled with celebration and happiness. Everyone in Loki Familia felt a great sense of accomplishment, but they also knew their journey wasn't over. More challenges lay ahead, and they were ready to face them together as a strong and unbeatable Familia.

After the celebration ended, the atmosphere in Twilight Manor calmed down. The members of Loki Familia, heavy with both joy and drink, started falling asleep one by one, scattered throughout the main hall and the manor's hallways. As usual, Shirou and Riveria, who remained sober, took on the task of helping those too drunk to walk back to their rooms.

Shirou quietly lifted the half-conscious Tiona and helped carry her to her room. Riveria walked beside him, carrying a tipsy Finn, who was grinning widely and mumbling praises about how great their team was. After carefully placing Finn in his bed, Riveria turned to Shirou with a smile.

"You really never get drunk, do you, Shirou?" Riveria asked teasingly.

Shirou just shook his head with a slight smile. "I prefer to stay clear-headed, especially in situations like this. Besides, someone has to make sure everyone gets back safely," he replied calmly.

After a moment of silence as they continued their tasks, Riveria looked at Shirou thoughtfully. "You know, Shirou… if word gets out that you reached level 4 in just three months, you'll become an overnight celebrity in Orario. Everyone will be talking about you."

Shirou frowned, thinking about it for a moment. He could imagine the pressure he'd face if he suddenly became the center of attention. "That sounds like a nightmare to me, Riveria," Shirou said with a wry smile. "I don't want to live under everyone's spotlight. I'd rather work from the shadows, doing what needs to be done without attracting attention."

Riveria chuckled softly at Shirou's answer, then continued, "You always hide your strength, Shirou. Is that a habit of a Magus? You seem so used to concealing what you're truly capable of."

Shirou was silent for a moment, considering Riveria's question. Magi were indeed known for keeping their powers hidden from ordinary people, guarding the secrets of magic closely. However, he realized that his habit might have more to do with Archer's influence, who always believed that information was power.

"Maybe," Shirou finally replied, without revealing much more. "Hiding one's strength can be an advantage in many situations. After all, it's better if the enemy doesn't know everything we can do."

Riveria gazed at Shirou for a moment, trying to gauge how much he was willing to share. However, she simply smiled slightly and didn't push him to say more. "You're right, Shirou. In this world, information is indeed a valuable power. But..." she paused briefly, looking at Shirou gently, "what about your friends? Do you think they should be left in the dark too?"

Shirou fell silent, feeling Riveria's words hit something deep within him. All this time, he had been trying to protect those around him by hiding his strength, but he also knew that trust and cooperation were key to surviving in such a dangerous world.

"Maybe you're right, Riveria," Shirou said quietly after a moment. "Maybe I need to be more open with those I trust. My strength shouldn't just be my own secret."

Riveria smiled softly, pleased with Shirou's response. "That's what friends are for, Shirou. We're all here to support you, just as you support us. If you're comfortable, let us share that burden with you. That way, your strength becomes our strength too."

Shirou reflected for a moment, recognizing the truth in Riveria's words. He nodded, feeling more at peace after the conversation. "I'll think about it, Riveria. Thanks for the advice."

Riveria patted Shirou's shoulder warmly. "That's what friends are for, Shirou. We're all here for each other."

That night, after finishing their tasks, Shirou returned to his room with a calmer mind. He knew that in the future, there were many things he would need to reveal to his friends in the Loki Familia. But for now, he felt at peace with his decision to gradually open up, starting with the people he trusted the most. With this newfound resolve, Shirou fell asleep with a small smile on his face, ready to face tomorrow with a stronger sense of determination.

The next morning, Shirou woke up in his room at Twilight Manor. The soft morning sunlight streamed through the window, filling the room with a comforting warmth. Although his body was refreshed after a night's rest, his mind was still filled with thoughts of the conversation he'd had with Riveria the night before.

Shirou sat on the edge of his bed, looking out the window. His thoughts drifted back to the past, to Archer—the future version of himself he had encountered during the Holy Grail War. Archer was someone who always worked alone, choosing to keep his powers hidden because he believed that information was power. He always kept his distance from others, never truly opening up, because he knew that in his world, trust was fragile and could easily be broken.

"Archer..." Shirou muttered softly, recalling the face that resembled his own, but with eyes full of weariness and cynicism. "You chose to walk alone because you believed it was best, because you couldn't trust anyone but yourself."

Shirou sighed deeply, thinking about Archer's fate. Archer, a hero who had saved many people, had ultimately been betrayed by those he had saved. This made him bitter and lose faith in humanity, leading him to choose a path of solitude and darkness.

"I can understand why you did that," Shirou continued, speaking as if Archer could hear him. "You were hurt, betrayed by the very people you were supposed to protect. So you decided not to open your heart to anyone anymore. But..." Shirou paused for a moment, his eyes shifting to the door of his room, where he knew his friends were starting a new day outside.

"But I don't have to follow the same path," Shirou said, this time with more conviction in his voice. "I have comrades I can trust. Riveria, Aiz, Tiona, Tione... even Loki. They've all proven that they care about me, that they're a family who won't abandon me."

Shirou was silent for a moment, reflecting on how lucky he was compared to Archer. Even though the world he was in was full of danger, he didn't have to face it alone. He had friends who were always by his side, ready to support him no matter what.

"Archer may have felt he had to hide his strength because he was always alone," Shirou thought. "But I'm different. I have people I can trust, who won't betray me. They're my family in this world, and I don't need to hide who I really am from them."

Shirou stood up from his bed, feeling his resolve grow stronger. He knew that to protect those he cared about, he would need to be more open and trust his friends. With that trust, they could all become stronger together.

"Archer," Shirou said, his voice almost like a prayer, "you chose your path, but I will choose mine. I won't be alone like you. I will walk alongside those I trust, and I know they'll always be by my side."

With that thought, Shirou felt a weight lift from his heart. He was ready to face the day with the knowledge that he didn't have to walk this journey alone, that he had a family who would always be there for him.

Shirou then walked to the door, ready to turn a new page in his life in this world. With a smile, he left his room, prepared to face whatever challenges came his way, with his friends by his side and full trust in his heart.

That morning, Shirou felt the time had come. After deep reflection, he realized it was finally time to reveal the secrets of his past to Loki Familia, especially to those who had supported him all this time. With determined steps, he headed towards the meeting room in Twilight Manor, where Loki and the core members of the Familia often gathered to discuss strategies and plans.

When Shirou entered the room, Loki was lounging in her chair, casually sipping a glass of wine. Upon seeing Shirou, she flashed a mischievous smile, though there was also a hint of concern in her eyes. "Ah, Shirou! What brings you here so early? Is there something you want to talk about?"

Shirou looked at Loki with a strong sense of resolve. "Loki... I'm ready. I want to reveal my past. I think it's time to tell you everything."

Hearing that, Loki's smile shifted to a more serious expression. She knew Shirou rarely spoke about his origins, so this had to be important. "Oh? Alright then. This should be interesting. I'll call the others."

It didn't take long for Finn, Bete, Gareth, Riveria, Aiz, Lefiya, Tiona, and Tione to gather in the room. They sat calmly, though some of them looked curious about what was going to be discussed.

Shirou scratched his head, unsure where to begin, despite being the one who had called them. Sensing his hesitation, Riveria gave a gentle smile and said, "There's no rush, Shirou. We'll wait for you."

Shirou smiled at Riveria's calming words. Feeling more at ease, he began to speak. "I've gathered you all to hear about my past before I arrived in Orario." Then, he gestured toward Loki. "I didn't tell you on the 50th floor because my story is hard to believe. And Loki can verify the truth of my words because a mortal cannot lie to a god."

Loki nodded, intrigued by the direction of the conversation. "So, what's this story of yours that you need a god to back up?" she asked, her eyes reflecting deep curiosity.

Shirou took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. He repeated the words he had once said to Aiz on the 50th floor. "I come from another world. A world very different from this one."

The meeting room fell silent for a moment. Everyone processed the new information they had just heard, except for Aiz, who already knew. Shirou himself felt his heart race, waiting for their reactions.

Loki was the first to respond. Her eyes widened as she quickly approached Shirou. "WHAT? Another world? Do you mean a parallel world or something?"

Shirou nodded. "Something like that. Do the gods here know about this?" Shirou took the opportunity to learn the limits of divine power in this world.

Loki scratched her chin, thinking for a moment. "While every god has a unique Arcanum, I've never heard of one that can affect the boundaries of dimensions." Then, her mischievous smile returned. "Did you piss off some god in your world, and they kicked you here?"

Shirou gave a wry smile and responded with equally shocking information. "In my world, the age of gods has ended. No gods walk the earth anymore. I come from the age of humanity."

Tiona, unable to contain her surprise, immediately asked, "What? How do you fight monsters without the gods' help?"

Shirou smiled bitterly and explained, "There are no monsters. No dwarves, no elves, no other intelligent creatures besides humans."

Bete smirked and spoke in a mocking tone, "So, you lived peacefully, right? No monsters to attack you at any time."

Shirou could only nod, though deep inside, he knew that in his original world, civilians in war zones feared something even worse than monsters—bombs that could fall from the sky at any moment, destroying everything.

Finn raised an eyebrow, asking the most important question on everyone's mind. "So, how did you end up in this world?"

Shirou sighed deeply before answering. "In short, it was all because of an artifact called the Holy Grail. An artifact that can grant any wish."

Loki looked shocked, her eyes full of curiosity. "What's this Holy Grail?" she asked, clearly interested in such a powerful object.

Shirou began to explain. "The Holy Grail is a mystical item at the center of something called the Holy Grail War. In this war, mages summon Heroic Spirits—the souls of legendary heroes—to fight for control of the Grail. But there's a price—the heroes are sacrificed for the participants' wishes to be fulfilled."

Aiz, hearing the term "Heroic Spirit," looked confused. "Are they like the Corrupted Spirits we fought on the 59th floor?"

Shirou shook his head. "No, it's different. Heroic Spirits are the souls of people who had a significant impact on the world's history. They're summoned to fight as heroes, but they aren't corrupted like the ones we fought. They're legends who live on in human memory."

Riveria, listening closely, gazed at Shirou with deep curiosity. "Then why did you participate in the Holy Grail War, Shirou? Did you have a wish you wanted granted by the Grail?"

Shirou shook his head slightly, smiling somewhat wearily as he recalled those days. "Actually, I didn't mean to get involved. I was dragged into the war when I accidentally summoned the Servant Saber while being chased by the Servant Lancer. I didn't have a wish that needed the Grail. In fact, I wanted to end the Holy Grail War without any loss of life."

Hearing this, Riveria nodded gently, satisfied with Shirou's answer. It aligned with the Shirou she had come to know—someone who always tried to protect others, even in a world that wasn't his own.

Gareth, who had been sitting with his arms crossed, asked in a curious tone, "Servants? Saber? Lancer? What are they?"

Shirou took a moment to gather his thoughts, trying to explain the complex concept simply. "Servants are Heroic Spirits—legendary heroes summoned to fight. They're divided into seven classes: Saber, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker. Each Servant has unique powers based on their legend. They fight as the Servants of the mages who summon them, known as Masters."

Tiona, always full of energy, looked extremely intrigued. "Wow, legendary heroes, huh? So, who was Saber, the one you summoned, Shirou?"

Shirou smiled a little. "Usually, Servants hide their true identity because if their identity is revealed, their strengths and weaknesses can be figured out from their legend. But I can tell you a little. The Saber I summoned was one of the most famous heroes in my world… King Arthur. But, in my world, he wasn't a man. Saber was a woman."

The room went silent again for a moment, processing this astonishing new information.

Lefiya then asked in a curious tone, "What about the other Servants? Did you meet other heroes?"

Shirou nodded, remembering each of the Servants he encountered. "Yes, there were several. One of them was Berserker, the spirit of the famous hero Heracles, son of the god Zeus. Then there was Caster, a powerful sorceress who was actually Medea, a witch from Greek mythology. And… Archer, the legendary first hero, Gilgamesh, son of the goddess Ninsun, who possessed everything in the world. Many of his weapons, I copied."

Inside, Shirou hesitated to explain Archer Emiya, the future version of himself, as it would lead to complicated questions.

Loki suddenly looked shocked, her eyes widening. "Wait, wait! In your world, gods and goddesses could have biological children, like Heracles and Gilgamesh?"

Shirou nodded, smiling a little at Loki's surprised reaction. "Yes, in that era, gods often interacted directly with humans. Some of them had children with humans, like Heracles, who was the son of Zeus."

Tione, leaning back, suddenly asked in a serious tone, "So, did you end up here because of someone else's wish for the Holy Grail?"

Shirou chuckled lightly, shaking his head. "No, actually, the Holy Grail in my war malfunctioned. Instead of granting a wish, it created a portal that brought me to this world."

Everyone nodded, starting to understand the strange and complicated situation Shirou had gone through. Though unusual, they began to grasp why Shirou hadn't shared much about his past before.

After Shirou finished telling his story, all the members of Loki Familia present thanked him for his openness. They understood that sharing this story wasn't easy for him.

Loki, who was usually playful and mischievous, suddenly approached and ruffled Shirou's hair gently. "Hey, you've been through a lot, haven't you? I can imagine how tough it must have been—not only leaving your world but also the family and friends you knew there."

Shirou was silent for a moment, feeling the warmth of Loki's concern. He knew she was right. Losing his world meant leaving behind the people he cared about, but now, he had new people he could trust.

In his heart, Shirou felt certain that he had made the right decision to trust Loki and the members of this Familia. They were his family now, and he was no longer alone in this strange world

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