Do not ask which creature screams in the night. Do not question who waits for you in the shadow. It is my cry that wakes you in the night, and my body that crouches in the shadow. I am Aemond and you are the puppet, along with all that exists, that dances to my tune...
Cursed by Gaea to one day have to forfeit his reign to one of his children, Cronos, King of the Cosmos, opted to instead swallow them as infants. All except the youngest, Zeus, was hidden away in a cave on an Island, far away from his fathers gaze.
There, he met Metis, daughter of the Ocean. Metis was the one to suggest the plan to Zeus to free his siblings. Although she told no one, she got it from a voice in her dreams, slowly chipping away at her mental resolve until she came upon the idea with its help.
{ ZEUS! YOU DARE IMPRISON MY CHILDREN! AFTER I HID YOU FROM YOUR FATHERS GAZE!? } Gaea had confronted Zeus while he was alone. She had taken him to her domain, far below the Earth, even farther than Tartaros.
"It was a must! Surely you understand?" He pleaded with the Primordial.
{ Just as you have overthrown your father, so shall a child of Metis do the same to you! } She launched Zeus from her domain, back into the sky.
'Do I continue?' Zeus asks his master, unperturbed by Gaea's threat.
< Yes. > his master answered back.
'Ill begin right away!' He responded.
"Hera…I would take this time to confess." She turned around to see the object of her affections coming towards her.
"What is it?"
"I would like…..I would like to court you." His words surprised her.
"What about Metis? Will she not be upset?"
"She…has abandoned me. I do not know where she is, only what I want in front of me." He says to her, there nose touches as Zeus subtly asks permission.
And she gives it.
"Congratulations on your pregnancy, Hera." Hera turns to her elder brother, Poseidon. He had supporter her on her marriage to Zeus some years ago, and in a few days, she would give birth to their first child.
"The entire family will be there, supporting you." Hestia chimes in as she gives Hera some warmth.
"The 'entire' family?" Hera asks. "We have not seen Aemond in some time."
"75 years ago…when we ended the war." Poseidon said sadly. "Perhaps he is busy, busy overlooking his domains." Once again, he had made an excuse for Aemond.
"Why do you do this? Aemond forgot about us, he doesn't care!" Hera said in outrage. "He doesn't love you, Poseidon."
Rage encompasses Poseidon, "HOW DARE YOU SPEAK OF HIM LIKE THAT!!????-"
"Please, stop!" Hestia holds back Poseidon, barely.
"What is happening!?" Lightning flashes oit as Zeus and Hades appear.
"Your wife spits dirt on Aemond's name! Thats whats wrong!" Poseidon informs Zeus.
"Why is this?" Hades questions Hera, while Zeus is secretly seething on the inside.
'Dumb whore dare disrespect my master!!!!!!!!?????' Zeus holds himself back, barely as his tongue drips ichor from him biting it.
"Why must you all put bling faith in him? He has not cared for his family in a while." She asks, puzzled.
"Dont act like that, Hera, do you jot remember what he did for you? In the belly?" Hades says, staring her in her soul.
"AND YET, HE IS NOT HERE NOW!" She screams.
"Go." Zeus says quietly to his wife for a year. "Go. You must rest, no need to be so worked up."
"Hmph." She walks away, thinking she has won.
'Ill kill you sometime.' Zeus stares as she struts away.
"TODAY WE WELCOME A NEW GOD TO THE OLYMPIANS!!" Zeus bellowed out in celebration. Sounds of joy and laughter roared out from the great hall as confetti rained down from the banners. "I WELCOME…MY SON, ARES!!!!"
From the great door of the hall, it bursted open. A huge figure came through, dressed in brutal-crimson battle gear decorated in skulls and spikes. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" His rough, ragged voice echoed throughout the hall. Wenches screamed in excitement as the manliest of the manly strolled next to them.
"Welcome, Nephew." Hades said, bored of the occasion. 10 years had gone past as since her pregnancy, or her first one.
Somewhere, her first born, forged equipment for his Uncle who raised him. But thats a story for another day.
"Welcome Nephew!" Poseidon said with a few nereids in his arms.
The rest of the gods gave their welcoming to the newly made Olympian. "A GREAT DAY FOR BATTLE!" Ares said as his blood was pumping.
"Yes..yes it is." An unfamiliar voice to Ares echoed throughout the hall, silencing all noise, instantaneously. "A joyous day it is." It said again, strangely emotionless.
Did this person not enjoy his party?
"SHOW YOURSELF INTRUDER!" Poseidon summoned his trident. With a thought, his aura was released, shaking the mountain below them. Those not strong enough felt the sensation of drowning.
"Yes, reveal yourself." Hades stood from his throne. Wisps of corruption infected darkness, spread across the room, crumbling everything it touched.
"You do not remember me? How sad." The voice said impassively.
Hera was about to respond, but was interrupted by a portal opening up, right in the center of the hall. Minor gods, goddesses, titans and titanesses back away in fear, or stepped forward in courage.
A figure stepped forward, pale as Hades's skin with illuminating, soul shaking blue eyes. " it you?" Hera muttered under her breath.
(The Mc's Appearance for my future GOT/Samurai fic)