Do not ask which creature screams in the night. Do not question who waits for you in the shadow. It is my cry that wakes you in the night, and my body that crouches in the shadow. I am Aemond and you are the puppet, along with all that exists, that dances to my tune...
I wrote myself into a major plot hole so ill have to edit in just a tiny dialogue of Aemond, in my second chapter. I thank my superior intelligence in detecting it before I released this chapter. I once saved the world from a cockroach invasion from the planet 'HSSISISKNAISKJWIJBWBSJSBEBJDNDDBDJDBDJDJ'
The only reason yall dont know that is because I wasn't recording. Look at Curry, man. So inspirational.
Did I ever tell you all the definition of insanity?
(I have started another fanfic. But this one is different. It'll take hours and hours of research of both fiction and real history to get it completely right. Tbh, I might not post it for months.
It'll take alot of time but I want to get this right and I want it to be the very best fanfic on here.
If you want to know what it'll be about. Pretty much the mc gets reincarnated into Game of thrones 10'000 years before canon with the ability to posses the bodies of his descendants. He'll basically make an empire grater than Valyria and the Empire of Dawn.
If you're asking what real history i'll be using, well, it'll be Asian, mainly China and Japan. Mc will create Samurai, Mongols and Ninja and a bunch of stuff over the course of 10'000 years in Game of Thrones world. And yes, this character will be a little insane and brutal.)
A new light poured in from the tattered sky. The light of a new age.
Humanity had barely survived the clash. Things could not be as they once were. Scorched and bare, Gaea could no longer provide for all of humankind's needs.
Fair haired Demeter taught them the art of agriculture. Innocent no longer, they had to work and toil in order to survive.
Peace was made between the forces as Titans and Titaness's that did not fight were accorded a place of honor in the new world order.
Others were punished. Atlas was made to hold the sky up, to damaged in the war to support itself. The rest were imprisoned in the deepest depths of Tartaros, for they were mighty and the gods needed no rivals.
Far, far above the pit, stood the tallest mountain left standing after Othrys was demolished by the Cyclopes and Hekatonkheiries, was Mount Olympus.
There, the gods began their rule ageless and immortal. And so a new era begun. The 3rd Age.
Poseidon POV
Beneath the tattered ribbons of the sky, my brothers and I, stood arm in arm, at the edge of an abyss that stretched all the way down to the center of the world.
On my right, my eldest brother, Hades, geld back from the edge, as if, in some way, he already knew what fate had in store for him.
Standing apart, yet also staring into the abyss was Zeus, our younger brother. He had always been apart from us, raised on the outside as he was rather than in the stomach of Cronos.
He had not grown up in the darkness, he could not understand what that meant.
And already he assumed he was in control. He had sent Hestia and Hera to make amends with the leftover Titans and sent Demeter to bring the green back into the world.
"Cronos is done. His rule is over…" Zeus speaks up for the first time. "I cant rule the cosmos on my own."
He said this as if he alone had overthrown our father. As if he fought with no help from Hades, Aemond, Me or our sisters.
"The cosmos, huh? Cronos never ruled the cosmos, truly you do not know its scale." Aemond corrects him.
A simple flicker of frustration comes into his eyes but I see him wipe it off. "No matter….The surface of the earth, where we stand now, will be for all of us." He goes on. "The rest, we'll draw lots." He says as he holds up 3 sticks.
"Only three?" Hades chimes in.
Zeus nods, "One of us will have nothing to rule."
"I volunteer myself." Aemond interjects.
"Wait! Are you sure?" I ask. Aemond is the one who should rule, what Zeus has proposed is completely unfair. "Aemond should rule-"
"Its ok Poseidon, my divinity would take to much of my time anyway."
Reluctantly I shut up.
I saw Hades agree with me silently but he drew first. A short blackened stick. "The underworld, formerly Iapetus's realm." Aemond states.
Hades takes his with stride. I would never have been so complacent to go back into the darkness, but I guess Hades likes it.
If he was disappointed in his allotment, he gave no sign. His time hidden from sight made him hard to read.
"Ill go now." I reach and pull out a stick. A bit longer than Hades's and its not blackened.
"The Ocean, perhaps a deal with Oceanus will go a long way for you brother." Aemond says. I suppose he is right.
"That leaves the Sky, which ill rule." Zeus says. I could hear his haughtiness.
Oh how I wish I could smack him around.
Aemond POV
After I had got done…..'conditioning' Zeus, I simply set him on autopilot. He still had a marriage to get to. But before that.
"We have summoned you all here to grant you your titles." Three indistinguishable voices said in tandem.
Around me were all of my siblings in the beginnings of Mount Olympus. All gathered for a ceremony when the fates showed up.
"Please step forward, Demeter." To which she did. "All hail, Demeter, Daughter of Cronos, Goddess of Agriculture and the Harvest."
"All hail, Hera, Daughter of Cronos, Goddess of Marriage and Women."
"All hail, Hestia, Daughter of Cronos, Goddess of The Hearth, Family and Union."
"All hail, Poseidon, Son of Cronos, God of The Ocean, Earthquakes and Storms."
"All hail, Hades, Son of Cronos, God of The Underworld, The Dead, Earthly Material(Riches)."
"All hail, Zeus, Son of Cronos, God of Lightning, Thunder and Justice."
"All hail, Aemond, Son of Cronos, God of Fate, Destiny, Inevitability, Change and Sorcery." With the naming ceremony over, grand thrones emerged in the great hall, all of them taking appearance from our divinities, Hades's was coal black with red smoke that emanated from it, while Zeus's had lightning strikes flash across it.
Mine changed constantly, from the colors and even the jewelry embedded in it changed every few seconds.
Before I could claim my place on it though, a tug at my mind appeared. 'Someone calling for me?' With a thought I disappeared to the caller, and found myself in a realm of.....impossibility.
Things that, described to a mortal mind, would make them go insane and kill themselves. "How beautiful."
"Yes, It is." The voice I had just got done listening to announce our titles had called me here. "Hello, Aemond." They said.
"Hello….what is it you want from me." My tone, respectful.
"Our Mother, Anake, has long since faded. We have guarded over the threads of fate for.....too long. We are tired. Perhaps the new God will take our place?"
"Indubitably!!!!!!!!!!" I answer immediately. Able to look over fate itself by myself, no one to look over my shoulder, where do I sign up.
"Be weary, young god. Certain….'entities' have taken interest in your existence. Beings capable of avoiding your peering, or just destroying it all together. Tread carefully." Now this...hits me like a truck. "With that said....we bid you goodbye, young god." They must've seen this coming. They just...burst into golden-purple particles as they float away.
"Fuck." I cursed out. "Thats why I couldn't see farther than the Titanomachy. I was being…blocked."