
Fate/Ultimate Antagonist

Getting Isekai'd to another world is indeed awesome, especially embarking on an adventure as a hero to defeat the Demon King, who turns out to be a woman, and making her part of your harem. It is truly the dream of millions of people hoping to be Isekai'd to another world. If Reinhard were to get Isekai'd like that, he might smile for the rest of his life. However, fate has other plans for him, as he becomes the unfortunate isekai victim, landing in the rabbit hole known as the moonlit world. With numerous psychopaths roaming around to fulfill their dreams, he must strive to defend his small life in this chaotic world, especially when the world is set to last only another decade. Fortunately, luck from nine generations of his family comes to his aid in critical moments. Finally, he gets help to secure his small life: [Ding!] "Eh? Has my help finally arrived?" [Congratulations, Host! You have been chosen as the host of the Antagonist Simulator System!] "Finally! Fina-... wait... What do you mean by Antagonist? Shouldn't it just be a Simulator without an Antagonist?" [As the name suggests, the Antagonist Simulator System is specifically designed for individuals with high aspirations to become antagonists, and you have been selected to be the Ultimate Antagonist! Congratulations, Host!] "Huh? Ultimate Antagonist? Wtf? How does someone as gentle as me fit as the ultimate antagonist?" [Not so.] [Host, you undoubtedly possess a strong motivation, clear plans, firm will, undisclosed secrets, outstanding execution, remarkable personality charm, and the determination to subvert the world.] [Undoubtedly, you are the perfect candidate for the ultimate antagonist.] WTF? ... [You were borns as the son of the King Vortigern.] [You pulled out the sword from the stone but inserted it back, and the sword emitted a resounding mournful cry] [You promoted agriculture, popularized education, abolished nobility, knights scorned you as the ominous son of the disaster-bringing white dragon] [You sacrificed Vortigern, gathered the remaining flames of the remnant age of gods, and launched the final assault towards the inner sea of the planet] [Your wife and daughter died at the hands of Ares] . . . [You set the Olympus Temple ablaze] "Oh? Looks like my adventure won't be boring."

XElenea · Anime et bandes dessinées
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131 Chs

[81] I Call It Efficiency

Among the three Spartan brothers, the one with the weakest physique, Kratos, had actually signed a contract with the vanguard of the wandering star.

Even Ares, despite her slow wit, now fully understood... it was Kratos who was the one prophesized to overthrow the gods.

"I can't believe... I misjudged..."

Adorned in crimson armor, the dark-haired woman smirked, twisting her neck.

"No! It wasn't a misjudgment on my part. It was you deliberately misleading me back then, Athena!"

A hideous scar twitched on Ares' face.

Though her aura gained a touch of ferocity, it did not mar her refined beauty.

She roared.

She glanced at Vergil behind her.

On her face, a look of utmost disdain and scorn crept in involuntarily.

Clearly... the opportunity to subvert Zeus's rule was right before Ares' eyes.

But this sister ruined it!

The silver-haired youth, with indifferent eyes, spat blood from his throat.

Vergil had endured Ares' torment for over half a year.

He believed his brothers Kratos and Dante would come to rescue him, clinging to that hope.

But... it was too agonizing.

Nevertheless, Vergil was just a twelve-year-old boy.

In this endless and relentless torment,

Ares deliberately imprisoned him at the bottom of this scorching magma temple, where the raging flames ceaselessly burned Vergil's flesh.

The boy's body was crushed and scorched by the searing magma repeatedly, every inch of his flesh burning.

Yet those potentially fatal injuries, under Ares's divine power, constantly reassembled, healed...

In this cycle of tearing and healing, the number of times was beyond count.

Vergil's body gradually became more robust, muscular, and filled with strength.

But he had been unable to use his limbs for too long, forgetting how to move, almost forgetting his combat skills...

He desperately wanted to tear Ares apart, desperately wanted to see his brothers' smiling faces, and even more so, wanted to tell Kratos about the gods' conspiracy.

But all he could do was tremble...

Day by day, enduring this pain and torment.

But he was too weak, too powerless.


That pent-up anger and desire for vengeance, yearning to break free.

Vergil had never wished to have more power, like this time.

If he had the power, he would have been able to protect his brothers and his father that day...

Ares's divine power both tormented and transformed his body.

So Vergil had been trying his best to provoke the god of war... because he knew, Ares wouldn't let him die easily.

He knew that he would inevitably become the bargaining chip that Ares used to threaten his brother.

It was because of this that thoughts of death appeared in his mind, tinged with a desperate longing.

Under this endless pain and torment, Vergil struggled to maintain his precarious sanity.

He was nearing his limit...

"I didn't deliberately mislead you, Ares." 

Athena said with a smile.

Instantly, Ares' roar filled the air.

"I! Am! Not! Stupid!!!"

The dark-haired woman's body, blazing with fiery divine power like molten lava, turned into countless ferocious and bloody weapons.

"What's the point of supporting that kid, Athena?!"

"You're the real idiot! If the prophecy of the Moirai is true! Clearly, you'll be overthrown by him too!"

"At least... he's very skilled."

Athena licked her luscious lips.

The orange strands of her hair fluttered slightly in the scorching hot wind.

Her words caused Ares's face to twitch involuntarily.

"Exciting me... a lot."

"You son of a bitch"

Athena, who heard the insult, ignored it because she was used to it coming out of this person's mouth.

To the goddess of control, the insults were not even a tenth of what she got from Kratos.

"However, you've also fallen, haven't you?" Athena smiled mockingly, "I admire... sister."

"What right do you have to judge me, Athena?! Clearly, you're the fastest fallen goddess!"

Ares caressed her scarred face.


"...What's wrong with becoming stronger, even if it means becoming a woman?!"

She spread her arms, grinning.

"Women are terrifying!"

"This woman's body is much stronger than my former divine body!"

"Didn't you see? Hermes! Apollo! Poseidon! Those originally despising me, now can only tremble under my power and prestige!"

"The plan to destroy Olympus was clearly Zeus's decision!"

"Don't you want to say, Athena, are you willing to be slaughtered like that?"


She said so.

The dark-haired woman couldn't help but sneer disdainfully.

"Your ambition is much grander than mine!"

"Now, you want to play with that boy, Kratos, in the palm of your hand."

"But... do you really think Zeus will allow you to do as you please?"

Ares stepped forward, her fierce gaze meeting her sister's eyes.

"Watch out for being dismantled by him at the core!"

This was the god of war's warning.

But Athena smiled mysteriously.

"I certainly don't want to be destroyed, so... aren't we on the same team?"

"Same team? You're still lying to me intentionally!"

Ares got angry at the mention of this.

Who the hell likes to be led astray?!

"I was saving you, Ares."

Athena spoke simply.

The dark-haired woman's expression twitched, her demeanor suddenly stunned.

"Think with your stupid brain, my dear sister..."

"...Even if you take advantage of the vanguard of the wandering star as a distraction and capture Kratos, do you think Zeus won't come knocking on your door?"

"Because you only captured Vergil, so he turns a blind eye."

"If I really let you capture Kratos."

"The first god turned into scrap metal... would be you."

Athena's words.

Made Ares slightly widen her eyes.

As if... her sister made a lot of sense?

"Your useless rage is just a waste of time... you're torturing Vergil, it's meaningless."

In the secret palace beneath the God of War's temple.

Athena's voice echoed in the scorching air.

The orange-haired goddess stood with smiling ambiguously.

"Think about it, my foolish sister..."

"...Who says the prophecy must come true for Kratos?"

"'Among the Spartan brothers, the strongest will overthrow Olympus.'"

With these words.

Athena's deep and penetrating gaze fell upon the face of the silver-haired youth, dripping with fresh blood.

Amidst Ares's contemplative expression.

The goddess of control smiled faintly.

"If Vergil is indeed the strongest among the three brothers..."

"...Then, wouldn't he become your most valuable asset in your hands?"

Exhaling deeply into the scorching air.

The young Vergil looked impassively as the gazes of the two deities slowly turned towards him, fixating on him.

"Ha... Hahaha..."

"Yes, exactly! Athena... you're truly clever! My dear sister!"

As if suddenly enlightened...

A radiant smile bloomed on Ares's face like the sun breaking through the clouds.


Ares stepped forward.

Grinning, she used her fingertips to lift the chin of the silver-haired youth slightly.

"You mustn't... disappoint me."


"I have received the revelation from Lord Ares himself, the noble god of war, and have personally conveyed his divine decree."

At the temple atop mount Sparta, the sacred fire flickered.

Facing the priests kneeling inside the temple, Kratos smiled and spread his arms, making an announcement.

"The noble god of war, in compassion for the suffering of the people of Sparta, has decreed... henceforth, the prayers and proselytizing activities of the temple of war can be greatly reduced, or even abolished altogether."

As these words were spoken.

The priests inside the temple were immediately in an uproar.

"Your Highness Kratos..."

The high priest's beard trembled with hesitation.

This was completely contradictory to the divine decree he had received previously.

"I am declaring this divine decree under the statue of our noble Ares, do you still doubt the revelation of the god of war?" 

Kratos smiled, raising his head to gaze directly at the towering statue of Ares.

The majestic and meticulously crafted face of the god of war, with its silent stone pupils, gazed at the black-haired youth without any sign of anger.

The priests looked at each other.

They couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


It seems that indeed it was the tacit approval of the god of war.

Even though there were benevolent deities who could tolerate the presumptuousness of mortals, that certainly couldn't be Ares.

The sacrifices to Ares in the past... were all conducted with slaves, but Kratos had put an end to that in recent years.

How violent was the temperament of the god of war? These priests who served his doctrine knew better than anyone.

In the face of the sincerity from Ares's heart.

Kratos in the temple smiled and continued.

"The great god of war, through my communication and plea, showed compassion for the disasters of the city-state, and finally changed His mind to issue this decree."

"This is indeed a manifestation of his mercy!"

"Our noble Lord Ares, although the god of war, has a compassionate heart!"

"In the future, everyone must remember and promote the compassion of the god of war!"

"We obey the divine decree of the god of war!"

Beside Athena, who smiled ambiguously.

Ares trembled as she watched this scene through the flames, barely able to contain her rage.

Faith, now, was the most important power source for the Machine Gods.

Kratos not only extinguished Ares's faith activities but also distorted his doctrine.

Damn it... this was basically desecrating the god.

But... what could she do in her rage?

As long as Zeus rode on Ares's head, she had to yield.

As the flagship, the power of the king of gods was something Ares couldn't shake at the moment, unless... she obtained the vanguard of the wandering star.

Or, could Vergil bring her some surprises?

Thinking about the various ruthless transformation plans for Vergil.

Ares's raging fire couldn't help but turn into a sinister smile.

She would use the technology of the gods to completely transform Vergil into a killing machine, tearing through the ranks of the war machines.


Ares grinned.

"I really can't wait to see... the expression on your face when your brother stabs you through the heart, that moment..."

That's right.

Zeus indeed did not allow the gods to take action against Kratos.

Then let the furious Kratos come at her, and then Zeus would have no reason to stop her! 

Through the flickering flames of the temple.

Gods and mortals stared at each other fiercely.

Kratos's eyes were vacant, silently staring at the statue of the god of war.

...Sure enough, there was no response.

Even when he stand in front of his statue and blatantly distort his divine decree, he dare not take action.

Kratos was convinced that Ares was truly intimidated by Zeus.

For now, corrupting Ares's faith was just the first step.

Within a year, Kratos would completely cleanse and eradicate the worship of this god of war from the entire city-state of Sparta.


[The reconstruction of the city-state stabilized, and the management of the military frontlines was handed over to Dante, finally allowing you to free up some spare time.]

[You transformed and eradicated the beliefs related to Ares in Sparta... directly offering irresistible benefits, dispersing the temple priests, and sending them to various regions, establishing institutions called 'academies' to educate the people.]

[The structure of the temple of the god of war was dismantled by you.]

[You even began to consider whether to build your own statue and place it... but wouldn't that be too obvious?]

[Or perhaps it's better to influence subtly.]

[So, you gathered trusted and hand-picked priests, establishing the Sparta Cult to spread the faith of you, the son of gods.]

[Its doctrine propagates... Kratos is indeed the son of Zeus, favored by the Olympians, the crownless son of gods. He will rule over the Spartans, integrate this fertile land of Greece, lead the troubled people to cleanse the underworld and devils, ensuring that every believer leads a happy and peaceful life.]

[Unlike those peoples boasting themselves as sons of Zeus, your lineage is truly pure... after all, you are indeed the son of Zeus... so it's not considered deceitful, right?]

[Easing slightly from the political affairs of the city-state,]

[You began to focus on your own growth.]

[Now, the most important task before you is... to penetrate the underworld, and go to the temple of the god of war, how can you quickly enhance your strength?]


Seated within the palace, Kratos pondered over this question, but quickly shook his head at his own thoughts.

Training held little significance for him.

In this age of gods, training could indeed rapidly enhance a warrior's physique. However, since the age of twelve, Kratos's poor physical aptitude was evident. This life of Kratos had an obvious deficiency in terms of physique.

The idea of gradually improving strength through training, although Kratos could persevere, he simply didn't have the luxury of time.

Even with Limiter beside him.

It wasn't simply doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and a 10-kilometer run every day for three years to become a bald-headed cape-wearing hero.

The Caped baldy, In reality, he broke through his limits through continuous life and death battles against monsters, as indicated on the Limiter skill description.

What's most important for becoming an ultimate powerhouse?

Is it astonishing talent, overwhelming luck, or a glorious lineage?

Many might answer with these options...

But they are all shortsighted.

If Kratos were to answer this question, he wouldn't need to think twice, he would answer directly...

... Cheats are the most important!

Looking at the top players of the multiverse, who doesn't use cheats?

Emphasizing only training and hard work throughout one's life won't let you catch up with them!

Faced with bloodborne plagues, insect invasions, the contingency, fallen empires, warp storm, and other rare occurrences, to live peacefully with his cherished ones, Kratos felt he still wasn't cheat enough.

The golden guy was too reluctant to cheat, which is why he ended up being pressed down by that four shit.

If golden guy's brain understood how to take a different approach and admitted within the imperial truth that he was indeed the god of humanity... then the subsequent turmoil and the darkest and most turbulent 40K era in human history wouldn't have happened.

For example, just by changing the terminology, claiming it as the new imperial truth, introducing a code name like Supreme Commander of Humanity for worship and faith by the people of the galaxy.

The rebellion of Lorgar wouldn't have happened, Horus wouldn't have been corrupted by chaos.

In other words...

He is a stubborn person.

But without stubbornness, would he still be the emperor?

That's a sweeping statement.

Kratos respects his character and admires his will, but doesn't necessarily agree with his methods.

With the lessons from the golden guy's experiences, Kratos won't delve into the 'Is the essence of power evil or good' hornet's nest. 

He knows very well that in such a world, cheat is the most important thing to survive.

As for hard work, effort, and natural talent, they are just the basics of the basics, or even unnecessary factors... belonging to very small-minded thoughts.

Some can easily obtain resources through cashing in, while others have to fight for them with their lives.

Reality is so cruel.

You cheat, and I cheat. The victor is determined by who is the better cheater.

This time in the simulation, the system indeed gave him three useful cheats.

Crimson Fury.

Similar to the Hulk, strength increases with fury.

Thanks to the Nightmare BUFF from the Furies, and Athena's relentless harassment day and night.

Kratos's anger is indeed about to burst through the sky.

However, he belongs to the type of person who becomes calmer as he becomes more furious, and with Aatrox keeping an eye on his thoughts, he manages to maintain his precarious sanity.

The illusions of Leonidas and Myrrine appear more and more frequently in his reality.

This overflowing anger torments his spirit day and night.

In battle, it also triples his strength, endurance, and agility from their original levels.

It's probably a kind of independent boost.

Secondly... Demonic Sword Companion.

Utilizing the property of Aatrox's apparent devouring.

Six months ago, after exterminating all the devils in the entire city-state, Aatrox was filled to overflowing with magical energy.

In severe pain, Kratos also managed to absorb a small portion of that magical energy, greatly enhancing his originally weak physique.

Now, his strength and endurance in his normal form have already grown to the B-rank, while agility and mana remain at their original C-rank.

Although Kratos knows that everyone's panels in the age of gods were filled arbitrarily.

But, it can at least serve as a reference.

Combined with his inexhaustible combat skills.

Kratos can now flip over a Spartan squad consisting of fifty people alone in a slightly more complicated environment without relying on Aatrox.

As long as he wields Aatrox and continues to kill.

Just like the original Kratos was collecting red orbs... Kratos can continuously grow stronger.

But, the embarrassing point is...

...He doesn't have that many lives to give him to kill.

Apart from large-scale devil incursions, the usual number isn't that abundant.

As for the magical beast groups, Kratos, busy with city-state affairs, doesn't have time to kill them.

In the past six months.

Hundreds of devils have died by his sword, plus several hundred magical beasts brought in by the army... this is the final result obtained by deliberately focusing on slaughter.

In fact, as that scheming Athena in Saint Seiya once said...

"Didn't you still have your life?"

In this city-state...the largest number of lives, most certainly, are not devils or beasts.

But... humans.

However, Kratos could never bring himself to madly slaughter the residents of his city-state... even if they were slaves or peasants, it's the basic line of being human.

He is a magus, yes, but one cannot be too much of a magus as a person.

So, the last hope... Limiter.

As long as he fights on the brink of death, and ultimately dies, only to come back stronger, continuously pushing the limits.

This is also why, within just half a year, Kratos was able to elevate his strength from D to B.

The bloodbath from half a year ago, where his body was almost crushed by magical energy, allowed his Limiter to loosen slightly. After waking up, his physical and mental resilience greatly increased.

Otherwise, under the bone-chilling touch of the bad woman in his dreams, his soul would have scattered long ago.

Unfortunately...there's still that problem.

...In today's Sparta city-state, Kratos simply cannot find opponents who can fight him fiercely until near death.

In Greek mythology, the gap between gods is immense.

Let alone between humans.

The zero generation, naturally, is a primordial deity like Chaos... the prime cause of creation across various worlds.

The first generation consists of primordial gods like Gaia, Erebus, and Nyx.

The second generation includes Titans like the King of Titans Cronus and Hecate.

Lastly, it's the turn of the third-generation gods like the King of Gods Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, but in terms of authority and power, Zeus is the uncrowned king among the gods in both Greek and Roman mythology, a god that no one could overthrow thereafter.

In the tangled mess of Greek pantheon with its various names and hundreds of gods, the power levels are also inconsistent.

But in this moonlit world, it turns out that the Olympians are Machine Gods, not gods born on this planet, which further confuses Kratos.

But, there is no doubt.

If he wants to improve his strength, undoubtedly the best way would be...


Fighting, killing, devouring, that's the talent of the vanguard of the wandering star.

In such a topic.

Aatrox's hoarse voice couldn't help but resound slowly in Kratos's mind.

"You need powerful enemies who can give you a thrilling fight."

"Aatrox, you're right... but where should I find enemies?"

Surely, there should be some such opponents, right?

Enemies are not impossible to find, after all.

Aatrox pondered for a moment.

"Perhaps, it's time for you to leave Sparta?"

"As long as you're in the mortal world, Zeus should be watching over you, and the gods won't directly attack you. You should go out and gain experience."

"But... what about Dante?"

Kratos's biggest concern is his younger brother.

"He's not a child anymore, let him take over your position."

No, besides Dante, there is also his plan to weaken Ares's faith, the reconstruction of the city-state... all of these need his attention.


In this vast land, there are indeed countless devils and phantasmal species, countless myths and miracles.

But, can traveling help him find worthy opponents to fight?

No... such thinking is too foolish... rather than relying on luck, it's better to use existing resources to help himself.

The difference between humans and animals lies in their ability to make use of things.

Standing on the high platform of the palace, overlooking the prosperous city beneath his feet.

Kratos closed his eyes and contemplated for a long time.

In Aatrox's patient wait.

The black-haired youth slowly opened his eyes.


Kratos said softly.

"I think, perhaps, I've found the perfect solution."

"...Tsk, your world-shaking wisdom is starting to kick in again, isn't it?"

Ignoring the teasing of the demonic sword.

Facing the city below, Kratos slowly raised his hand.

"In the rift of hell, and the invasion of devils, although it seems irregular, there is actually a certain regularity."

"That is... where there are more people, devils are more likely to be born."

"If the rifts of hell are unable to control, and were to open within the city-state..."

"...Perhaps we can change our approach."

With the scorching sun hanging high, everything is growing.

All things in the world, seem to be flourishing as usual.

In Aatrox's eyes, which are like earthquakes.

Kratos clenched his palms against the city of Sparta beneath him.

He spoke slowly, one word at a time.

"I shall open the fissure of hell right here in the city! And I will strive to maintain it, then expand its scope to the maximum extent!"

"Even the net of hell surely has its limits, right?"

"So, this fissure that has been expanded might just end up encroaching on other rifts!"

"...You're insane."

Aatrox trembled in his pupils, offering an incredibly precise assessment.

And Kratos merely responded with a gentle smile.

"The fact that I am insane..."

"...didn't you know that for a long time?"

At the summit of mount Sparta.

The rustling of the wind seemed to fade away.

"Heh... hehehe..."

The bloodthirsty demonic sword, deep within the young man's heart, began to chuckle softly.

This laughter swiftly transformed into a hoarse and frenzied guffaw.


"You truly are a madman! I am convinced! I am utterly convinced that those gods will tremble beneath your feet! The entire Olympus! No! The entire world will cower at your feet!"

"I cherish you! I admire you!"

"I like you, you little lunatic!"

The sky, vast and boundless.

The ocean, azure and clear.

Threads of surging blood, creeping from Kratos' feet, slowly outlined a throne as thick and red as blood.

Resting against the armrest of the throne.

The black-haired youth, cradled in the embrace of the demonic sword, slowly took his seat.

He raised his ten fingers, index finger and thumb meeting each other, forming a rectangular frame.

As if he wanted to imprint this entire land within his hands.

"I shall erect a stable gate of hell in the heart of Sparta..."

"I shall summon all the heroes of Greece, all the greatest devil hunters of Greece, to Sparta henceforth."

"The War Devil... hm?"

"My blood feud, the blood feud of the Spartans."

"I shall slay devils, slay gods, slay all of hell, and sound the horn of counterattack."

"I shall make Sparta..."

"...the forefront in the battle against hell."

If he couldn't control it...

Then, Kratos would rather have it open right at his ironclad doorstep.

The wind blew clear.

Under the bright and clear sunlight.

The newly crowned king of hell and earth.

Sat upon the throne of bloody carnage atop this mountain peak.

He declared to the entire land of Greece.

"It's too late, whether it be devils or gods."

"My will shall be the torch for the warriors."

"I shall build with devil flesh, with the skulls of Ares, the throne that will be mine."

"The blood feud of this generation."

"Only with blood shall it be repaid..."

"I will spare no effort to protect this land, to protect those who seek peace and happiness from the devils's harassment and threats. If you consider yourself a elite warrior of Greece, an outstanding devil hunter, you are welcome to join my ranks."

"What I am about to build will benefit the entire land of Greece, although right now... many may not understand me, but someday, Sparta will stand as the most stable and prosperous beacon for this land, attracting all the fearless heroes of Greece."

"I will merge Greece into Sparta, and build Sparta into Greece."

"Some may call this madness, plunging everything into the maelstrom of warfare, they may call it evil war crimes."

"...but I shall call it efficiency."


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