
Fate/Ultimate Antagonist

Getting Isekai'd to another world is indeed awesome, especially embarking on an adventure as a hero to defeat the Demon King, who turns out to be a woman, and making her part of your harem. It is truly the dream of millions of people hoping to be Isekai'd to another world. If Reinhard were to get Isekai'd like that, he might smile for the rest of his life. However, fate has other plans for him, as he becomes the unfortunate isekai victim, landing in the rabbit hole known as the moonlit world. With numerous psychopaths roaming around to fulfill their dreams, he must strive to defend his small life in this chaotic world, especially when the world is set to last only another decade. Fortunately, luck from nine generations of his family comes to his aid in critical moments. Finally, he gets help to secure his small life: [Ding!] "Eh? Has my help finally arrived?" [Congratulations, Host! You have been chosen as the host of the Antagonist Simulator System!] "Finally! Fina-... wait... What do you mean by Antagonist? Shouldn't it just be a Simulator without an Antagonist?" [As the name suggests, the Antagonist Simulator System is specifically designed for individuals with high aspirations to become antagonists, and you have been selected to be the Ultimate Antagonist! Congratulations, Host!] "Huh? Ultimate Antagonist? Wtf? How does someone as gentle as me fit as the ultimate antagonist?" [Not so.] [Host, you undoubtedly possess a strong motivation, clear plans, firm will, undisclosed secrets, outstanding execution, remarkable personality charm, and the determination to subvert the world.] [Undoubtedly, you are the perfect candidate for the ultimate antagonist.] WTF? ... [You were borns as the son of the King Vortigern.] [You pulled out the sword from the stone but inserted it back, and the sword emitted a resounding mournful cry] [You promoted agriculture, popularized education, abolished nobility, knights scorned you as the ominous son of the disaster-bringing white dragon] [You sacrificed Vortigern, gathered the remaining flames of the remnant age of gods, and launched the final assault towards the inner sea of the planet] [Your wife and daughter died at the hands of Ares] . . . [You set the Olympus Temple ablaze] "Oh? Looks like my adventure won't be boring."

XElenea · Anime et bandes dessinées
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131 Chs

[68] The Sleeping Magus

London's Early Morning.

In Reinhard's impression over the past year, the weather always seemed to be misty and damp, just like this.

Outside the wrought-iron lattice window, a hazy gray-white mist floated, painting the local area in its usual gloomy hues.

Merely a stone's throw away, the outlines of buildings were obscured by dense moisture, resembling strokes from an impressionist's brush.

Upon closer inspection, only a sense of isolation remained.

The Sleeping Magus, leaning against the corridor, slowly withdrew his gaze from outside the window.

He carried a laptop and a cup of instant coffee.

The young man with black hair walked steadily, entering the El-Melloi classroom promptly at nine o'clock.


The soles of his boots made a faint noise against the wooden floor, causing the previously bustling classroom, filled with students whispering to each other, to instantly fall silent, as quiet as a pin drop.

Tiny black bangs swayed slightly, partially obscuring his eyes as deep as wells, as if possessing some sort of magic.

His figure, like a captivating vortex, instantly drew the gaze of everyone in the classroom.

Approaching the lectern, facing the gathered students' eyes, Reinhard leisurely took a sip of coffee, gently placed the laptop on the table, and opened it.

"Good morning, everyone, on this Friday."

"I am today's substitute teacher, Reinhard."

The black-haired youth smiled.

His words were as warm as a spring breeze, seemingly dispersing the oppressive mist outside the window.

"Today, I will be teaching on behalf of Lord El-Melloi II. Welcome, everyone, to join the discussion here."

"The Sleeping... Magus."

Looking at the figure on the platform, everyone's heart recalled this alarming title.

He was a foreigner.

Yet he had become the most prestigious and controversial figure among the younger magus at the Clock Tower.

In just one year, he had skipped five years of foundational courses and achieved the pinnacle of magecraft genius.

The so-called pinnacle referred to his mastery of magecraft being sufficient to write a monograph.

Thus, after obtaining the pinnacle, Reinhard became qualified to teach for the second generation.

To help the professors ease their exhaustion from intensive studies.


Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, Reinhard would come to assist Waver, substituting for the morning classes.

This led to a phenomenon that the students enjoyed discussing.

The classrooms of the second generation at El-Melloi classroom were always packed.

But Reinhard's classes were even more popular than Waver's own lectures!

A seat was auctioned for two thousand pounds, but it was still in high demand.

Thus, for every class, there were not only students who came to listen but also many others who wanted to catch a glimpse of the cutting-edge magecraft theories or refute his unconventional thoughts.

Not to mention.

Many female students wanted to see the charm of the current year's Most Desirable Male at the Clock Tower.

With such impure motives... not for learning but to admire the charm of their fellow students, there were quite a few.

This phenomenon resulted in the spacious classroom, which could accommodate several dozen people at once, being almost full.

Since they were prepared, many people brought folding stools and sat in the aisles.

The back of the classroom was crowded with a large group of people who arrived late, only worthy of standing and listening.

However, no one complained.

Having the opportunity to listen was good enough.

This was even an hour earlier than usual, otherwise, there wouldn't even be standing room!

However... today...

Many students were somewhat trembling with fear.

Because... the woman who was glorified with a terrifying reputation at the Clock Tower, with her short red hair, was sitting boldly at the front of the classroom.

Her name was...

The Scarred Red, Touko Aozaki.

Glancing at the crowd in front of the lectern, Reinhard directly recognized many familiar faces.

Gray, Reines, and the like were family members, needless to say.

Luvia, Flat, Svin, Yvette, Caules...

These younger magus of the El-Melloi classroom were also old acquaintances.

Reinhard even saw Olga Mary, sitting next to Reines.

They sat intimately together, closely attached to each other, their relationship seeming like close friends.


They were all young ladies, so they should have plenty of common topics, right?

Reinhard thought to himself, perhaps he was the one who facilitated their friendship.

Seeing their embarrassed and indignant expressions, it seemed they were holding a grudge.

So, he was targeted severely.

These familiar faces, compared to that adult, couldn't even be considered heavyweight...

... Looking at the central seat of the classroom, the large empty space beside the red-haired woman, Reinhard couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Good buddy, are you occupying ten seats alone?

Are you going to pay for the tuition for the missing classes, Miss Touko Aozaki?

I sent you an email to come for a prosthetic modification, not to come and disrupt my class.

The black-haired youth clicked his tongue and shook his head.

The woman known as the Scarred Red, wearing elegant round glasses, quietly held her chin with both hands, her face displaying a smile that seemed both like a smile and not, just watching him like that.

She appeared to be a diligent and obedient student.

Even though she seemed like a harmless student in the liberal arts department, with a figure to die for, she even wore fishnet stockings under her green dress.

However, the aura of death emanating from her entire body made it so that no one dared to approach her.

What a mess.

A master puppeteer, came to attend his lecture on mastering magecraft, really surprising.

Forget it.

Reinhard cleared his throat, deciding to bring out some substantial content today.

He took out a remote control from the lectern and pressed it.


A section of the ceiling suddenly opened, and a newly installed projector descended from the ceiling.

At the same time, the roll of screen on the blackboard began to extend downwards.

"?! "

When this thing appeared, many students who were attending for the first time, belonging to other departments, started to shake their pupils.

Not only bringing a laptop to the Clock Tower, but also installing a projector in the classroom?!

It is clear that these various modern technological gimmicks... have always been rejected and abandoned by other subjects at the Clock Tower.

Should they say... truly worthy of the famous Sleeping Magus?

No, how did this pass the audit of the Academic Affairs Office?

Many people had the same question in mind.

The answer, of course... is bribes.

Reinhard smiled.

The administration initially refused, but he offered too much.

The approval process passed in less than two days.

It's okay... you'll all be thrilled soon enough.

Having experienced the clarity and efficiency of PowerPoint presentations, no one wanted to go back to the era of chalkboards, outdated methods should have been abandoned long ago.

Let me show you what it means to be a magus of the digital age.

Having survived the hell of Britain.

For Reinhard, teaching a few people in a class was no pressure at all.

"Today, everyone."

He smiled as he spoke, starting the slideshow on his laptop.

"We'll be discussing Modern Magecraft Engineering."

Holding the remote control.

The Sleeping Magus began to eloquently discuss, to everyone's rapt attention.

"This is a course co-authored by myself and my mentor, Lord El-Melloi II, which has now been officially approved by the administration."

"I believe that after studying this course systematically, you will have a clearer understanding of our modern magecraft theories, and in your own areas of magical research, you will also gain a broader perspective."

"You must be curious right now."

"What is Engineering?"

"And what is Magecraft Engineering?"

"The so-called Engineering is the practical implementation of theory..."

"Through as little time, manpower, and as efficient means as possible.."

"To combine natural elements, human and non-human entities, and energy..."

"To create a reliable, beneficial product for humanity."

"Various engineering exists in every aspect of our lives."

"It's like the construction of civil engineering, bridges, tunnels, and skyscrapers."

"The structure of magecraft is also a complex and profound engineering."

"We aim to use the principles, logic, and thinking of engineering to guide us efficiently in developing, operating, and maintaining various spells, rituals, and enchantments..."

"This is the significance of Modern Magecraft Engineering."

"So, why should we learn Magecraft Engineering?"

"How does this theory help our magical research?"

"I will introduce each concept to you one by one..."

Accompanied by Reinhard's clear and concise explanations, analyses, and introductions.

One by one, the beautifully crafted slides he meticulously prepared were projected onto the classroom's enormous screen, switching according to his sophisticated pace of explanation.

No need for guidance from textbooks.

Reinhard himself was like an open book in front of the students.

Regardless of ancient or modern times.

His depth of knowledge was unmatched.

Throughout the massive classroom, one of the highest institutions in the magical world located in the thousand-year-old city of London.

Never before had there been such a class...

No convoluted incantations.

No obscure and incomprehensible concepts.

There were no demands on the quality of magical incantations or the purity of one's bloodline.

If you wanted to audit, just pay a nominal fee and you could come in through the door.

The sound of flipping books and twisting cup lids gradually subsided.

Only the captivating voice of the sleeping magus on the podium echoed in the hearts of the audience.


Seemed to no longer be time.

It was like a perfect thing frozen in amber, vivid and lifelike.

The students only wished to hold it in their hands, to forever, endlessly, admire its beauty.

The dark and oppressive clouds floated lazily in London's misty sky.

From the dusky morning to the gentle noon.

No one moved seats, no one went to washrooms, even though their legs were already sore and numb from standing, their nerves seemed to be unaware of any fatigue.

The oppressive gloom of the clouds, the misty haze.

Were gently dispersed by the clear breeze.

The rarely seen, enchanting sunlight in London slightly squeezed through the clouds.

Through the classroom's window grilles.

The brilliant golden light cascaded into this unique classroom of the clock tower, shining upon the sleeping magus.

"...That's all for our first chapter of this course, about Modern Magecraft Engineering basic introduction."

"Thank you all for listening."


The gentle sound of placing down the coffee cup on the podium.

As if tapping on the students' hearts, suddenly awakening those few who were deeply entranced.

In an instant.

Silence fell.


The entire corridor of this modern magecraft classroom erupted into enthusiastic cheers and applause, like a surging tide!

"Well done! Absolutely brilliant!"

"Sir Reinhard! We admire you!"

"Wandering for half a lifetime, only regretting not meeting you earlier! I must transfer to the Modern Magecraft Department immediately!"

This bustling commotion.

Inevitably drew envy from students in other classrooms.

"Tsk... It's him again, the Sleeping Magus."

On the podiums of various classrooms.

The instructors of the Modern Magecraft Department looked at the reactions of their students, shaking their heads, with somewhat helpless smiles on their faces.

They still had to teach their classes...

Who wouldn't want to sit in and listen?

Although they couldn't hear the actual lecture.

But that sleeping magus would generously share his teaching materials and resources with all the instructors in the Modern Magecraft Department, for mutual reference.

Such generosity couldn't help but inspire admiration.

Truly admirable and worthy of respect.

It was all due to the influence of that person.

Now, the instructors in the Modern Magecraft Department were all starting to equip themselves with laptops.

There was no choice.

If they didn't learn how to use them, they couldn't even read what others wrote...

For the past two months.

From that classroom, there had been explosive, enthusiastic cheers like a tsunami every week, without interruption.

Such cheers.

Made everyone in the Modern Magecraft Department very convinced.

"Modern Magecraft will surely become the primary discipline of the Clock Tower."

Listening to the spontaneous, enthusiastic cheers of these students.

Although he had heard it many times before, Reinhard couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his heart.

A sense of achievement and satisfaction overflowed within him.

In this world, there was no shortage of students thirsting for knowledge.

Just a shortage of willing mentors to teach and guide them with earnestness.

Reprimanding the laziness and incompetence of the students.

It was merely an attempt to conceal the poor quality and dullness of his own teaching.

Amidst the cheers and praises of the students,

Reinhard's gaze seemed somewhat distant.

The scene before him seemed to surge, and the black-haired youth vaguely recalled his past educational experiences.

The education he had undergone undoubtedly bore the strong imprint of its era, where everyone was driven, praised, and deemed unworthy of survival without striving.

It was the choice of the times.

Reinhard had no intention of criticizing its corruption, it at least provided everyone with the most basic equality.

Even though it was based on an examination-oriented system.

He had also encountered many outstanding, diligent, humorous, and captivating mentors during his education journey.

Because he admired their stature.

That was why he felt the need to share their burden.

Even though... he worried about himself.

Yet, he readily agreed without hesitation, even going against the administration's objections to promote his disciples.

When Reinhard taught his first class for the new generation.

The students were seated below, listening attentively throughout.

After it concluded.

The applause from this mentor was the most enthusiastic, and the tears that flowed down his cheeks were just as heartfelt.

Because, Waver Velvet saw it.

The revival of El-Melloi was right before his eyes.

"Your path is fraught with difficulties, Rein, but I will always support you. Waver Velvet and the El-Melloi classroom will forever be your strongest backing. Go ahead and do what you must."

The reason why the current situation was so severe.

Was because, writing lesson plans with the disciples and discussing the curriculum together also occupied a significant portion of his energy.

This course had the potential to change the landscape of the Clock Tower and even the magical world, with its benefits lasting for generations.

They were prepared to face any obstacles that might come their way.

Reinhard pressed the remote control, and the infinitely fascinating slides immediately switched to the large letters Q&A.

"Now it's the Q&A session, feel free to ask any questions."

Seeing the hands raised like flags.

Reinhard lightly brushed the feather pen on the lectern, and the small familiar spirit he had created began to flutter, randomly assigning numbers to the raised hands.

"May I ask: those building engineering can all produce visible products, what is the specific difference between magecraft engineering and them?"

"The essence of magecraft lies in its abstraction. Unlike the visible products of building engineering, magecraft is actually the result of mental activities."

"Therefore, magecraft engineering are more complex than ordinary engineering and are worth studying to deduce a clear and efficient development process."

"May I ask: I don't quite understand the modularity of magecraft that you mentioned earlier?"

"A complex magecraft can often be constructed from multiple simple magecrafts, which is the idea of modularity."

"The key lies in the principles of high cohesion and low coupling. In other words, a simple magecraft only needs to do one simple thing."

"We need to combine simple magecrafts to create complex magecrafts, rather than directly constructing complex magecrafts. This is beneficial for the development of new magecraft and the maintenance of old magecraft."

"May I ask: You said that compared to the development of new magecraft, the maintenance of old magecraft might be more important. Why do you say that?"

"This is a neglected aspect of our current magical world, many accidents that could have been avoided are due to the long-term lack of maintenance of magecraft. Maintaining magecraft can also help us better understand our own magecraft."

"People are the goal, not the means. Without magus, there would be no magecraft. I believe that the safety of magus is far more important than magecraft itself."

"May I ask: Many magus aim to pursue the true magic through the pursuit of the Root. In your opinion, what is the fundamental difference between magecraft and true magic?"

"A good question."

Amidst the breathless silence of everyone present.

The black-haired youth on the stage smiled faintly.

"In my opinion, the fundamental difference between magecraft and true magic is..."

"Magecraft talks about reasoning, true magic don't."

Magecraft talks about reasoning.

True Magic don't.

This simple yet seemingly infinite answer plunged everyone present into contemplation.

"So, what we magus need to do is to attempt to pursue the true magic through the reasoning of magecraft, which is undoubtedly an extremely difficult challenge... Let's strive for it."

Reinhard pressed the remote control, ending his speech.

In this pensive silence.

A somewhat lazy, inappropriate male voice suddenly resounded.

"I admit, your course and theories are very wonderful."

In the corner of the classroom.

A handsome youth with blond hair and brown skin smiled.

He was adorned with sparkling jewelry all over his body, and his ocean-blue eyes narrowed slightly, his tone carrying a mocking levity.

"However, what's the point?"

"As we all know, most of the students in this Modern Magecraft class are just ordinary folks with ordinary talents. They are not undisputed geniuses like you."

"Mediocrity is the life portrayal of the vast majority of people in this classroom, their qualifications as magus are ordinary, and their upper limits have long been set."

"Magecraft is ultimately a mystery pursued by a small number of elites."

"What you're doing, by broadly promoting your magical theories, is simply turning the trash of the masses into slightly more struggling trash."


"Your course may be popular, but it's meaningless."

This offensive remark.

Caused many people in the classroom to glare.

The students looked towards the source of the voice, catching a glimpse of the person's face, but dared not speak their anger.

There was no other reason.

Only because the speaker was...

"Atrum Galliasta."

Reinhard murmured the guy's name with a smile.

"Long time no see since the parting at the Twin Towers?"

"Heh... Your performance is indeed impressive, Reinhard. You've already become a classic."

The youth with brown skin and blond hair shrugged his shoulders, his face wearing a smirk.

The reason why the students dared not speak against him was simple.

Because Artrum was the new head of the Galliasta family, a prominent upstart in the mage's association.

The wealth of his family might be enough to buy an entire subject at the Clock Tower.

He was what one might call a person born with a silver spoon.


If he said so, it would only make people angry but powerless.

In the Modern Magecraft classroom, most of the students were just ordinary people, how could they provoke such a bigwig.

He had forcefully created a primitive curse that drained others' magical energy, and in terms of strength, he surpassed most of the people present.

The most typical manifestation of the power called authority within a family.

It was frustrating, but there was nothing they could do about it.


Reinhard shook his head with a click of his tongue, feeling somewhat numb to the fact that every class he taught would have a clown jumping out like this.

"Artrum, your words are off the mark."

"Heh... How so?"

Artrum, with brown skin and blond hair, asked with interest.

"It's off the mark... because you're nothing but trash yourself."

Reinhard said with a smile.

"It's off the mark... because in this classroom, you're the least qualified person to say that."

"You?!" Artrum couldn't contain his anger, just about to explode.

But then...

The smile disappeared from Reinhard's face.

His dark, profound gaze fixed on Artrum, causing a palpable unease in the latter.

"I admit, many families have achieved remarkable success in magecraft through their inherited talents and accumulated wealth..." Reinhard said calmly, his eyes lowered.

"However, simply relying on inherited advantages and treading the same path for thousands of years without reaching the Root... does that mean we shouldn't question it?"

"And...so what if we can't?" Artrum retorted through gritted teeth.

"Everyone is chasing after the elusive Root, but who among us can truly reach it?"

"What I'm saying is just the truth! How can ordinary people with ordinary talents in magecraft surpass those born with exceptional gifts like you? Your efforts to promote your theories are futile!"

"Heh...that's quite different from our usual understanding, Artrum..." Reinhard chuckled.

"It's widely known that magus tend to be selfish. Who wouldn't want to be the one to personally touch the vortex of that Root?"

"But alas...most cannot."

"So, family legacies become nothing but a half-hearted attempt... because they believe they can't achieve it themselves, yet they're stingy and unwilling to share their secrets."

"So, they can only hope that their descendants fulfill their wishes."

"It's like parents who lack ambition, placing all their hopes on their children, pushing them and hoping that one day they'll achieve greatness. Isn't it ridiculous?"

As Reinhard's words trailed off, laughter erupted in the classroom.


Upon reflection, isn't that the case with so-called family legacies?

The mysterious treasures guarded for thousands of years, now suddenly thrust into the limelight by the next generation, causing panic.

They want to pursue the Root, yet they don't allow others to do the same.

Some have bypassed them, found a new path to pursue the Root, leaving them behind, trying to block this new path, and criticizing it as meaningless.

But is it really meaningless, or should we at least try before passing judgment?

Listening to the students' somewhat mocking laughter,

Artrum's fair-skinned face flushed with anger.

"You lowly commoner!"

Artrum snapped, realizing he couldn't win the argument logically, so he resorted to personal attacks.

"Your lineage is nothing but impure and lowly, who are you to say such things!"

"...Purity?" Reinhard smirked, tilting his head.

"Is purity really useful?"

This simple counter-question left Artrum...momentarily speechless.

"Is it because my lineage is noble and pure, or because my mentor's lineage is noble and pure, that I'm standing here, in this El-Melloi classroom, in front of all of you, teaching?"

Reinhard's voice, light and ethereal, floated through the classroom.

"No, it's simply because the content I'm teaching resonates with the students."

"I can stand here, in this classroom, in front of all of you..."

"...and it means...that lineage, for magus, isn't a decisive factor."

Everyone looked at him.

At Reinhard with lowered eyelids.

"I've never denied the positive significance of family lineage to the magical world."

"But everything has its dialectical contradictions. If you want to emphasize its positive significance, then its negative significance cannot be avoided either."


"It's both a chariot and a shackle."

"If you feel we have nothing to discuss because of your noble lineage..."

"Then... prove it."

Reinhard smiled, indicating the surveillance cameras in the classroom.

He continued, "If you believe your lineage is noble, and you want to prove it..."


With spontaneous murmurs of encouragement from the students,

Reinhard slowly walked towards his podium, making way for himself in the parted crowd.

Step by step.

Artrum trembled, watching the enigmatic figure with black hair and green eyes approach him.

"Theory has no precedence, strength has no comparison."

"If you're injured, let's settle it on the battlefield."

Reinhard lowered his gaze to meet Artrum's.

A smile spread across his lips, like an abyss opening up towards humanity, revealing a profound darkness.

"I promise...not to kill you."

"Go to hell!"

As someone who had always lived a privileged life, Artrum couldn't bear such humiliation.


Violet flames erupted in his palm, as he raised his hand and aimed for Reinhard's neck.

In the next moment...

Amidst the astonished and somewhat gratified gazes of everyone present,

Crack, crack, crack...

The sound of bones fracturing echoed.

Reinhard raised his hand, swiftly grasping the aggressor's face, pressing him against the wall.

And then...slowly, gradually...

He pressed the man's head, inch by inch, into the classroom wall.

The vivid crimson blood flowed slowly down the concave surface.


The scattered students breathed heavily.

Reinhard slowly raised his head, wiping the blood from his hands onto his clothes.

His chest rose and fell gently.

Artrum still maintained a faint breath, wanting to scream in agony, but with his jaw broken, he could only emit feeble gasps.

Reinhard surveyed the room, a gentle smile playing on his lips.

The students felt a twinge of unease, yet...they weren't afraid.


Reinhard had relieved everyone.

And...what was most astonishing was the casualness of his strike.

With a nonchalant flick...

He had effortlessly pressed Artrum, rendering him powerless, into the wall.

Is this...the true worth of the sleeping magus?

Is this...magecraft?

Or perhaps, his strength has been exaggerated to such an extent?

"Everyone saw that, right?"

Reinhard smiled, gesturing towards the surveillance cameras in the classroom.

The coffee in his left hand remained perfectly still, without a ripple.

"He initiated the violence first, I was merely acting in self-defense."


This was... self-defense!

The students nodded in agreement, as Reinhard made his way back to the podium, amidst their astonished gazes.

He set down his coffee, and to the surprise of everyone, he slowly rolled up his left sleeve.

On the skin of his forearm...

A black magic circuit emitted a faint glow.

"My left hand doesn't have a magic circuit."

The glow dimmed, as Reinhard lowered his sleeve.

"This is my primary research topic now, Development and Application of External Magic Circuits. Those of you interested are welcome to join my research group."

"Don't pay any mind to that guy's words..."

"Compared to the quality and quantity of magic circuits, I believe that magical thinking is the most important quality for a magus in the future."


"Learning to use tools other than our bodies is what sets humans apart from animals."

In the starry eyes of Gray and Reines...

In the admiring murmurs of colleagues and students...

In Olga Marie's frozen, mouth slightly agape expression...

In Touko Aozaki's appreciative gaze, her name signifying the woman wounded by pain...

In the eyes of everyone, filled with discussion and awe...

Reinhard gently closed his notebook.

The Sleeping Magus smiled as he bowed respectfully.

"Class dismissed."

If you're interested in reading more, feel free to visit my pat reon chapters:

https://www.pat reon. com/XElenea

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