
The end

so yeah about this fan fiction I wanna say i will be ending volume 1 after this I will be starting volumes 2. Volume 2 will start from the end of volume 1 which shouldn't have been 10 Ch form this but the reason is mostly because I can't write this story anymore I am tired of it and everything I was trying to do but it does not mean I am done with Fate I will be uploading another fan fic called I am the ultimate faker I will let you gess what this will be about also here is what was going to happened in this story

all the characters master and servants where going to figthing this would have been the flight

Shiro and shinji Vs Angelica and Caster master

Archer Vs lancers Vs Assasation

Saber alter Vs catser Vs Avengers

Bazzet Vs Issei Vs Kiri

meanwhile Berserker should off in and out in all figthing. Illya, kid gil, sakura, el molay and gray would be in the gate of Babylon just watching the flight

in the middle of the 3way of saber, avengers and caster the Shadow would have taken control and all hell would have broken loose. Everyone would try and stop her and stop fight she would get control back befor her dragon factor and the shadow take control and turn into a best of humanity the best of deayh

she would have dragon like Wings with black dragon scales wearing puer black armour with red crack's wearing a dragon helmets her sword would look more demonic and evil

do to this the counter force will send all the counter garden and gilagmesh will also wanted to fitght in his world only he will destroy the world. In this everyone will start fighting in the end almost everyone will die with only Shiro,sakura,illya,kid gil, shinji and gilagmesh being alive with the rest of the master and servents dieing in the end with Berserker being the only servents to be Alive I dnk if i wanted to change this part or not but in this moment illya will release her reality's marble realising that her dreams as her own world I would call the blue Ocean at the same time king Hasan will add death to the beast of death before being killed not before giving his power to sinji to unlock the power of king Hassan making him a sudo grand servent in the end shiro will gather the all the class card and wish for the power to stop alter saber and so he becomes another counter garden this one getting the class of ruler and becoming the first grand ruler with all of his np from different versions of him self fusing and blames his the name all the great hero's it also allows him to summon all the servents and help with would have been the last Ch an all fight where Gil and kid gil dies using two ea and shiro and the grand betting the beats of death with shiro black and white hair becomes pure white in the end he will also die with him having a happy smile as he does with in the end illya would destroy the grail and the class card would also disiper but This is not the end this cost problems with the world of this shiro and Chaldea who thought there job was over seeing more problems as they see another best ready for cost more problems but at the same time getting more servants Volume 2 will pick up from This one because I am not done with this story yeat and yeah sorry for not posting the story but do to life problems I had to end this volume and I rather writer my own story I have stated to playe fgo and I lover and this will be talking place fate the end of the 7th lost belt so basically this is the 4th story arc the master of Chaldia will be in also volume two will not be uploading that option maybe onces a month unlike the other fanfiction and og story of mine which will be uploaded like this everyday and once a week