
3 Class cards and Saber

Shiro was walking his way home as was someone would pass by him it would be a little girl. The girl seem to have white hair and pale skin with red eyes and wearing a purple dress. As they then bum each other solder the girl said something that shocked Shiro to his core

The girl: It would a bad day to die Big brother

As the Shiro heard this he turned his head to see where the girl was. Shock and joy in his eyes as he screamed out her name


As he ran hoping that who he heard was his little sister he ran and keeps looking for a while, in the end. He gave up seeing that she was nowhere to find the sitting down and started to cry how many years had it been which he last saw her he remembers it has been 10 years after the end of the 4th war. His Father went overseas both every time he came back he looked sadder and sadder as a part of his soul was being taken away. Shiro decided not to focus on it anymore and decide to head home where. Sakura and miss Fujimura where waiting for him when he returned the girl saw he was sad and asked him what happened

Fujimura: are you sure that was your sister Shiro it could have been your mind playing tricks on you

Sakura: yes senpai miss Fujima could be right you know

Shiro: I am sure I saw Illya or at least heard her there is no way I will mistake my little sister for some else Sakura

Fujimura: anyway I need to leave because I have places to be tomorrow and a test to write

As she said the last part both Sakura and Shiro flinched at that. Shiro was happy that he was smart because he can skip the test both Sakura was crying internally knowing that she was not bad in class but descended as then. Miss Fujimura left the house it was only Shiro and Sakura left

Sakura: so Shiro can play with your toy

Shiro: alright then

Shiro then gets up. With Sakura having a plush on her face wondering why she had shaded like that as Shiro opened his back a gold liquid ball came out and it was Golden King It changed shape to a small golden dragon going to where Sakura was Sakura started to play with.

Sakura: you know senpai I do want a mistake code like gk here both I don't think I can get unlike you I am not a magic

Sakura knew that she was lying to keep the dark secret of her family hidden from Shiro and to make sure he never found out.

Shiro: you don't have to be a magic to get a mistake code

Shiro was lying about what he said the mistake code he has Golden King was made for him each mistake is different from user to user even do some can be the same while others are not.

Shiro: Anyway it is getting late I think let me take you home what do you say sakura

Sakura: Sure

As they both left Shiro's house and went to Sakura's house Sakura house looked like a proper mage family. Sakura's house was big as Sakura entered her house. Shiro was going to leave both he Hurd insect sounds which was weird seeing that is was winter both he knew what that meant that damm old man heard he hated seeing him as just as he thought the old man was hear the old man the old was Sakura grandfather Zoeken Matou.

Writer note: if anyone wants to know how Zoeken looks go to Google I am not describing him if your reading this fanfiction you already know about Fate and have played the game or watched the anime sorry not being rude just wondering why are reading a fate fanfiction if don't know the story

Zouken: Long time no see Emiya

Shiro will then look at Zouken with the face of males and anger he knows what Zouken really is and he can't believe that Sakura is his granddaughter.

Shiro: It has been a long time old baster

Zouken: So how is your sister doing

Shiro will get angry before calming down and saying.

Shiro: are you still mad that you didn't get my great grandmother

Zouken will now be angry both stay calm before saying

Zouken: if have nothing more to say then leave

Shiro: I have something to say and it has to do with this

Shrio pulls from his pocket a Class card that Class card of the berserker class seeing it would shock Zouken to see the card and a simile will then form on his face seeing it

Shiro: so what is this can you tell me that

Zouken: I am sure your Father told you what happened in the 4th Grail war right

Shiro: yes the grail was destroyed and a Procon of the Fuyuki city was burned to the ground which is now known as Fuyuki park

Zouken: I guess he didn't tell you everything now did he

Shiro: what do you mean?

Zouken: After the destruction of the Grail what. Something from the Grail multiple card came out those cards where they then name the class the card by clock tower and mages foundations the reason it was called that is that anyone can use the power of these cards having the power of the servants of the class they can use the power of anyone the servants power from those both it was later discovered that there was a variation of these card where discovered we called the special card it allows the users to use special servants power like the king of heroes Gilgamesh

Shiro will then look at the card before he says some that shocked Zouekan

Shiro: do these cards give a wish when all seven are collected

Zouken: yes in theory they are powered by the Grail so yes

Shiro: good that is all I need to know both I think know that I have everything you should die

Zouken will be shocked as a fire spell will hit and it starts to burn him from his body bugs starts to come out and run as then. Shiro left after and returned to his home thinking to himself that it didn't get picked for this grail war that he least had another way to get his which from the grail as he then fell asleep as it would be the next day and him and sakura went to school everything went as normal until he met up with Shinji. Shinji is Sakura older brother

Shinji:Shiro I hope you don't find cleaning the archery club now do you

Shiro: Yeah sure both after this we will be talking.

Shinji: alright then Shiro. Anyway lady let's go

As Shinji will then go away as some girls will then follow him. As Shiro will then go to the Archery club room

Shiro: how long has it been shinch I quit 2 months right yeas I think it only has been that long

As Shiro will then clean the room realizing that night had fallen seeing that he didn't not bring his bag he decided to go back to his classroom to get it back as he did he saw something. A Man in blue span-dicks and a man warring red armour. Fighting each other Shiro seeing this knowing what this is the war has started and it's unlocks for him because he may need to summon his servant if he had the class card he would just run both he decided to stay quiet and started to go to his classroom as he did. The blue man with the spear went to catch shiro. Shiro ran to his classroom and grabbed his bag as he turns his head he felt a stab in his hearth as he saw there was red spear.

The blue man: sorry kid both you saw us and know you must die

As then Shiro Fell to the ground as the man left Soon some would come to see his dead body.

Man in red: Rin it looks like he is dead

Rin: I know archer is dead us my responsibility so you go and look for Lancer

Archer: Alright then

As the man name archer left the room Rin would then sigh think to her self that it was her fault and that if was checking it clearly this would not happen as she turned the body finally realized who this was.

Rin: why today of all day why did it have to be you how chould I face her now knowing that I was the cause of your death I guess I have to do something about this after all

Rin will then pull out a red gem which brings back Shiro after that she leaves Rin will be In her room as Archer comes in saying that he didn't find Lancer.

Archer: so who was that boy that Lancer killed

Archer would be shocked to hearing that

Me: if have not fully played the game or have not watched fate ubw this your place to stop reading this or stop hearing this

Archer: how does this version if me have white hair with black stripes not to mention he has red and black eyes he looks nothing like me don't tell that this is another timeline I am so done with all these different timeline I just want to go back to my own timeline that is it both it still does not happen why

Archer thinks to himself before he speaks to Rin again.

Archer: if we realized that he was not dead then it means so did Lancer did as will so he may have gone to finish the job Rin.

A few minutes ago. Shrio was in his room thinking to himself how could get killed so easily and not just that he was revied that means that someone brought him back. He was happy but then he felt the same feeling as he did when he saw the lancer ready to stab him. Shiro then use time alter to dodge the attacker and jump out his window as he went to the seat. As lancer saw the summoning circle. lancer will then be attacked Shiro will then something he never saw Someone that looked like him both he had black hair and black marking all over his body as Lancer and the man started to fight the magical circle starter to glow

Shiro: don't tell I am a master

As from that summoning circle will then come out a Blond girl with pale skin wearing a black armor and black bieger. The armor has red lines going all over of it as the girl will then put a sword next to shiro neck as she starts to speak

The girl: Are you worthy to be my mastered if not I will not listen to you

Shiro will then look at the girl with the stren look as he say.

Shiro: kill me and you will not get the grail and I don't fear death so yeah go and kill me then

The girl will then put her blade down as she speaks

The girl: I guess you are worthy to be my master after all I am you saber servant both call me Alter or Alter Saber

Shiro: nice to meet you am Shiro emiya

Alter Saber: there is fighting going master you stay back and I will handle it

As saber then leaves ready to fight Lancer and Avenger

To be continue