
19 Knight vs Dragon

Alter Saber will be looking at the huge Dragon in front of her as she then Pulls back her sword as it then started to glow a dark colour as then Alter Saber spoke

Alter sabre: Excalibur Morgen

As she then uses her noble phantasm as then. The dragon flyers away into the sky then start to shoot fire from it's mouths as then. Alter Saber blast will try and cover thr dragon as it does it will cover by a black spear and then a spear of light will be blasting out

Alter Saber: that takes care of that

As then she sees that the Dragon just lands back as then starts to hit saber with his giant claws as then Alter Saber will be jumping away and doughing the dragon's attack as Alter Sabre can see that the ground is very damaged and that the dragon can be held back for that

Alter: so this is your big plan caster

Caster: yeah indeed do have something that can handle an Anti-fortess-level phantasm

Alter: Well yeah my sword

Caster: how cute

As then dragon flew up into the sky it started to use his fire to as Alter saber will then block most of it both getting hit and send back. Alter sabre will then get up back up as the dragon trying to hit Saber with him giant hand stomping on her and keeping her in the ground

Caster: My-My-My it seems like that the strongest class is down for the count

Caster says as there is venom in her voice caster was read to end Alter Saber right then and there both then see saw someone coming It will be Shiro using Berserker card as then lifted the ground as it then becomes black with red marks as then troughs it to the dragon the dragon will then staggered giving Alter Saber enough time to escape as she then gets up.

Alter Saber: Shiro how did you get here

Shiro: after I defeated Mr Souichirou the fog went away I heard your scream and I came here to help you

Alter Saber: wait so Souichirou is the master of caster

Shiro: yeah

As he says that Shiro will then see something flying toward him as he will then catch it. It will be a sword and both who had shot him will suppress him more it was Angelica and Behind her was Shinji

Shiro: Shinji you're still alive how

As he will say that Shinji will then go to him using his blades to hit Shiro. Shiro will be blocking the attack as Angelica was shooting her sword Alter Saber will then jump in as she then starts to deflect the attack both then the dragon will then come back using his tale to send Alter Saber flying. Shinji will then see this as then smiles

Shinji: with that Saber of you're gone I gess I will be killing you like I did with Rin

Shiro will shock hearing this sns not believe what Shinji just said

Shiro: what did you just say

Angelica: he said that he will kill you the same way he killed Rin after all you are the reason his sister is dead

That last few words will be hit on the death doorway as only I one thigh was going on Shiros mind

Shiro: he killed Rin he killed he killed he killed Rin. Shinji killed Rin

Shinji: what don't believe me I will send you to the same place as I did with Ri-

Before he can finish that he will hit in the face so hard that his mask will break as Shiro from his sword Kanshou and Bakuya but both of the swords will be covered with the same power as then Shiro starts to improve then using his reinforcement on his swords they start to grow bigger and started to look closer to wing blades then short sword as then then turn into there wing blade forms

Angelica: How did you form Archer blade and did you just upgrade them

As then shiro goes and then try to slice Angelica both then he will realised that there was something trying to cut him.in that back he will pull his blades back as then Angelina will sending more weapons shiro will be catching then nas sending then back Shinji will then come form behind trying to hit Shiro. Both Shiro will just grab his face and then slam him down. Meanwhile, that was going on Alter Saber was still Saber will be Blocking and trying to hit back her sword has massed to cut him both the dragon will not give up as then rushed at Saber she was hoping that Shiro was ok as then someone spoke

Voice: let me handle this

Alter Saber: What makes you think that you can't deal with this

Voice: like this

As then Alter saber will be no longer there as black mask then comes over her eyes as then. Voice will charge at the Dragon using Excalibur Morgen as the dragon tried to block it both it will be sent back as voice then jumps into the air slicing one if the dragons wing as the Dragon wings as the Dragon get up and Caster will be shocked

Caster: how did you do that

Voice: I have my own way

As an echo can be heard from Saber As the. Voice jumps back and then from the ground multiple black-like string will then come keeping the dragon the ground. Voice will use her sword as then she starts to use Excalibur Morgen both it will not get blasted it will just stay there was an energy as the dragon is getting cut over and over again in high speed

Caster: what is this your not saber what are you

Voice: I am you worse nightmare

As caster seems the string will cut the Dragons leg of as some kind of Black like mud then covers the lake as then she sees the it look like Voice was chewing

Voice: know that was tasty and I wonder how will you taste

Caster will know be scared she can finally feel it that this was not really saber sure saber had a type of dark energy coming out of her both this will seem like to was made out of pure dark energy as then Catser will the get up as she does she will also see something the shadow that Saber had it was huge at list 10 times bigger then. Her Shadow seems to be moving almost like it was alive

Caster: What are you

Alter Saber: I am death

She says it a low voice both it was high enough for caster to hear see then gets dragged down as the same black mud that was eating her dragon was also coming to her caster tried to move both the strings will not allows her as then see will start falling as then she will realized that she is saved as she then ruses away to get her master she then seems that. Shirou was throwing all the weapons that Angelina had sent to back at her

Caster: we have lost it time to run we can't win this battle

Shiro: Oh no you don't I will kill you all for killing Rin

As he will fell him self falling down as they all will desiperd Shiro will be mad both he will wonder what saber is doing and if she is ok

Voice: well know that was tasty I am wondering what will caster taste like I hope to figth her again both I gess it is time you get back

Alter saber: that was something

She will then look and see her right arm was cover with dark scales as then it will turn back to normal skin as them the world will change seeing that it was night and shrio was there next to Rins death body Alter Saber will know what happen both then see will hear footsteps

El-Melloi: we finally made it home we are not oh I see

Gray: sorry we are late

Alter saber: it is not your fault

To be continue