
Fate/Surviving in Ancient Greece

Reincarnated as a demigod in Ancient Greece of the Fateverse, Eschios just wants to survive. Follow his journey as Eschios rises from a demigod to one of the greatest heroes in Mythology. *Not Bl *One or two updates every day *Romance Included *Continues after Mc's death (As a Servant) +If you can, please promote this work as a reader! +Please be respectful to other readers and the author. If the author bends the story to what the readers want, it could turn out worse. +There must be absolutely NO LEVELS OF FIGHTING OR DISRESPECTING FELLOW READERS

LordOfCactus · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Living the Skyrim life

Narrator pov:

The Clazomonian sow.

The creature was said to have a massive size, with sharp tusks and huge wings. Wherever it went, it caused chaos around the areas near Klazomenai, making villagers fear its very existence.

The Crommyonian sow.

It was a massive and ferocious creature owned by an old woman named Phaea. The creature obeyed the orders of Phaea, which was to ravage villages and spread chaos around the countryside, around the town of Krommyon on the Isthmus. It was also the parent of the Caledonian boar, which would later cause a famous hunt in Greek mythology.

In the original myth, the Clazomonian sow remained unkilled, and the Crommyonian sow was later killed along with its owner. However, right now, Theseus hasn't even departed to Athens yet, which was his first journey.

With many beasts and monsters like the two in Greece causing chaos, the people looked around for heroes to be able to kill them. However, most heroes were taking a rest or weren't active yet.

To those people, Eschios, who accepted requests to kill beasts and monsters when you paid him the price with free food, was like a shining light in the dark.

And now, to complete the quest he received, Eschios was running to the region around the town of Klazomenai, where the Clazomonian sow was usually active at.

After arriving, Eschios then entered the town, introducing himself and the reason why he came there.

He was met with sighs of relief, cries of joy, and endless gratitude. The children of the village, like every child he's met so far, were afraid of him.


To Eschios, who loved children for their cuteness, the look of fear being sent to him by the children struck his heart, filling him with sadness.

"Could you pile an enormous amount of food some distance outside of the village?"

Putting those thoughts behind him, Eschios asked the townspeople to act on his plan.

The Clazomonian sow was large in size. And like many beasts with large sizes, it needs lots of energy to move and fly around.

What supplies energy for them? Food.

Therefore, the sow naturally will have a large appetite for food. Once it sees the enormous amount of food and comes near the pile of food, Eschios planned to snipe it with his bow.

Stretching his body and muscles, Eschios hid in the shadows of the pile of food with his bow and arrows, along with a rope.


A few hours later, Eschios a series of big gruntings and oinks coming from above. Looking up, Eschios saw a small figure in the sky flying closer.

The Clazomonian sow. It had arrived.

Drooling after seeing the pile of food prepared by the villagers, it swooped right down, opening its mouth to eat.

However, what entered its mouth was not food, but a sharp arrow, stabbing and digging into the top of its mouth.

After shooting the arrow at the sow, Eschios quickly got the prepared rope and tied it to the beast's body, giving it no time to react by using his speed.

The sow squealed in pain and fear, then tried to get away by flying. However, Eschios tied the rope to his arm, then swung it, having the beast get slammed onto the ground.

The sow quickly flew up, taking the rope Eschios was tied to with it, causing Eschios to also go up into the sky.

Swinging by his arm, Eschios aimed his bow at its neck and shot the arrow. The beast squealed for the last time, then started to fall.

While falling, Eschios took out his dagger then cut the rope with it. Then, he landed on the ground next to where the Clazomonian sow's dead body landed.

"This is… fun."

It was at that moment, that Eschios learned the fun of hunting for infamous beasts. It was nothing like hunting animals or empousas, whose powers did not work on him due to his blessing.

It was enjoyable, fun, and entertaining. It's the hobby he found that he could enjoy, which he couldn't while in the chase. He also felt a feeling of accomplishment when eating the meat he made from the sow. It was like playing a game.

After enjoying the celebration of thanks from the village, Eschios then sacrificed sheeps from the village to his mother and the twelve gods of Olympus at the altar in front of the temple.

Greek gods are very positive to those who worship them very well. To gain a positive image to many of them, Eschios had to pay special attention to many things, such as thanking the gods by using animals for sacrifice.

After all the things were done, Eschios quickly left Klazonenai, leaving for the town of Krommyon, where the Crommyonian sow was around.


Eschios pov:

After about a few minutes of nonstop running, I arrived at the town of Krommyon. I expected a grand welcome and people thanking me, but there was none like that there.

It seemed like there was a recent attack by the Crommyonian sow, judging by the destroyed homes and dead bodies. Lifting the destroyed structures one by one quickly, I rescued some people who were still alive and recovered dead bodies.

There were all sorts of people injured and killed. Men, women, old people, young people, children, babies...

If I had gotten to the town sooner, could I have saved them all?

Using the healing ability I got from having Apollo as my patron god, I healed the injured to the best of my ability.

After burying the dead bodies and wishing them luck in the underworld, I set out to find the Crommyonian sow. Finding where it went wasn't hard, as its footprints were visible on the ground.

Tracing back the footprints, I eventually entered a dark forest. After reaching the place where the footprints stopped, I hid in the shadows of the bushes and watched the large boar being adored by an old woman.

It was Thaea, the owner of the Crommyonian sow, and the one who ordered the boar to cause the disaster in the town.

How many times have they caused destruction so devastating before? I guessed many times.

In the old woman's hands were valuable goods she took when the boar rampaged through the town. She looked at it with a glare so full of greed, it made me feel disgusted.

It wasn't any normal or ok greed like Jason's, but one much more twisted. It made me sick to my soul and enraged me that she would choose to have human lives taken to have her greed fulfilled.

I'll use my hands this time. They both need a good beating from me.

Time to kill.


Narrator pov:

"Good boy, good boy! I managed to get more valuable things than last time. If we keep going like this, we might be really rich! Good j-"

Unable to finish her sentence, Thaea had her neck violently twisted by the hands coming from behind.

Wiping his hand, as if he touched something dirty, Eschios looked down at Thaea's lifeless body with cold eyes, then threw it towards the Crommyonian sow, who was still processing what happened in the last two seconds.

After seeing Thaea's lifeless body, the boar charged at Eschios with an enraged growl, attempting to stab Eschios with one of its gigantic tusks.

However, Eschios suddenly disappeared and appeared right on the left side of the boar's face. Grabbing the boar's left tusk and leg, Eschios flipped the gigantic boar upside down, causing it to have its air knocked out.

After getting it flipped to have its belly exposed, Eschios began punching the boar's stomach repetitively.

Feeling over fifty punches per second, the boar was put to near death, with blood coming out of all his openings.

Then, Eschios dragged it along the ground all the way to the town and stopped in front of the survivors of the town.

After breaking the bones of the boar so that it wouldn't be able to escape, Eschios allowed the people to take their revenge.

"Kill it, cook it, torture it. Do whatever you guys want to do with it."

Leaving the boar at the mercy of the revenge-filled survivors, Eschios walked out, but not before he was stopped by a young girl, who was holding a knife.


Eschios pov:

Wow, It had been so long since I was approached by a child. It would have been better if the child didn't have a knife, though. She wasn't trying to kill me, I could sense that, but her emotion was that of sadness.

Opening her mouth, she asked me with a voice as dry as the desert.

"...Mister, if I kill that boar, can I get my brother back...?"


The little girl seemed so desperate like she was hoping for the impossible. Knowing her pain and depression, I couldn't say anything to her.

"It's like how things were in the market...! I can trade things, so maybe I can trade life for life, right? I can get my baby brother back..."

Unable to say anything, I quickly and carefully took the knife from her and pushed her away from the boar.

"Go inside."


"Go inside. You know...! You know... Don't fool yourself."

And with that, the girl turned back and walked away, tears falling from her eyes. Unable to bare it, she started crying, with her cries getting more painful to hear every second.

On her hand which wasn't holding the knife was a baby toy, that looked like it belonged to a newborn.

It must have been her brother's. He was so little when he was killed.

What good is my speed... When I can't even save a newborn baby with it?

With raindrops falling on me, I walked away, hearing the pained screech of the Crommyonian sow and the cries of the injured and the ones who've lost their precious ones.

That day, I promised myself to kill as many beasts as possible, so that no more people would have to suffer like the people of Krommyon.


Narrator pov:


The fired arrows hit the deers perfectly, killing them in one shot.

Picking the dead animals up, Atalanta took them to a safe cave nearby to protect herself from the rain.

As she was skinning the deer, she heard a loud scream which seemed to be from a boar. However, it wasn't any normal scream of a boar. She's hunted many of them before, and no boar made a sound this loud.

With her own curiosity leading her, she quickly ran to where the sound was coming from.


A/N: She's finally here...! Time for Eschios and Atalanta to meet each other.


Alright, time to introduce another one of Eschios' skills:

*[Limitless observation A++]

The skill deprived of Eschios' usual ability to detect people's thoughts and feelings by observing everything around them.

He can also use this skill in his surroundings, being able to figure out many things within a good distance even without using his eye.

He can find out a person's true purpose or intention with this skill and can detect servants with Presence Concealment skills below EX rank.

As it is a kind of observation around all things, Eschios can use this to predict many moves of others. However, his predictions are not completely accurate and can count as reasonable and good guesses.