
Fate series: My Alternate Saber

Shiro Tenma is an 18 year old undergraduate who struggles to enjoy his everyday life. One day while he was working on the road he found a green amulet accidentally took it with him, unfortunately for him he got into an accident that very same day. he was transported to a world and told to participate in the holy Grail war by the goddess of the underworld. Note: I'm still learning to understand how fanfic works so please do tell if something isn't right. . . . . . This is an alternate reality of the fate series world, so don't expect to see the same thing. Show your support by voting for the book and interacting so I can keep on giving chapter everyday. Join the discord channel https://discord.gg/s8v2zEVR2e

Kirito_K5 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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64 Chs

Shiro's past

"D-Dad, what are you doing?" Shiro yelled, he dodged the knife attack that his father sent at him, using his butt to crawl away from his father.

"Come here Shiro, don't stress daddy so much" His father, Kooya smiled, dashing toward Shiro again.

Shiro ran past his dead mother's body which was still laying on the floor soaked with blood, he screamed running toward the entrance of the house.

He tried opening the door but it was jammed, "Help! Somebody help!" Shiro yelled, tears coming out of his eyes.

He turned back to see his father heading toward him, he ran to the kitchen and grabbed the pot of rice from the gas, frowning his face, he threw the pot at Kooya, he immediately ran back inside the living room.

He went straight to his mother's side, reaching for her purse and bringing out her phone to call the police, "9…1…1" He uttered as he pressed the number.

Dialing the number, the call finally connected, "Hello... My dad has a knife… please my mom is dying" He uttered as soon as he heard the voice of a woman on the phone.

"A kid? I need you to calm down and tell me what's happening" The woman uttered, she was in her office chair at the police station, she used her finger to call one of the policemen over to her.

Before Shiro could utter another word, he received a stab to the back from his father.

Screaming with tears in his eyes, Shiro fell to the ground with his back covered in his own blood.

"Son, don't look at me like that… I'm doing this for us, Paradise is at my grasp" Kooya said, giving Shiro a sorrowful look, "I don't expect you to understand… but I need the Grail!".

Shiro couldn't hear a word of what his father was saying, his eyes were focused on the ceiling and he was slowly fading from the blood loss.

His father climbed on top of him, using the knife to stab Shiro continuously as he kept laughing.

Shiro laid there, he couldn't do a thing, tears rolled down his eyes, "Fa..ther.." He uttered.

"Where is it.. where is it… damn it where is it" His father kept repeating, he stood up from Shiro's gut and walked to his wife's dead body.

He used the knife he was holding to split her stomach slowly, "Are you pregnant, uhn bitch?" He yelled.

*Kill him already*

Shiro suddenly heard a female voice in his head, he tried to speak but his mouth wasn't agreeing with him.

*Why are you hesitating, kill him!*

*He wants to kill you, it's only a fitting act*

Shiro gave no response and at this point, he had already lost all the will to live.

*Fine… I'll do it myself!*

Shiro's eyes turned red and he stood to his feet. His father could hear the sound of footsteps and turned behind him to check.

He then saw Shiro standing with a steaming iron in his hand, "How are you still alive?" Shiro's father asked, shocked by the view.

Shiro's body was dripping a lot of blood but he was still moving.

Shiro charged toward his father who also immediately stood up, "Don't you dare… bully Shiro!" Shiro yelled.

He leaped to the sky using the steaming iron to smash the father's skull, they both dropped to the ground but Shiro didn't stop there.

He kept smashing the man's head while laughing in a crazy manner, blood spilled all over his face and the sitting room itself became a bloodbath.

After a few minutes, A man wearing a black suit and some cops barged into the building, his name was Jiro Tenma.

They could already smell blood from the entrance, Jiro brought out his pistol and slowly approached the living room.

Once he got to the living room, he met Shiro sitting on the ground with tears dropping from his eyes but his lips were still smiling.

He covered his mouth as soon as he saw him, "He's… what happened here?" Jiro thought to herself.

. . . . . .

They took him back to the police station for questioning, he was just a kid so he wasn't pressured into answering anything.

He moved from different foster homes throughout the weeks, each one ended up abandoning him saying he brings nothing but bad luck.

Of course this became a problem, he was an outcast even orphanages wouldn't accept him.

. . . .

Jiro opened the door to his house and walked in with a sigh, "Come in, no need to stand there" He uttered.

Shiro walked in slowly, he used his eyes to scan the inside, making sure it was safe.

*Shiro! Shiro! Shiro!*

The female voice kept calling out to him, but he ignored it and acted like he didn't hear anything.

Jiro ended up adopting him, but since Jiro's job required him to keep changing locations he never really had the time to look after Shiro.

Shiro learned to do everything by himself, going to school, part-time jobs, and the likes, which made him independent on most things.

But still, one thing kept holding him back.

.. . . . . . .

Shiro walked into the classroom, he was now in high school, but yet he couldn't seem to make a single friend.

He wakes straight to his seat at the left back end of the class room close to the window, he noticed everyone was looking at him.

'Did I dress weird today again? I'm not wearing my mask though' Shiro thought to himself, a boy walked up to him and slammed his leg on the table.

"Can I help you?" Shiro asked.

"Yes indeed, Rica told me you made her cry yesterday" The boy uttered.

"I did no such thing" Shiro replied bluntly.

"You calling me a liar?" The boy yelled.

'He's looking for a fight? I should just leave,' Shiro stood up and was about to leave.

The boy held Shiro's shoulder and pulled him back before giving him a punch to the guts, Shiro fell to his knees, groaning as he held his stomach.

"I wasn't done talking"

"No I'm fine really, there's no need, please just ignore it" Shiro muttered to himself, he felt like he was struggling to keep something hidden.

"What's with this weirdo," The boy uttered, the whole class just busted into laughter.

"Get up you geek, I'm not done" The boy held Shiro's collar, and before he knew it, Shiro was crushing his wrist.

"Anyone who touches Shiro.. dies!"

. . . . .

*Flash back end*

Kooya walked toward the cell, "Son we finally meet again, you look… well".

Shiro's eyes lit up in rage as he watched his father, his memories started flooding in like a waterfall.

He gave a loud scream, sending a stern look at his father, "What are you doing here!" Shiro yelled.

"Easy there tiger, no need to get excited" Shiro's father laughed.

"Do you want me to beat him again, Kooya?" Jessica asked, with a grin on her face.

"No, first I get what I want from him, then you can do whatever you want" Kooya uttered.

Shiro laughed, tears almost dropping from his eyes,

"My will is your blade, My magic is your reckoning, I Shiro Tenma, with a magic crest, summon you to be my servant and help me obtain my wish…. Come... Scathach!" Shiro yelled.

A sharp lightning stroke inside of the cell and a woman holding a spear and wearing a wine bodysuit appeared in front of Shiro.

"I accept your calling Master, from this point on, will be your servant" Scathach uttered, stretching her spear to the side as she faced Kooya and Jessica.

. . . . . . .


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