

A man from an ordinary world finds himself in the Type-Moon universe. Originally, he was reincarnated with a Holy Grail just before the 5th Grail War. However, upon realizing how dangerous that 'Route' was, he wished for the Grail to eliminate the Grail War altogether. As a result, he avoided the Grail War and returned to London with Shirou, Rin, and Sakura. But the world of Type-Moon is unforgiving. Now, he must journey back in time when the servants from the Throne of Heroes were still alive. There, he must absolve them of their life's guilt, unravel mysteries, and uncover his own secrets related to the system and his reincarnated memories. --- Hey, guys! I am back with another fate fanfic. This time, I am making a mystery drama fic. People might get confused with the timeline, but fear not my lovely degenerates, I will thoroughly explain everything. Genre: Massive Drama, Politics, Mystery, Moon Cell, Fate/Extra, Romance, Moderate SEGGS Words: Around 2500 to 3000 words after some chapters. Schedule: 4 to 5 days a week. I will upload regularly if the chapter has 1500 words. Disclaimer: English isn't my first language, yada yada yada, I don’t own any character, yada yada. Author's request: If you don’t get anything or require some information from Type-Moon, you can comment in chapters and place any request. Warning: Heavy drama and romance element. If your cringe meter is low, read it anyway because you probably have too much free time. Tips: If you want to read advance chapters or help my sorry ass, do visit: patreon.com/J_Titan

J_Titan · Anime et bandes dessinées
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142 Chs

Chapter 64: Adoption

(Titus's POV)

I sat in my office, patiently awaiting someone's arrival.


Now married, my life hadn't undergone much change, except for the establishment of my own mage's organization.


I turned to face Medb, the talking head resting on my desk. "What is it, Medb?"

"When are you going to return to me my body?"

"You are such a pain in the ass," I grunted, tossing a walnut into her mouth. Without hesitation, I slammed her head, and the walnut cracked.

"The enchantment on your teeth is working fine," I muttered, tossing another walnut into my mouth. Medb's incessant babbling had led me to enchant her teeth, turning her into a nutcracker and paperweight.

"AA! My mouth!" Medb moaned in pain.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to this," I assured her, continuing to type on my laptop, even though I could effortlessly create documents through Moon Cell with just my thoughts. As the organization's head, I felt the need to appear busy.

"Worry my ass! Return my body to me!"

Annoyed, I picked up her head and looked into her eyes. Her face turned rosy as she felt my breath.

"Medb, do you have any idea how much you've played with people's lives and destroyed families for your lust? After what you did to my friend, do you think you're in any position to demand something?" I glared at a stunned Medb, her eyes widening with horror as the room's atmosphere grew grim.

"I... I am sorry," Medb apologized, looking pale. Not wanting to dwell on past grievances, I tempered my anger.

"The only reason you're still in one piece is because you're my precious trophy. In my eyes, you're a piece of art," I continued.

"Okay, I get it. I'm sorry for everything," Medb, still red, said. "But return my body, at least. I'll be your... bitch, and you can do anything with me."

"You're already my bitch, but if you're talking about offering your body, never. I have standards. I don't like sluts."

"What the..." Medb turned flustered. "But still, return my body, please. I want my divine body back!"

"Divine body? Are you serious?" My expression contorted. "Do you have any idea how repulsive your body was? Your crotch was unnecessarily broad. It was so vast that even if heaven and earth squeezed in, there'd still be space for the entire universe. The foul stench emanating between your legs could probably resurrect the dead just to twist their limbs before they'd die again."

Medb was left speechless, smoke practically coming out of her ears from the roast.

"Still... *sniff* I want a body!" She started crying.

I sighed, rubbing my forehead. "Okay, stop crying. I'll get you one," I relented, rising from my seat.

"Really?!" In an instant, her tears vanished, replaced by cheer. "So, where are we going?"

"I'll be taking you somewhere safe for the time being. You need to learn to behave," I explained. In the blink of an eye, reality shifted.

We found ourselves in a room filled with papers and books.

"Oh, Titus. What brings you here?" Scathach asked, setting down her drawing pen. She had fully embraced the role of a manga artist now.

"Can you look after Medb? I have multiple meetings, and she won't stop whining. Try to teach her to behave please." I requested, handing Medb's head to Scathach.

"Wait, Titus!" Medb attempted to protest.

"Of course. Leave her to me," Scathach said with a smile, taking hold of Medb's head by her hair. There was this evil grin on Scathach's face but I guess it was fine.

"Thanks," I replied, activating the transportation spell.

"Titus! Lord Titus! I won't whine again, but don't leave me with her! TITUSSSS!" Medb's cries echoed, but I had already departed.

I didn't think Scathach would kill Medb but it couldn't be helped. I was getting headaches by listening to her whining every day.

Back in my office, there came a knock. Upon my invitation, Shirou entered, accompanied by another person.

The newcomer was a 15-year-old boy, his long blond hair and piercing blue eyes standing out. Clad in a pristine white coat and pants, the most striking aspect was his air of pure elegance and noble aura.

"I have brought him," Shirou stated, looking a bit perplexed about the visitor's identity.

"Kirschtaria Wodime is at your service, Sir Titus Dusklock," the blond-haired youth introduced himself, his gaze fixed on me. "It's been a long time, Elder Brother."


Kirschtaria Wodime was one of the antagonists in the FGO game, a Crypter aiming to replace the Proper Human History with that of the Lostbelt. I hadn't known of his existence in this world, but evidently, he did exist.

However, there was a slight problem.

"Big brother~! Why were you avoiding me? Didn't you know how much I missed you? Are you eating properly? Getting enough sleep? If not, then—"

"Enough," I interjected, gently pushing his face away.

As you can see, he had a fixation on me. He behaved well in public, but once we were alone, he reverted to acting like a spoiled child.

I came to know Kirschtaria Wodime through rather unusual circumstances. He hailed from an ancient lineage of magi and faced familial tensions due to surpassing his father in magical prowess. His exceptional abilities led to jealousy within his family, with his grandfather leapfrogging his father and appointing him as the heir, causing further discord. His father's jealousy escalated to an attempted assassination, leaving Kirschtaria's magical abilities scarred.

I stumbled upon him in a rundown cabin, where he resided with another orphan. Initially skeptical of my intentions, he gradually began to trust me. Seeing potential in him, I intervened, providing him with a home, financing the repair of his magical circuits, and aiding him in severing ties with his family. This all transpired a year ago when I returned from Japan, yet our bond had already grown remarkably strong.

Rin and Shirou were unaware of my relationship with such a talented mage because I chose not to disclose it. But now, the time had come.

"Anyway, I've invited you for a specific matter," I cut straight to the chase.

"I am listening," Kirschtaria dropped his childish demeanor and focused on the discussion.

For the next couple of hours, we delved into the details of my plan's next course of action. Though Kirschtaria wasn't entirely pleased, he reluctantly agreed to assist me nonetheless.


I found myself seated with Marisbury Animusphere, the head of the Animusphere Magus family and the Lord of the Department of Astromancy at the Clock Tower. Kirschtaria was also present.

"I can't believe the youngest Brand Rank magus can come up with such a plan," Marisbury broke the silence after reading the proposal I had presented.

He referred to me as Brand Rank, my actual rank in the Clock Tower. I could have achieved a higher rank, but I deliberately avoided unnecessary attention.

"Very well, Mr. Titus Dusklock. I agree with your proposal," Marisbury stated. "I will entrust the custody of my daughter, Olga Marie Animusphere, to you. In return, I will designate Kirschtaria Wodime as my successor."

"Yes, and I'll provide funds and backup for your organization. Chaldea, is it called?" I confirmed.

"That is indeed correct."

Some might wonder why I was creating another organization like Chaldea and helping Marisbury, considering he was behind many events in the game.

My answer is simple—this time, it's different. I had already used Odin's Eye, and this was the best plan I could conceive. Marisbury wouldn't be creating CHALDEAS or devising grand plans to summon the Alien God. Instead, he would observe the timeline, aligning with my intentions.

Kirschtaria would serve as a spy for me, alleviating many of my concerns.

Marisbury raised a question: "Why have you decided to adopt my daughter instead of Kirschtaria Wodime? She is talented, but she can't possibly surpass this young man's abilities."

"For the time being, I can simply say I have more use for her," I replied. "But I am surprised that Mr. Marisbury agreed so readily to hand over his daughter to me."

"Hah! That girl is too fixated on the Animusphere name, always trying to chase after me. I attempted to create some distance for her to forge her own path, but she continues to chase my shadows," Marisbury sighed. "She'd be better off under a talented magus like Mr. Dusklock than being here and whining every day."

My eyes twitched with the urge to punch him, but I restrained my anger. Unfortunately, what he said held some truth. In both the game and the novel, Olga portrayed a rigid personality, dismissing anyone she didn't favor. Behind her tough facade, Olga was deeply troubled and easily influenced.

In simple terms, she was a talented failure, a product of her father's neglect. Moreover, at just 13 years old, she was at an age where she needed her father the most. What did Marisbury mean by 'forging her own path'? She was precisely where she needed paternal guidance.

However, despite my frustration, our interests aligned, leaving me with limited options.

Leaving Kirschtaria with Marisbury, I exited the room. A maid guided me to another room, and as soon as I entered, I instinctively tilted my head, dodging a fire spell.

The source of the attack was a young girl around 13 years old. She had long white hair and golden-amber eyes, teary yet filled with rage.

"I won't be going anywhere!" she declared fiercely.

Oh boy, it would hard to convince my adopted daughter.


So the 5th Volume has already been started in the Arthurian Era. I wont spoil you much except for the fact that...

Morgan is also best girl.

Lets continue the legacy with higher goals.

Bonus Chapters milestones

1k PSs

1.2k PSs

1.5k PSs

It means that you all will be getting three bonus chapters this week. If the goals doesn't reach till the end of the week, I will lower the milestone.

If you want to read in advance or support me, visit:

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