
Fate/Rebirth Chronicles

This story is a fanfiction as that has the main world set in Fate and many other works mash up, what I mean I took several character or organization and throw it to make a new worldview, the story will focus on the Fate world first but he will slowly go to other world so expect world hopping but the main will always be Fate. The story won't Immediately start with fate character coming, it start on making the Mc have a backstory in the world first, there will be scene from few of character here and there for about 10-12 chapter. I write this fanfic because I thought I should try it, because it sounds fun. DISCLAIMER : beside the OG character and plot of the Fanfic I don't own any other character that appear in this fanfic. the book cover is search from google so I don't own it.

Empyream · Anime et bandes dessinées
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101 Chs

Monster and Witch

she then continue to look towards me and then finally asked.

"why do you want to stop me from destroying France?"

"destroying France, is it truly your wish?"

"of course, I want to kill everyone who betrayed me."

"is that so, then let me ask, who are you?"

"of course I am Jeanne d arc."

"no you are not her, the Jeanne I know have already forgiven those, she choose to move on."

hearing my words she became unhappy.

"are you saying I am an imposter?"

"no the fact I here in this form means you are real, you are her but not the same person I know."

"so what?, are you going to betray me too like those-"

before she finish talking I hugged her and said.

"even if you are different I can still feel the Jeanne I know, an awkward village girl who lack experience in love, but if you want to exact revenge I will stop you with everything I have."

"wha-what are you talking about?, how dare you call me a village girl."

"see this part is the same like the Jeanne I know, but I can't call you Jeanne, how about I call you Jalter."

"because even if you are the same, you are not her, so I won't use you as a replacement of her."

she showed a dissatisfied expression and shake herself out of my hug, seeing this showed my smile towards her, making her blush but different from Jeanne she try to showed her cold expression but if you look closely her ears turn red.

when I was about to speak, suddenly a black spike came from the ground stabbing me on both om my feet and shoulder, the attack pushed me towards a rock wall and pinning me there.

even if I was hit by this attack I did not feel any pain, and it seems I need to increase a way to automatically sense the surrounding without magic, since my sense become dulled because of lacking my true magic, and my eyes only function when I activate it and it can only detect something on my point of view.

"Jeanne I've come to save you, please do not worry I will make him kneel before you after I am done manipulating his mind."

"Gilles it is nice to meet you again, but I like the you that is still sane."

"it seems you have met other version of myself, let's end this farce I will make you do my bidding and then dedicate yourself to Jeanne fully, Berserk Lancer suck his blood."

"is that so." seeing Lancer rush towards me and was about to stab his fang towards my neck, I freed my right hand from the Spike and grab his head to stop his action followed by removing the rest of the spike that pinning me down.

"we meet again King of Romania, if you want to drink my blood it will not be that easy." 

after saying that I decide to throw him towards Gilles to give me time to rush and pick up Jalter and run away with her.

when we are far from their location and I confirmed with my eyes there's no one following us , Jalter then decide to talk,

"what is your name?, we have talked for so long and you even kidnaped me but I still haven't know your name."

"Alex, it is nice to meet you Jalter."

"so where are we going?" she continue to ask.

"I don't know, let's just hide our self first, and shouldn't you reject me, or did you develop stockholm syndrome after a short while."

"die bastard." she then lit me up using her flame.

"you know if that flame hit someone else they will be burned to crisp."

"hmph it is what you get for mocking me."

"well I have an idea what we will do, how about we find a village and hide there, so first thing we should do is to change our outfit."

"it is fine for me, but you look like a monster, the villager will be frighten by your appearance."

"is that so, just for your information I am quite handsome you know."

"and it is not a problem to change my appearance into a normal person." with that the ring in my hand started to let out a black smoke that covered me and Jeanne, when the smoke dispersed what appear was a young man with short black hair with black pupils with well defined feature which show his mix of eastern and western descent making him quite handsome for both side wearing a simple white shirt and long pants.

in his arm is a beautiful young girl with blond platinum hair wearing a simple black colored villager dress being princess carry by the young man.

"how is it Jalter?, how do I look."

I then let her down from my arm, hearing my question she walk around me as if inspecting my appearance and then said.

"acceptable, I like your monster like look more rather then this one."

"why don't I look like a prince charming?"

"because I am a witch, it is more suitable that my partner is a monster."

"well you are not a witch now, you are just a young girl, so it is suitable for a young and charming boy to accompany you, let's go there's a village up ahead, we can pretend that we are travelling."

I was reminded on the date I went on with Jeanne in Romania.


A word of thanks to :

ReimAscart VictorWalker 0zymandias Hosea_6679 DeadCat5757 ThreshGasm Dream_More Gitbhang Luis_Contreras_248 Lion_KingSimp1 Phi0fany_11531 Unknown_Wizard SirFawzi Joshua_Gagnon ParallaxDawn kainebartz16 Kliuy2k Greddy_wolf. Saurian_mp4 BIMMM galks Dtrackt  Aphos  JJ123  GuessTheGender  Judy_Morgan_5854  Dtrackt  DAO_of_UmU  DanKress  jaden_cadawas  The_Trailer_Master  MaXsuL08  NordicRazor  Dragler  TAYROS_LINK  See_rer  Rose_BloodKill  jkrsa  Crystalsinger81  AltrEgo  jaden_cadawas  Parsakzz  King_8997 PureWhite248  AetherBlacklight  UchihaMadara  Akito_  Crystalsinger81  Atalyn_Navia  ChromeFate Aaron_Evangelista  Aamzazap  Ethan_Farias  Daze_Imaginator  Aozu  Rainhawk  True1ironDragon

for the Power Stone

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