
Fate of the Aircraft Carrier: End Times Symbiosis

The world is in shambles after the apocalyptic apocalypse. Zhou Lin was reborn three days before the apocalypse and gained the ability of "symbiosis". After careful consideration, he boarded a flight to the island. Two days later, the world was shocked: the largest and most advanced nuclear-powered aircraft carrier of the beautiful country disappeared into thin air after completing the supply in the harbor of the island country! Pretty Country, Island Country, Summer Country, and Mao Country were thus on first-degree war alert. However, only twenty-four hours later, the island country's Mt. Mount Fuji and the beautiful country's Yellowstone National Park volcano erupted at the same time, and the apocalyptic natural disaster came ......

GiveBreathe · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

It's hard to be a brother.

  "This is going to start from the island volcano eruption ..." Zhou Lin is rushing ducks on the shelf, have been mom to rack up, today can not justify themselves back to be sure to be cleaned up.


  If Zhou Lin and Wu Xue's meeting is fate, then Ai Bing and Tang Yili are the right kind of fate! The reason why Ice can make Tang Yili rush to Jiazhou like a dog with just a few words is because Tang Yili has a similar classmate and brother, Sun Chenghao, in Jiazhou.


  Sun Cheng Hao received the news of Tang Yili, first went to the train station to pick up Tang Yili, and then the two of them went to find Ai Bing together. The three drove around Jiazhou city, Sun Chenghao originally wanted to reflect the value of the local snake in front of Ai Bing and Tang Yili, who knew that under the harsh environment, many stores were closed early, almost even hot pot did not eat.


  Seeing that it was dark outside, Zhou Lin was no news at all, Ai Bing, who had drunk two cups, was a bit annoyed and decided to give Zhou Lin a bit of color - as long as Zhou Lin didn't take the initiative to look for her today, she wouldn't go back!


  The first two days were because there was no dependence, but now Tang Yili came and there was the unexpected awakening of Sun Cheng Hao.


  To Ai Bing's female watch power can see at a glance, this Sun Cheng Hao also has a heart for her, just in the way of the relationship with Tang Yili to hold back.


  Another stinky man!


  Most of the time, what Ai Bing shows is actually a disguise, no matter Zhou Lin or Tang Yili, she actually despises from the bottom of her heart. Although Sun Cheng Hao drives an imported car of more than 300,000 yuan, he rents a house and lives there, which is also categorized by Ai Bing as a loser.


  "Bing Bing, just don't go to that relative of yours tonight ah, we haven't seen each other for a long time, we should talk more." Tang Yili's eyes, reddened by alcohol, were filled with longing.


  "Fine, I won't go back if they don't call, ugh, there's no place to play here."


  Listening to Ai Bing complaining, Sun Cheng Hao busily said that he could buy some food and go to his place, and the three of them would continue to drink. Ai Bing glanced at Sun Cheng Hao and probably guessed what this bitch was thinking.


  It is a pity that if you want to get Ai Bing drunk, no matter Tang Yili or Sun Cheng Hao, are still short of at least twenty years of strength, unless it is to use some means of not picking the light, but the long-experienced Ai Bing will not fall for their tricks?


  In the end, Sun Cheng Hao and Tang Yili were both drunk and laid down, and looking at the two bare-chested men hugging each other, Ai Bing excitedly took some wonderful stills, and then recklessly rummaged through Sun Cheng Hao's house.


  "He's really a poor man, he has nothing!"


  Ai Bing was not trying to steal anything, not at her level, but just to help her judge the value of Sun Cheng Hao. After all, not every rich man will have the words "I am rich" engraved on his forehead.


  Since it was determined that Sun Cheng Hao was a real loser, Ai Bing was completely uninterested in him, and although Tang Yili didn't have much money either, he was at least comfortable to look at, had a good body, and a good sense of power, which could satisfy Ai Bing's needs.


  Idle down Ai Bing and can not help but think of Zhou Lin, no matter how to look at the value seems to be higher than Tang Yili and Sun Cheng Hao combined, and now she is a little bit of regret, in case of a week Lin misunderstood what she came out to do ... However, on second thought, Ai Bing also felt that even if Zhou Lin really want to make any emotion, but also within her control.


  Jiazhou City wasn't big, technically speaking Ai Bing's location at this moment was less than a block away from Lan Shan, and even she could see Zhou Lin's house as long as she chose the right direction!


  In the living room, Wu Xue did not panic after listening to Zhou Lin's "explanation". On the one hand, Zhou Lin repeatedly emphasized that this was only his personal opinion, and on the other hand, it was also due to Wu Xue's character. After all, to be able to study in the clinical department of Ba Shu University until the level of doctorate, is by no means an ordinary person.


  "My dad is a very good doctor, and my mom is an expert in mechanical power, and this trip to Europe is because my mom is going to an international conference, incidentally." Wu Xue both seemed to be speaking to Zhou Lin and talking to herself.


  However, Zhou Lin understood, this was saying that her parents belonged to the kind of extremely useful elite talents, any country that knew about his parents' ability would inevitably pay enough attention to them, compared to ordinary people, the survival rate in the face of disaster was much higher.


  And talented people like Wu Xue's parents would know how to cope better than ordinary people when faced with a crisis.


  "So the biggest problem right now seems to be me." Wu Xue smiled to herself, "I didn't think things would get so serious at first, so I wasn't very well prepared in terms of supplies, and if ... I thought I might starve to death at home."


  Zhou Li, who had been sitting on the sofa next to her reading a book, suddenly raised her head and said, "Don't worry, Sister Xue, if there's a mouthful of food for me, there will definitely be a mouthful of drink for you!"


  "Thank you Lori, but I'm not embarrassed to freeload, and besides things may not be as bad as your brother says."


  It's not that bad? Zhou Lin smiled, not waiting for him to open his mouth, Cheng Yali, who had just cleaned up the dining table, came over with a smile, "Xiao Xue, you're out of line, it's fine, not to mention eating and drinking in our home, you are living down the aunts and uncles are all welcome with both hands! You're a real high achiever, if you're not doing anything to help Xiaoli with her lessons, we've earned it."


  "Lil is smart."


  Faced with Cheng Yali's invitation, Wu Xue neither agreed nor refused.


  "It's about time, I should go home." Wu Xue stood up to leave, but Zhou Li dragged her by the hand and went to her room for almost two hours before the two women, one large and one small, came out smiling.


  When Zhou Li sent Wu Xue away, Zhou Lin couldn't help but ask, "You've only known her for a few days, and you're taking your room? Aren't you afraid of exposing too much?"


  "You think I'm as stupid as you?" Zhou Li turned over and said in a serious manner, "I'm a hero with her, do you know what her IQ is? It's only a little less than mine, and when it comes down to it, she and I are the ones who really have something in common!" Look at Bookla


  "And ah, do you think I'm just because of this? Well, it's already a stretch for your IQ to be able to think of this, the gap between humans is sometimes as huge as the gap between humans and monkeys ....."


  "Who said that again?" Zhou Lin always felt something familiar.


  "It doesn't matter who said it." Zhou Li waved her hand in an airy manner, "Let me ask you, in the face of an apocalyptic apocalypse, is our family really prepared?"


  Zhou Lin thought about it, "Seems about right, what else is missing?"


  "Of course!" Zhou Li pointed to Zhou Caijun smoking at the table and Cheng Yali knocking melon seeds, "Look, the little old man and woman, fifty or sixty, hard work for a lifetime, the body is not afraid of a long time ago strong and dry, and so the end of the world to come to the two of them, the two of us, if there is a headache, even if there is a drug, you know how to take it?"


  "This ... So what you actually value is still Wu Xue's career and ability?" Zhou Lin said.


  "The children are teachable, my heart is very pleased."


  "Dad, Mom, give this girl away, I can't take it anymore!"