
Fate Of My Destiny..K.Th

Do You Believe In Fate ? If You Do ,Then Do You Also Believe In Destiny? My Life Has been Playing Dirty Games to me since the day I was born...sometimes I was even closed to get dead...but my fate always pull me back from the door of death...to make me suffer...my destiny? well Destiny is something that you choose by yourself but my fate is always choosing my Destiny... But you know when everything is dark you will always find a light ..if life is a game you will find a clue...but what if the Light & clue ..is your worst nightmare you can ever think of...? "I'll Give You Everything You Want " "I Want To End This,I Regret Believing You ! " "You Choosed Your Own Fate " "I Hate My Fate . .I Hate Myself..." "Your Destiny ? That's Me Baby ! " Will you come with me ? To see my worst journey of my life which is getting played by two things called Fate & Destiny? Note: All Characters,scean & story is based on authors imagination it has nothing to do with real life..Copyright belongs to @Ddevil.S

Ddevil_Staeswife · Livres et littérature
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18 Chs

My Innocent Babygirl.

Author's POV

Jin sighed as he looked at namjoon "namjoon ahh this is not right it's like we are using her " Jin said as namjoon nodded as no assuring his big brother " no hyung trust me please this time just this time I'm 100% sure tae will be getting the true meaning of love please trust me and if anything goes wrong we can just send her away but please hyung she is also a broken peace which needs to be fixed just like our tae " Namjoon said as jin took a deep breath before saying "only 1 month if not between 1month I'll be taking her away and you will be also kicked out of the house with your wife if that innocent soul gets hurt " Namjoon looked at him in shock "don't you think 1 month is too less ? " he asked a little concerned "what you want me to give you 1 year or what ? no only 1month or maybe 2months no more than this " Jin replied strictly as namjoon smiled showing his dimples as his heart was in worry and assured...he knew what he was doing ,he wanted to do it since the say he got to know her but he haded to wait ,he knew it from that day that only this innocent soul can heal his brother's inner devil.

Both brother and there wives left the place leaving there siblings behind ...

Y/n's POV

I got out of the room as Taehyung shi followed me but as soon as we got in the lobby we saw no one I looked at taehyung shi he also started looking everywhere " where are they ?" I asked as he looked at me " I also came out with you now remember? " he said as I rolled my eyes at his arrogant self "did you just rolled your eyes at me ????? " he asked as I immediately looked down " no something went inside my eye " I lied to him because I was afraid except jungkook oppa and namjoon oppa I was never close to any guy before not after what my bully did to me ...."let me see " he said as I let him do it since I lied His large hands cupped my face as he looked at my eyes ,making my heartbeat faster the blood rushed to my face making it red " is it still itching? " he asked concern showing on his eternally beautiful face which doesn't shows much emotion "its it's fine now " I said as he removed his hands why is it so hot here...."umm so what shall we do now looks like the couples left us alone ?" he asked as I looked everywhere but him " umm maybe go out if you know this place ? " I said as he nodded and said " it's almost 7 PM soon it will be dinner so how about we go to a restaurant and eat first then we can go wherever you want " I smiled as I looked at him he also returned the smile but my surrounding haulted as I saw that boxy smile again..." Your Smile Its so beautiful " I whispered without knowing "Thanks " he said as I looked at him with my eyes widened "I I didn't mean to say it out loud " I said embarrassed " it's just my hearing is good " he said proudly as I sighed "shall we get going now? " I asked as he nodded " after you M'lady " he said as I smiled what is this new feeling ,why do i feel so comfortable and safe with him ,he is just a stranger who just came out as my sister's younger brother in law....

Taehyung's POV

I smiled as the driver started driving taking us to our destination, why I feel so happy when am with her oh right she is obsession I smiled as I looked at her who was looking 0ut....I swear I just wanna kiss those lips .....I smiled as I looked away before I lose my control...

Soon we reached the restaurant and got inside the VIP area its looks like our date maybe first date ? I smiled " Taehyung shi why are you smiling alone am I looking funny ?" she asked innocently no my innocent babygirl your looking so hot that I wanna do the sinfull things right now right here on this table which you can't even imagine..." no it's just am happy your looking fine don't worry " I said as I regained myself she smiled " shall we order the food now cause I'm hungry " She said smiling like an angel...innocent angel " sure go ahead "

Author's POV

The waiter came to their table to take there orders but his eyes fell on the girl sitting infront of the Man....she was looking beautiful way too beautiful that he cannot take his eyes off of him ,which didn't go unnoticed by the man sitting infront of the beautiful girl...his hands clenched as he gave the order as soon as the waiter went away ,the man stood up "Y/n wait here I'll be back from restroom " He said as the innocent girl nodded .....

The waiter Gave the order to shef as he started walking towards the restroom to set himself so he can flirt to the girl he just saw...as he got inside he saw someone already there he didn't minded that and decided to set himself while looking in the mirror the man started walking towards the exit but instead of going out he locked the door and started walking back where the waiter was "excuse me sir you can't lock---" the waiter couldn't complete his sentence as he got cutted by a hard punch right on his cheek which made him move back "STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY GIRL DON'T YOU EVEN DARE TO LOOK AT HER ,IF YOU DO I WON'T HESITATE TO BURN YOU ALIVE " The man yelled holding the waiters collar....the waiter worried for his life nodded as yes and made his way out almost running out the restroom the man sighed as he started washing his hands "No one can touch or see what's mine who the hell did he thought he was " the main murmed as he looked in the mirror ,his phone rang as he picked it up still looking in the mirror " Hello ? "he said as the other line responded immediately " tae come to XXXX club with y/n we all are waiting here and yes eat before you come we all have eated " Taehyung smirked as he said " sure hyung don't worry we will be there "and kept the call ,he looked in the mirror and smirked "My Innocent Babygirl Its confirm now This Kim Taehyung wants you .....even if it will he for one night "

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