
Fate of Asertia

Synopsis: A world called Asertia was terrorized by an unknown entity. Gods and Goddesses created immortal beings to protect Asertia, but after they found the truth behind that entity, everything is changed! 15 years old Val Belliot with his dream to be the greatest adventurer start his journey and an unexpected encounter with a mysterious guy made his whole life change completely!

Iqfauli · Fantaisie
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Tenth floor.

Alicia and the 23 of them including Brie, Ezrine, and Shelley. Open the door to the sixth floor and walk the stairs.

They are at the sixth floor's front door and Alicia opens it. A Hydra stood there and roared. Alicia says,

"Tsk... One of the hardest legendary monsters that ever existed is our opponent, huh..."

Brie replies,

"The middle head is its weakness, my Lady. Please focus on the middle head while we are trying to give my Lady an opening."

Alicia says,

"Got it... Ezrine, Shelley. Cover me as long as you can."

Ezrine and Shelley replies,

"Yes, Madam."