
Fate of a Ronin

Ku_kulkan09 · Oriental
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2 Chs


[The sound of horse hooves thundering on the wet ground was heard from a distance. Fog covered every inch of the road. The shadow of a horseman on a horseback is seen from a distance, emerging. The horseman seemed to have a lance in his right hand. Slowly, shadows of other horses bearing riders emerge behind the first rider. They ride furiously along a very long path with lush greens that lead into a lake just beside the road. At the end of the path, an army can be seen waiting with torches and spears, raised into the air. In front of the army of about a thousand men, stood the outcast prince backing the army and staring into the dark lake ahead of him. The general walks up behind him and asks impatiently...]

"Is it the palace or the queen's court?... Do we kill the crowned prince first?" the Prince turned to face his army. "His majesty is on his way back to the palace and we'll all be doomed when the sun comes up." the general continues. The Prince's aid turns to look at him, waiting for an answer. "We can only win this fight with kim." the prince finally answers. "He's not that important. Why must you be so stubborn?" the general complains in frustration. "Besides, who knows? He may have run away." the prince takes a step forward and sighs.

Just then, the sound of a horse neighing can be heard from the fog in a distance behind the soldiers and the shadows begin to emerge from the fog. The soldiers immediately turn around and draw their swords, pointing it in the direction from where the sound was coming from. "Archers!" the general calls out and a line of men, holding bows, fixed with arrows come forward and take aim. The shadow slowly begins to take form and soon, kim emerges from the fog carrying the prince's flag pointing to the ground as he galloped towards the battle prepared army.

Kim suddenly raises the flag up. Sprays of blood can be seen on his right cheek. His bloodshot eyes glared into the distance ahead of him. The prince raises his head in relief and crosses his hands behind him as he sees Kim and his warriors riding towards the army. Kim unmounts his horse and walks briskly towards the prince. His uniform has blood stains everywhere. "I am sorry I am late, your highness." kim bows his head slightly. The prince turns to face kim.

"Take charge of the ambush and retrieval squad command. Go to the queen's court with your soldiers and hit them." the prince exhales, "Sung woo is there." Kim's lips twitch as a smile tries to break out. "Should we leave any survivors?" Kim bows his head slightly as he asks. The prince turns away from kim and answers in a low but steady voice. "No survivors!"

[Black fumes fill the air as torches light up the street. The thundering sound of a thousand boots echo against the walls of the narrow street as kim leads his men to the queen's court. The only thing that sings in his head at this point is the low but steady voice of the prince... NO SURVIVORS. The soldiers to the far right of Kim suddenly breakoff and file into an alleyway, while the ones on his far left run ahead and make a turn on getting to the end of the fence shielding the entrance to the queen's court. Luke stands at a reasonable distance from the door, leading into the queen's court and nods.

Archers pull out their arrows and set the tip ablaze by holding it into the Fiery end of the torches, before taking aim in the air. Kim nods again and they let the arrows fly into the midnight air. The arrows hit wooden chairs, window frames, pillars, doors and the roof of houses inside the courtyard. On a second nod from Kim, four men carrying a very big log run towards the door of the court and begin to ram the huge log into the door. The door gives way on the second hit and the men carrying the log immediately advance into the courtyard.]

"Enter!" Kim gives the command and four soldiers run into the courtyard. Arrows fly out from nowhere and meet their targets on the heads, chest and legs of those of Kim's soldiers that made an advance into the courtyard. The soldiers on the rooftops that shot the arrows suddenly show themselves and Kim gives a second command. "Enter!".

This time, the archers go in first, shooting at the enemy archers on the roof. Bodies with arrows stuck to them, fall from the rooftop to the ground as Kim and the remainder of his men walk onto the grounds of the courtyard. The red leather of Kim's uniform glows under the poor light of the torches as he walks towards the back of the courtyard where he's sure the next resistance would be waiting for him.

"Finally!" Shin, Kim's friend cheered happily as they make a right turn and slowly approach the resistance. Heading the resistance, in a shiny blue uniform almost identical to Kim's own with a smug look on his face, was kim's best friend... Jung. Kim and his men come to a stop about two metres away from the opposition party. "Make way!" Kim says calmly to Jung. Exhaling, Jung answers him. "This is the end of your path. You mustn't even take a step forward." Jung shakes his head. "Stop this madness!" Kim sighs loudly as his eyes glow a bright yellowish gold.

"When will you ever learn? You can never stop my path. I will slaughter every single soul here..." Jung shouts at Kim. "Then what? What happens after you insanely commit mass murder Kim...what?" Kim lets out another sigh. "I will die here!" Kim draws out his sword from its sheath and points it at Jung. "Then so be it!" Jung draws his own katana, the soldiers behind him do the same.

The death hungry ronins behind Kim start shouting furiously. "Shin and the crowned prince shall not die by your hand!'' With this, both sides charge at each other. Soldiers run past run past Kim with katana's and lances pointed towards the soldiers on the other side. Men run past Jung towards the enemy charging at them. Groan of agony, screams and the clang of steel against steel can be heard all over the courtyard as samurai and ronin fight to the death. Jung and kim charge at one another...