

[THIS CONTENT MAY CONTAIN SPOLIERS FROM THE FATE SERIES] Amidst the mysterious events of the ongoing Fifth Grail War, Bazett Fraga McRemitz is sent to Japan's Fuyuki City by the Clock Tower's command to investigate and find out what is going on in Fuyuki City. What will she face there? Will she be able to pull through? Perhaps this will be a chance for her to put her skills to the test... Cover-Art belongs to me.

selkia · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

A Hero



"It is dark... Much darker than I presumed it would be..."

There are no sources of light nor sound other than this person's own words... It is just pure silence and darkness which never ends...

"I am starting to think that this is hell... Or maybe this is just the after life overall?.."

"What about God?.. What about all the heaven and hell and those fancy stuff... Was that all just a simple folk-tale?.."

Takes a deep sigh... This place, it feels like falling in a never ending deep hole for him.

"I feel cold... I just wonder... How much time has it been... How much has it been since I was here... Why do I have even have my conscience if this is like some sort of deep sleep... I think I don't even remember how I've gotten into here in the first place... I wish I could say the same thing for who I-"

Suddenly, the sound of a endless stream of wind can be heard in this void... And pure white light illuminating the nothingness...

"H-Huh?.. What the... What is going on?.."

A feminine voice, coming from this source of light echoes deep in the unending space... Saying;

"Today, right here, right now... I am calling to any spirit who is willing to help me on my journey. The town which I am in, is in danger... Innocent people's lives are at stake, that is if there are any left... And I am not going to allow that... I am not going to let anyone make anyone suffer just for their own cause. And I need someone powerful enough to do that..."

He just stares at the bright light shaped like a sphere, and listens to this lady in disbelief and curiosity... As the speech continues;

"I hereby propose that my will and cause shall create thy body... And thy power shall create my fate..."

Suddenly these words starts to resonate within him. Even though he feels like he had never heard of any of these before they somehow feel familiar...

"Abiding by the summons of the Holy Grail... If thou dost accede to my will and reason, answer my call!"

This last sentence triggers something inside of him, his heart starts to beat faster... Is this excitement? Adrenaline? Or even fear? Maybe all of them in the same time. But he just wants to scream "Yes!" until his lungs give out... It is as if he has been waiting for this exact moment for years, decades, but somehow forgotten everything about it. He starts laughing uncontrollably while trying to reach and touch this source of light.

"YES! AHAHA! J-Just a little closer!"

He starts shouting as he tries to reach the source of the light while he still floats in the void. And then after some struggle he finally touches the source of the light with the tip of his finger. The light glowing from the sphere, starts to shine brighter, blinding him in the process. He covers his eyes due to how bright it is, it is as if he is directly looking at the sun... It starts to feel like the whole place around him is spinning, rotating at extreme speeds. Then in a flash all the sound of wind and the bright light disappears, as he feels his feet are touching the ground, he opens his eyes and sees a red haired business woman in front of him, then he immediately falls on his back and grunts since he lost his balance due to being used to floating for so long;

"Argh..." In a low tone he says, "Shit..."

The business woman looks at what she is seeing in disbelief... The man laying on the ground in front of her, is dressed in a fine black suit with a blue tie. He wears a pair of black gloves combined with white linings on them, and out of any other feature this man has, he wears a big mask covering his entire face. The mask has some white LED stripes shaped like 2 circles on the black surface of the mask, imitating a look of 2 eyes... As this woman in business suit still is in disbelief she forms a stern face and speaks to the man, yet still with an unsure tone;

"You... Are you my servant?"

The masked man while still laying on the ground looks up at the woman speaking to him... He looks at the woman's hand and sees the command spells on it... He just stares at her, there is a complete silence in the room they are in, the woman doesn't break her serious face too... Then he grunts a little again and gets up from the ground while taking support from the sofa near him, and after he gets his balance... He looks directly at the woman in front of him and speaks;

"I would say 'Sorry for making you worry' but it doesn't seem like you are anyways, are you?.." His tone sounds smug even though his mask covers his entire face, you can almost tell that he is smirking behind that mask; "Class, Alter Ego. A pleasure to meet you, master. Oh but excuse me I was first supposed to ask the classic 'Are you my Master?' thing before laying on the assumption that you are my master eh?"

Business woman's eye flinch at the attitude of this man. And as if she wasn't puzzled enough with the addition of who seems to be her servant saying that he is a "Alter Ego" class just adds to her frustration. And so she speaks;

"Alter Ego?.." She shakes her head and speaks again; "Never mind... Lets just stick with the basics and first start with introducing ourselves... I am your master, Bazett Fraga McRemitz. I have summoned you to aid me on my journey on this war... What is your name and..." Bazett's expression changes into a one of confusion; "I..." 'Why can't I see his...'

As Bazett stares directly at this man's mask in frustration, he starts to speak;

"My name you ask?" He giggles a bit to himself and speaks again; "You can call me Star since as you can also see I shine as bright as one."

Star says as he proudly shows off his clothes. Bazett narrows her eyes wondering if this guy is for real and speaks again;

"That is not your real name at all is it? Stop playing around, you are my servant do as I say. What is your real name? And... Why can't I see your parameters? Your abilities... more specifically..."

Star sighs and responds to Bazett;

"Calm down red head. Why so serious? Besides what difference would it make to you to know my 'real name' as how you say it..."

Star still sounds as smug and cocky as ever, which seems to be irritating Bazett a little. Bazett gets closer to Star;

"If I knew your real name, it might be helpful during battles to know what your weaknesses and strengths are, in order to be one step ahead. Plus I don't and wouldn't need a reason to know your name anyways. Your 'Master' is asking you to do so... First you are telling me that your class is an 'Alter Ego' and now you are not even doing such a simple thing as telling what your name is."

Star seems to be not affected by Bazett's attempt to intimidate him at all;

"Well first of, I don't have to tell you rat's ass if I don't want to 'Miss Master', just because I am your servant doesn't equally mean that I am also your slave too. The only way that you will get what you want to hear out of my mouth is to use your fancy command spells right there on your hand. But even so are you really going to use that just to make your servant tell his name?.. Hm?"

Bazett clenches her fists, Star really is seeming to be getting on her nerves now, and so Star speaks again;

"You seem like a smart person master. You know that it's not worth it just to prove a point... You've got a badass servant standing right in front of you, answering your summons. Why bother with my name, huh? Let's just stick with Star for now. Sound good to you?"

Bazett rolls her eyes and shrugs her shoulder then speaks;

"Tsch... You are awfully cocky for a servant."

Star just chuckles at Bazett's comment, as Bazett speaks at him again;

"If you want to keep your name under wraps for whatever reason, and play like that, fine. But that doesn't mean I don't have more questions for you. You claim to be an Alter Ego, a type of servant I've only read about in books. I'm curious, with all your swagger and cockiness, is it all just bark? Or do you actually have something to back it up? I need to ensure that you'll be of value to me. I want to see how powerful you are. Thus your abilities since I can't read your parameters... What is your weapon?.. What is your Noble Phantasm? Just what can you do?.."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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