
Fate/Mercenary: A travel across the omniverse.

"Why does every world that we go must be someone with Young Master syndrome is that a trend?" "I don't understand your question Young Master" "I already told you to not call me like that!" "You have guts to ignore the great me!" " Yeah Yeah I know, you will say some shit like that I'm courting death or whatever" "You are mocking me, are you courting... how do you know what I was going to say peasant?" "Cause everyone like you say the same bullshit!!!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own anything except some OC and barely. There is a Harem Tag for something so please don't leave hate comments in the future for that, Its on the description so save time to everyone. English it's not my first language. Thank you for reading and I hope you have a pleasant experience doing it. First World- Harry Potter Second World- High School DXD

Stuckinapileofbook · Anime et bandes dessinées
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63 Chs

Reconnect: Chapter 28.5: The Gathering

July 15th of 1992, New York, United States of America. Conference Center of the ICW

Nobodies POV.

//A:N: No the ones from Kingdom Hearts…sadly//

"They are a menace!" A man with severe hair loss punched the desk in front of him. "We must eradicate them!"

"Mr. Jameson, I think that you are exaggerating." The representative of Romania said. "Sure, they have been less than friendly, but are we really going to waste money and resources on them?"

"I agree with Mr. Ardelean." The Ugandan representative seconded. "While the actions of "Organization XIII" are a little bit too rash, is not like they caused any real damage towards our communities."

"Of course, both of you would say that." The representative of the USA, Mr. Jameson said with a sneer.

At those words, both representatives frowned. "What are you implying Jameson." This time the representative of Uganda, Mr. Mbabazi said in an annoyed tone.

"It's just that I find it quite suspicious, a wizard proficient with the use of wandless magic and weapons which is both of your countries' specialties, and on top of that he resolved both of your problems without causing a fuss in your respective ministries," Jameson said with an accusatory tone while glaring at both representatives.

"Again with your nonsenses," Mbabazi said with a snort. "Once more the Americans trying to take control of how we teach magic to our people. But can't say I am surprised by those words coming from the very same people that kidnap muggleborns from their families."

Jameson didn't take those words kindly as one could see veins pumping out in his face. "You damn-"

But before he could say anything else he was interrupted by someone sniggering. "Fufufu, as much as I would enjoy seeing you lot dancing like the monkeys you are, I think that everyone would appreciate it if you could leave your pettiness aside so we can continue with the meeting." Said a young man in his late twenties with half-closed eyes and long hair styled with a ponytail and with some hair covering part of his face.

"A junior like you should remain quiet when your seniors are talking," Jameson said with scorn in his voice.

"So, I should have the right to talk by your standards, don't I?" This time someone spoke making most of the present people freeze. The person in question was a man in his mid-fifties, if someone overlooked his height, the man looked like your average salary man, but that is if you are only taking his looks into consideration as he iridates an overwhelming aura.

For the general population, Albus Dumbledore was the best and most powerful Wizard all the world, something that is not exactly wrong, yet there are hidden monsters around the world with equal or greater skills than him, who don't like the attention of the public, and only a handful of influential people around the world knows, and the man who is standing in front of everyone is one of those.

"Senior Kim, what a pleasant surprise," Yao said with a wide smile. "I thought that Mr. Choi was going to come as the Korean representative as you are not fond of political affairs."

"I wasn't going to, Young Ling." said Representative Kim lessening his presence and a small smile in his face. "But some unexpected circumstances made me, but before anything, are you not going to greet me you old dog?"

"Hahaha you never change Kim, scaring the youngster like this." Said an old man with a heartful laugh. The man in question has long greyish hair and was wearing an olive-colored yukata and black haori. This man is Senzaemon Nakiri Japan's representative. "So, what made you come out of your cave?"

"See it yourself." Representative Kim said as he throws an envelope at Representative Nakiri. And Nakiri catch it with ease and started to inspect the content inside, he frowns slightly.

But as the three of them chatted nonchalantly, one person didn't like it at all. "Stop ignoring us! You might be one of the strongest Wizards in the world, but that doesn't give you the right to act like you own the place, we are talking about the Wizardry world's wellbeing!"

"Hmm, as if a punny man like you would care about the world's wellbeing. You only care about gaining a political foothold in your country." Representative Kim said while looking at Jameson with disgust. And Jameson didn't take well the insult as he seems that wanted punch Kim's face. "But since you are so insistent to talk about this, maybe we should ask the opinion of those who were the first to experience the power of the "Organization XIII"." He said as he glared in the direction of the British Representative and the Albanian representative.

"We don't have too much information about them." Said the British representative William Moriarty who is a young blond man at the beginning of his thirties with wine-red colored eyes. "They came out of nowhere and started hunting some noble houses who were apparently allied with the Dark Lord while he was on the raise, until recent events we didn't even know which kind of magic they used."

Jameson sneered at Representative Moriarty's words. "Even after almost 11 years of his downfall and you still have problems with him. Pathetic."

William Moriarty didn't seem upset at Jameson's words, he instead just smiled "kindly".

Representative Kim in another hand just ignored Jameson and questioned the other party. "What about you Representative Destani? Anything that you would like to add?"

Blerim Nestani, Albania's representative took a deep breath before speaking. "Our country decided that independently of what most countries decide in this meeting, we are going to abstain from antagonizing Organization XII."

With those words, an uproar started in the whole room of the ICW. But just with the raise of Representative Kim hand's, it ended.

"Can you elaborate?" Representative Kim asked politely.

"After the events that transpired 15 days ago, the Aurors who followed the leader now known as Luxu, delivered their memories, and with the help of one of the noble families in the country who owns a pensive which by the way I am not allowed to say its name before you ask." Representative Nestari remarked.

"We could analyze the memories and we reached the conclusion that we don't have enough power to go against him and less if we take into consideration that there is someone else with strength at least equal to him and who knows if there are other members with similar power. So, unless they take violent actions against our country, we will let them do as they want, after all, if we ignore his taunting at the ministry, all their actions only benefitted us as he took care of some terrorist groups that has being a problem for a long time in our country without mentioning the Death Eaters that were hiding on our capital." Nestari explained but without forgetting to give a glare to the British Representative.

Representative Kim nodded at those words as it was similar to his personal opinion and the same from the Korean Ministry as it would be a waste of valuable resources. "Can you give us a copy of those memories to collaborate with what we know?"

"We assumed that someone would ask that." Representative Nestari said as he took some glass flasks from his briefcase. "Here are the memories of the event from all the Aurors that participated in the pursuit."

Representative Kim took the flasks while thanking the man fortunately this room was equipped with a pensive in the middle of the room, so he wasted no time and poured one of the memories and inspect them all. Following him, one by one the representatives took turns to see the memories.

Shortly after every present people saw the memories, and everyone had a different expression, Jameson, for example, looked pissed to no end while gritting his teeth, and Ling Yao had a grin on his face. But the general consensus was that everyone was a concerned expression on their face.

"Does anyone else share the same opinion as the Albanian government?" Representative Kim asked so he could finish this as fast as possible.

And in no time, most of the representatives raised their hands with the exceptions of some representatives like Bulgaria, Russia, and America among a few others.

"Since the majority decided to take a wait-and-see approach, it's obvious that the motion for creating a joint task force against Organization XIII is denied." Representative Kim said making more than one of the presents making a sour expression. "However even if most of the countries agreed with this, we cannot force the remaining countries to do it on their own."

At this many of the countries that stubbornly wanted to do something grinned, but that smile wouldn't last long.

"But since it is your independent actions, whatever the outcome is for those that want to do something against Organization XIII, the rest of the countries won't aid you in case everything goes wrong."

With those words, the meeting ended and everyone started to leave the room with the exception of 3 men.

"Fuh~ As always Senior Kim doesn't hold back," Yao said cheerfully.

"And you are as annoying as always." Senior Kim said with a small smile.

"Hahaha It's been three years since we meet each other, and nothing seems to change," Nakiri said with a big smile. "Also Ling it seems that you are still as salty with Jameson as always."

At Nakiri's words, Ling just shrugged his shoulders. "It can't be helped, after all, Uganda wasn't the only country that they wanted to interfere with in the past."

"I cannot understand why America would give someone like him a high position, especially one where he has to have contact with other countries. It only makes them look bad." Nakiri said with a tired face.

"Jameson has a lot of connections and even with his temperament he is still competent to some extent." Senior Kim without changing his expression. "So is Senzaemon, what do you think about it?"

"It is the right decision to not intervene with Organization XIII affairs." Nakiri expressed his opinion. "Besides the fact that it would take highly capable people to just try to stop them, the casualties wouldn't be small and so far, they just targeted criminals so from the government perspective they are not losing anything so the pros outweigh the cons."

"Stop acting like a fool Senzaemon, you perfectly know what I am talking about." Senior Kim said with mild annoyance making the older man to slightly frown.

Ling could help but raise an eyebrow at those words. "Ho? ~ That sounds interesting, would you mind giving some context to your junior?"

"Is up to Senzaemon if he wants to say anything." Senior Kim said dryly.

At this Ling looked at Senzaemon with a "pleading" face. "*sight* Order me to investigate a person of interest in the United Kingdom and if possible, to bring him to our side."

"And why the Japanese Ministry would want to recruit an outsider? It's not a secret that none of our governments are fond of taking in people from those Islands, especially the older higher-ups." Ling said with some amusement after all even if they didn't meddle in most of the Muggle affairs, there was still some bad blood between them.

"Because he is Japanese, well half-Japanese to be exact." He said with an exasperated tone.

"Ho, are you talking about the brat who exposed Dumbledore in a press conference?" Ling said with an amused smile.

"The very same, so I asked Kim to investigate his personal life before approaching him," Senzaemon explained.

"So why did you look like you ate horse manure after looking at the information? from what little I know he doesn't have a good relationship with the British Ministry, leaving aside how most of the Noble Families look down on foreigners, he also is the Heir of a family with a troublesome background."

"The problem is his attitude." Senior Kim intervened. "From an outside perspective, he looks like a brilliant student and charismatic well-mannered young man. But as if he was representing his schoolhouse he is too cunning for his age, he managed to change the public opinion of the most respected wizard in that country with some words while making him look like a victim with just some words, a natural manipulator. Also, from what I gathered, he has violent tendencies, not that is without a reason I must add, as most of his "victims" were and I quote "Young masters", something that you can understand."

Hearing the last part of the information that Senior Kim gave him, Ling couldn't help but crackle in laughter. "*Pff* HAHAHA! I see he is a man of culture as well." Ling said in between laughs as some tears started to drop out of his eyes. And after some seconds his laugh died and continue to talk. "Well, I see why you frowned if the information that Senior Kim gave is as reliable as always, there is little to nothing that you can do." He said before changing his expression to a serious one. "That is if they try to do it in an honest way. But looking at your face, it seems that they order you to try even if takes using more deceitful ways."

At Lings words Senzaemon couldn't help but sigh. "As perspective as always Ling."

"Kukuku what I can say? there is a reason why they put me in charge of the international relationships." Ling said with a smug smile on his face. "But why did you accept this? You hate this sort of game and even if you are not as powerful as Senior Kim strength-wise, with your political power and connections it would be easy to ignore this kind of plot."

But before Senzaemon could answer Senior Kim who remained silent in most of the conversation spoke. "They are trying to use your granddaughter, don't they?"

With Senior's Kim words, the magic energy around Senzaemon started to go wild. "Those bastards dared to approach my cute granddaughter while I was away and deceived her with foolish words about noblesse oblige and even after trying my best to change her opinion, she won't budge, saying that is her duty as one of the great nobles houses of Japan." Said with an rage flowing from his voice.

"Damn!" Ling said eloquently. Using a honey tramp was nothing uncommon in the magic society, on the contrary, it was a tactic often used. But he was impressed by the gal of those people by using Senzaemon's granddaughter.

"So, what are you going to do?" Senior Kim asked.

After a little Senzaemon holds himself back. "I know that I already abused our friendship with my previous request. But can you keep investigating him further? Anything that can help me to take him to our side or in the worst-case scenario, that can help my granddaughter?" He said while trying to bow to his friend but was stopped by the very same one.

"Don't bow my friend." Senior Kim said. "I can understand your concerns and is not like I have something to do for the moment, so is obvious that I would give a hand to a friend in need."

Senzaemon couldn't help but smile at his friends' words. "Thank you, my friend."

"Count me in," Ling said with a smile. "What kind of junior would I be if I didn't help my senior in need? And while I don't have the same skills as Senior Kim, I do have my connections inside that country."

"Thank you, Ling." Once again Senzaemon expressed his appreciation.

"It's nothing Senior Senzaemon." Ling said waving his hand.

"As Ling said, it's nothing, my friend. If I was in your shoes, I would do anything for my own blood." Senior Kim said as he was leaving the room. "But different from you, I would not hesitate to kill the bastards that dared to use my family in their schemes." And with those words, Senior Kim left the precinct.


Hello nieces and nephews, it's uncle author and I hope you liked this chapter.

First of all I wanted to thank everyone for your support since this FF reached the 912.76K reads and 3.9K add to library! We are so close to the 1 million reads! So, thank you, everyone. *The author makes a bow*

So this is the first .5 chapter of the ff. Like I said before I wanted to use this as a kind of interlude but with Kingdom Hearts style hahahaha. So please let me know in the comments if you would like this kind of chapter for the future.

So basically, in this chapter, I introduced more about other countries and people of this world. I think that no one thought that I would introduce characters from other media hahaha I bet that I got you. You thought that Fuga was the only troll of this ff? If that is so you thought wrong hahaha. After all, I wanted to use the advantage of this being an AU. But just for clarification, just because there are some characters from other media, it means that the whole cast would be here. Also, did you recognize all the characters that I mention? Make a comment in this paragraph with the ones that you recognized.

The next chapter will be the regular one with the revelation of one of Yozora's deepest secrets, so wait for the next chapter to read to know what it is. Also, I cannot wait to write his reaction after finding out about these characters hahaha. Also talking about the next chapter some of you expressed and supported the idea of having Bellatrix as a waifu. Being honest with you guys and gals, when I started writing I didn't consider her as waifu material, but if you want to, I can add her.

Write a comment here if you support the idea to add Bellatrix to the Harem.

Write a comment here if you are against the idea to add Bellatrix to the Harem.

The vote ends this Friday 20, so make sure to express your opinion.

So with anything else to say, thank you for reading this chapter, if you like this ff so far please leave a review, it will help me a lot so more people start reading it.

Also, leave a comment with your thoughts of this chapter and the ff in general, and maybe drop a stone or two hahaha (Unlimited Stone Works!)

See you again in the next chapter.

*The author leaves the chat to take a well-deserved rest.*