
Fate Magus: A road to be a magician ( DxD fanfic)

Schöne Träume suddenly woke up in the body of his younger self while he still was in United Kingdom. Looking at the mirror he cannot help but remember bitter memories of the past and his present day situation. He felt life was playing a joke like his name which meant Beautiful dreams in German, never once he had lived a beautiful dream but this could be it? Suddenly a panel appeared with a message from the God of the Bible himself. But not from anyone but from the Fate world of Nasuverse who had entrusted a mission to him. It seems He along with his Prime version of Biblical God wants to resurrect the Biblical God in this Parallel World to safeguard humanity. Looking at these he though he was in a Nightmare like his life which is already is in his younger days. But it soon changed with a little gift for his services. Would this be something good finally happening in his life? A path to being a Magus who walks with death? It doesn't matter anymore. His whole life has been a dance with death. A/N: Mc appearance on the picture of webnovel

Tahsin_Aziz_Swapno · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs


In Traume's excitement he forgot one important thing to check. His past memories and the memories of this parallel world.

Since he is in the same world which coincides with his past life, he forgot to notice such minor details. Details like Abagail the nurse his body and his mind accepted as someone in his daily life as reflex action.

Now he remembers that the nurse in the past someone named Dorothy not Abagail.

The smell of phosphor and ash is telling right now.

Now the main question.

[Why the heck did God but this Devil bitch here?]

This thought rang through his head as he gave a sidelong gaze of indifference to the nurse. His poker face now working at maximum capacity to not give tell-tale signs of his change in demeanor.

He mastered to make different faces in his life of crime in his previous world so this one is no different.

"My my did I make you angry little one? Don't worry I don't say grace either as I am an atheist"

Abagail slowly walked around Traume as he kept chewing on the spaghetti in a slow calm mood.

"You seemed in a hurry few moments ago, did you have a bad tummy or nausea?

"It is my daily routine to take a dump in the morning before going to breakfast"

"I see so did something happen in the morning that caused you to be shocked or to be excited?"

"Bad dreams everyone knows I have that; I went to the doctor too with miss Dorothy to check up my mental state"

"Is that so? Since I am new here after miss Dorothy's passing, I did not get to know much about the children here"

Traume would have called bullshit right there as miss Dorothy was the oldest nurse in the hospital wing of the orphanage Brandon which was located in London Red Bridge. Knowing the Devil, he can more or guess her game.

"You know Dreamy you can share anything with me you know? I can be your friend. I always wanted a child but for some reason I cannot get pregnant. I feel anger towards the people who take children for granted. I can be you moth- "


Traume pushed his chair with force and took the bowl of spaghetti and took off outside the nurse's hospital wing.


Traume slammed the door on her face on Abagail's face who rushed to comfort him of the misunderstanding.

Traume walked off in a hurry with ragged breath and bloodshot eyes.

Gritting his teeth, he soon made to miss Allisions room to check and see if she was okay.

Curses and howling were making way to Traumes head, he can more or less guess this bitch nurse's personality.

A twisted two-faced devil bitch.

Highschool DxD anime may show the Devils in a good light but t cannot stop the fact that they are Evil.

Diodara, Niberius and the rest of the kind mostly the old Satan faction are goddam bastards.

Traume has never been religious as everytime he tried to remain pious and be good he was rewarded with scorn and disgust. Therefore, he abandoned his faith as it was nothing but a burden in this harsh world.

But he did read the biblically accurate Devils and Demons.

They are all deceivers every single one of them, humans are no less in that regard.

Though this world may be a work of fiction for entertainment that only shows the entertainment side of the thing. In corners of the world there will be shadows to be found where monsters stay hidden.

One thing from the anime that is always ignored is that the spawn of lucifer Rivezim released Trihexia the beast of apocalypse that the God of the Bible gave his power and life to seal.

The most bizarre thing is that all of the pantheon and factions let it slide?


He knows they were angry but goddam would it kill to make sure to give a good beating to the three factions.

People of this world has no braincells or oversight.

The mission he was given was going to be an uphill battle and with his knowledge about the future he will call the shots.

The most important task is to get the Boosted Gear and the Sephiroth Graal.

As both of those Longinus is the focal turning point of the world.

The main character with breast fetish which he respects but not the decaying braincells that comes with it.

Issei Hyoudou will be the biggest obstacle in his mission to obtain Sephiroth Graal along with Rivezim. With Carwennan he is sure to sneak in and grab the items which are important for the resurrection of the God of the Bible. If Devils knew it, they would try to stop him and the main character led by the nose by Rias Gremory would be the most troublesome.

He cannot have main character with his plot armor ruin everything. Also, it would be disrespect to let the free candy slide which is a Longinus having a dragon's soul. It would be stupid as a magus to let it be stolen by an exibisonist devil.

Better nip the danger in the bud before it grows too strong.

Another reason is the Luck of the main character that made him at the level of Great Red.

He will take all of that.

He will become the Dragon of Domination.

Therefore, he is gonna fuck the plot and become the main character himself.

He is gonna write his own story.

Not of Lust but of Conquest and his path to become a magician.

Traume though came to a halt as smell of oak tree made way to his nose and he looked up in reminiscence.

Several memories bubbled in his heart along with old wounds that were in his heart.

His true mother like figure.

Miss Allision Hummingbird.

This time he will make everything right and give her a well-deserved rest. He will give her the riches of mountain made of gold and diamonds; he will give her the world itself in the palm of his hands.

With great Hesitation Traume opened the door.

!!!!!!Abagail POV!!!!

"Damned Brat!"

Abagail was pacing in the nurse's room from left to right biting her lip as she thought about the mysterious occurrence around this new boy.

She tried to use hypnosis and manipulation using the oldest trick in the book to make him feel sympathetic and emotional towards her. Going as far to empathize with these lowly worms that do not know their place.

She surely underestimated this kid who came to her office.

He had a strong mind.

She was sure that there was a burst of mana from the bathroom as he went inside, no matter if it was small, it was noticeable for a low-class devil of the Niberius Family.

She was stationed here to make sure to pick up ripe ingredients for his lord's experiment to make High-Class-Devils.

Children with good magical potential or better a child with sacred gear to be sold for high prices to other devil families for their peerages.

To be trained for the swords and shields of the Devil race, the same swords and shield that can turn against them the pure-blooded-devils. The best these humans could be is their meat shields.

If not for the secrecy and careful smuggling under the church's noses, she would have beat the kid senseless for his haughty attitude towards a higher being as her.

But for long term success she needs to be patient as soon she will corner the rat and put it in its place.

Abagail made a magic circle at her finger tips and put it on her ear contacting her superior.

There was ring on the other side for a few minutes and was soon picked up.

"What is it I am experimenting on an important Subject"

A gruff and annoyed voice made way from the magic circle.

"My lord I have another important specimen of interest to share with you"

"Oh? Then send it over"

"I will do so tonight after I have made some preparations for the disappearance"

"Haa what a nuisance why would people care for thrown away waste, anyways we do have to make sure to be vigilant so that the church dogs do not interfere."

"Yes, lord I will make sure to finish my work by tonight"

"Make sure to do it with complete secrecy, I will be waiting"

With that last line the connection was cut.

A sinister smile made on Abigails Face.

"It is time peter pan takes away children to wonderland"

!!!!!End of POV!!!

Traume looked over the familiar study that he used to come and play in. With rows of bookshelves in the room which tells the personality of the wise director of the orphanage.

The smell of Dandelion in the air and the wax of candles on the chandeliers.

Traume looked over to the table the director sat at and image gave him warm memories.

An aging woman in her 50s in her drapes wearing her glasses reading the accountant book with great concentration.

Too bad someone is going to destroy it.

"Little high little low!"

The old women who heard the door opening expected that surprise.

"Little Traume's voice is really low"

Traume's lip twitched at that slap back at him.

"Little granny is still a hoe"

The old women snapped her eyes at Traume with fury.

"Traume you brat! What did I say about language!"

"Come-on miss Allision you know you can't match against my charm"

Traume gave a smug smile, he always liked this banter against the granny.

"With that mouth and that little ding-dong in your pants, I doubt you would get a nice girl to settle down"

Traume slowly lost the smug smile on his face.

"Little granny that is a little low even for you"

"Your 100 years too early to clap back in poems against me naughty child"

"What can I say I am in a good mood today"

"Funny Elanor said that you had a panic attack again"

Allsion shut her book with a thump.

"You look different today Traume, did something happen to you, also are those same nightmares occurring again"

Traume gave a sigh as he looked Allsion with a reminiscent face.

"It's good to see you again mum, if I was in a nightmare, I am glad that I woke up from it. I don't; want to go back to those hellish dreams"

Allision was taken back by Traumes words, not to mention the look in his eyes and his appearance. There was an air of maturity that cannot be seen in a twelve-year-old child. Also, the look in those eyes that has a thousand ward stare that is filled with pain and regrets.

A child should not have those eyes.

Also, there is something strange she realized in Traumes speech.

"You called me mum?"

"Who else can be my mum? I realized that I should care more about the people who are worried about me than the ones who have no significance in my life"

"Oh, my poor child you should not say those words, come here let me embrace you"

It took every fiber of Traume's being to just throw the bowl of Spaghetti in his hand and run in her embrace.

Not to mention he was using magic to make his mind soothed so that he does not break over crying. He bought thought acceleration in a hurry for this situation to not occur as it would give away his act as a child.

Walking up to the table he kept the bowl on top of it and embraced Allsion with a strong hug which surprised her.

"It's good to be back"

"What do you mean it's good to be back, you were always at home you know"


The word made Traume choke but he held his feelings in.

"What happened Traume, you look disheveled, what did you see now in your dreams?"

"The nurse of the orphanage, who was she?"

Allsion was weirded out by the question, Traume was rarely interested in people and keeps to himself closed in his room.

She grabbed Traume and took him on her lap and looked at him closely.

Something surely has changed with the boy in this day. She was not sure what it was and who it is but it is a welcome sight, not when it is a bad influence.

"Did the nurse do something to you?"

"Mind games nothing much, she wanted me to call her mommy. She should be glad I did not use my dictionary of slangs on her"

"Oh, my I remember the time when I first try to soothe you, you had quiet the mouth"

"Well, I am British"

"Not with that mouth you are not, I will make you a gentleman"

"You can try granny, you can try"

"How is that injury on your hand, also what about that nurse did you find her weird? I felt something off about her"

"You too huh?"

If Traume was not sure now he was now 100 percent sure that the bitch nurse is a devil. Now he needs one last confirmation.

"She talked about someone named Dorothy, what happened to her?"

Allsion had her face scrunched up in worry and concentration. Her wrinkles ceased on her face showing her face.

"That was I would like to Know, she just up and disappeared one day, though I got some news about her which was not so pleasant to hear about"

Traume slowly lost the color on her face and his eyes was hollow.

He can now more and guess the picture in this world.

With his ability to Discern personality he can now know what king of person Abigail is.

Two faced with Sadistic tendency.

"I took the news hard; I did not think something bad would happen to her. She was the devout follower of the Lord"

"I see then I will take my break from here"

"Where are you going? Will you not eat the steaming spaghetti? Finish it here and tell me what caused your change?"

"Sorry mum I'll finish it in the room, I need to do something important"

"What can me more important than spending time with your mum"

Traume stilled as he reached for the bowl on the table.

"To make a world you all are safe"

Allsion who was suspicious about Traume's change was now sure that something changed and shifted in the boys very soul. The look on his face when she talked about Dorothy's ill fate irked her. It was almost like a calm and serene animal before it pounced on its meal.

"Traume are you all right my boy? If you have something important to do like your homework from school you can do it here"

"It's okay mum I just need to get some fresh air, I will come back when I get some things organized"

Without any further word Traume got up from Allsion's Lap and took the bowl making quick pace outside.

"Elanor was worried about you, go downstairs at the dinning hall and see her, that girl cares about you a lot"

"I know mum, I know"

Traume walked to the door opened it coming face to face with an uninvited guest.

Traume kept his cool but it did not prevent form the scowl that was threatening to make way on his face.

"Ah Abigail it's good to see you dear, how can I help you?"

"It's nothing headmistress I came to check on my patient and the bandaged arm"

Tarume would call bullshit right then and there, he was sure she came to check him up to see if he has magic or not.

Devils are sensitive to magic and it was a surprise to have one in this hospital. He was sure this bitch killed Dorothy and he was going to rip her a new one.

Suddenly Traumes breath hitched as he used Thought Acceleration to gauge to possibilities of her arrival.

He can pick out reasons why she is here.

First was to check up on him and to see if he has mana or not.

Second, he was sure that this bitch will hypnotize or make everyone in the orphanage sleep as she whisks him away to God knows where.

Third she might have set up as a chop shop with several barriers in the place to make her smooth sailing for kidnapping.

He has class cards on him, some Black keys and some prayers would do the trick. He just needs to stall for time.

"I think I am fine thank you, you just dressed it this morning I am not bleeding anymore. If you need me I am in my room"

Traume opened the other door and tried to make his way out but was grabbed harshly by the shoulder.

Allsion also noticed this and stood up from her chair.

"Now now I know he might be rud-"


With a pulse of magic, a command ran through Allsion and her eyes glossed over.

"Now why don't you- "

At that moment Abigail had chill up her spine and looked at her left where the killing intent came from.

It was already too late as Traume had flooded his body with mana to get rid of the foreign compulsion and bought out carwennan and sliced at Abigails mid-section dealing a critical blow.

Traume quickly activated the invisibility ability of the dagger and hid away.

The gloves were now off.

Abigail who was attacked by the sheer power of the Noble-Phnatasm that slayed a giant had her innards come out as she fell to the floor on her knees as blood pooled over.

Carwennan was not only a dagger that can hide its user but has sharp cutting power, a blade that does not dull.


Abigail gave a scream of anguish as her innards were coming out from the sharp cut that shredded her stomach.

She quickly reached for her dimension pocket and went for a phoenix tear.

But it would not be used as haunting words made to her ears.

"Class Card Install: Archer"

Abigail snapped her neck inside the room as a bright flash made way that blinded her and woke up Allsion as she was disoriented from what was happening but she soon came to her senses as a scream made way to her.


Four Devil wings sprouted out from the Devils back with her demonic energy bursting out pressuring Allsion to fall to the floor gasping for breath as she watched in horror at the abomination front of her.

But her sight was blocked by a back and a red mantle that was blowing in the wind.

For some reason the back comforted her as it looked broad giving a feeling of protection.

Traume looked back and gave a sharp look to Allison and a smile to comfort her.


Abigail raised her right arm with her left arm on her stomach to stop her innards from falling over.

A blue magic circle appeared and fired a streak of demonic energy that was threatening to vaporize Traume and Allsion.

Traume raised his left hand and imagined a pink shield.


An explosion of magical energy came from Tarumes hand.


Four petals bloomed Infront of Traume as he adjusted to increase the size of the shield.


Demonic Energy collided with the shield as it did not budge.

How would it budge? As it was the famous shield of Aias the Great that stopped Hectors Unstoppable Spear Durindana.

Soon the demonic energy died down as the sound of wall shattering was heard.

With smoke in the way of the destroyed room it was hard for Allison to see but for Traume who saw what the devil did with his reinforced eyesight.

Traume summoned Archer's bow and ran towards the escaping devil who broke the wall and was flying off to get some distance for Teleportation.

He extended his right arm and summoned the Huntring and pulled it on the bow and shot it with a sonic boom following it.

Just like it's legend Huntring chased it's foe.

Abigail who was trying to orient herself for teleportation and blood loss had another chill up her spine but before she could act on it.

It was already too late.


The arrow pierced through her chest piercing her heart.

Blood flowed out of her mouth as she looked down at her chest in horror.

Her red hair flowing in the wind as she made her downward decent to her death.

But she held hope as she still held the phoenix tear.

She opened the cork and tried to put it in her mouth.

But another huge magical signature was felt by her behind her back, she gritted her teeth in annoyance.


Traume was having none of the nonsense today, he was soo mad that he wanted to blow this devil to smithereens.

It seems that his anger made a right decision. If not, the devil would have healed and escaped.

Abigail saw a red cladded archer holding his bow to the sky with a spiral arrow.

Today was not her day.


With a streak of Horizon, the sword made through the air and reached at her target.

Abigail at her last moments saw the angered gaze of a child who saw her as dirt.

A smile made way to her face.

It seems her pride had gotten the best of her.

Soon the sky was lighted by a crimson glow alerting the angels that was nearby in the vicinity and other supernatural from the huge magical pulse.

Soon people started to teleport and make their way towards the destination the shot was fired from.

Traume confirming that his portable nuke killing the bitch, he made his way towards the director who was stunned by the sun that formed in the sky.

"Mum you there talk to me will you!"

"Traume! TRAUME! My boy what happened to you! What are you wearing! What was that! Why did Abigail have wings on her back!"

"Calm down mum! Calm down! I'll answer your questions but after your instructions. Listen to me okay people are going to come for me, tell them I ran away you hear me. I'll be back mum you hear me! I'll be back! I promise you"

Traume held Allisions face lovingly and caressed it with care.

Allison had tears in her eyes as he held Traume's hand.

She slowly shook her head as her lip quivered.

"I'm scared Traume, I don't want you to go, don't leave me."

At that moment Traume's heart broke into million pieces, he remembers the same scene but at the different side of the conversation.

When his mum left him at this orphanges door and how miss Allsion soothed his broken heart by holding him close to her as he said the same words over and over as he was tucked to bed holding her hand.

She stayed with him all-night as she held him to her chest soothing him.

Traume soon felt magical presence around him teleporting and barriers being constructed.

"I'll be back mum. I love you"

Traume bought carwennan and used it's invisibilty and ran with all his might with tears falling from his eyes.

Allision reached out with her hands but the back slowly vanished in the shadows.

Traume used Archer's speed to jump from the wall and climb the roof and looked over the area around him.

There were magicians and angels around the area who came to look around the disturbance.

They were focusing on making the barrier around the orphanage.

Knowing Angels as they consider London their Area, he was rest assured they will not harm the orphanage.

It is high time to dip from here.

Suddenly he felt droplets falling on his face, he thought it was tears but realized that it was rain.


"It's raining cats and Dogs"

A somber mood fell on Traume.


The heart wrenching scream from Allsion felt like a knife was plunged in his heart.

With a low tone and his head fallen down shadowing his eyes.

"I am sorry"

With heart filled with guilt Traume ran to escape the premises as the dagger would shield him from detection.

It seems the heat from the noble-phantam caused the atmosphere to change into a rainy day.

It was really a bad day for rain in London.

With a heavy heart Traume leaped away from building unto the roa under London's heavy unforgiving rain.