
Fate is not Fake


pstar14 · Célébrités
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7 Chs

Old buddies...

weeks later.....

Eliana walked lazily to bathroom after getting up from bed...

While they were eating...

"you wanted to tell me something about someone??!" Eliana asked...

"oh yeah... do you remember my old friend and his son" Micheal asked....

"Huh... I don't think so?!" Eliana said as she took a bite from the bread...

"are you kidding... your first friend.. um what's his name again... I think.. um... yeah!.. Luca" her mom said..

when eliana heard that the bread she was eating fell out of her mouth...

"eww.. can you clean your self up" Elinor said feeling grossed out...

"sorry... wait.. do you mean Luca... the son of Mr Jones.. like.. his father is a gamer.. he has two sisters and.." eliana kept on blabbing...

"Yeah?!!!.. don't you remember him" Elinor asked..

"I really don't... in fact I don't remember being friends with any boy" Eliana said...

"well then try to remember.. anyway... we are going over to their place this weekend" Elinor said...

Eliana was still in deep thoughts on Luca...

In Eliana's room...

"if Luca and I used to be friends then why don't I remember... he also doesn't remember me.. cause I've bumped into him a couple of times and he doesn't seem to see me as someone he knows instead he acts like a jerk... Eliana thought...

On Saturday Emma and her family with Zelda went over to their place... immediately they entered Eliana noticed that Luca wasn't there... then her parents and his parents greeted each other... Soon..

"Oh my!!.. is that your dog... she's so cute.. can I cuddle with her" Zoey asked...

"Sure 😐" eliana answered... "how do you know she's a she?!" eliana asked...

"because I'm an expert" Zoey answered...

then Scarlet came down...

"hey dad!!.. I took your wallet.. and yeah this time I'm not borrowing your money.. I'm taking it for good purpose... if you're not in the living room.. well I said it anyway!!!... I have to leave for somewhere very important!!" She said as she kept the wallet in her bag and was leaving until she saw a pretty shoe in her way and then looked up to see whose it was... Eliana just stared at her and waved... then she turned around and saw her parents with Eliana's parents...

"oh!!? 😳.. I didn't know you were home... and you didn't tell me you were having visitors🤨" scarlet said...

"well we are!!.. and you're not going anywhere... especially with my wallet😒🤨" her father said and dragged the wallet from her....

"what!!.. I have to meet Devin.. today is his birthday" Scarlet said...

"oh really🥰" her mum got excited then her father cleared his throat which made Mrs Jones come back to her senses....

"I mean... you can go out with him another day..." she said..🙄...

"Ugh!!.. I should have jumped out my window instead of informing you" scarlet said then went to her room like an angry teenage girl.....

"So where's Luca??!" Eliana's mum asked as she noticed how eliana was searching around for him...

"oh he's in his room... he doesn't really stay out of his room" his mom answered...

"Zoey!?.. show eliana to Luca's room...


Zoey took eliana to his room door and left... Eliana noticed his door was opened and then saw him looking directly at his phone... she couldn't see what it was so she went closer to see what it was then she saw a picture frame with him also.. he was staring at both....

So she took her phone and then zoomed to what he was looking at with her phone camera....

On his phone was eliana recent pics and on the picture frame was hm when he was little with a girl his age...

"is that me?!.." Eliana said to herself and then Luca turned to see her with her phone... Eliana was about to hide her phone then mistakenly hit the button which captured Luca's face....

"what are you doing in my room... are you taking pictures of me.." Luca said as he stood up and wanted to push her out but he stopped and told her to leave...

"no no!!.. I wasn't taking any pictures... I swear" she said...

then Luca took her phone from her and then went through it to find his picture...

"then explain this!..." he said showing it to her....

"no!.. that was a mistake.." she said looking sad...

Luca was confused and asked her "why is your face like that..🤨" ...

"I'm just so confused" eliana said...

"about what?!!" he asked...

"how can we both be friends and not remember each other..." Eliana said...

"I remember her... but I don't know who you her" he said pointing at the picture...

"and what's that suppose to mean🤨🤔" eliana asked...

"I mean... you're really different from her... I know I forgot her name but I never forgot her..." he said...

"I hope you know that she's me and I'm her... but seriously... if I had a friend from here... then how on earth did I suddenly forgot..." eliana said...

"maybe because you left the memory of us" he said...

"what do you mean" she asked...

"I remember making a friendship bracelets together but I don't see any bracelet on your wrist.. so how exactly do I know if you're really rose" he said and then eliana said looking stunned...

"oh my gosh does he know... but how" eliana thought.... "what do you mean... my name is not rose" eliana asked...

"when we first met.. you were admiring a rose so I called you rose... if you were actually her.. why did you suddenly forget the name I called you.. and if you really know how our friendship was.. you wouldn't have lost the bracelet... that's why I keep on staring at your recent pics and this picture of us" Luca said....

then eliana took the picture and stared at it really well "I don't know why I suddenly forgot about you... but I promise to try to remember... even if I can't" eliana said...

"wait!!.. what did you just say" Luca asked...

"I promise to try to remember you" she repeated....

"I always have this weird dream... someone saying.. I promise to never leave you... I'll remember you.. trust me..... not once but most night"

"this is creepy... cause I also have dreams about you telling me to find you but I never saw your face?!!" eliana said.....

... "all I saw was a light!!!" they both said together and then laughed....

"can I ask something" Luca said...

"yeah!?" she moved closer to him....

"even though we meet again after some years and don't seem to know anything about each other... can we restart our friendship again" Luca asked...

"definitely!!" eliana agreed...

then they hugged...

"you are still as short as I remember" Luca said...

"why do Guys like making fun of my height" eliana got pissed...

"maybe because they found it in a way of flirting with you" Luca leaned in to try to kiss her....

then eliana took a step backwards...

"Um... I know we used to be old buddies but I don't think it would be right for us to" 😔eliana said looking nowhere but down...

"oh!.. I get it"😐 he said...

"are you okay🥺" eliana asked...

"definitely" he answered...

"okay.. but can I please take the picture home I promise to give you back.. I just want to use it to try to remember you" eliana said..

"yeah sure but you don't have to try hard to remember" he answered...

"anyway... I want to say something and I don't want you to call me a stalker" she said...

"what's that" he asked...

"are you really great at sports because I'm seeing a lot of medals and trophies... but..." eliana asked..

"but what!?" he asked...

"but I heard you had an heart diseases" eliana said...

"yeah.. I know but that doesn't mean I have to give up.." Luca said...

"because you were the one who inspired me" he said.. "I don't want to stop even if it hurts me" he added...

"you..." before eliana could say more someone came to knock on the door...

before Luca could say *come in* scarlet already barged in...

"ugh!!... can you guys stop being so close to each other... anyway eliana... it's time to go" scarlet said then left...

then both Luca and eliana realized how close they really were....

"uh... I'll be leaving now... I'll come over tomorrow" she said as she left....
