
Fate is not Fake


pstar14 · Célébrités
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7 Chs

Another day in another school

Eliana was disturbed by the knock on her door and then remembered she had to go to school....

"I'm coming.." she said and opened the door...

"ana?!.. you have to get ready for school" belle said and left...

"yeah!" Eliana agreed....

...when Eliana finished having her bath... she knew she had to look different from herself... so she wore her pink clothe that says "Girl power" and her denim overall which was short and made her look like a farm girl... then she took her wig.. she didn't want to because she loved her cute pink hair.. but she did anyway.. she wore a black not so long wig then took the pink glasses and took the new bag she bought.. then she went to her mirror...

"I look so not like me.. Good!!.. now no one will recognize me" she said to herself and went down to see her parents getting ready to leave with Dimitri in a hurry...

"you guys are leaving already?" she asked..

"yeah.. we already ordered a cab for you to school" her dad said..

"wait!!.. why do you look so not yourself 🤨🤨.." Elinor asked...

"I don't want anyone to notice me so this is the great disguise" Eliana said...

"whatever... Dimitri will come to pick you up after school" Elinor said and then left with Micheal....

..... When Eliana was dropped off at school, she looked at the surroundings and everywhere looked nice... when she got in everyone were giving her dirty looks and then two girls came over to her...

"what is a farm girl like you doing in a private school🤨..." the first girl said...

"yeah!!.. and she's not even wearing the uniform😂🤨" the second girl said..

"oh😳.. I forgot" Eliana said trying to be nice..

"just like the way you forgot to do a make over too🤨🤣" the first girl said..

"with that face going round the school.. I'm going to puke and your clothes are so last season 🥱" the other girl said...

then Eliana loosed it... "well at least I wear matching clothes other than dressing up like a stupid clown 🤡 like you are... I know you just want to talk to me because you need a fashion advice but.. I don't give my ideas to snooty girls like" 🤨😒😠 Eliana answered back and walked away...

then everyone started laughing at them.. then the principal saw Eliana and told her to come to his office...

.... "so you are Eliana Gorge right?" she asked...

"um no?.. I'm hun.." before she could come up with a lie...

"I know who you are.. your mum called me and said you don't want to be Eliana in school so you don't need to worry.. I won't let anyone know" the principal said nicely to her...

"thank you miss.." Eliana didn't know her name...

"daisy.. call me miss daisy" she said...

"okay.." Eliana answered...

"take this.." miss daisy gave her a key to her locker and a paper with her timetable and the number if her class... "class would start anytime soon.." miss daisy said...

"okay, thanks ma'am.. but what if you need to call me from class" Eliana asked...

"rose is your name in school from now on" miss daisy said..

..... when Eliana got to her class she noticed everyone were already in class with the teacher...

"oh look.. we have a new classmate" the teacher said..

then Eliana saw those two snooty girls who were also glaring at her..

"hey there, I'm you class teacher.. I'm mr goober.. can you tell the class your name and talk about yourself 😊".. he said...

"I'd rather not😐😳.." she said..

"okay.. so what's your name" he asked..

"rose" Eliana answered..

"okay rose?!... there's a free seat next to that Blondy kid" the teacher said..

"huh?!.. I have a name" he said..

"oh yeah.. Miko.." Mr goober said and everyone laughed...

... then Eliana went to seat with him...

Eliana wasn't paying attention to class cause she never listens... even in her old school.. and Miko noticed because.. every 5 seconds she would always either yawn, bang her head on the table or be reading comics...

the next class, they were having test.. and Eliana knew nothing...

"oh my god!?.. I don't know anything about... any of this words.. what on earth is a fungy (instead of fungi)" she thought...

Eliana tried stealing from Miko but he didn't allow her to.. after several classes.. Eliana took out a pillow from her bag and dozed off..


when she woke up, she kept the pillow in her bag and went to her locker and noticed everyone giggling.. when she got to her locker.. she saw Miko taking some things out of his locker then took her mirror to check if something was on her face then she saw Miko giggling from behind her...

"what are you laughing at🤨" she asked them Miko removed a paper from behind and showed it to her...

it says👇

"I'm a homeless farm girl and need a sugar daddy 🥺"

"what!!.. who kept it there" she asked angrily...

"how am I suppose to know😂🤣😂🤣" he said then walked away...

then Eliana turned to everyone and saw everyone laughing so she ran to the class and started talking to herself under the table...

"what's the difference between being popular and just a normal kid, I thought being normal would be just fine... why do I deserve to be so unlucky... I lost my best friend then a crush to my best friend, being the prom queen, left my favorite place, now I'm in a new world and still live a miserable life..." Eliana said to herself then heard someone cleared their throat.. she looked up and saw miko staring at her,

"huh.. how much did you here😨😰" she freaked out.. "you just moved to town" he asked..

"why do you care😒" she said then looked away..

"nothing... but I know why you said your life is miserable" he said...

"why..." she asked willing to know...

"because you are too dumb and not ready to learn" he said🤨😂 he answered..

"I'm not dumb.. infact I'm wat smarter than you" she said..

"then why were you trying to copy from me since you are smarter than I am" he asked...

"me?.. what!!?... I wasn't copying.. I was checking if you got the answers right" she said🙄..

"well next time I don't need your help.. but seriously... why are you crying" 🥺 he asked..

"being someone you're not is really hard even if you don't have to but wish too" she said to him..

"what do you mean 🤔" he asked..

"huh.. I.. I'm saying t.. that.. trying to look smart is hard even when you're not smart." she said stuttering...

"well I'm smart... but I do get what you're saying" he said...

"you do?!" 🥺😳 she asked..

"yeah.. yeah.. I have a friend who is also going through this" 🙄😳 he said...

.....In the cafeteria, when Eliana took her tray and was heading to a table she saw a free seat then those two snotty girls immediately went the seat... Eliana didn't have time for them so she ignored and then saw Miko sitting alone... she didn't know why people likes making fun of him or even be friends with him... so she walked up to him...

"mind if I join😊" Eliana asked...

"sure... it's not like I was expecting anyone" he said...

"is this how you spend all your days in school" she asked...

"sometimes I don't bother eating and it was never like this... I miss all my past" he said😒...

"well don't worry cause I'll always stay with you" she assured...

"yeah I don't want you saying that" 😒 he said...

"why not?!" she asked staring at him confusedly...

"it's just.. nothing" 😒🙄he stopped..

"what?!" she asked looking concerned...

"uh... forget about that.. what do you think about the school's queen bees... Mae and Morgan, Mae's parents are really popular in town and Morgan... her dad owns the school..." Miko tried changing the topic..

"I hate those girls.. they think they're better than me.. but have no clue who I actually am" she said...😒😠..

"and who are you?" 🤨 he asked..

"I'm eeeee... a great... uh.. Singer.. I used to be in a band" Eliana lied..

"oh really can I join your band?" he asked...

"uh.. we just broke up" she lied again...

"why?!?🤨" he asked...

"because we were not getting along and people didn't like our songs"..

"well can you sing one.. just incase it's nice" Miko asked...

"um... I.. uh.. I can't sing right now.. I'm having a saw throat 🥵" she lied...

"uh.. okay??!🤨🤨" he stared at her confusedly..

Later after school, Eliana was called to miss daisy's office,

"you called for me" she said as she entered the office...

"uh yeah... you didn't do well in any of your classes today and we will be having different external exams so I want you to work hard and study your butt off" miss daisy...

"I'm sorry ma'am.. I'll try my best" Eliana assured...

"no worries... I heard your seatmate is miko and he's the smartest in your class... I've informed him a while ago" she said...

"uh?!.. okay" she said...

when Eliana left the office and got out, mae and Morgan came to her...

"what do you want" Eliana said already getting angry...

"this😏👉" Morgan said and Mae pour her smoothie on Eliana's hair and they both laugh...

"you're lucky that's not my real hair😠" she thought...

"next time you won't talk back at us.. Rose!!??" Morgan said...

"rose?... what a stupid name for someone like you farm girl😂😂... oh now I get it.. your parents didn't know what to name you so they gave you a name after a flower😂😂" Mae laughed hard...

then Eliana used her hand and wipe the smoothie off her hair and slapped Mae... really really hard😠... "I know I'm way prettier than you, that's why you always find ways to talk to me but I don't give girls autograph... and when I don't wanna talk to you... I don't wanna talk to you.. Okay!!" Eliana stepped on Morgan foot and stormed off angrily which left the whole school mesmerized even Miko with Morgan and mae... the two M and M's were furious and embarrassed... they still wouldn't give up...