
Fate in Denial (Fateverse)

WARNING English is not my primary language so, there are and will be mistakes. Anyway, now to Synopsis: Haven't found any proper Morgan (Lostbelt King not the regular Morgan from Human history) fanfics around so, decided to make one myself. This means this fanfic is me simping Morgan while messing with Grail Wars with overpowered Mc(True Magic). So, if you want intense drama this is not for you there is no such thing here.

Dragon15681 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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71 Chs

Witches and a Saint

(1 out of 2 chapters this week)

"I have revealed my Servant. Will you show me yours?" The priest asked with a friendly smile. Still trying to sell that he was an honest individual.

'It's fine. One of my Noble Phantasms hides my real identity.'

Mordred said to her Master.

"Fine." Kairi agreed and Mordred manifested next to the Bounty Hunter.

The moment she appeared the priest frowned as he could not make out the identity of the Servant.

'A Noble Phantasm….figures… it appears my luck is not that good if I can't discern the real name…'

Even as a Ruler, disguised as a human, he could not make out the real identity of the Servant in front of him. With his perks as a Servant or Master.

Truly it was an annoying revelation when Servant has identity concealing Noble Phantasm, it depends on luck and all he could see is baseline parameters.

"Since this part is done, I will take my leave."

"...I suggest we unite. We already lost two slots to those outsiders." The Priest suggested to the Bounty Hunter, as he extended his hand for a handshake.

"Nah, it's fine. I prefer working on my own."

"Then at least let's exchange information." The white-haired man wasn't giving up that easily.


"Great… then let's start with your Servant's identity." Kairi pointed his finger at the black-haired woman standing next to the priest.

The woman's reaction was that of barely controlled anger.

'Oof…Master that look she was showing you… you don't want a witch to have that look…believe me… I know the consequences.' Mordred said to the Necromancer, her voice had some undertone of fear. The Knight of Treachery was having flashbacks.

It doesn't help that this war from the looks of it has TWO witches now!

'Don't worry…I am taking this for the team.'

'Your sacrifices won't be forgotten.' His Saber is giving a mental thumbs up with a grin.


"Fine. This is Assassin of Red, her real name is Semiramis, the Queen of Assyria."

'That's a double 'oof', according to the grail, she is the oldest and first-ever recorded poison maker in history, and on top of that, she is a demi-god. Quite a woman the wrath you got off, Master.'

'Yeah, yeah I know that much. There is no need for you to be a smart ass.'

'Just helping a Master in need.'

Kairi could feel amusement radiating from the Knight.

"Since I answered your question now I would like to know who is that person which your Servant has faced."

"My Servant faced a Fallen version of Arthur Pendragon, the famous King of Knights."


"An inverted version."

"...Fascinating… that means he is Master of Saber. That makes you Master of Lancer." The white-haired man pondered out loudly.

There was a glint in the Necromancer's eyes. Yep, let this priest think whatever he wants.

"...Pretty much."

"Can you tell me if you learned anything about him? Since you spent some time with him after the fight."

'So he already has surveillance in the town.'

'Pretty bad one as well. Since he thinks I am Lancer…'

'You do realise that I just dropped your Father's name…'


"I thought it was a single detail per turn," Kairi asked with a raised eyebrow.

"...My apologies. Then ask."

'Ha! What a wuss!' Mordred snorted seeing how quickly the priest caved in.

'He is a priest, he has to be nice.' The necromancer smirked while saying that.

"I assume you have the remaining three Servants under your control, what are they?"

His question only got Semiramis angrier.

"...Watch what you ask!" The woman exclaimed with an angry look.

Kairi simply raised his hands, meaning no harm, it looks weird for someone as burly as he is.

"Hey, your Master wanted to ask questions, it's up to him if he wants to answer them."

"It's fine. He is on our side."

'No thanks, there is no way in hell I will be on your side, I don't want to die just yet.' Some sweat dropped from the Bounty Hunter's forehead as he remembered the Magician and the Witch duo and their 'bodyguards' he is certain that Servants should not have this many EXs on their parameters.

"Our faction's ace is Achilles the Trojan Hero, from your comment, I can assume we have King Arthur as well. His sword will be a great boon to us. Then we have Spartacus as Berserker and Shakespeare as Caster. Alongside Assassin who is a Caster as well. A dual classification. Did I answer your question?"

The Necromancer smiled when he heard.

"You did, now I will answer your question, but this will be my last one since I have to return to my war preparations."

The pair of Assassin and Priest frowned when they heard that.

"His identity is something I didn't hear as he never said who he was but… I know the name of his wife."


"Yes. His wife's name is Morgan."

"...Did you just say, Morgan? But that's…"

"She is the famed Witch, I saw it myself," Mordred attested to sell that information.

"She wiped the memory of the whole town with a tap of her staff."

"...This…doesn't make sense. Why would she be here? Is she here for the grail? And you said she was married to this Magus?" Kotomine Shirou had a look of worry on his face. He never believed that he would face the duo from Arthurian myths. But it makes sense…

If that man is married to Morgan then they would summon King Arthur and then brainwash him to command such a beast. Thus the Fallen version.

No wonder Kairi doesn't want to cooperate; he is worried about Morgan's ire.

"Then… she has a Servant of her own? An Archer?"

"Yes. All I can say is that it is a Fae of some sort. White hair, yellow eyes. She isn't tall but emits the presence of a powerful being."

"...I see…"

"Good. This exchange is over. I have to prepare for war. My…techniques require time and effort if you catch my drift. I don't know if a priest can understand."

"...Hmm, yes well, you can go. If you need help related to faith I am always here."

Kairi just smirked before leaving.

"He lied quite a bit," Semiramis said with an annoyed frown. She tried to watch the fight through her magecraft but the whole town was full of mist.

But now it makes sense to her. If it was Morgan le Fay… then… she has a worthy enemy.

Sadly the Queen of Assyria isn't versed in Dark Magic as much as Morgan, but unlike Morgan, Semiramis is versed in Ancient Sumerian arts. However, one thing for sure is that she will need to keep her guard to not get surprised by the world-famous Witch.

"That is fine. At least we know who we are dealing with."

"A thousand-year-old witch? A fae? This is not what we predicted. She is not supposed to be around, Master!"

"...I know, I know. But the Grail is far too great of a prize. We will need to make our move as precise as ever. First things first, Assassin we need to deal with the Ruler who is on her way."

"Yes. Should I deal with her?"

"No, Achilles will be the one who will kill her." The Priest said with a certain look in his eyes.

They need to get rid of the Ruler as soon as possible.


"I guess using Morgan's name was the way of doing it." Kairi was shocked at how easily everything went after dropping that name.

"Ugh… just don't overdo that… with such a different version of her around here who knows what she can decide to do," Mordred said with a nervous frown.

"I am well aware. But it was for the best. Not only they don't know your identity but they don't even know your real class." The Necromancer is pleased with this development.

"I guess. But it won't last. The very next fight they will figure it out."

"True, but it will only confuse since there are two King of Knights AND Knight of Treachery, making it four Sabers in a single Grail War if we include Saber of Black as well." Kairi grinned for a second. Confusion is good, it's good for his survival.

"I guess? I never expected that my class would be overused like this. Especially half of it being used by father no less!" Mordred was baffled about this situation. Now that she is over her anger frenzy.

'Wait! They said I own two Camelots!? Hell yeah!' For some reason she lifted her head, holding it high!


"Someone is talking about me," Morgan said to Melusine, the Dark Witch pondered about this for a bit.

It was not her husband, she would know.

"Your Grace if you want I can find it out for you. It's not that difficult with how little there is mana in this place." Her loyal knight instantly proposed a solution to this issue.

"It's fine. We have other things to consider." She said that while looking somewhere.

She can sense a new Servant approaching the Town of Trifas. This Servant is unique. A Servant inhabiting the body of a human. And it is nothing like Rin and Ereshkigal's situation.

'Ah yes… the Saintess.'

Morgan had a certain curiosity about this situation. She remembered that apart from Atalante which her husband had summoned, the Saintess was the other Servant whom he had considered 'worthy' reason to visit this 'dreadful' timeline.

With such high regard from her husband, the Fairy Queen NEEDS to find out and see it in person.

As a Witch, a Saintess is 180 degrees from what she is.

'I still wonder who is this 'cardboard' which makes his anger rise randomly. Such a being needs to be put down with extreme prejudice.'

"Which is?"

"We are going out, Melusine. It's time to see how you fare in a Lancer's container."

"As you wish."


Nothing about this situation was normal, Jeanne realised that from the very beginning as she was summoned to the body of Laeticia.


A green-haired man dressed in golden armour with a spear greeted her the moment she was not far from the town of Trifas.

Instead of greeting her new arrival the Saintess swiftly went to talk with the driver of the car which was hitching a ride on.

"Please leave this is not safe for you."

Once she said that she went over to face the Servant.

"Rider of Red, Achilles, the Hero of Troy what is it you want? I am the mediator of this Great Holy Grail War."

"Oh? You found out about me just from looking at me. That's a cool ability." The Ancient Greek Hero was impressed with the ability of this Servant!

"However, I have my orders girly, the priest doesn't like you, and my Master ordered me to kill you. So you will die here today, nothing personal."

Her eyes widened as she jumped back, dodging the spear which was coming for her head.

"Not bad! You might be a challenge after all! It's boring to just fight someone who can't even defend but you can! This is great! Come! Let's fight!" The great Hero of Troy exclaimed happily as he proceeded to build up his momentum.

Or should have as his eyes widened to a massive degree, he only had a fraction of a second to dodge a blur of blue and white slamming into him!


He skids back several tens of metres from a crater.

"...I missed?" A cute white-haired girl said with a monotonous voice as she looked at her hand. She was certain that her fist collided with the person!

Jeanne's eyes widened to a huge degree as she saw the parameters of this Servant!

[Lancer of Red]

[Real Name: Melusine (Lancelot)]

[Strength: B]

[Endurance: A+]

[Agility: A++]

[Mana: EX]

[Luck: A]

[NP: A++]

[Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: B

Territory Creation: B++]

[Personal skills:

Dragon Heart: B

Peri Dancer: B

Ray Horizon: A

Eternal Arms Mastery: B]

[Noble Phantasm:

Innocent Arondight: A++

Hollow Heart Albion: EX]

"...What are…you?" Jeanne took a couple of steps back… this is no normal Servant! Her knowledge from Grail doesn't match with what she was seeing!


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