
Chapter 28

I have no idea what I'm supposed to do right now, so i do the only thing I can.


Calling out to Zelretch with the aid of my magic I wait for him to show up and in a flash of light he's here.

"What's wrong, why did you call me"

Hearing his question I point the the hole i just created to imaginary number space.

"I need advice"

"What with"

Once again I point to the hole, curious, he walks over to have a look. Immediately after he starts freaking out, which in turn causes everyone else in the class as well as other mages who came over to see, then cause of the commotion.

"Nope nope definitely not"

With that Zelretch start closing the hole, however it doesn't close no matter how hard he tries.

"That's not going to work she's holding it open"

Hearing our conversation everyone looks at us confused about what's happening eventually one person steps forward to ask us about the situation. This person just so happens to be Lorelei Barthomeloi, queen of the clock tower.

"What the hell is going on here"

"Well it started when Zelretch said I should join some classes on my elements so I did. the class discussed imaginary number space and opening a hole to it. Knowing the teacher wouldn't help me I did it myself which worked fine. However"

"However what"

"There's someone there"

"Impossible, nothing can live in imaginary number space, anything that could would be classified as an outer gods and unable to enter or affect the world without extreme extenuating circumstances so i don't see the problem"

At this point Zelretch interrupts and tells her the situation.

"It can affect out world because it's not an outer god"

"Then what is it"

Pointing into the hole she walk over and looks in.

"Zelretch. What is that"

"It's Tiamat"



"As in the Mesopotamian goodess of creation"


"The same Tiamat that the gods banished from the world because"

"Because her nature as a mother goddess compels her to keep producing life, and after life and the world started to stabilized that would have caused chaos so they banished her"



"Close it"

"I tried, I can't"

Lorelei then looks to me.

"Close it"

"Why, she looks so sad"

"What did you say"

"I said she looks so sad, I mean look at her, she looks like she about to cry"

Everyone looks at me in shock, as for Tiamat as if hearing and understanding my words, looks towards us.


Hearing the noise everyone looks towards the hole as subconsciously releases a tear. Before ruthlessly crushing any sentiment they have as any good mage would and demand it be shut.

Hearing the screams which I can't understand, it literally sounds like blablabla to me.

Ignoring the screaming, I look at Tiamat inside imaginary number space, trying to decide what to do about this situation. First she was banished because of her nature as a mother goddess which would cause chaos in the world, she would birth a new humanity which would undoubtedly cause immense chaos in the world and her mere presence would bring back the age of gods.

Now the problem here is I don't what that to happen, way to annoying and cause too many problems. If only there was a way to de-power her. Nope not gonna work, how would you even de-power a primordial goddess or a god in general. Afterall there to powerfull, there body's literally ooze power. Body. THATS IT.

"Hay Zelretch, I have an idea"

At my words everyone stops screaming and looks towards me.

"What are you thinking"

"Well, she wants to return to the world right, why don't we let her"

'BOOM' I can almost feel the metaphorical bomb I just dropped explode, along with the expected reactions.










At the end there I just tuned them out, as far as I'm concerned it's just pointless babble anyway. However there was one person who I could clearly understand.


Yes Lorelei strikes again in silencing the masses.


Apparently she was interested in hearing my idea, unlike everyone else.




"ENOUGH. Now explain"

"Well first, thing first is she want to return right, so why don't we let her, in a controlled manner"

"And how would you do that"

"History has given us the answer many times before haven't it"

At my words Lorelei goes quiet and thinks over my words before coming to an answer.

"Divine posession. I see that would work, her power would be restricted by the limit of her vessel, but who would you use as the vessel, afterall there needs to be a certain level of compatibility"

"Ma'am you can't really be planning to go along with this right"

"That right vice director, this is insane"

"What would you all do. Whether I agree or not he's going to do it. As much as I loathe to admit it, I can't stop him, can any of you"

At her words everyone goes quiet, as much as they deny it, my magic is BS and they can't do anything about it.

"So. Nicholas what is you idea about the vessel who will you use"

"Simple. I will create one. using a drop of her blood and blood from a compatible human to create the perfect vessel for her. One that she can inhabit without issue"

"And who would be the compatible human"

At her words I look to Zelretch.

"Why are you looking at me"

"Because I'm 99% sure you know who a compatible human is"

At my word he deflates.

"Fine. There is a compatible human here, it's her"

As he says those words Zelretch points towards Sakura. Wait Sakura, how is she comparable, could it be through the whole BB thing on the moon cell, I'm pretty sure one of the alter egos Kingprotea contains data on Tiamat.

"How is Sakura compatible"

"Simple, in another world there is a massive supercomputer in the moon called the moon cell. On the moon cell an AI of Sakura exists which gained who called BB, who seperated parts of herself into seperate alter egos. One of them is called Kingprotea who contains data on Tiamat. Due to this, she posses a conceptual compatibility to Tiamat"


"Ok. Cool"

With that the area goes quiet, apparently Sakura's situation has gained the interest a more then a few magus. I can actually see a few moving toward her. Seeing that I loudly clear my throat gaining everyone's attention. With everyone looking at me I send a clear look to everyone who was eyeing Sakura. My message was extremely clear, 'Touch her and you die'.