
Fate: Holy Maiden

Juni0r · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

The First Seal

I ran as far as I could with whatever energy I could muster. The stab wound in my shoulder makes it incredibly hard to keep running. It hurt like hell, but I gritted my teeth and kept moving with Jeanne behind me. I let go of her hand so I could focus on putting pressure on my wound.

"What happened Jack!? Stop running and tell me what happened!"

I didn't want to stop running. I was scared that at any moment the soldiers could catch up.

"Jeanne, we need to get the hell out of here. Please just keep following me."

"Can you at least tell me while we run!?"

I turned around to look at her. She only knew that something had gone wrong and nothing more. I opened my mouth to talk, but before I could say anything my foot got caught on a root and I fell over against a tree.

"Damn it!"

My back crashed against the tree trunk. I was facing Jeanne before I fell so my wound had not been impacted by the fall.

"Jack are you alright?"

"Yeah yeah, I'm fine."

I need to rest.

I adjusted my body so leaning on the tree wouldn't be as uncomfortable. I looked up at Jeanne who moved to sit beside me.

"What happened when the soldiers arrived?"

It'd be easier if I just told her the whole story, and if it turns out she hates me for leaving those people to die then she's just stupid.

"The army waited outside while their commander confronted me in the town center. They got their hands on the letter meant for the king. I guess the man I sent to deliver got caught and gave it to them. Anyways, they wanted to kill you due to your visions and capture me since I killed some of their men."

"So the English army knows about my visions?"

"Mhm. The commander said if I brought you to him then I'd be let free, but If I didn't…"

"Then what?"

"He said he'd kill every last villager in front of me. He was going to make me watch as every last one of them was killed."

Jeanne's eyes switched from being concerned to horrified. She grabbed onto my shoulder that wasn't hurt and looked directly at me.

"Jack… What happened after that?"

"I asked him if that was really what he was going to do, and then the bastard told me he was going to rape you."

"Why would he do such a thing!?"

"He's probably just a sick fucker. Wait, Jeanne have you taken a vow of chastity?"

"Why are you asking me that…?

"The other saints took vows of chastity too, right? So have you taken one Jeanne?"

"I have… So did that man want to break my vow before killing me!?"

"I think so, after he told me that I tried to kill him but he blocked my blade and stabbed me. I told him I surrendered and that I would bring you to him."

"And that's when you ran and found me? What happened to the villagers then?!"

"I-… He told me if I didn't come back he would kill everyone in town. Before I left I told your mother to flee though…"

Jeanne didn't reply anymore, she took her hand off my shoulder, put her knees to her chest, and started to mumble to herself.

"Jeanne, are you okay?"

"So all those innocent people will die because of me?"

I was glad she wasn't getting mad and blaming me, but I had to let her know it wasn't her fault.

"Jeanne, listen, it is not your fault. I was the one who killed those men during the raid, I was the one who told you to send a letter, and I was the one who ran off and caused them to suffer that fate. You did nothing wrong Jeanne. Please know that it's all my fault. I caused everything that happened today, so if you're going to get angry then please be angry with me."

"I am angry with you Jack, but I understand why you ran. You were in a difficult spot with no correct path right?"

"I guess so?"

"So you chose the path that you thought was best right?"

"I guess I did? That doesn't help much though Jeanne. I was too weak to buy anyone but your mother time to flee. If I was stronger then I could've killed that man and at least saved a few more lives."

"Jack, you can only keep moving forward. I know you may feel like it was all your fault, but I believe they would've slaughtered everyone regardless. At the very least you saved my mother and I, correct?"

"I think you are… It still is my fault though"

"Even if it is your fault, you have to carry on, you can not let their lives be lost in vain!"

"I see, so you aren't blaming yourself right?"

"I still do blame myself for their deaths, but I won't let their lives be meaningless! I will make France win this hundred year long war and end this bloodbath!"

"I'm glad you're still hopeful Jeanne. Where should we go from here though?"

Jeanne put her hand on her mouth and thought for a moment before turning towards me and speaking again.


"What is that?"

"Jeez Jack, I really need to teach you about the local area. Vaucouleurs is a town near Domremy. A man named Robert de Baudricourt is staying there, he is a military captain that should be able to escort us to the King."

"Jeanne, do you really think he'll help us?"

"Of course! The saint had told me that a captain there would escort me, so who else could it be but him?"

"I guess we'll go to uh…"


"Yeah, there! Do you know the way?"

Jeanne frowned at me, she narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth again.

"Maybe if you hadn't dragged me into the woods I'd know the way!"


She sighed and stood up. She put the sack with our belongings over her shoulder.

"Come on, we ran in pretty much a straight line so getting back to Domremy shouldn't be too hard!"

I stood up and felt around my shoulder. It still hurt to touch my wound but I needed to clean it before it got infected. Who knows what that man had on his blade.

"Jeanne, can we rest here for the night? I need to clean my wound and stop the bleeding."

"Oh my I'm so sorry I forgot about that! Yes we can rest here tonight Jack!"

"Thank you, can you help me for a second?"

"Mhm, of course I can!"

I grabbed the dagger attached to the opposite side of where my sword was. I cut the sleeve of my left arm at my shoulder.

"Can you wrap this around my shoulder Jeanne?"

"Of course, shouldn't you clean it first?"

"Do you have anything to clean it with?"

"We could find a river and clean it with that."

I forgot people during this time don't know alot about this kind of shit.

"That'll only make it worse because I might get sick or infected from the water."

"Oh… I see."

"Just tightly wrap the sleeve around the wound please."

Jeanne started to lay the sleeve on my wound. When she started tightening it to stop the bleeding I bit down on my teeth. It hurt like hell having something touching the wound but it needed to be done to stop the bleeding. I let out a gasp of pain as Jeanne looked back at me.

"Just keep going please, the quicker you do it the better haha…"

She gave me a small smile and continued to tighten the sleeve around my shoulder. I kept letting out small and low groans of pain as she tightened it. She eventually stopped messing with it and let go of my shoulder. I signed with relief since nothing else would be touching my wound.

"What happened to your forearm, why do you have so many scars on it?"

She must've been talking about the scars from my last night in my original time. They'd been scars for awhile, but I never mentioned them to Jeanne since I didn't think it was important.

"I was the one who did that. It happened the day before I met you."

"Why would you do something like that to yourself!? What do you think God thought about you harming yourself?"

"He probably wasn't happy, but I was in a pretty shitty situation. If I'm being honest it wasn't bad enough to carve up my arm but it's in the past now. Just forget about it Jeanne."

She grabbed my arm with both her hands and ran her fingers along the scars on my arm. 

"Why didn't they go away like the scar on your leg from my father's arrow?"

"I don't know. Nothing from that night made sense to me. I still have no idea how something like that could've happened."

"If you say so… Jack, I really don't like the fact you didn't tell me about this. If something happens and you feel like that then please tell me because I promise that harming yourself like that won't make anything better."

"Alright Jeanne, if I ever feel like that again I'll let you know."


Time had passed and night befell us. France got really cold during the night so after around thirty minutes of messing with some sticks I managed to start a fire. I told Jeanne to use the sack of clothes as a pillow and sleep through the night.

"Are you not going to sleep as well?"

"If I get tired I'll wake you okay? Just try and sleep before it gets too cold for you too. I'll make sure the fire stays burning so don't worry."

"Please try and get some sleep. Your wound won't heal properly if you don't regain your energy."

"I know Jeanne, goodnight."

"Goodnight Jack."

I sat against a nearby tree as I poked and prodded the fire. The fire wasn't hot, but it was warm enough not to freeze beside. I sighed and turned my head towards Jeanne. She was sleeping soundly facing the fire. I couldn't remove that kiss from my mind.

It was an accident, it shouldn't have happened.

I was scared that it'd be the last time I would see Jeanne. If the commander of that army had any amount of troops by his side when I encountered him then it most likely would've been.

She took a vow of chastity too…

Just like all the saints, Jeanne had taken a vow of chastity. I didn't fully understand but it basically meant no sex or lustful things before marriage. I wasn't really planning on doing anything like that to her anytime soon regardless. 

I'm so fucking weak.

I put my left hand on my face and punched the tree with my right. I was too weak to save those villagers, I was too weak to save most of the animals that were burned, and I'm starting to think I'm too weak to even protect Jeanne.

Why God? Why did you come to someone like me with something so important!? I can't even protect the girl your angel trusted the entirety of France with.

I got up and walked a few yards away from the fire before dropping to my knees and pressing my head against the dirt.

"Lord please! I'm too weak to protect her! Please just give me the strength to protect Jeanne! I'll do anything just please help me help her!"

A bright light encompassed my vision, it was the same light that enveloped me many months ago. I kept my head on the ground as that same warmth I felt long ago drowned out the cold I felt in the night.

"Lord… is that you?"

"I am not my father, but I have come to you tonight to offer my assistance."

I raised my head as a vivid outline of a man with wings lowered himself towards me.

"W-who are you? Please help me! I want the strength to protect her, but I'm too weak to do that! Please just allow me the strength to protect her!"

The figure placed its hand on my shoulder. Its hand made my worries wash away and my entire body seemed to be overflowing with an unknown feeling.

"Jack, You've earned the right to break the first seal."

"What do you mean?"

"You've acknowledged your weakness, and you've turned to my father for help. I have released the seal of pride from your body. You have understood the Heavenly Virtue of Humility and therefore I've rewarded you for your acknowledgement."

"I don't understand what you're saying…"

"I have lifted the first seal on your body and gifted you a fraction of your divinity. I ask that you not let sin consume you or else I'll be forced to take back what I've given you."

"Who are you…?"

"I am Saint Michael, protector of France."

"Archangel Michael!?"

"Correct, I must leave you for now but heed my words. Do not allow sin to corrupt your soul. Follow the heavenly virtues and my father shall allow you to persevere through every hardship you face. Trust in my father as I trust in you. Goodbye child."

The light faded just as quick as it appeared. I was back in the cold forest.

What just happened?

I ruffled my hair and stood up as I went over to check the fire.

I barely understood what he said. He lifted the first seal on my body!? That must mean there are other seals, but how do I get rid of them and what happens when I do!?

My body didn't feel any different. I signed and went back to tending to the fire. My thoughts kept flowing as I tried to piece together what the hell he was talking about. Once again something completely beyond my understanding happened and now I feel even more hopeless.

I sat back down and grabbed the stick with my left arm. I poked at the fire as I stared up into the night sky. My eyes fluttered closed, but I stayed awake and kept watch over Jeanne's sleeping body.