
Fate/Hazbin: Charlemagne of Hazbin Hotel

Huh, Who knew this will, happen After deleting my self from the throne of heros, I will get a seacond chance, so Charlemagne was reborn as Charlomaine the prince of hell, what suprise will live with it, I gonna make everyone happy in hell, SO yeah a Hazbin Hotel and Fate fanfic probably the first one as well MC Charlomaine Ship: Charlomaine X Harem Anway, this fanfic is something I wanted to do for a while, sense I have free time I will do them, also why is there no Charlomaine fanfic give my boy some love, Anyway this is my own fanfic, anyway hope people like this, also fonf worry my other fanfic are still going on

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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65 Chs


As Charlomaine sat in his room, pondering over the mysteries surrounding his sword, Joyeuse, he decided to consult the Charlemage system for answers.

"System," Charlomaine called out, prompting the familiar blue box to materialize before him. "How did Joyeuse get here?"

The response from the system was swift and straightforward, appearing in glowing text within the box.

[ Simple the dragon that reincarnated you brought the sword here to help you unlock will me the Charlemage system ]

Charlomaine sighed, a mix of relief and mild amusement crossing his features. It seemed the involvement of the dragon that had reincarnated him held the key to Joyeuse's presence in this realm. He had suspected as much, but hearing it confirmed by the system brought a sense of closure to his curiosity.

With a nod to himself, Charlomaine closed the Charlemage system and leaned back in his chair, reflecting on the intricate connections between his past life and his current existence in Hell. The sword, once wielded by the legendary King Charlemagne, now played a pivotal role in his journey through the circles of Hell.

Little did he know, more challenges and revelations awaited him in the depths of Gluttony, where each step brought him closer to unraveling the mysteries that bound him to this infernal realm.

System. Charlomaine said looking at his System. What do I need to do to unlock my Noble phatasam

[ You must complete your quests form the new 12 knight of Charlemage, after that you must complete the quests Magic circuit good luck prince of hell ]

Charlomaine stared intently at the glowing interface of the Charlemage system, absorbing its response with a mixture of determination and anticipation. The path ahead was clear, yet filled with challenges that resonated deep within his being.

"I understand," Charlomaine murmured, his voice carrying a hint of resolve. "To unlock my Noble Phantasm, I must first complete the quests from the new 12 knights of Charlemage. Then, I must undertake the quests of the Magic Circuit."

The system's response confirmed his suspicions but also ignited a sense of purpose within him. The quests from the new knights of Charlemage would undoubtedly test his leadership, strategy, and resolve. Each knight brought unique abilities and perspectives that Charlomaine would need to harness in his journey through Hell.

"And after that," Charlomaine continued, his gaze steady, "I must face the challenges of the Magic Circet. It won't be easy, but I'm ready."

With a nod to himself, Charlomaine closed the Charlemage system, the blue glow fading into the ambient darkness of his chamber. His mind raced with thoughts of the trials ahead, of the battles to be fought, and of the alliances to be forged in the circles of Hell.

Joyeuse, resting against his chair, seemed to hum with anticipation, as if echoing Charlomaine's determination. It was more than a sword now—it was a symbol of his destiny, a conduit through which he would unlock the full extent of his powers as the Prince of Hell.

Outside, the faint echoes of infernal winds whispered through the corridors of his fortress, a reminder of the ever-present challenges that awaited him. But Charlomaine was undeterred. Armed with the knowledge from the Charlemage system and the resolve burning within his soul, he was prepared to face whatever trials lay ahead on his path to unlocking his Noble Phantasm and fulfilling his destiny in the realms of damnation.

Charlomaine went to sleep as in the morning he woke up and went to where his knight were training. Charlomaine quietly approached the training grounds where his knights were diligently honing their skills, each engaged in their own activities under the watchful eye of Beelzebub. He took a moment to observe them, a sense of pride swelling in his chest at the sight of their dedication and camaraderie.

Oton and Olivier, both deeply focused, sparred with their swords, the clash of steel ringing through the air as they exchanged swift strikes and parries. Their movements were precise and disciplined, a testament to their commitment to improving their combat prowess.

Astolfo, ever the free spirit, lay sprawled under the shade of a tree, seemingly asleep but likely attuned to his surroundings even in repose. Charlomaine couldn't help but smile at his knight's unconventional ways, knowing that Astolfo's keen instincts were always at the ready when needed.

Gerier, with his spear in hand, executed intricate maneuvers with fluid grace. His movements were swift yet controlled, showcasing both strength and agility as he practiced techniques designed to overcome his opponents with precision.

Meanwhile, Gerin and Berengier engaged in what appeared to be a playful exchange, their laughter echoing across the training grounds. Despite their lighthearted demeanor, Charlomaine knew their antics masked a keen intelligence and a knack for strategic thinking that made them invaluable members of his team.

Ivon, Engelier, and Samson were deeply engrossed in a discussion about magical spells, their voices animated as they exchanged theories and insights. Charlomaine observed with interest, knowing that their combined knowledge of magic would play a crucial role in navigating the arcane challenges that awaited them in Hell.

As Charlomaine scanned the scene, he noticed Beelzebub watching over the knights with a thoughtful expression. Her presence was reassuring, a silent reminder of the alliances they had forged and the guidance she offered as a seasoned advisor.

Charlomaine approached Beelzebub with a nod of acknowledgment, his footsteps quiet on the soft earth of the training grounds. She greeted him with a warm smile, her eyes reflecting pride in the knights they had both mentored and nurtured.

"Beelzebub," Charlomaine began, his voice carrying a mixture of gratitude and determination, "thank you for overseeing their training. They've grown stronger under your guidance."

Beelzebub inclined her head graciously. "They are a talented group, Charlomaine. Each one brings something unique to the table. It's been a privilege to watch them develop."

Charlomaine glanced back at his knights, a swell of pride rising within him. "Indeed. Their dedication is unwavering. They understand the challenges ahead and are preparing themselves accordingly."

"They look up to you," Beelzebub remarked softly, her gaze following Charlomaine's. "Your leadership inspires them."

"I only hope to live up to their expectations," Charlomaine replied humbly, though a spark of determination gleamed in his eyes. "Together, we will face whatever trials come our way."

Beelzebub nodded, her expression serious yet supportive. "You've come a long way since we first met, Charlomaine. Your growth as a leader has been remarkable."

Charlomaine smiled gratefully. "And I couldn't have done it without your guidance, Beelzebub. Your wisdom has been invaluable."

As they watched the knights continue their training, a sense of unity and purpose settled between them. Charlomaine knew that their journey through Hell was far from over, but with Beelzebub's counsel and the unwavering loyalty of his knights, he felt ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the circles ahead.

So where will you going to get your next knight. Beelzebub said looking at him. Becuse Gluttony is smaller then the other rings, and seeing your group your going to get two hell hound just remebr how Hell houd are treated in hell lower then imps in the social latter, this is the only place my domain they got a break. Beelzebub siad looking at him. Your wondering why I am telling you all of this

Charlomaine listened attentively to Beelzebub's words, absorbing the implications of what she was saying about the upcoming challenges in Gluttony and the unique opportunity to recruit Hell hounds into his ranks.

"I appreciate your insight, Beelzebub," Charlomaine replied thoughtfully. "It's clear that navigating Gluttony will pose its own set of challenges, but I trust your guidance in preparing for what lies ahead."

Beelzebub nodded, her expression serious yet supportive. "The Hell hounds may be underestimated in Hell's hierarchy, but they possess strengths that can be invaluable to us. Loyalty, ferocity, and keen senses make them formidable allies."

"I understand," Charlomaine said, his mind already considering the implications of integrating Hell hounds into his group. "Their treatment in other parts of Hell contrasts sharply with your domain, where they find respite."

Beelzebub's gaze softened. "Exactly. Here, they have a chance to prove themselves beyond their societal status. It's a chance for them to rise and for us to benefit from their abilities."

Charlomaine nodded in agreement, appreciating the strategic advantage of recruiting such resilient creatures. "Thank you for sharing this with me, Beelzebub. Your knowledge of Hell and its inhabitants is invaluable as we navigate these circles."

Beelzebub smiled faintly. "You're welcome, Charlomaine. Remember, leadership in Hell requires understanding not only its challenges but also the potential within its diverse inhabitants."

"I will keep that in mind," Charlomaine affirmed, a sense of determination settling within him. "We will approach our next steps with respect for the opportunities they bring."

As they watched the knights continue their training, Charlomaine contemplated the path ahead. He knew that recruiting the Hell hounds would not only strengthen their group but also provide a chance for these often-overlooked creatures to prove themselves in a realm that underestimated their worth.

"Beelzebub," Charlomaine began after a moment, turning to her with a determined glint in his eyes. "I am ready to embark on this next phase of our journey through Gluttony. Together, we will forge alliances and confront whatever challenges await us."

Beelzebub's smile widened slightly, a flicker of pride in her eyes. "I have no doubt, Charlomaine. With your leadership and the strength of our knights, we will overcome."

And with that shared resolve, Charlomaine and Beelzebub turned their attention back to the training grounds, where their knights continued to prepare for the trials ahead in Gluttony, united in purpose and ready to face whatever awaited them in the infernal depths.

So your goal. Beelzebub said looking at him. Is to make everyone in hell happy can you even do are you sure you can do, it is impossible dream

Charlomaine met Beelzebub's gaze steadily, considering her question carefully. The notion of bringing happiness to Hell, a realm steeped in suffering and darkness, was indeed a daunting challenge. However, his resolve remained unwavering, fueled by his belief in the possibility of change, no matter how improbable it seemed.

"Making everyone in Hell happy may be an ambitious goal," Charlomaine began, his tone reflective yet resolute. "But it is a dream worth pursuing. Happiness, even in Hell, can come in small victories, in moments of peace and unity amidst the chaos."

Beelzebub tilted her head, her expression thoughtful. "It's true that Hell is a place of eternal torment, but perhaps happiness here isn't about erasing suffering entirely. It could be about finding moments of solace, of camaraderie, and of purpose."

Charlomaine nodded in agreement. "Exactly. Our journey isn't just about fighting battles and overcoming challenges. It's about forging bonds, offering hope, and creating a better future, even in the darkest corners of Hell."

Beelzebub smiled faintly, a glimmer of admiration in her eyes. "You have a rare optimism, Charlomaine. It's a strength that will inspire others to believe in your vision."

Charlomaine returned her smile gratefully. "Thank you, Beelzebub. I know the road ahead won't be easy, but with allies like you and our knights by my side, I believe we can bring about meaningful change."

Beelzebub nodded in agreement, her confidence in him evident. "Then let us continue our journey through Gluttony and beyond. Together, we will challenge the status quo, defy expectations, and strive to make a difference, one step at a time."

Charlomaine's determination deepened as he looked towards the horizon, envisioning a Hell where happiness wasn't just a distant dream but a tangible reality. With Beelzebub's support and the unwavering loyalty of his knights, he knew they could inch closer to that ambitious goal, transforming their infernal realm into a place where hope could flourish amidst the darkness.

As Charlomaine and Beelzebub stood amidst the surreal landscapes of Gluttony, their conversation lingered in the air, infused with determination and a shared vision for the future. Around them, the sounds of festivities continued, demons indulging in extravagant banquets and revelries, their laughter echoing through the vibrant, albeit deceptive, surroundings.

Beelzebub glanced around, her gaze lingering on the chaotic scenes unfolding before them. "Gluttony is a realm where desires and excess intertwine," she remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of nostalgia. "For centuries, it has been a place of indulgence and temptation, where even the strongest can falter."

Charlomaine nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the sights and sounds of Beelzebub's domain. "It's clear that happiness here often comes at a cost," he observed, watching as demons feasted and reveled, their expressions alternating between euphoria and fleeting satisfaction.

"Yes," Beelzebub agreed, her expression turning solemn. "Many here seek fulfillment through pleasure, yet they remain trapped in an endless cycle of craving. It's a delicate balance, one that I've observed for centuries."

They continued walking through the bustling festival, navigating through the shifting landscapes that mirrored the capricious nature of Gluttony itself. Charlomaine's knights followed closely, their expressions reflecting a mixture of curiosity and caution as they observed the unique challenges presented by Beelzebub's domain.

Astolfo, ever the curious spirit, approached Charlomaine with a grin. "Boss, this place sure is lively! Makes you wonder how anyone ever gets any real work done around here."

Charlomaine chuckled softly, appreciating Astolfo's light-hearted perspective amidst the solemnity of their mission. "In a realm where excess rules, Astolfo, it's easy to lose sight of one's purpose. But we're here to find allies and uncover truths that will aid us in our quest."

Ivon, adjusting her glasses with a thoughtful expression, added, "Indeed, Gluttony's inhabitants may hold valuable insights and skills that could prove useful to our cause. We must tread carefully, yet remain open to possibilities."

As they approached a clearing adorned with elaborate tents and exotic delicacies, Beelzebub gestured towards a group of demons engaged in lively conversation. "There," she said, her eyes scanning the crowd. "Look for those who possess strength of character and a willingness to challenge convention. They may hold the key to our next recruit."

With renewed purpose, Charlomaine and his knights dispersed into the festival, each tasked with observing and interacting with the demons of Gluttony. They sought individuals whose resilience and determination shone through amidst the allure of indulgence and excess.

Gerier, drawn to a towering demon practicing with a massive spear, struck up a conversation about combat techniques and strategy. The demon, impressed by Gerier's knowledge and skill, expressed a keen interest in joining their cause, eager to test his abilities beyond the confines of Gluttony.

Meanwhile, Olivier engaged in a philosophical debate with an erudite demon, exchanging ideas about the nature of power and its impact on the realms of Hell. The demon, intrigued by Olivier's insights and intellect, agreed to accompany them, driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to challenge the status quo.

Gerin and Berengier, with their natural charm and wit, mingled effortlessly among the festival-goers, weaving tales and jokes that resonated with demons seeking moments of levity amidst the extravagance. Their ability to connect on a personal level earned the trust of several demons, who pledged their loyalty to Charlomaine's cause in exchange for camaraderie and purpose.

Astolfo, ever the charismatic presence, found himself drawn to a group of demons engrossed in a game of wit and strategy. With his quick thinking and playful demeanor, he captured their attention, showcasing a knack for leadership and initiative that resonated deeply with those yearning for direction in Gluttony's chaotic landscape.

As the day progressed, Charlomaine and his knights reconvened with Beelzebub, each sharing stories of their encounters and the demons they had recruited. There was a sense of accomplishment in their midst, tempered by the realization that their journey through Hell had only just begun.

Beelzebub nodded approvingly, her gaze sweeping over the gathered knights with a mixture of pride and anticipation. "You've chosen well," she remarked, her voice carrying a note of approval. "Each of these demons brings a unique perspective and strength to your cause. Together, you will challenge the very foundations of Hell."

Charlomaine met Beelzebub's gaze with gratitude, his determination unwavering in the face of the trials ahead. "Thank you, Beelzebub," he said earnestly. "Your guidance has been invaluable to us. With our new allies by our side, we will continue to pursue our goal of bringing hope and change to Hell."

With their ranks bolstered and their spirits renewed, Charlomaine and his knights prepared to depart from Gluttony, their sights set on the challenges awaiting them in the next circle of Hell. As they ventured forth, the echoes of their resolve reverberated through the vibrant yet treacherous realm, a testament to their unwavering commitment to forge a brighter future in the darkest of places.

To be honest

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones anyway new fanfic out called I ma Scp O76/Able Scp Copy cat