
Fate has truly abandoned me

I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

jukkaland23 · Histoire
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94 Chs

You are my wife

Shuang Zihua saw that Zhuang Kang had carried her far enough. She raised her head and told him to let her down. But Zhuang Kang tightened his arms around her and bent down to whisper softly to her,

" I won't let you go! You are my wife. Why should I let you walk on your own? Besides, has your leg already healed so that you want to walk on your own? "

 Zhuang Kang, who was still a little jealous, shouted at the beautiful wife in his arms. It made Shuang Zihua stunned and unable to speak. He's not a child, is he? Why does he seem to act like this? Shuang Zihua could only sigh in his arms until he reached the house. So he gently placed her on the chair.

 Zhuang Kang bent down and was about to massage Shuang Zihua's legs. But she hurriedly turned her legs to avoid him. She also spoke to stop him from making a loud noise.

" Sir, don't do this. If anyone saw it, what would they think? You are a great general. How can you bow your head to a woman like me? "

" I told you, you are my wife. Taking care of you is what I should do. Whoever will see it, so be it. I have never been afraid of anyone seeing how I take care of my wife. If you are any different that I will regret for the rest of my life. "

 Shuang Zihua followed his gaze, which did not appear to be joking. So she made up her mind and allowed him to reach out and gently massage her legs. She gritted her teeth and endured the pain from the cramps. Until Zhuang Kang told her to cry out if it hurt. Don't bite your lip until you get a wound like that. He didn't want to see her get hurt any more.

 Shuang Zihua listened to the man who was massaging her legs and complained about her behavior. Shuang Zihua could only look up at the sky and follow the story. If she says anything too much This man definitely had more to say. Just this, she was already very embarrassed in front of the people in Zhuangzi. The more he looked like his son, Her heart fluttered even more the closer she was to him. This was the reason why she accepted Master Shuang Zhizhi's request that she be a model for him. Even though she had never thought of it like this before. Because she wanted to stay away from this man who kept calling her his wife. She was afraid that she would be gullible and agree to be with him and then have to encounter the same terrible things as in the past. So she tried to avoid her child's father as much as possible.

 Two kilos later, Zhuang Kang's bodyguard brought him some medicine. Zhuang Kang pulled up Shuang Zihua's pant leg without asking her a single word. It made her face turn red. In fact, since he started massaging her She felt much better now. He didn't even have to go to this extent. Shuang Zihua looked down at him, intent on applying medicine and gently massaging her, while also asking about her condition.

 Shuang Zihua saw that her leg should have healed. So she told him to stop applying medicine and massaging her. Zhuang Kang raised his head to look at her to see if she was truly cured or not. Shuang Zihua, who was still blushing, could only nod and confirm that she had recovered.

 Zhuang Kang smiled at his little wife seeing her well. Just seeing her blush like this made his heart almost jump out of his chest. She really was just as cute as that day, and this time her eyes didn't have the slightest hint of sadness like they did that day. He really wanted to see her smile more happily.

 Shuang Zihua was no different from Zhuang Kang. The more she saw him smile, She was even more embarrassed and didn't know what to say. Her thoughts disappeared, causing her to mentally scold herself for why she had been so easily charmed by him.

 Zhuang Kang's hand was stained with the medicine that had been applied to Shuang Zihua. He excused himself to wash his hands before coming to her again. Shuang Zihua himself saw that it was almost dinner time. So she thought of walking into the kitchen and preparing food for everyone. But instead, he was protested by Zhuang Kang's voice. With the things he brought earlier His son still didn't accept it. He therefore wanted her to accept the items he had intended to give to the mother and daughter to use while in the capital.

" Why did you have to waste and buy so much? It's not that my child and I don't have these things. I also have money to spend without difficulty. "

" Well, I want to buy it for you and your child. Can't you just take it and use it? Consider it a gift of meeting face to face in our family. "

 Shuang Zihua listened to him and his heart ached for the person in front of him. Since he wanted her to have a child She will accept it. Otherwise, he wouldn't have allowed her to cook dinner. Shuang Zihua thought about it and nodded to let him put the things in the hall first. Before going to bed, she would tidy up later. Now she has to hurry and cook food for everyone. Otherwise, it will be much past meal time.

 Zhuang Kang knew that his wife wanted to cook. He went to help her pick up various things, having been alone for a long time in the military camp. Zhuang Kang himself could cook a few dishes.

 Shuang Zihua saw that he didn't have the awkward expression of someone who had never cooked before and smiled a little fondly. She didn't think that this big man even knew how to cook. Shuang Zihua was no longer considerate of him. She gave him orders as if he were her assistant.

 Zhuang Kang saw his wife becoming more open-minded by giving him orders without hesitation. He therefore intended to help her cook more often in order to strengthen their relationship like his son had said before.

 As for Shuang Zhizhi, who had been talking with the teacher for a long time. Seeing that it was almost time for cooking, he walked back to the house, thinking of going to help his mother cook and Snacks as usual But as he was about to enter the kitchen He saw his big father helping his mother skillfully cut vegetables and meat. Shuang Zhizhi secretly fled. Because he was afraid that Mother would be ashamed of her son like him.

 Shuang Zhizhi came out in front of the house and met his father's close bodyguard. So he inquired about the history of what Father had done before. Why did he become the general of the region at such a young age?

 The guards who had followed Zhuang Kang from the beginning saw that the young master really wanted to know the old story, so he only briefly told them how the prince had enlisted. And when did you enter government service? Including ordering when they would send someone to find Young Master's mother. But they had searched for many years and had never heard of her before. Until today, when they met the young master and young master for the first time. It was heaven's mercy that made him finally meet them. From having to look at the sad expression for more than ten years Now they were also relieved to see that the master's expression was much better than before.