
Fate has truly abandoned me

I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

jukkaland23 · Histoire
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94 Chs

Went to the fabric store again

After talking for a while The father and son duo returned to the house to invite Shuang Zihua to go shopping in the afternoon. Shuang Zihua saw that he wanted to buy something for his child. At first, she herself didn't want to go. Only the son wanted her to help him choose an outfit. So she reluctantly accepted the words of the father and son that she would go with them.

 At lunch, Shuang Zihua simply warmed up the breakfast they had cooked in abundance and ate it easily. Jian Yuan knew that the general had already arrived early in the morning and did not bother the people at Shuang Zihua's house. O However, Zhuang Kang's bodyguards had already brought food to them at the house. Even more knowing that in the afternoon the three of them were going to buy things in the capital. He even more dared not disrupt the relationship between this small family.

 Jian Yuan still hadn't talked to his disciple about the fact that he would have to stay in the capital. It was because he taught Shuang Zhizhi so well that Father didn't want him to return to the border to teach. Now Father and Mother are old. His older brother, if he were to take over in place of his father, would probably be so busy with work that he wouldn't have time to take care of them. He, being another child, has to take care of you all here instead of me. Moreover, his mother had also heard that he had gone to see a few women for him to look at. Waiting for the opportunity to take him to get to know them. If she didn't pretend too much. It would not be difficult for him to agree to the marriage.

 As for Shuang Zhizhi, who still did not know Master's thoughts. He also happily ate lunch with his parents. After sitting and resting for a while, they left Zhuangzi and entered the capital in Mother's carriage instead of Father's carriage, which did not have a table for tea and snacks.

 Zhuang Kang had just ridden in his wife's carriage for the first time. He was quite surprised at the small table she used to place her snacks and teapot on. Plus, the inside was padded with soft cushions, making the ride much more comfortable than his horse carriage. He questioned her until he learned that she had personally customized the chariot for the long journey. So he asked to use her design to improve the carriage near him.

 Shuang Zihua was not stingy about improving her carriage. She allowed him to do as he pleased. After all, that craftsman must have built many horse carriages like hers to sell. It's just that no one in the capital has ever seen it.

 Zhuang Kang's men brought them to the biggest cloth shop in the capital. This was the same shop where Shuang Zihua had met her sister for the first time after returning to the capital. But today she came with the general. Shuang Zihua took in a heavy breath. In case she had to meet those people again.

 Shuang Zhizhi remembered this cloth shop where the cruel aunt insulted Mother and him. He looked at Mother's face for a moment. Seeing that she just took a breath and kept her face as usual. So he didn't tell Father about the incident he had encountered before.

 Zhuang Kang did not know such things. He was a regular customer and the shop owner often went to have his ceremonial robes custom-made because of the emperor's orders. He himself could not allow the royal court to handle such personal matters. So he was forced by his older brother to buy fabric and have it cut at this same shop for many years since they were close.

 The shop owner who gave Shuang Zihua some advice several months ago She couldn't remember the faces of Shuang Zihua and her son. for she must first welcome her regular customer, the general.

" I pay my respects to the General. What kind of fabric do you want today or would you like me to make additional ceremonial clothes for you? You haven't changed it at all this year, have you? "

" Today, I brought people to choose clothes to wear in the Zhuangyuan parade the day after tomorrow. You don't have to worry about me. But can you make a new outfit in one day? If I could, I would get to choose the fabric. But if you can't make it in time, I'll have you bring out the best clothes for them to choose. "

" I shouldn't be able to catch up to you, General. I must apologize to you. But there are also many ready-made outfits that the shop has made with good fabric. Please invite all of you to the second floor lounge first. I'll have someone bring the clothes up for you. "

" Okay, then I'll go wait upstairs. "

 The shop owner ordered people to bring tea and snacks to follow the guests up. Then she led a few workers in the store to choose both male and female outfits. Many female outfits for them to choose from. Just now, she saw that there was a boy and a girl walking behind the general. So she thought it might be the clothes of the two of them. With expertise in trading She knew exactly what size clothes the two of them had to wear. Therefore, it took her less than half an hour to choose clothes.

 The shop owner led three people in the shop, each carrying nearly ten sets of clothes, following her up to the top. Each garment has the most intricate embroidery in the store. The price of each set is also not low. The shop owner knew that the general could easily pay for these clothes. So she didn't think about being considerate of this big customer of hers.

 When entering the room The shop owner had her men present each outfit to them one by one. She also gave additional advice, including that her clothes here were never the same as anyone else in the capital and He Province. With the skill of sewing As special as in the palace As a result, her shop usually only had the descendants of nobles or senior citizens come to buy clothes and have them made to order.

 Before the shop owner finished presenting all the clothes She must have drank many cups of tea. Shuang Zihua helped his son look at the previous clothes. She chose three outfits for him that looked suitable for her son. And each outfit is also in a light color tone that her son likes.

 Shuang Zhizhi liked the outfit Mother had chosen for him quite a bit. So he agreed to take three sets that Mother had chosen for him. His father likes dark colors. It's not that he can't wear it. But he doesn't really like wearing dark colors. After looking at Father's face, which looked a little sad, So he chose one more navy blue outfit that Father had chosen for him. Only then did Father's expression immediately turn into a smile. Sigh, he didn't think Father would be so serious just about his clothes.

 Shuang Zihua secretly laughed at his son, who was afraid his father would regret it. So she just had to order another set. As for her, the father and daughter forced her to order another two sets each. The father chose a light-colored dress for her. Her son, on the other hand, chose a color so bold that she didn't dare wear it. So she honestly told her son that it would be better to choose a dark or light color instead. That's why her good son changed his mind and chose two darker colors for her.

 When I was about to pay for the clothes Shuang Zihua had to take his hand back. Because Zhuang Kang told the shop to send the bill to his residence as usual. She forgot that today he said he would buy it for his son. If she paid him in front of so many people, he would definitely lose face. It would be better for her to talk to him later.