
Fate has truly abandoned me

I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

jukkaland23 · Histoire
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94 Chs

Sent back to the original home

Zhuang Kang heard the news about Shuang Ai Liu's divorce. It was just before Zhuangzi went to bed that night. He didn't expect that the Lord Chancellor would rush to deal with her faster than he sent a petition to His Majesty. As such, he would have to go see His Majesty and discuss this matter carefully.

 After Shuang Zhizhi's procession had gone far past the inn, Zhuang Kang waited for the procession to dwindle a bit. He would take his wife back to Zhuangzi to rest before having people wait for his son in front of the Imperial Palace again.

 Before the procession of people had all left Zhuang Kang ordered lunch to wait for his little wife to eat before returning to Zhuangzi. After all, right now they didn't want to go through the crowds that were still scattered in the capital back to Zhuangzi.

 Shuang Zihua saw that he had ordered food and so she sat down to eat with him. It's fitting that today they woke up quite early. And breakfast still doesn't feel heavy on the stomach. This made Shuang Zihua hungry faster every day. She knew that today her son would have to join the banquet for lunch. Therefore, she could not eat with Zhuang Kang comfortably.

 Zhuang Kang himself kept scooping food into bowls for her. Until Shuang Zihua had to tell him to eat some himself. Otherwise, he would probably keep giving her food until her cup overflowed. Shuang Zihua sometimes gave him food back as well. If she only accepted his kindness, it wouldn't be good. She also wanted to repay him for protecting her and comforting her earlier.

 After finishing eating Just in time, Zhuang Kang's people came to inform that the number of people had decreased. So he invited Shuang Zihua to return to Zhuang Zi. As for the son, you need not worry about him. It would be nearly two more hours before the banquet was finished. He had been accustomed to predicting the time of the banquet for many years. Because at work they almost do the same thing every three years.

 Shuang Zihua took a short rest after lunch. She nodded to Zhuang Kang that we could just go back. Zhuang Kang helped her up from the chair and walked ahead of her out of the private room of the inn. The people who had been crowded before watching the parade were now few and far between in the tavern. As for the food expenses for Zhuang Kang's people, everything has been taken care of.

 When returning to Zhuangzi Zhuang Kang told Shuang Zihua to go rest first. As for him, he will also go to rest in the back house. Two more of his men also went to wait to pick up their son after sending them off earlier. Right now, the ingredients in the kitchen are almost out of stock. So he ordered someone to stop by and buy after he brought his son back. After all, the party never once got late into the evening.

 Today's dinner at Zhuangzi had a family of three cook together as usual. Zhuang Kang himself did not criticize his son for coming to help. Today he received quite a bit of warmth from his wife. He was in a good mood and allowed his son to help him.

 After the meal, everyone went their separate ways to rest. Zhuang Kang was afraid that his son would be tired from traveling in the sun so early in the morning. So he hurriedly sent his son to rest. If there is anything we can talk about tomorrow. Everyone then went their separate ways to rest without hesitation.

 The next day, big news spread throughout the capital. Because Shuang Ai Liu was ordered to collect things from the left minister's palace. She went on a rampage to the point where the minister was almost ashamed of the people who came to watch. Until the left-wing minister had to inform the authorities to arrange for her to be taken back to her original home for good. Because his son had given her a divorce letter yesterday and had already sent the matter to the authorities. It was considered that now Shuang Ai Liu was no longer a member of the Left Chancellor Mansion.

 As for Shuang Wanglang, who knew about the eldest daughter causing trouble again. He tried to appeal to the left-wing minister from the beginning. Only the leftist minister's own reasons caused him to lose face as well. Whoever gave birth to his daughter has never had a child for the leftist minister since more than ten years of marriage. It was normal for the position of Little Hu Yin of Zhuan to be transferred to someone who would give offspring to the Left Chancellor.

 Shuang Wanglang himself was also the Chancellor of the Criminal Department. Therefore, he could not lose face any more. Shuang Wanglang could only tell the people to take his eldest daughter back home instead. Currently, the Grand Hu Yin Mountain Mansion has been absent since the Emperor's order to repent at another city's monastery for nearly a month. It made his palace calm down quite a bit as well. But now the good daughter has been sent back like this. He was even more afraid that Hu Yinrong and the other juniors would not be able to deal with her.

 The more Shuang Wanglang thought about it, the more his head ached. He really wanted to send her off to live with her mother, but he was still afraid that His Majesty would find him disdainful of his divorced daughter. Since right now he still couldn't find a way to solve the problem. Wait until you get back to the area first. He would rather consult with Hu Yin Rong, who was like the brain of his palace.

 Zhuang Kang, who had asked to meet with His Majesty today regarding Shuang Ai Liu, also knew the news about her being sent back to her old home. He had not passed by the Left Chancellor's Palace and therefore did not witness the incident. Only the eunuchs and courtesans were whispering about it until he overheard as he was about to meet the emperor.

 The emperor saw that Zhuang Kang had arrived. He hurriedly complained to his younger brother for leaving him to be alone at the party with no one to talk to yesterday. After complaining that it was a formality, the two of them talked about Shuang Ai Liu again. The emperor himself did not expect that the left court minister would settle the matter before he even fell to the sword. As a result, he now has no reason to punish the people in the left-wing minister's palace.

" Since she has been divorced like this How else do you want me to punish her, Akan? "

" I didn't expect it either. that the left-wing minister would rush to cut out the tumor before we did. I guess I have to keep an eye on His Majesty's granddaughter. Because the fact that she was divorced was probably due in part to yesterday's events. Even though they claimed that she had not given birth, it was against the customs. But why hadn't he divorced many years earlier? When yesterday's incident happened Her husband immediately divorced her. "

" I thought as you said. Or does my granddaughter still have something wrong that she is hiding from me? As a result, the left-wing minister was unable to allow her to stay together until he had to quickly divorce him like this. Do you know any additional news? "

" I just heard a rumor. that the His Majesty's niece liked to beat servants to death when she wanted to vent her anger. But also that no one came to inform the authorities. And no one found the body. Therefore, the authorities have not investigated Phaya. "

" Phew!!! If it's true Won't the people think that I am just as cruel as her? Why have you never told me this? "

" As I said, this is just a rumour. If there is real evidence I would have long ago arrested the people in the Left Chancellor's Mansion who helped cover it up . Your Majesty, what do you want me to do next? "

" You will let people follow her behavior from now on. Don't let her people know. Or you could have someone disguised as her bodyguard. I don't care if her people are dead or alive. I just want to know if she really committed such a crime without my knowledge. "

" I accept it graciously. I will send someone to carry out your majesty's orders. "

 The two of them consulted for less than an hour. Zhuang Kang then excused himself to give orders to his men before returning to Zhuangzi. This morning his son said he had something to discuss with him. Therefore, he had to hurry back after finishing his work today.