
Fate has truly abandoned me

I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

jukkaland23 · Histoire
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94 Chs

Send your child to take the exam

The next morning, Shuang Zihua had already prepared stationery for Shuang Zizi in his bag. Her son said that food would be given out while taking the exam in front of His Majesty. Therefore, she did not need to prepare many things for her son besides two sets of clothes to change. If the exam takes several days

 Shuang Zihua who woke up before anyone else She cooked a simple breakfast for everyone to eat before leaving before the sky was still light. She was afraid that her son would arrive at the examination room later than the others. Given the distance from Zhuangzi, it was not that close to the Imperial Palace that her son had to enter today.

 Jian Yuan had had enough of Shuang Zhihua and Shuang Zhizhi's father. Therefore, he still gave advice to his lone student as usual. He also told Shuang Zhizhi to think carefully before answering. Maybe His Majesty wouldn't let him write an answer. But each person may answer as he pleases. The ranking in the answer is also uncertain. Therefore, he had to instruct this little disciple to be careful.

 Shuang Zhizhi nodded and accepted the teacher's words. He didn't know what the exam would be like today. But at least Father said he would go and check on him. Would he dare to embarrass Father in front of His Majesty? He will try to calm himself as much as possible. Otherwise, he would definitely be so excited that he couldn't think of anything.

 After eating breakfast, Zhuang Kang had the carriage conductor immediately set off to wait for his son in front of the palace. He thought that his wife and son must have been on their way by now. His residence was closer to the palace. It took less than an hour to arrive in front of the palace. He opened the curtain of the carriage and looked but still couldn't see his wife's carriage. So he was still sitting inside waiting. but ordered his men to tell him if their carriage had arrived.

 The soldiers outside received the general's orders. Today they had to organize a procession with honor. For entering the general's palace His Majesty allowed him to bring in soldiers and weapons. It was a trust that no noble had ever received like Zhuang Kang before. Moreover, in the capital, no one dared to cause trouble with this general to make his head come off his shoulders.

 Zhuang Kang waited for nearly an hour. His men then informed him that a chariot similar to Hu Yin's was approaching. Zhuang Kang then got off the carriage and waited for his son to take him into the palace.

 Jian Yuan's guards also saw Zhuang Kang from afar. He could only sigh in relief at the young master who probably didn't really have any luck with Lady Zihua. Look at the general who was diligent in approaching the mother and son duo. He thought it wouldn't be long. Before they could go back together as a family.

 The carriage stopped near Zhuang Kang's carriage. Within Shuang Zhizhi, he already knew that Father was waiting to welcome him in front. Shuang Zihua and Master Jian Yuan had to get off the bus to pay their respects to the general so as not to be rude.

 Zhuang Kang saluted the two of them. Now his wife still doesn't accept it. Therefore, he couldn't express himself too much to cause her to lose her reputation. Zhuang Kang inquired whether the items his son had prepared were ready or not. He also prepared another set for his son in the carriage as a backup.

 Shuang Zihua heard what he said. She then thanked him for his kindness to her son. She then gave a blessing to Shuang Zhizhi. And don't let him put too much pressure on himself. Just this, she was already very proud of him.

 Jian Yuan also blessed the one disciple he had nurtured for so many years. He also entrusted the general to take care of his disciples for him. Since he couldn't be Shuang Zhizhi's family anymore. He just wanted to continue being a good teacher like this.

 Shuang Zhizhi thanked Mother and Teacher. Before following Zhuang Kang, he boarded the carriage and the general's procession entered the palace. Shuang Zihua and Jian Yuan stood and looked until they couldn't see the back of the carriage, so they got back into the carriage and traveled back to Zhuang Zi to wait for Shuang Zi Zi. This time they would wait another three days as before. If the exam is completed earlier than scheduled Jian Yuan's father and elder brother will be People came to send Shuang Zhizhi to him. Or it could be the general who sent his son himself. He hasn't told Father about this yet. But he thought that his brother should have known about it first and already informed Father.

 After they arrived at Zhuangzi Everyone went their separate ways to rest. Because today they woke up too early. Until feeling a little sleepy Moreover, Shuang Zihua slept later than usual because he couldn't sleep because he thought about what Zhuang Kang had asked her last night. By the time she could close her eyes, they were almost bright. It made her look not as fresh as usual.

 Zhuang Kang took Shuang Zhizhi to the exam location. This time, His Majesty used the royal hall as the examination venue. A number of nobles were also allowed to come and watch and listen to the answers of this year's top three. The emperor ordered the morning meeting to be canceled for three days because of this exam.

 The nobles were surprised to find that the general had brought with him a scholar who looked just like him. But they didn't dare to ask. I would have to wait for His Majesty to inquire. Otherwise, others would not dare to mess with this honest general.

 Zhuang Kang sent Shuang Zhizhi to report to the teachers and Tai Fu who had come to take the exam. Then he walked over and paid his respects to His Majesty. The emperor hurriedly called Zhuang Kang over and whispered why he had come with that child. Moreover, the appearance of the two of them was hardly different except that Zhuang Kang looked older.

 Zhuang Kang didn't dare lie to this older brother. So he said he met his wife and son by chance. But his wife still doesn't accept him. So he could only send his son to take the exam.

 The emperor heard that the boy was the son of someone who was like his younger brother. He immediately smiled happily at this little brother. along with telling him to focus on taking good care of the two mothers and children In case one day she will accept him. This little brother of his could finally be happy. It wasn't that he didn't know what his granddaughter had done. It's just that he didn't want to interfere too much with outside matters. Even today, nobles still find him siding with the general in everything.

 Zhuang Kang also told the emperor to settle the score fairly for his son. Don't be biased by considering that Shuang Zhizhi is his son. Otherwise, his son would lose his self-confidence.

 The emperor laughed and immediately promised Zhuang Kang. He or she doesn't know this younger brother's personality. If you try to think that he is truly biased to the point of being ugly, you don't have to wait for his younger brother to scold you. But the nobles who attended this time would probably protest until their ears were deafened.