
Fate has truly abandoned me

I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

jukkaland23 · Histoire
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94 Chs

Send orders to Xiongnu

Zhuang Kang and his son had been busy in court matters for the past month. News from his people returning also increased every day. Until after dinner today Zhuang Kang consulted with his son about whether he should send orders to Xiongnu or not. If there are people within the tribe to help Their plan would be easily accomplished without much bloodshed from the tribe.

 Shuang Zhizhi listened to Father's words and agreed quite a bit. When he lived on the border, he had also seen quite a few people from the Xiongnu tribe. They were all ordinary villagers like the people of the He Province. Only their appearance is different. Shuang Zhizhi also secretly brought food and snacks to Xiongnu people fleeing famine to beg in border towns on many occasions.

 Zhuang Kang saw that his son had no objection. So he wrote a letter sealed with the royal seal that his father had sent to him to keep before fleeing to the He Province. His uncle did not have this insignia. Therefore, he had not been able to fully command the tribe's soldiers for many years. Most of the soldiers were his father's and his mother's relatives. The royal family was overthrown without their help because his uncle sent false orders to the tribe's soldiers to go look for food. Then they rebelled while not having the majority of their troops in the tribe.

 After Uncle became the clan head without a seal The soldiers who heard the news later were forced to remain in the tribe. But they never once followed Uncle's orders. Uncle himself didn't dare to do anything too extreme. He knew that what he had done would not be accepted by the tribe in the first place. And with the fake news that his uncle spread that his family was gone. The people of the tribe were forced to let Uncle remain as ruler because he was his father's adopted brother.

 This time Zhuang Kang wrote more than ten letters. He remembered the names of everyone who was his mother's relatives by heart. And he thought that all the uncles and uncles would recognize his handwriting as well. If there is help from their forces Bringing back his royal family would be as simple as a flip of a palm.

 Shuang Zhizhi saw that Father still had a long time to work. He therefore excused himself to rest first. For he himself had quite a bit of work to do as well. Especially regarding Father's mission which he thought would have to travel in a short time. He had to carefully review the details and news first. Otherwise, if something happened to his father, He would definitely regret it for the rest of his life.

 Zhuang Kang saw that it was already very late. So he stopped his hand and went back to rest. However, it would probably be tomorrow or the day after these letters would be sent to the spies within the tribe. So he didn't want to force it. very own body Zhuang Kang knew that his little wife had always been very concerned about his and his child's health. So he refrained from laboring like before.

 After breakfast the next day Zhuang Kang was still busy with the letter that needed to be sent to the Xiongnu Clan. As for Shuang Zhizhi, he prepared additional plans and asked his father's guards to teach him more martial arts. He would not be a burden to Father and would be able to protect Mother as well. Zhuang Kang had already received a report on this matter. He didn't stop his son from wanting to train. It was just that Zhuang Kang asked his son to focus more on survival. As for his wife Zhuang Kang will protect her. And there were also many of Du An's people who had promised to take care of her for him.

 Regarding Shuang Zihua, Zhuang Kang had long since sent news to Du An who had not yet returned from his mission. Du An sent news back to apologize to the prince. He really didn't know that she was Zhuang Kang's wife. As for why Shuang Zhizhi's face looked so familiar to Du An? Zhuang Kang himself did not hold any grudges against his wife's older brother Du'an. Since she called them brothers Even though he is the master of these people He must be respected as well as his wife is respected.

 Shuang Zihua didn't do anything to prepare for this long journey with her husband and son. She secretly ordered Brother Du's men to order four more carriages like hers. Every vehicle has a secret compartment to store weapons or important items that cannot be revealed to outsiders. This time, she had spent quite a bit of money to acquire both eight good horses and four large carriages. Before the father and son both knew what Shuang Zihua had done. That was when the carriage was driven back by Du An's men.

 Zhuang Kang really had no words to say to his little wife. She had never asked him for money since she had come to the mansion. This showed that she definitely had quite a bit of money saved up. But he still complained that he would let her tell him later. He would have the butler bring the money to her. Normally, Zhuang Kang's butler would take care of many secretly opened businesses throughout the region. Therefore, Juan's butler is not at the mansion very much. Most of the time, he would always patrol the shops in place of Zhuang Kang. And if you want to use the money, just send someone to pick it up with the butler. Monthly expenses that must be paid to everyone in the mansion The butler is always prepared. There is a deputy butler who can withdraw money to spend at the mansion and then write a list and wait for the butler to come back and check again.

 Shuang Zihua could only smile sweetly at her husband and son. She replied that she wanted to surprise them so she secretly ordered this. Moreover, on this trip, she didn't want the guards and his personal soldiers to be too tired from riding horses. So she ordered several carriages to be made so that they could take turns coming in and resting.

 Zhuang Kang and Shuang Zhizhi looked at each other heartily. Shuang Zihua's thoughts were good or bad. But to say it's strange is no less strange. Their soldiers were trained to endure hardship. But the little wife wanted They were able to rest comfortably. Shuang Zhizhi chuckled at Father's expression. He could understand Mother's thoughts somewhat. Therefore did not object to anything. He'll explain it to Father later.

 Zhuang Kang saw that his son did not object to his mother. So he stopped complaining to his little wife. Otherwise, his nourishment and snacks would definitely be starved. Zhuang Kang then told the common servants to take the chariot and keep it well and take care of the 8 horses so that they are always ready. Because he himself was still not sure when he would travel. Zhuang Kang was still waiting for news from there to reply to his letter first. So he will leave.