
Fate has truly abandoned me

I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

jukkaland23 · Histoire
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94 Chs

Punish the bribe-taker

Zhuang Kang knew that the boy's examination results were ranked first. He also felt strangely happy because he himself felt that the little boy's face was familiar from the beginning. But he didn't know why this face was so familiar to him. But there is still work to be done to find the mastermind. So he had to keep his doubts at bay. Then he went to the prison cell where the soldiers took the corrupt teacher for further questioning.

 His men reported as soon as he entered the cell that The teacher received a bribe from former Princess He Lingli who ordered him to do this. He also didn't know why she was aiming to destroy that child.

 Zhuang Kang knew that it was her but heaved a long sigh. He knew that His Majesty had been tired of this little sister for a long time. He himself also had a conflict with his majesty's niece from that time. He still remembers the sins she had made him commit against that innocent girl to this day.

 After regaining his composure from the old stories, Zhuang Kang immediately ordered the teacher to be dismissed from service. Ready to seize assets into the royal treasury He will report this matter to His Majesty later. How to punish He Lingli next

 The soldiers who received the order went out to this master's residence to seize the property according to the general's orders. They do not need any documents to do their job. Because everyone knew that the general's men had received special permission from The emperor has had the matter dealt with first and reported later for many years now. And every time the people the general dealt with were truly at fault. causing the townspeople to praise the honesty of this great commander quite a bit

 He Lingli received the report that her plan had failed and threw all the items in the house into a mess. She had just been released as a commoner. And this time, the plan was caught by the general who was her thorn. She didn't know when she and him started fighting. It was just that every time she planned to put someone else in the way of her and her husband. She was almost always caught by him. causing her elder brother to stop favoring her for a long time until now

 It wasn't that she would ever want to kill that general. It was just that her people were incompetent. No matter how many people were sent, they would all die. Some were seriously injured or even disabled. She herself used to have many people under her. Today, it has dwindled down to less than one hundred people. Her husband himself never helped with anything. Only she had always been promoting him and eliminating his rivals.

 Especially now that she has become a commoner. Her husband rarely even came to see her. Since Old Hu Yin died a year ago, He was also a little cold towards her. If she doesn't do anything for him He would not come to meet her at the house. She herself was reluctant to wait for him. Nowadays she is having an affair with her guards just for her temporary happiness without them knowing.

 As for taking care of Juan, it was Hu Yin Rong who had always taken care of him. She was the main Hu Yin so she didn't have to do anything. Just waiting to receive the monthly annuity that she had asked her husband for in the first place to support her people.

 As for the husband, the Chancellor of the Criminal Department, he didn't dare go too far with his former princess. Because he also knew that she had quite a few people loyal to her. If something happens to her His residence was definitely in chaos. These days, he could only please Hu Yin Rong and help her with trade with other nobles. After all, she was the one who had provided the money to support his palace in the first place. He himself respected her quite a bit.

 Both of his sons also entered government service many years ago. So it was enough to make him feel relieved. Other daughters also married to further his duties. There is only one young son of Anu who has not yet married. He himself has not yet found a marriage partner to promote him. So he was in no hurry to let her marry him off.

 Zhuang Kang sent people out to seize the property of the master who had caused trouble. He asked to meet the emperor and tell the story of everything from beginning to end. He also told His Majesty the punishment he had ordered his men to carry out. The Emperor had always been satisfied with Zhuang Kang's work. The reason he trusted Zhuang Kang was because of many years ago. Zhuang Kang told his background honestly. and vowed not to harm the people of the region The emperor became very close to Zhuang Kang like a brother.

 Since the emperor had him as his right-hand man, his various tasks had become more convenient. It was because the nobles who were afraid that this general would have evidence against them. Those nobles had always hidden their tails very well. No one dared to do anything that would offend His Majesty in the slightest.

 The emperor asked Zhuang Kang's opinion on punishing his own sister. Because he didn't know how to punish her. Moreover, this time she dared to interfere in his selection of nobles. The person she targeted was also the person Tai Fu was protecting. If he didn't punish her this time, He definitely wouldn't have the face to fight Tai Fu again.

 Zhuang Kang himself did not think that that child would have Tai Fu as his supporter. It was no wonder why he was so talented at such a young age. Zhuang Kang offered the emperor a punishment that he thought was probable.

" Your Majesty, don't you try having her go to the monastery and copy the scriptures until she repents? I think this punishment should calm her down a bit. "

" Hmm, your idea isn't bad. Then I'd rather have the eunuch draft an edict ordering her to a distant monastery. I am afraid that she will be so angry that she will secretly send someone to harm you again. "

" Thank you, Your Majesty, for your concern. I will be careful. "

 The two of them talked about the top three new nobles for a while. The more the emperor heard that the person Tai Fu had supported said the stem unit was not bad from his close friend, the more he wished for the exam day in front of him to come quickly. He wanted to know if this kid was suitable to help him like Zhuang Kang.

 After talking for almost two hours Zhuang Kang then excused himself and left the palace to see how the masters were handling matters after he came out. He himself feared that students who did not pass the exam would become discouraged first. If the teachers talked to them and gave them encouragement to come back and take the exam three years later, There were quite a few good nobles in the region.