
Fate has truly abandoned me

I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

jukkaland23 · Histoire
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94 Chs

Open a store

Shuang Zihua closed the front door and walked out the side of the store to return home with her little son. She also stopped by to buy some fresh produce for cooking tomorrow morning before going out to prepare things to sell at her new shop.

 The next morning Shuang Zihua hid the treasure box in the bedroom and locked the house tightly. The money inside the box was hidden in various parts of the house as well. She wasn't afraid that she wouldn't be found. But she was afraid that if there was a thief, it would all be taken away. She and her child must really be in trouble. She hasn't even started to open the shop yet. So she didn't know if she would make enough profit from trading to support this little son.

 Shuang Zihua took her son in a cart to buy groceries and various baking ingredients that she had made before. As for the tea leaves, she chose tea leaves that she had heard of in the area to replace the tea leaves that the previous owner used. Once you've bought all the essentials, it's not too late. Because she woke up very early, she came out to the grocery store just as the store opened.

 Shuang Zhizhi looked at his beautiful mother with a smile. His teeth are now starting to grow. This allowed him to eat some soft food. Shuang Zihua saw his son look up. So she turned and kissed him on the cheek, giving him a big kiss. When I heard the sound This chubby kid's giggles. Shuang Zihua seemed to have full encouragement to work immediately.

 Shuang Zihua has not opened a storefront at this time. Because she had to do everything alone. So she waited to finish making all the desserts before opening the shop. However, there aren't many people coming to this shop ever since. Whenever she opened it, no one would come and criticize her.

 Shuang Zhizhi was made to sit on the floor. Shuang Zhihua had a soft cloth spread on him. Until now, he liked to crawl and play at home. But when you're in the store He was much calmer than he was at home. It was as if he knew she was busy. Shuang Zihua was able to make desserts with ease.

 After preparing snacks and tea for almost an hour and a half, Shuang Zihua washed her face, eyes, and hands before going to the shop. As for Shuang Zhizhi, who had just had some milk, he had already fallen asleep. She would then find a child's bed and place it in the shop for him to sleep in while waiting for her to work the next day.

 Shuang Zihua opened the store and was shocked by the large number of students in front of the store. She looked at them dazedly for a long time and then quickly regained her composure. She didn't know why there were students standing out like this. Why did the old shop owner say that there aren't many people in this shop? One child who couldn't stand it suddenly spoke up on behalf of his fellow students.

" Sister, what does your shop sell? We could smell the aroma wafting into the classroom. And where did the owner of the two husband-and-wife owners go? "

" Oh, I sell sweets and snacks and tea like them. As for this store, I was the one who bought it. Today, I just opened the shop for the first day. " Shuang Zihua didn't think that the scent of her snacks would actually travel that far, so she smiled shyly in response.

" So are you selling it for a high price or not? We are just students So we don't have much money, sir. " That child wanted to eat delicious sweets, but he was just an ordinary child. Therefore, there is not much money saved.

" It's not expensive, little brother. Come on, you all wait for me to open the door. "

 Shuang Zihua asks the children for directions to open all the shop doors. She could start trading. All of her snacks were arranged in the shop. Just add it to a plate and hand it to them.

 The students at the storefront saw her figure, so thin that she was almost blown away by the wind and rushed in to help open the door for her. Shuang Zihua's smile immediately widened. She really wasn't wrong when she came here. Even these kids were kind to her.

 Shuang Zihua immediately rewarded the children who helped her open the door with free snacks and tea. She didn't sell it in pieces like the previous owner. But one set of snacks would have 5 pieces on the plate. As for the tea she brewed, she didn't charge a fee. In addition to the fact that someone had ordered a special type of tea that she had written on a sign before.

 The children heard that she was giving it away for free to those who helped her and immediately secretly complained to their friends. They saw that she said the price for one set of snacks was only 10 baht and their eyes widened immediately. Why is a snack that smells so good so cheap? The new vendors are really kind, so they can stop by to eat later.

 Shuang Zihua handed out the plates of snacks, almost dizzy. These children ate really quickly in less than half an hour. All of her snacks were gone in the shop. The students also have time to go to class in the afternoon. They also promised to come to her shop every day. Shuang Zihua sent them away with a smile. She hurriedly closed the shop as she had nothing to sell right now.

 She cleaned the shop and it took nearly an hour to finish. Fortunately, when she had customers Shuang Zhizhi didn't cry. He woke up only after hearing people talking loudly. She saw him awake and walked over to carry him. But her son refused. He just sat and watched the many people in the store come and go with interest. Shuang Zihua could stop worrying about his child.

 After closing the store, she hurriedly pushed the cart to the same grocery store and bought quite a few more items than in the morning. Tomorrow she will make double the amount of dessert. Open the shop a little early. in case there are more customers than before Shuang Zihua returned home and immediately cooked food and fed the child rice mixed with pumpkin. Now he has begun not to drink milk from her. But I usually eat rice mixed with pumpkin that she makes instead. She also has snacks for him to eat, only small pieces of soft, easy to chew snacks.

 Shuang Zihua put the child to bed first. Instead, she came out to prepare steamed snacks at the shop tomorrow. Desserts that need to be boiled are also made by her. Even today, she makes just three simple desserts and they sell so well. Tomorrow, she would do two more things that she was good at. Tonight, it's okay if she sleeps a little late. Right now, she didn't have time to count the money in the box she received from the children. She just poured the money into another box she saw lying around the house.

 The next day, Shuang Zihua rushed out of the house early in the morning. She had already prepared breakfast last night. This morning she only warmed up to eat with her child. When we arrived at the shop, she hurriedly took the snacks that were on a tray and steamed and boiled them one by one. Today, she has five types of desserts for sale.

 Last night, she made nearly two hundred ginger water lilies from the dough until late at night. The weather here is much cooler than in the capital. So she thought of making Bua Loi snacks with ginger juice to prevent the flu for those lovely students. What about the sweet ko on tau that she saw them fighting over to eat again? She made another fifty pieces. Kanom Pia Nang has three flavors of filling instead: pandan filling, taro filling, and soybean filling. The owner of the original shop had a steamer large enough for her to steam the entire dessert at once, so it didn't take much time. Only preparing the dessert before steaming is very time consuming.

 Shuang Zihua took the time he was waiting for the snacks to cook and immediately prepared the free tea. She brewed tea in a large pot at once. Yesterday, she used a medium-sized pot, so it seemed a bit too small. After all, this tea leaf wasn't very expensive, so she wasn't stingy.

 Half an hour later, there were already many snacks lined up on trays in front of her shop. Shuang Zihua opened the storefront almost an hour ago yesterday. She saw that there were already some people looking at the front of the store. So she smiled slightly, waiting to welcome her first customer today. She thought the children probably hadn't had their lunch break yet. So now no one has come.