
Fate has truly abandoned me

I can only ask myself: Why was I born ? If my life were to encounter painful things like this again and again What will I live for ? Heaven, why have you treated me like this ? Did I do anything wrong in my previous life ? Would you please answer me before I die ?

jukkaland23 · Histoire
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94 Chs

Comfort her

While returning home Shuang Wanglang reconsidered Zhuang Kang's words. He then realized whether Zhuang Kang really called Shuang Zihua his wife. Why did his eldest daughter say that she had committed adultery with a beggar? So how could a general become Shuang Zihua's husband? Shuang Wanglang wanted to ask Shuang Ai Liu about this matter again. But when I thought about what her personality was like, He really didn't dare to ask her if she knew that Shuang Zihua was at the General's Mansion. She must go on a rampage there. He had just received a warning from the general. If anything happened again. He would definitely end his noble career.

 Shuang Wanglang has been in the position of Chancellor of the Criminal Department for such a long time. It had received support from He Lingli from the beginning. He doesn't have a clean heart. It's just that he had a wife to help clean up the evidence for him. thus allowing him to survive until today. His wife has now been sent to live in a temple. He had to be even more careful during this period. Shuang Wanglang also didn't know when the emperor would let her return to the capital. He didn't even dare to ask His Majesty about this matter. Otherwise, he would probably be scolded again for not knowing how to control his wife and daughter.

 Shuang Wanglang regretted it. If he had known from the beginning that Shuang Zihua was the general's wife, He wouldn't talk about Anu's son out of trouble. He would be able to directly use his position as the Grand General's father-in-law. Now that the Grand General hates him, any chance of approaching the Grand General again is impossible for him. The more I think about this Shuang Wanglang could only sigh in relief at his misfortune. It was because he didn't care about Shuang Zihua that he didn't ask about her status in the palace in the first place. So something like this happened.

 Zhuang Kang saw that Shuang Wanglang had already left. So he told the two servants to leave first. Zhuang Kang walked in and sat next to Shuang Zihua. When he saw that the two servants had gone out So he picked up Shuang Zihua and sat on his lap and held her in his arms. He reached out his free hand and held her hand that was holding the cheek that had been slapped. Then he looked at the large palm print with heartache.

" Zihua, are you really hurt? I'll have someone bring the medicine. Please be patient. I apologize for coming back so late and causing you to be hurt like this. "

 Shuang Zihua looked at the sad face of the big man who was holding her with one hand. At first she was a little embarrassed that he treated her like a child like that. But what he did Instead, it really warmed Shuang Zihua's heart. She didn't want to leave this safe embrace at all.

" I won't hurt you. Don't you worry. I had been hurt much more severely before. Even more than ten years have passed. My scars are still visible as if the incident happened just yesterday. "

 Shuang Zihua tried to smile at him that she was fine. Because of his actions that comforted her like this She calmed down more quickly than before. Now she was starting to feel shy and wanted to get off his lap.

 Zhuang Kang saw her blush spread to her neck in embarrassment. So he decided to carry her back to sit on the chair as before. He gently caressed her head and called for someone to bring him some medicine. He will apply the medicine to her. Otherwise, her little face would definitely be very swollen.

 After waiting a long time, the servant brought medicine to Zhuang Kang. He still took care of Shuang Zihua himself without letting his servant handle him. Both the bride and groom did not want to interfere with the affairs of husband and wife. They then retreated and waited in front of the room as before.

 Zhuang Kang gently applied the medicine to Shuang Zihua's cheek. He kept asking her if it hurt until he finished applying the medicine. Shuang Zihua thanked him for taking good care of her. She really wasn't hurt now. Shuang Zihua also asked her son why she hadn't returned with him.

" Zhizhi, come ride the carriage and follow me later. I was so worried about you that I rushed my horse all the way. But it still didn't come in time to cause you such pain, Zihua. If the person you don't want to meet continues, You told the people in the vicinity. They definitely wouldn't allow those people to come inside. You mustn't come out like this again if I'm not here. Do you understand what I said, wife? "

 Shuang Zihua looked at Zhuang Kang, who had called her his wife again. She understood that he was really worried about her. She didn't think Father would really take action against her, so she just came out to talk to him.

" I apologize to you. Next, I will tell the people in the palace as you said. Brother, don't be angry. Now I'm not hurt anymore. "

 Shuang Zihua tried to resist the pain and smiled at Zhuang Kang to confirm that she really wasn't hurt. She didn't want to see him look sad or blame himself again. Even he didn't want to see her cry. She didn't want him to be like this either.

 Zhuang Kang listened to Shuang Zihua's words and tried to calm down his anger and regret. He didn't want her to worry too much. Wait for your son to return first. He would talk with Zhizhi about how to handle his grandfather's matter. If he asked such kind-hearted Shuang Zihua She definitely would not allow him to deal with the Minister of Criminal Justice's quarters. Therefore, he and his child must keep this matter a secret from her first.

 Shuang Zihua called someone to prepare dinner. Today, she probably wouldn't be able to go into the kitchen and cook for herself. She was afraid that the common servant would be too worried about her. So she would just let them handle it for one day. Wait for her face to heal first. She slowly entered the kitchen as usual.

 Zhuang Kang saw that Shuang Zihua was back in a normal mood. So he invited her to take a walk in the back garden, waiting for his son, who was probably on his way by now. Because the chariot was so slow? So he didn't want to sit back. This is why he beat the horse all the way and still didn't come in time to help his wife until she was injured. Next, he would have to order the people in the palace not to accept strangers into the palace. Regardless of whether that person claims to be his wife's relative like today. He had to prevent this from happening first. This was because he was careless and forgot to tell the servants in the palace about Shuang Zihua's former home. Fortunately, they were alert and rushed to inform him at the military camp. The story is therefore not very serious.

 Shuang Zihua was taken by Zhuang Kang for a walk in the flower garden behind the guest house. Zhuang Kang also told her that it was the emperor who had ordered people to manage this garden for him. knowing that he did not have much knowledge of aesthetics The emperor himself used to secretly come out to visit his palace often in the past, but now the emperor rarely comes. for fear of being seen first Therefore it became Zhuang Kang who mostly waited to meet His Majesty in the palace.