
23. Chapter 23

Note: This chapter was up for a few hours, then it got deleted by accident. It's reuploaded now, with zero changes. Carry on.

Hey guys! I'm back.

Thanks for all the support on the last few chapters. It means so much. I'm now at 300 followers. I seriously love all of you. You guys are incredible.

Here's the next chapter.

Answers are coming to all of your questions, I promise.

Disclaimer: I still don't own Harry Potter. I probably never will.

Draco landed right in front of Malfoy Manor. Still grasping Hermione's hand, he began to lead her back up towards the manor. He didn't look at her though. His mind was too disconnected from reality.

He was running over the argument Potter and Weasel had been having. They probably were still going at it. Draco couldn't comprehend it, though some things were becoming clear. The fight that Potter and Weasel had the night of Hermione's disappearance had lasted seven years. They were still arguing about it today. Weasel had never really been with Hermione. Potter kept reminding Weasel of that fact. Potter and Weasel were definitely not the best friends they had been during their Hogwarts years. Something was off them.

Now that he thought about it, Potter and Weasel weren't really best friends anymore. In the seven years since Hermione's disappearance, he had hardly seen Potter and Weasel together. He had ran into Potter on numerous occasions, and Weasel had never been there. Potter had always been with Blaise, or Dean, sometimes Luna, but never the Weasel.

What had happened to sever a bond that deep? Potter and Weasel had only ever been in one fight, but they got over it. What could have happened to stop the two best friends in the world from being best friends?

Merlin, Draco was confused.

He and Hermione walked through the front doors of Malfoy Manor. Hermione turned to him.

"Can we go back to the kitchen? I didn't really eat a lot."

Draco nodded, still feeling disconnected. He led Hermione through the corridors, finally arriving at the kitchen. Narcissa was still sitting at the table. She was now reading through the expose on Hermione. She looked up as they entered.

"I was beginning to wonder what happened to you two," she said smiling, eyeing their intertwined hands.

Hermione smiled. "We got a little caught up." She turned to Draco to explain. It took him a moment to respond. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts.

"Umm, yeah. We were summoned to the ministry. Kingsley wanted to talk about how to proceed with Hermione."

Narcissa nodded. "What did he decide on?"

"Kingsley said the best way to get her memory back was by stimulation. We need to show her things that changed her life, to help her remember. So, later today, we'll be heading to Hogwarts." He had told Kingsley they'd go tomorrow, but whatever. Draco needed something to clear his mind.

Narcissa turned to Hermione. "There is nothing more life-changing than that school. It's where I made my friends, it's where I made myself. It's also where I met Lucius." Narcissa got a far-away look in her eye for a moment.

Hermione looked confused. "Who's Lucius?"

Narcissa sighed sadly. "He's my husband."

"Where is he?" Hermione looked around briefly, thinking that Lucius was going to appear out of thin air.

"You won't see him around here, sweetheart," Narcissa said softly. "He's in Azkaban."

"Alcatraz?" Hermione asked.

Narcissa shook her head. "Azkaban is the wizard prison. It's on an island in the Atlantic."

"Prison?" Hermione asked, stricken. The realization dawned upon her face. "Oh, was your husband a, ummm….."

"A death eater?" Narcissa asked. Hermione nodded meekly. "Yes, he was. And he will spend the rest of his life paying for that choice. And so will I."

Draco suddenly found himself being suffocated by his emotions. He didn't even know where it was coming from, but he could barely breathe.

"I'll be right back," Draco said quickly. He rushed out of the kitchen, closing the door behind him, leaving Hermione with his mother. She'd be fine, and Draco just needed some air.

He quickly walked through the corridors and exited the manor. He leant on a tree near the door, taking deep calming breaths.

He didn't even know why his emotions started smothering him. It was just, thinking about his mother's sadness, wondering about what could possibly be driving a wedge between the Golden Duo, and worrying about whether or not they were going to get Hermione's memories back, it was a lot to deal with.

Draco was very worried about the last thing more than he'd care to admit. Draco knew that memories could only be retrieved if the person who took them in the first place restored them. Lockhart, the moron, couldn't get his memories back because he was the one who had cast the obliviation spell. He'd forgotten the memories, so he couldn't reverse the spell. In all reality, Draco was surprised that some of Hermione's memories had returned. It was very uncommon that stimulation could do that, unless the memory charm was weak. Draco didn't think the memory charm was weak though, since Hermione hadn't remembered Potter. There was some other factor involved.

Draco took a couple more calming breaths. There was just so much going on. He just needed to relax. But he couldn't. He would keep fighting. He would keep working, until Hermione got her life back.

Draco felt the suffocation stop. His mind became clear once more. He had a goal. It cleared his mind, gave him purpose. He could do this. He could do anything.

Draco stood up straight and began to walk back into the Manor. He walked through the corridors and arrived back at the door to the kitchen. He reached for the doorknob, but hesitated as he heard Hermione's voice from within.


"Yes, dear?" his mother responded. There was a pause, as if Hermione was debating whether or not to say what was on her mind.

"Could you tell me about your relationship with Lucius?" What? Why on earth would she want to know about that?

Narcissa spoke, slowly and sadly. "If you really want me to." There was no response, but his mother continued. Hermione must have nodded.

"Lucius was one year older than me in school. We were both in the same house: Slytherin. I remember the first time he ever spoke to me. I had tripped over something in the common room, and spilled the ink bottle I was holding onto his robes. This was second year, I believe. He immediately jumped up, and began yelling at me. I was so terrified, that I quickly turned around and ran up to my room, hiding."

Narcissa gave a short little laugh here. Draco found himself leaning towards the door. His mother had never told him this story.

Narcissa continued. "From there on, he bullied me constantly. Knocking my books out of my hands, calling me names. I found out later it was because of my older sister Bellatrix. Though the two got along moderately alright in later years, back at Hogwarts she used to bully him. Because she was my sister, he hated me by association."

Hermione sounded shocked. "He hated you just because of your family?"

Narcissa must have nodded. "That's fairly common in the wizarding world. Or, at least, it used to be. He hated me because of where I came from, and I hated him in response."

Hermione sounded baffled now. "Then how did you two end up married?"

Draco could hear the smile in his mother's voice. "Something changed. I think it was fourth year, so after my sister had graduated from Hogwarts. He acted differently towards me. Kinder, in a way. It threw me off. I was so used to this malevolent tyrant, that I hadn't considered maybe he had another side. I started to see that other side, the sweeter side. It was little things, Hermione. The way he spared glances in my direction, the way he caught my books when I dropped them instead of knocking them out of my hands himself. He even helped me get a book off one of the higher shelves in the library. He seemed to me a changed man."

"He'd gotten over where I'd come from, because, in reality, that was the only reason he hated me. And the only reason I hated him was because he hated me. I started to regard him in a more affectionate eye. We were on the road to being friends."

"Then something changed. I started sparing him glances whenever I could. I found myself thinking about him all the time. I saw him everywhere. I didn't know how, but this person who had made my life hell for years suddenly became the centre of my every thought."

"It happened one night, late. I was studying for an ancient runes test in the library. This was year six I believe. He came in, and walked over to my table. Lucius was particularly gifted in ancient runes. He started helping me. We were talking, laughing, just having a good time. He's so charming. Then suddenly, he kissed me."

Narcissa sighed, obviously in a far off place. "It was wonderful. I hadn't realised how deeply in love with him I already was. From there, we started a relationship. It was easy, effortless, and natural. We had no problems. He was my best friend, the one I could go to with anything. He was always there for me, and me for him."

"We both graduated Hogwarts, he a year before me. We were married a week after my graduation ceremony. Our families were elated, given that both Lucius and I were from rich, old, and powerful pure-blooded families. I couldn't care less though. As long as I had Lucius, I knew I was going to be alright."

"That's a nice story," Hermione smiled.

Narcissa gave a short, humourless laugh. "That's only the first chapter. You, I assume, know about umm… Voldemort?" Narcissa said the name quickly. His mother was still scared of using it.

Hermione must have nodded, for Narcissa continued. "Lucius got involved with him. I don't know why. It might've been for the power, maybe to protect us, maybe for some completely unrelated reason. Lucius became a death eater. I never did, because at the time, Lucius and I were trying to have a child. We couldn't though. We tried and tried, but it didn't work. I became rather depressed. I wanted a child more than anything. The only thing that cheered me up was that Lucius stuck by me. He was still my rock, even though I could see him changing."

"He became crueler, more power-hungry. He was more controlling. He never hurt me, or yelled at me. It was in the little things. I couldn't leave the manor without informing him, I saw him hurt the house-elves. It hurt me to see him hurt others. My Lucius was still there, I knew it. But I only saw him in the few moments Lucius and I were alone."

"Voldemort was changing him, I knew it. That evil bastard," wow, congrats mom, "was ruining the man I fell in love with. I begged Lucius to leave the death eaters. He always said the same thing. "I can't Narcissa. I have to do this, for us." I never understood what he meant."

"I became even more depressed as Lucius changed even more before my eyes. I started hoping for a child even more, so I could have someone, for I feared I was losing Lucius. We tried and tried for that child. It seemed hopeless."

"Then, one day, just when I had given up, I finally got my wish. It was seven years after we had started trying, but I was finally declared pregnant. All my dreams had come true. I could see some of my Lucius returning, though not all. He was in too deep with the death eaters. However, in those small moments, with just the two of us, I could still see the love in his eyes. He wasn't completely lost."

"Nine months later, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Lucius let me name him. I named him Draco, after my favourite constellation. My little dragon, I used to call him. He brought light into my life. In a world that was so dark, he was my star. He was my reminder of the Lucius that I loved."

Draco found himself tearing up. He had always had a close relationship with his mother, but he had never assumed why. It lifted his heart hearing his mother saying these things.

"I kept him by my side, always," Narcissa continued. "I didn't want him anywhere near Voldemort or the death eaters. Even Lucius couldn't see him without my presence. Lucius was his father, but Lucius was also a death eater. He was changing, and I was worried for my son."

"There was one night, about a year and a half later, where I was with Draco in the kitchen, this kitchen, as a matter of fact. He had just said his first word: dragon. It was so adorable. I was just fawning over him when Lucius burst through the door. He was pale and babbling. I could only make out a few words. "The Dark Lord is gone." I remember my heart stopping."

"Voldemort had disappeared. I was so happy I could barely contain it. Then I realized what this meant. Lucius was in danger. He might even be sent to Azkaban. I was petrified. I rushed over to my husband and held him, crying. Lucius held me too, crying as well. This was the first time I had seen my real husband in a long time. No matter the circumstances, I clung to him, wondering if he might disappear before my eyes."

"Luckily, through a process of lies, Lucius managed to escape Azkaban. He came back to the Manor. I was estatic. I thought we were finally going to have the life we had always wanted. But no. Lucius was too far over the edge to ever truly return. He was so much crueler. I knew, in that moment, that my husband was gone."

"For years, I lived a half-life. Draco was my only source of comfort, my son, my little dragon. Lucius was nothing but cruel, to both me, and my son. I didn't know what to do. I tried to stay strong, to protect my son from the tyrant my husband had become. I was able to. Lucius never laid a finger on my dragon."

"What about you?" Hermione asked, worriedly. Draco started. He had been so engrossed in his mother's story that he had forgotten Hermione was also listening.

Narcissa let a chocked sob. "Many times. But I could handle it. I needed to protect my boy. Then , when Draco left for Hogwarts, everything changed once again."

"I never even saw Lucius. I avoided him at all costs. This man wasn't my husband. This man was a monster. But I knew, he wasn't the real monster."

"It was Voldemort who had done this, turned my kind and caring husband into a tyrant. I hated Voldemort even more than I already had. But then, four years after Draco had left for Hogwarts, the monster returned. Voldemort was back. Lucius was back in his service. My life was over the moment I heard the news."

"Lucius failed Voldemort after his return, and ended up locked up in Azkaban, for the first time. At first, I relieved. Lucius, or this pale imitation of him, was out of my life. But then, because of Lucius' failure, Draco became involved."

"What happened?" Hermione asked, practically begging for the answer.

Narcissa sighed. "At the time, besides Harry Potter, there was only one person Voldemort feared. His name was Albus Dumbledore, and he was headmaster at Hogwarts. Voldemort initiated Draco, my dragon, into the death eaters, and gave him the task of murdering Dumbledore. If Draco were to fail, Voldemort would kill Lucius, me, and Draco himself. Draco, at first, was up for the challenge. I don't know why. But in the end, he couldn't do it."

"He couldn't do it?" Hermione asked. She didn't sound surprised.

"No. He is too pure of heart to commit such an atrocity. I know that he has killed, but it was under the Imperius curse."

"What's the imperius curse?" asked Hermione.

"It's a controlling curse," his mother replied.

There was a pause. Then Hermione said timidly, "Draco's never killed anyone by his choice?"

His mother must have shook her head. "He never had a choice. It ripped him in half the first time he was forced. But he never did it by his choice. He has a good heart."

The room went silent for a minute or two. Then his mother continued the story.

"Afterwards, Voldemort hated our family so very much. Lucius broke out of Azkaban later that year, and was back in my life. The tyrant was back but was fading. He wasn't as evil after Azkaban. If anything, he looked dazed all the time."

"Then the final battle came, and Draco disappeared. I couldn't find him anywhere. I was worried out of my mind. I couldn't find Lucius either. Everyone was disappearing. Then Potter was killed, right before my eyes."

"Killed?" Hermione asked, startled. "But, he…what?"

Narcissa chuckled. "The boy who lived is called that for a reason. Anyway, as Potter was murdered right in front of me, I gave up. I would never find my son. I would never reconcile with Lucius. I died when Potter died."

"Then Voldemort sent me, me, to see if Potter was really alive. The second I reached his body, I knew he had survived. I could see him breathing. I had one thought in my mind. I leant down and whispered in the saviour's ears. "Is Draco alive? Is he in the castle?" And Potter replied. Yes. My boy was alive. I turned to Voldemort and told him Potter had died."

"Soon after, Voldemort discovered Potter was alive. The battle recommenced. I remember screaming for Draco, searching the duels going on all around me. That's when someone sent a killing curse in my direction. I could see the streak of green. I didn't try to move. If this was life, why would I want to live? I was just closing my eyes, embracing the end, when someone pulled me out of the way."

"It was Lucius."

"I looked at him, ready to scream at him, for ruining our lives, for killing Draco, for not allowing me to give up, but then I met his eyes. They were weak, they were tired, but more importantly, they were his. They were the eyes of Lucius Malfoy, the boy who had kissed me in the library. They were the eyes of Lucius Malfoy, the man who had married me a week after my graduation. They were the eyes of Lucius Malfoy, my true love."

"For the first time in nearly seventeen years, I laid eyes on my husband. I remember nearly passing out from the shock. I tried to speak, but I couldn't. Lucius looked at me, and said one word. Draco. We understood each other. No matter what, we had to save our son. We ran through the crowd, hand in hand, screaming for our boy. We found him soon after. He was in a duel with a death eater named Yaxley. Lucius raised his wand, and sent a jinx at Yaxley. The death eater stumbled, and Draco managed to send him flying out a window. Draco turned and saw us, and we all ran to each other. For the first time ever, as we clung to each other that night, we were a family."

"Harry killed Voldemort soon after. For a few weeks before our various trials, Lucius, me, and Draco were all home together. We were terrified though, and kept to ourselves, each dreading our own individual trials. When the trials came, Draco and I got off. But Lucius was sent to Azkaban. I was there that day, praying for Lucius' forgiveness. But I knew my prayers were in vain. I got a few minutes with him before he was sent away. He kissed me, and told me he loved me. When the ministry official came to get him, his final words to me were, "I'm sorry."

"He's been in Azkaban since then. I'm allowed to visit every year on his birthday. I see him then, but I don't really see him. He lost his sanity a long time ago. That's what Azkaban does to you. I could just take him out of his misery. I have the option, as his wife, now that he's deemed insane. But I can't. Every time I think about him, I still remember the little boy who bullied me, and turned out to be the love of my life. I'm not selfless enough to give that up."

Narcissa went silent then, her story at an end. Hermione didn't respond. Draco had sunken to his knees, thinking about everything his mother had just said.

He and his father had never been close. He knew that from the beginning. His father always acted if Draco was the bane of his existence. Draco had accepted that early on. It didn't bother him. He had seen the relationship between his mother and father. His father was controlling, cruel, and sometimes abusive. His mother had always taken it. Now Draco knew why.

It was to protect him. It was all to protect him. Draco felt the guilt tear at his heart. His mother had taken many beatings over the years for him. He had always assumed that it was because she was just in the way. Now he knew the truth. His mother loved him more than the earth itself.

Draco thought back to the thoughts he had had leaving Canada. He had thought that nobody needed him, that if he disappeared, his close friends and family would grieve, but move on. That wasn't true. His mother needed him. She had always needed him. He had just been too caught up in his own life to realize that.

How could Draco not have noticed? Everything his mother had been through, and he had never once thought about it. Draco hadn't even known she loved Lucius. He had always assumed that their marriage was out of convenience, not love. He had never seen love when his father looked at his mother. But his mother had loved Lucius through it all.

Draco felt guilty beyond any guilt he had felt before. He felt as though he had taken his mother for granted. Yes, he had stayed by her side after the battle. Yes, he had lived with her in the manor. But his mother had given up everything for him. She had protected him from everything. She had loved him more than her own life. Draco felt a sudden urge to hug his mother and cry.

He heard Narcissa's voice from within once more.

"Please don't tell Draco about this," she asked Hermione. "He doesn't know about the majority of this."

"I won't," Hermione said softly.

"He cares about you deeply, you know," Narcissa said. "More than he's ever cared about anything."

"I know," Hermione said, her voice barely a whisper now.

"Don't let him slip through your fingers," Narcissa said. "He's stubborn, and he's made mistakes. But I've seen the way he looks at you. You've changed him, Hermione, for the better. If you let him get away, I know you'll regret it for the rest of your life."

"I won't. I promise," Hermione said strongly.

Draco took a deep breath, and tried to put a poker face on. Breathing in, he walked back into the kitchen.

Review guys. I will see you next week :)