
Chapter 1

I close my eyes as the sunlight hit my face, I am already late for classes but I honestly would rather not go today. The bed is so comfy and I honestly don't want to listen to Sona's blabbering on and on about responsibility and punctuality and stuff like that.

I hug my bed companion all the tighter as I don't feel like getting up, my mind already coming back to the world of sleep as I feel my consciousness start to fade away.

"GOOD MORNING, MASTER! LET US GO AND EXERCISE AS IT IS TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL TODAY AND I ALREADY HAVE A TRAINING REGIME READY FOR YOU FOR THE DAY!" An annoying and exuberant voice spoke in a loud tone from the door as he pushed the door open with such strength that if not for the fact it was made by durable materials and reinforced to hell and back it would certainly have broken already.

I didn't even need to answer as someone else did it for me.

"Shut up, you training maniac!" My bed partner, Ereshkigal, said beside me as underworld flames flew at Leonidas who quickly summoned a shield that blocked the strike.

"Come on, there is no time to sleep! The training must start early or master will not have the qualifications to be considered a spartan or obtain muscles like mine!" Leonidas said as he did a side-chest pose while showing off his muscles.

Sighing Ereshkigal did the only thing she could to shut up the annoyance, she kicked me out of bed.

"You go and deal with him, you were the one that summoned him so he is your problem." She said as she went back to sleep. On the ground I sighed as I had long since given up on reasoning with any of my peerage members.

I just followed Leonidas like a man going to his execution, but before I had to try one last desperate attempt at not needing to feel my muscles wreaking in pain.

"Leonidas, if I am late for class shouldn't we just go there?" I ask.

"There is nothing to worry about, I talked with Miss DaVinci about how there is little time to work out and she worked with misster EMYIA on using his time magic and combine it with what she could learn from the books of her friend's house to create a special room in the mansion where time passes faster than in the outside world, one hour inside is 1 minute outside, we can then teleport to the academy before the time limit of class so we have just enough to follow through the training we so much need without an issue!" Leonidas said excitedly.

"But, there is about 10 minutes before class." I said.

"I know, 10 hours of training a day is not quite enough but we should start light. Let us go, the way of a Spartan awaits!" Leonidas said excitedly and not for the first time I had to wonder if I should not have just do as everyone else and looked for a peerage instead of going on the 'easy route.


As I continue doing push-ups with Leonidas in my back as he does weight lifting I think back to the past.

My name is Maximilian Mammon, but most just call me Max. I was born as heir to the Mammon house, one of the most ancient devil houses in existence and a completely neutral house at that. My family was born with the ability to turn riches in power, that means we are always looking for monetary gain or things of value.

In other words, we are mercenaries.

Thanks to that we are constantly finding ourselves in combat with other powers as we are looked for all sorts of work, we also are known as fickle as we can change sides quite easily if the other side offers us more, but only if the other side can make a much better deal otherwise we are bloody loyal to our payer. Thus, we are known as being loyal to one thing only.


I am no exception to that, I may be only 17 years old now but I have thought in many fights by now already. Many even question the fact that a clan such as mine to be allowed to be called nobility, but we are the richest devil house regardless. Our finances equal to the sum of finances of at least what the other Devil Houses have combined. That, admittedly, may also be because we looted the riches of the Devil Houses that went extinct and we cheated many of the houses with few to no members during the civil war to transfer some of their rights to us if they pass in combat on exchange for one thing or another, mostly revenge, and we now have more territory and money than any other house.

Thanks to all that we have come to possess many things that are curiosities, one such is a ritual I found when young. It was a payment given to my family in exchange for some thing my father did in the past, I don't really care what exactly, for an vampire who became friends with the family. It showed some ritual to summon beings of power, heroes of the past, demigods, geniuses, even full-fledge gods, into servitude. That sounded quite interesting for me back then, I had just received my Evil Pieces and knew that going to look for peerage members was to be expected, but that sounded like a hassle honestly speaking.

Did I mention that my mother was of the Astaroth Clan, a Clan of devils known most for their lust for what they desire in the easiest way possible and complete disregard for other things? In my case, I wanted the best peerage with minimal effort.

I used the ritual, using my evil pieces I took some 'catalysts', items related to heroes and other beings of power in the past (I didn't bother choosing them much, if they are heroes then they were bound to be strong so there was no reason to bother, or so I thought to my full regret right now), and used my evil pieces to the summoning ritual.

It failed, I needed the Holy Grail for it to work. Thankfully, I talked with father and he said he had heard news about where I could find the sacred gear that has said Grail back in Transilvania, in the Vampire's Tepes Faction. He pulled some strings as the vampires were not that keen on keeping said girl as she was a Damphir and we agreed to help them during their next assault on the Carmila Faction.

Receiving said girl I would remove the gear from her, but she seemed so lost and afraid that I felt like a dick for it so instead I turned her into my Queen and used her then as the Graal connected to me that would summon the Heroic Spirits.

It worked, 14 Heroic Spirits were summoned to work for me. To say that they were not pleased to be bound to a Devil and a Vampire by extension would be an understatement but in the end they just accepted it and now they are my peerage.

But seriously, if I had known Leonidas would be this much of a drill sargent I would not have chosen him! I want my SLEEEEPPPPP!