

Random guy gets sent to the place where it all began. Follow him on his journey through history and see how he changes it.

aceZ0 · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

C1: Who's this naked blonde chick

Waking up naked in the middle of a forest isn't what I'd expected when I fell asleep. Nor is the nude woman sleeping near me. Huge breasts and blonde hair, I think of anyone in my memories matching her but coming up with none is not surprising.

Surprising is the gap in my memories about almost everything leaving only common sense and a semblance of personality. I remember naught of other humans such as friends or even family. What remained were some pieces of fiction I've read in my life. Feeling a headache coming because of this strange situation I stood up first and surveyed more of my surroundings. Trees surrounded us while some deer were curiously watching us beyond a thicket of bushes. Feeling quite peeved because of my nakedness, I approached slowly towards a big tree where some leaves were hanging toward the ground. I jumped a couple of times before successfully acquiring a couple of leaves enough to cover myself up and the girl sleeping on the ground. The leaves were bright green and surprisingly clean devoid of dirt or bugs. Wrapping myself up in leaves I first expected it to be irritating on my skin, especially my private parts(which remained the same thank god) but I felt surprised when I felt nothing, they even felt quite comfortable on my skin.

Speaking of my skin it was lighter than before and the muscles in my arms were more defined while my stomach grew six-pack abs. My hair was now blonde and is a little longer than how I would usually keep it. I can't take a look at my eyes yet because I see no water nor any reflective surfaces nearby but I would assume they changed too. I returned to the girl on the ground while keeping watch on the surroundings for signs of danger. I drop the rest of the leaves I gathered on top of her private areas to keep her privacy.

Deciding to keep myself busy so I wouldn't have to think about my peculiar situation, I then looked for things to salvage and make into tools. A long vine was fashioned into a rope, and a particularly sharp branch was broken off from a tree in order to make a makeshift spear. Realizing that this girl might take until night to wake up I started practicing how to make a fire from pieces of dry leaves, and twigs. Time passed and the sun slowly disappeared before I realized to find food around this place. It was weird that I didn't remember, realizing that I was not hungry at all despite working nonstop for quite some time.

"Shelter and food… hmm I shouldn't have forgotten"

I stood up and started planning to walk in a random direction to find food before I realized that the girl was already awake sitting behind me and staring at me with bright blue eyes.

"Uhhhhm, Hello???"

I spoke not really expecting her to reply, but her tilting her head in response to my words was quite cute, to say the least.

It was then I realized

"This could be troublesome..."

I don't know much stuff about adam and eve’s original story so I’m going on my own here. I can already foresee a few "believers" complaining about the “canon” events.

aceZ0creators' thoughts